

The first sign was the hushed giggles as I walked past, sniggers from some of the other kids as I walked down the School corridor. At first I didn't even think they were laughing at me, I mean I wasn't the coolest kid around, far from it, but I was sure I hadn't tucked my shirt into my underwear or sat in something gross. And not all of them were, just a few. I put it down to being paranoid, even if the giggles and whispers did seem to follow me down the hall with quick glances as I passed. Still I got to class and sat down at my desk, getting my books and out and settling down to study.

My paranoia went up a notch as Kevin Peterson entered the room, the beefy jock's hand round the waist of a pert cheerleader. He saw me and grinned, his teeth perfectly white, seeming to gleam against his black skin. He murmured something in the cheerleader's ear, making her laugh, before returning his gaze to me. "How you doing Mickie? Family okay?"

I was surprised he even spoke to me, we'd been in the same school since we were fourteen and in those four years he'd never said a word to me, not a 'Hi' or a Hand that note to Gwen' or even 'Get out of my way, nerd'. So why was he asking now? I tried not to let a good thing pass, I wasn't going to think we'd suddenly become best buds, but if one of the jocks who ran with the coolest High School clique was talking to me, I could at least hope some of his star-power would rub off on me. I nodded, "It's Ricky," he nodded grinning, like that was what he'd said, "I'm doing well, thanks, studying hard. What about you? You going to win some trophies for us this year? We've got to be favorites."

"Yeah," he didn't seem interested in my questions, "So was asking about the family. How's your Mom? She okay? "

The cheerleader was smirking and something about his words and her smile made me frown. Being spoken to by Kevin and, at the same time, having a cheerleader look at me, even if her gaze was more curiosity than lust, had left me dazed and overawed. But outside of dreams the cool kids - the jocks and the hotties - didn't come and just talk to the geeks after four years, especially not about their family.

"You know my Mom?" I asked. I was surprised. When I was younger she had been the perfect PTA Mom, always there for a bake sale or to pick me up after school, but things had changed after her divorce from the asshole of a man I was forced to call Dad. The first few years had been tough, Dad wasn't a great one for paying his alimony in full or on time and we'd been living, if not hand to mouth, at least somewhere close in a rough part of town. She had still been the school Mom, juggling raising me and trying to raise enough money through a series of cruddy and unskilled jobs. Things had changed about four years ago, she'd been applying for job after job, but despite being a graduate having been out of the market for over fourteen years no-one wanted her. Until some company, in motor insurance she told me, offered her a job. Most of her work was at home when I was at school, though sometimes she'd have long all day meetings or even have to travel away for a few days. The difference in our life styles was almost immediately apparent - we moved upstate to a town where the homes didn't have damp and the cops called you 'Sir'. But whilst she was still a great Mom not once had she been to my school. "How do you know her?"

"Oh, I've seen her around," he grinned a toothy smile and the cheerleader looked like she was about to double over with a fit of giggles. "So how is she? Keeping fit?"

"Yeah, I guess, she's okay," I replied slightly unsure what else to say. I wasn't sure how my fortysomething Mom would ever move in the same circles as a hunky, eighteen year old black athlete. Perhaps, his Mom? Though even then I couldn't see how - Mom seemed to keep to herself, we weren't members of a Church or any clubs, she didn't even go to a gym, keeping herself in trim with exercise equipment she kept in a small mini-building off the back of our house.

I was stopped from any further conversation as the teacher arrived, "Later dude," Kevin grinned at me and escorted his girlfriend to some desks at the back of the class. It had been a weird continuance to a day which seemed to get weirder as several times I peeked up from my book and notepad to be sure my classmates were staring at me and quickly dropping their glances as I looked at them. Once I even thought I could see two younger girls from a couple of years down, glancing in through the glass panel as they passed down the corridor, stopping, pointing -towards me? I wasn't sure - and giggling.

As class ended and I was heading towards the canteen to meet my friends I became more and more aware that something was going on and I was the center of it, earlier the giggles and side-long looks had at least only come from a few students, but now everyone seemed to be at it. Whispering behind hands to each other as I passed, nudging their friends and turning to gawk at me like I was a mannequin in a shop window. I was in full paranoia state by the time I arrived at the table, even delaying my walk to go to the restroom to check I hadn't sat in anything or had a 'funny' jock pin a rude note to my back.

I wasn't put at ease by the reaction of my friends, Charlie and Hank. Charlie rubbed his chubby jowls as I approached, hoping to hide his expression, but he wasn't quick enough to cover the anxious look or the reddening of his cheeks. Hank was even less quick witted, brushing back his long hair and standing in an attempt to leave and then realizing I had seen him sitting again, before making one must last dash for freedom, spoilt as I sat down and he was left half-crouched up unsure where to go. I looked at them, "Hi dudes. What the fuck is going on? It's like Weirdsville here today."

Hank and Charlie looked at each other, seeing he had no other choice Hank sat down reluctantly. He gave a small shrug and looked at Charlie who seemed to be intently examining the side of cola can. I waited for a few seconds, but as neither of them were talking I started again. "Look guys something's going on. Everyone's looking at me and it isn't cos my jacket is so last year or cos I've got gum in my hair. And in class Kevin Peterson, I mean Kevin 'fucking' Peterson spoke to me. And now the two of you are acting like you've had your tongues stolen by the Gentlemen."

"The Gentlemen didn't steal tongues, they used a magical box to steal voices," said Charlie.

"Gee, thanks, I wasn't asking for a lesson in Buffylore. I was asking what was going on. Is there a rumor I shat in the shower or something?"

"Yes, no," Charlie said and looked at Hank for support. As Hank was silent, through shifting uncomfortably, Charlie took a breath and tried to explain his cryptic answer. "Not about the shower and not even about you... about your Mom."

"What about her?" I felt a surge of defensiveness coming on even before I knew the rumor. But the sudden spark of anger wasn't helping me get the reply from Charlie so I forced myself to calm down, anyway I doubted it'd do any good blaming the guys, they looked like they were bearers of bad news they'd do anything to avoid giving, not the rumor starters.

Charlie pulled another face and from Hank's expression if he could have snuck away he would. I waited, trying not to snap impatiently, after a few seconds Charlie spoke and I wished he hadn't. "The rumor is she's a porn star."

"That's not true. That's a dirty lie," I snapped. "She's in insurance. You've seen her."

Charlie and Hank were probably the only guys in school who had met her when they'd visited my house. They both looked each other uncomfortably. I wasn't dumb, my Mom might have been past forty, but she remained attractive, with deep red hair and a body she kept in shape; they never talked about it but if I'd been asked I'd have said both my buddies would have placed her in the 'Mom I'd like to fuck' category. I didn't want to have that argument so instead I said, "So what's the story?"

"It's Vic Esterman" said Charlie referring to another one of the jocks, a close friend of Kevin, "He started it. He supposed to be at a bar and he recognized this porn star from the movies and as he's told it, and we heard this second hand, he went over to pick her up and she took him home. He saw your picture in the bedroom and been telling everyone how he scored a porn star and that she was your Mom."

Ignoring the slander about knowing her from porn I knew it wasn't true. She would be in bars looking for sex with a meathead like Vic, she wasn't pure, but she wasn't the casual pick-up type either. "I don't believe it. When?"

"Saturday, I think" Charlie grimaced.

I knew that was a lie. "We were at home together all night. We watched a movie and talked about this book she was reading. She wasn't out at all."

"Look, all we're saying is what we heard," said Charlie lamely and Hank nodded, even though he hadn't said anything, "Not that it's true. I don't believe it for a second. It's just that motherfucker Vic, he gets his kicks from shitting over people like us."

It was bad enough people like Vic Esterman and his buddies could bully all those weaker than them and charm their way to get all the girls who'd never look at guys like me. But when he started telling lies about my Mom... that wasn't right. I looked round the canteen and saw him, he was standing up and laughing with Kevin and another couple of the school's athletes, a couple of cheerleaders sitting at the table beside them, looking adoringly up. He saw me looking at him across the room as he a quick glance towards me and then back down to talk to one of the girls. I imagined what he was telling her, how he was supposed to have boned my Mom, who turned out to be some hot Milf porn star. I saw red as bright as blood and without thinking I stood up, sending my chair tumbling back.

Hank yelled something and Charlie made a grab for me, but I was already charging across the canteen, ready to do some serious damage. I'm not sure what I was thinking, actually that's not true, I wasn't thinking at all. If I had I must have known that any violent confrontation between me, who struggled to lift a heavy box of books and Vic, who had an athletics scholarship almost sewn up, was going to end one way.

And it did. I threw a punch, which Vic easily blocked. I then failed to dodge his bow to my solar plexus which doubled me up. As I was still coughing and choking he grabbed my arm and locked it round my back, "Dumb fag, you really don't want to fucking try this."

"You fucker," I managed to get my breath back to snarl, "You've been lying about my Mom."

He jerked my arm a little higher and I winced, "Yeah shit features, like I bother making stories up about fucking your Mom, you're just not enough on my radar to even give a shit."

"Then why lie?" I snarled.

He let go off me and as I straightened up he thrust me in my back, "Let's go asshole. You want the truth I'll give it you. You're not going to like it."

He propelled me forward, driving me towards the restroom. I was aware that everyone in the canteen was looking at us and that if I took another swing there'd be teachers on the scene within a minute, which would be fifty nine seconds after I'd been knocked to the floor. I entered the restroom, standing against the wall as Vic made clear to two freshmen that they weren't going to be involved in this conversation. He slammed open the remaining restroom doors, making sure we were alone. "Okay fuckface, what have you heard?"

"That you're telling everyone you fuck my Mom last Saturday and she's a porn star."

"Shit man, you didn't know? About her being a porn star I mean?"

"She's not a porn star," I said.

"Sure she fucking is. Valentine Charming she's called."

"No she's Belinda Cross, I know her name you've got her mixed up."

"Valentine Charming's her porn name, you dumb prick, they don't use their real names."

"She wasn't out on Saturday so you can't have met her," I said defiantly.

"Fuck numbnuts, that's just locker room exaggeration. It wasn't me who banged her, not that I wouldn't I've seen her pictures, it was my older brother. He met her a couple of Saturdays ago." My stomach lurched, a fortnight ago I had been staying at Hank's. Vic must have seen my expression as he grinned smugly, "yeah he was saying he took her back to your house, said it was fucking big place, expensive and he fucked her stupid. He's a bragger, but he says she took it in her ass."

"She wouldn't," I said.

"How the fuck do you know? Do you ask her whether she butt fucks? Anyway my brother says every girl he fucks takes it in the ass, half of them don't."

"It wasn't my Mom. It was someone else."

"He might be lying about the ass, but he's not about nailing your Mom. She's let him take a picture on his cell, fucking braggart been showing it to everyone - it's a miracle he hasn't shown it to my Mom and Dad as well, shit he's shown it to everyone else."

"It still wasn't her, it could have been anyone. You don't know what she looks like."

"She looks like the porn star Valentine Charming, asshole. Anyway I know she's your Mom. My brother saw her again on Saturday, we were driving past and we saw you and her enter that fucking faggot shop, you know the one in town which sells those fucking candles."

I froze. That was true, I wasn't shopping there, but Mom wanted to buy some fragrant candles for the house and it was on the way to the main shop I'd been with her. "It still doesn't mean she's a porn star. Your brother can't have seen her properly."

"I thought you were supposed to be a braniac, but shit you're the dumbest ass-wad. The guy had been balls deep in her fucking cunt two weeks ago, he fucking saw her well and we saw the two of you walking arm in arm, a real Mommy's boy." I wanted to hit him again. He saw me tense and shook his head with a smile, "Look asshole. I could kick the shit out of you without breaking a sweat if you want to try it."

"You're a fucking liar."

"What that I couldn't beat you? Shit, you got balls. Or about your Mom? I don't care what you think. You can think I'm lying. Or you can look her up on the web, you got the name. Perhaps my brother is the biggest bullshitter in the County."

"Fuck you," I said, there was nothing else I could say but storm out the restroom.


I'd like to say I grappled with my conscience about doing what he suggested and googling 'Valentine Charming', but I didn't. I was so sure he was lying, or his brother was; some sick and twisted joke or just a honest mistake, even a gross one. My Mom wasn't like that. Sure, she hadn't been absolutely chaste since her divorce, she was subtle about it, but I knew she'd had a few dates and some of them had involved sex, but porn... no way, I'd know. Of that I was sure.

She wasn't in when I got home. All day long I'd had everyone staring and giggling at me, and whilst Charlie and Hank (once he managed to find his voice) had said they didn't believe it, there were plenty who did. I'd find a picture of this Valentine Charming, put it next to a picture of my Mom and show that fucker Vic that his brother was an asshole liar, that'd kill the rumor.

I went upstairs and powered on my computer. Being eighteen and a virgin I wasn't a stranger to porn, but whilst I'd looked at a few older women shoots and movies I much preferred watching teens and women only a few years older than me. I typed in the name in to search engine. From the list that came up she was certainly a porn star 'Valentine Charming sexmovies.com' 'Valentine Charming fucktube' 'Valentine Charming free pics', the list went on and on.

I took a link and clicked on it at random, 'Valentine Charming freeporn'. The pictures came up in seconds and my world collapsed.

I had been so sure that Valentine Charming wasn't my Mom that I hadn't been prepared for it being her. But there was no mistaking the face on the page of thumbnails, even if I couldn't have identified her pussy, ass or tits or realized that she had a tattoo on her lower back or another, smaller one on her waist.

Stunned and unsure what to do next I automatically clinked on a thumbnail at random, the page faded to be quickly replaced by another gallery of fifteen pictures - all unmistakably of my Mom. In the first she was sitting on a sofa with a guy half her age, a glass of wine in one hand, him in the other and her dress half-falling off; and that was the softest of them. As the 'story' continued in pictures her dress dropped to reveal her titties, and the young guy feasting on them. Soon the dress was on the floor and Mom had his cock out, first in her hand and then in his mouth. It got worse in the next picture she was on the ground her legs spread and with his dick starting to slide into her pussy. There was another picture following it, taken from a different angle, with the huge dick balls deep in her pussy. And then she was in a different position, in her hands and knees, the dick buried into her butthole. The pictures ended with her sitting sideways on her knees, looking at the camera as cum trickled down from her face.

My Mom in porn. Doing anal. Doing moneyshots. My brain struggled to cope with it. It couldn't be true, it was some clever photo manipulation by Vic and his buddies or it was a doppelganger who looked like my Mom; yes, that was it a doppelganger. Except looking at the photo on my screen, staring up at me and smiling, I knew it was my Mom; my Mom white goo trickling down her face.

Why was she doing it? It was so humiliating, her fucking random guys on film and knowing that by now half the guys in the school had probably busted a nut looking at my Mom's pictures or movies, and the other half would be doing later that night as soon as they could get their parents to bed and onto the family computer.

I backspaced out of the gallery, wondering how many she'd done. The number of thumbshot galleries and links on other pages hinted that this wasn't something she'd done once as an experiment or a bet, or because we needed the money. But hopefully it was ended, it was hard to tell, as her hair was styled differently from her normally neatly brushed coiffure and more spiky in the shots, but it looked a couple of years ago. And hopefully that one anal scene was the hardest thing she'd ever done, though a quick look at the thumbnails told me that was unlikely.

I couldn't help but click on another gallery, swiftly being disabused that her porn career was over by the copyright 2014 in the corner. And as I continued clicking my dim hope that the anal scene was a one-off and as hard as she'd done was also knocked away; I wouldn't say there weren't any softer - two of the galleries just had her being fucked in the pussy and one was just her blowing dick, or rather dicks as there were two of them. But the remainder of the dozen or so galleries I clicked into all had my Mom being taken in the butt and in half of them there were more than one guy taking more than one hole, and in the last one the final picture had two huge cocks both in her ass.

I stared, my face red, and to my horror, my dick hard, the one part of my body that didn't seem to recognize it was my Mom getting fucked. I didn't know what to do, nothing had prepared me for the discovery, so sure had I been that it was a dirty lie. Knowing the truth didn't make it any better; it was worse - my Mom was little better than a whore and everyone knew.

I sat there unsure what to do or what to say. I wouldn't say my mind was awhirl as that'd suggest I was thinking, in reality it seemed to have shut down unable to concentrate, leaving me in a zombie like state just continually staring at the picture on the screen, my Mom on her hands and knees with two dicks sharing her back hole. I was only awoken as I heard the door downstairs slam and my Mom call out "Ricky; I'm back."

I switched off the computer, standing up and went down to see her. I was still in shock from what I'd seen, not sure what to say. It seemed impossible that the women in the smart slacks and business suit, with her red hair coiffured without one strand out of place, her cosmetics conservatively applied to just give her lips and cheeks the slightest touch of color was the same one I'd seen on screen doing the most hardcore and degrading sex acts.

"Hello Ricky," Mom said, looking up from the mail she collected from the box outside, "How was school?"

Even now I didn't know what I should be saying. But my mouth opened and before I could decide whether it was a good idea I had, "I've seen the pictures." It was too late to pull back so I continued so that there was no mistaking what I was talking about, "The porn pictures and the movies you were in."

As I spoke I expected my Mom to be horrified, embarrassed that I'd found out, terrified what it meant, hopefully apologetic, even if it was too late. She didn't look like any of them, instead she looked happy and relieved. She put down the mail on the nearby bureau, "Good."

"Good, good!" I repeated, too shrilly. I took a quick breath and tried to be calm, "Have you seen what's in them? You're having sex, with guys and in... in your bottom."

"I know," my Mom smiled, unabashed, "I was there when they were being made." She paused, "I'm glad you know. I've been wanting to tell you for so long, but I wasn't sure how."

"You've stopped, you're stopping?" she hadn't said that but that must be why she wanted to tell me.

On a day of disappointments Mom's shake of her head was as bad as any, "No, I'm not." She waved her hand round the entrance hall to our house, with its expensive furniture, chic wall paper and exits to large rooms. "It pays for this and the cars and it'll pay for your college fees and we don't need anything from your Dad."

"We can cope, I could get a job," I was desperate.

My Mom shrugged, "It's not the money Ricky. It was when I first did one. I was desperate for a few hundred dollars to pay the rent and lying on a bed whilst a guy fucked me seemed an easy way to get it. But I discovered something, something that was always there, but which I hadn't realized being married to your Dad and his once a week in-out with his small cock. It's that I love sex. I love dirty hardcore fucking. I adore big dicks and I live for having them in me. I love being shared, being tossed between two or more well hung guys who are just using my holes."

I started speechless as she continued, "And did you see my lesbian scenes? I love pussy as well, hot, sweet young pussy. I love licking it and getting licked and toying it and getting toyed. If it's not real dick I'm still screaming in pleasure as a strap-on is used in me anally, pounding me as deep and hard as a real cock.

"I'm a porn star, Ricky, that's what I am. And I've been living a lie, but now you know I don't have too. I don't have too hide what I'm doing all day and I can dress as I like, sexily and sluttily, like me, not like the Mrs Prim I haven't been for years. And if I want to bring home a co-star or a fan I can, and not be worried you're going to be home and asking who the big dicked hunk hanging on my arm is and why we're going upstairs."

I shook my head, "This can't be true Mom. You can't do this, you've got to stop."

"I don't have to do anything, Ricky," Mom said sternly, "This is your final year at school before you leave home, I've been putting you first for eighteen years and now it's time for me. I'm not going to live a lie, I'm a porn slut and I'm proud of it."

"It's humiliating, everyone at school knows."

"And they'll still know if I gave up tomorrow. I'm not asking you to come on shoots with me or come in to take photos as I get fucked. I'm just saying I'm going to be wearing what I want to wear and bringing people home to fuck. I'm sorry Ricky, but that's the way it's going to be," she replied, "Now I'm going to change. I suggest you start on dinner if you want to eat tonight as I'm not sure with your attitude that I want to cook."

With that she turned and went up the stairs.

I was left standing on my own. Despite what my Mom had said I had no intention of starting dinner. I couldn't see opposite her at a table, not now, not ever, not knowing what she was, it was just too humiliating. After a few moments I followed her up the stairs, walking past her open door I could see her removing her blouse. It reminded me off the pictures. I hurried past to my own bedroom and sat down in front of my desk. I was just so confused, my Mom not just a porn star, but one who seemed to love it. I made a decision and pulled out a sports bag, barely used, a present from an aged relative who didn't really know me. I began to take out my clothes from the drawers and wardrobe, neatly folding them and putting them in the bag. I would stay with Charlie for a couple of days, I knew his Mom wouldn't mind and his Dad worked away.

It took me all of five minutes to pack. I opened my bedroom door and turned to look back, I wasn't sure when, or if, I'd be back, I was leaving all my books and DVDs and games, but also leaving the computer with my Mom's porn career encased in its hard-drive. I started down the stairs. As I got to the bottom Mom came out of the main room. And it was a Mom I hadn't seen before, her hair more modernish, spiky and styled, her lips a deep red and with dark eye shadow beneath her eyes giving her a wild look. But it wasn't only her cosmetic regime and hairstyle that had changed, but her clothes - gone were the sensible slacks, conservative blouses and small heeled shoes. In their place she was wearing a tiny skirt which only reached an inch or two down her thighs and a short cropped top which wasn't low down to meet it and was tight enough I could see her nipples through the thin material. "Where are you going?"

"To Charlie's" I said in a tone as rebellious as I'd ever managed, swinging the bag over my shoulder I marched out.


I wasn't sure what I was going to do. As I expected Charlie's Mom was more than happy for me to stay and have dinner with them; she was smart enough to realize Charlie, like me, didn't have many friends and so she went overboard to encourage the ones he'd got. Charlie didn't ask me about my Mom and I didn't tell him, but it was obvious to us both that I wouldn't have come to sleep over with him if the rumor wasn't true.

The next day I couldn't face seeing all the sneering faces at school. Luckily Charlie's Mom was opening up the shop she deputy managed this week, leaving before we'd finished breakfast and only returning just after we were supposed to return home so it was easy to tell Charlie I didn't feel up to it and just spend the day hanging round his house, eating junk food and watching crap. When he returned, he had Hank with him. He said the rumors were getting worse, everyone was saying my Mom was a porn star called 'Valentine Charming' and all the guys who'd watched her movies were saying she was a slut. Hank slightly blushed as Charlie said that. I knew he'd let his curiosity get the better of him and googled her, and unlike the other kids at school he knew what my Mom looked like. Charlie remained poker faced, but then, he was a better liar.

The next day I remained at home again. Hank didn't come back this time, leaving it to Charlie to tell me that magazines were doing the rounds, all with hardcore shoots of Valentine Charming. Virtually every football locker had a centerfold of my Mom on it, despite detentions being given if Principal Hess saw any as he strode past.

On the third day Charlie waited until his Mom's car had left the drive before declaring him and Hank were going to be staying at home today as well. I was glad of the support, though when Hank arrived he looked furtive, which should have told me something was up, though I just thought it was because he was cutting class, something like Charlie and me he never did. For the first half of the morning the three of us just drifted around, watching some TV, playing on the X-box, talking about anything (though we steered away from girls and sex, which was our normal main topic).

About eleven Charlie glanced at Hank. There seemed to be some unspoken communication between them as Hank shrugged and then just as quickly nodded. Charlie turned to me, I was sitting on the floor, leafing through a couple of his Mom's home style magazines. "Dude," he said, "You've got to go home."

"You know I can't, she's a..." I couldn't finish the sentence.

Charlie and Hank looked at each other, before Charlie said, "We know, dude. Your Mom's in porn."

"You've still got to go back home..." said Hank.

"Think on the bright side... she's probably got loads of cute female friends in porn. You get a chance to meet them," said Charlie.

"But she's been lying to me," though technically she hadn't, "It's so humiliating, knowing everyone knows and she's not going to give it up."

"Sure, she won't buddy. We know that, the money's too good and let's be honest, your Mom is still damn hot. But you can't stay here you have to go home."

"Your Mom will let me stay," I countered, though I hadn't asked and as far as I was aware she had no idea what my falling out with Mom had been about.

Charlie shrugged, "I'm sure she would. But my Mom isn't yours, you're still in High School you can't runaway in your final year."

"I can. It's not like my Mom's been chasing after me."

"That's not fair," replied Hank, "she's just been giving you some space."

I turned towards him, he was standing leant against the wall next to the window. "How do you know?" He blushed and my suspicion rose. "Have you been speaking to her?" I asked accusingly.

My two buddies looked away from me and at each other. Hank went red and Charlie frowned. Then he turned back to me, "Yeah, buddy, we have. She spoke to us when you left to make sure you were with us and she's been calling us for updates since. She wants you back."

"What the fuck, dude," I snapped, "You know I'm pissed with her."

"Yeah, Ricky, we know. We've all been giving you some space, but it's not up for debate any more. Your Mom's coming round to pick you up. She should be here in a few minutes, said she'd be here just after eleven," Hank said. He went redder and looked away from me.

I got even more suspicious, there was more to it than my buddies doing my Mom a favor or trying to do their best to reconcile me to her. "What else? I asked. I looked between them, both standing tight lipped, slightly reddening, "There's something more going on."

"Man, you don't want to know," said Charlie and Hank nodded his agreement.

"Know what, tell me, you got to tell me, you're my best buddies, if there's more I need to know," I pleaded.

"You don't, seriously," said Charlie.

"Fuck it, man, I don't want to get hardass, but if you don't tell me I'm going to tell your Mom about how your car really got that bump." He scowled, I knew he'd told her it was a bang that'd he got in the school parking lot when he was at classes, whilst I knew it was because Cindy Mitzen had smiled at him and asked to borrow it for an hour to skip class and meet her college boyfriend, and she'd come back reeking of beer and with a massive dent in his side door.

"Shit, not cool," he said, "You know she'd ground me."

"So tell me what else," I snapped back.

For a moment I thought he was still going to refuse to tell me. Then he shrugged, "Okay buddy, but you asked." He paused again and I nodded impatiently to tell him to continue. "Your Mom, to help her, she said we could fuck her."

"Both of us, ..." added Hank unhelpfully.

"She's my Mom..." I gasped.

At least they looked embarrassed, staying silent for half a minute, before Hank said, "She's hot."

"And apart from you we're about the last virgins in Senior Year," said Charlie. "It's not like we asked. She offered, said that if we helped get you home she'd let us both bang her."

"You should have just told me to go. I would have, you didn't need to take her up on it."

"We'd like, totally, let you bang our Moms if the roles were reversed," said Hank.

Charlie nodded, "We would bud, we'd be happy to let you bone them."

I didn't believe they would, but there was no way I could stop it, short of wrestling them to the ground and Charlie was bigger than me, and even Hank, who was as skinny as I was, had a couple of inches height advantage. Anyway my Mom could have beaten all three of us one-handed. I shook my head, "It's my Mom."

"Your hot porn star Mom," Charlie said, "If she wasn't banging us she'd probably be banging someone else."

Before I could say anything else Hank turned to look out the window, "She's here," he said, not bothering to hide his lust.

Charlie shot off the sofa and was opening the front door before my Mom had even rung the bell, "Hi Mrs Cross. Ricky's here."

"Call me Belinda," my Mom purred and stepped into the house. I'd have hoped that she would have dressed sensibly for a drive across town, but no she in a tiny short skirt and tight boob tube, inside which her titties jiggled and with high-heels which gave her another couple of inches to her height.

She stepped into the house, her hand sliding down and Charlie's podgy chest in a move that made us both go red, me with humiliation, him with lust. She turned to my other friend "Hello Hank, you're looking handsome." He muttered something and looked at her tits, but didn't seem displeased at her compliment. Finally she turned to me, "Hi Ricky. I've come to pick you up, your friends told you I was coming?"

"Yes," I replied.

"Good, are you ready to go,"

"My things are upstairs." Without admitting it I was acknowledging I was going back home with my Mom. I couldn't resist any more, the conversation with my buddies had knocked me, I knew that I wouldn't get any support and what else could I do? I wasn't going to sleep on the street and my Step-Mom hated my guts and wouldn't let me stay with her and my Dad (who was an asshole even without his wife). "I need to pack."

"Okay, lets do that," my Mom said and started for the stairs, turning as she reached the first step and gesturing for Charlie and Hank to follow, "You as well."

I could see them feasting their eyes on Mom's ass as they went up behind her and into Charlie's room. Mom stood as I packed my things into the bag, my buddies sitting next to each other on the bed, concentrating on my Mom's figure. Once I finished I zipped it and straightened.

Mom nodded acknowledging I was ready and packed before saying, "Have they told you about the quid pro quo I made with them for helping persuade you to come home?"

"They told me everything," I said, "About what you offered them..."

"If you hadn't been silly and fled the house as soon as I spoke I wouldn't have had to..." she turned to look at my buddies and smiled a sexy smile, "Not that I mind, with two young stallions."

As Charlie was overweight with curly hair that made him look like he'd been styled in a bard-wire fence and Hank was thin and lanky with a style that dated from the seventies I wouldn't have called them stallions. I shrugged. Mom continued, "I think they've held up their end, don't you Ricky?"

"I'm coming home," I said sulkily.

Mom's hand stroked first Charlie's cheek and then Hank's a hungry expression on her face. I could see their dicks straining at their pants. "In that case boys I better fuck you."

"Now!" squeaked Charlie, in a tone of excitement and shock.

"There's no time like the present. I came prepared and didn't bother with panties," my Mom raised her tiny short skirt and from the look of the guys sitting opposite her she wasn't lying.

I reached down to pick up my bag, "I'll wait in the car," I said in a weary tone, knowing that in the battle of wills between me and Mom I'd been defeated.

"No, you're not," my Mom said sharply. "It's obvious to me that you're not accepting who I am, you're still denying that I enjoy fucking and love people watching, that's who I am."

I'd seen the movies, so I couldn't deny it, but she was right if she was saying I wasn't happy with it, if she wanted to bang my buddies and hundreds of other guys I couldn't stop her, but it didn't mean I approved. I shrugged, "Whatever..." I said sulkily.

"You need to see it," said my Mom, "Watch me getting banged, and then you'll know who I am and drop these silly fantasies of me just being a suburban Mom and accept me as who I am, a hot and well-fucked Milf porn star."

"What? What are you saying?" my voice quavered as I was worried I knew exactly what she meant.

She nodded to confirm it, "Sit down. I'm going to fuck Charlie and Hank and you're going to watch."

"Mom... you can't... I can't... I don't..." I stammered.

"Sit down," my Mom said curtly and I sat on the desk, blushing red furiously.

My Mom turned back to my friends who'd be watching the exchange, mouths agape. She smiled and giggled, "Sorry about that. Now where were we..." she got down on her knees between them, "Oh yes, I was about to get your dicks out."

I watched in horror as she proceeded to do just that, undoing a zip with each hand, unbuttoning their top button and pulling out my friend's pricks. If I hadn't been so embarrassed I'd have been impressed, I'd never seen their cocks erect before, both were well over average, at least eight inches. My own dick, half that size, rebelled against me and as my Mom started to stroke my friends began to harden. I closed my eyes quickly.

"Ricky, I told you to watch, keep your eyes open," Mom snapped. I immediately did as I was told, Mom was still between the guys, both of her hands stroking up and down their huge schlongs, but she was looking at me with a severe frown.

"Sorry," I mumbled, putting my hands on my thighs and holding them uncomfortably.

"Good," she said and turned her head back to the others.

"Shit," moaned Charlie as my Mom began to lick his dick, "Sorry dude, but, shit, this is hot."

"Oh my God," Hank groaned in equal excitement as Mom's mouth moved to his dick, her tongue sliding up and down the shaft from the eyelet to the balls.

As she tongued it her hand continued to stroke Charlie's, keeping his expression one of wonderment and excitement. "Fucking hell, shit man," he gasped as Mom's head moved away from Hank and with her mouth open descended on his dick. The three of us had often talked about how great it would be to have a blow-job, I just didn't think that I'd be watching Charlie have his first one of my Mom. "This is so hot," he moaned as Mom's head went further down his prick, her hand stroking at Hank's. "Shit man. This is great."

"Mmmnnn you like that?" Mom's head bobbed up and she licked her lips as Charlie nodded. "Your turn now Hank," she said and slid her mouth down his.

"Ohhhh," Hank moaned, his eyes shooting upwards and his mouth falling open. My cheeks were burning as I watched Mom's mouth slide up and down his cock, taking it in and pushing it against her cheek so I could see the bulge. My friend groaned harder, leaning back on his hands, "Oooohhh."

"Tasty," giggled Mom, "I love sucking large dicks. Did you hear that Ricky, your Mom absolutely adores having huge pricks in her mouth."

"I heard," I mumbled wishing she would allow me to look away.

She moved to switching between them, sucking and bobbing up and down one of the huge members whilst she stroked and jerked at the other, swapping from side to side after half a minute so that both my friends were getting plenty of mouth interspersed with her hand skills. At some point her top came off, leaving her big tits free to swing and bang against my friend's legs and showing me the tattoo just above her ass. It was so humiliating, especially as Charlie and Hank groaned and grunted, smiles lighting their faces, totally ignoring me, not interested in how I felt and only in what it was like to have their own dicks sucked."Those cocks were so yummy," Mom giggled and stood up, "I could suck them all night, but I think I promised more than a blowjob."

Hank and Charlie looked at each other, grinning and ignoring me. "Shit yeah," gulped Charlie, "Whatever you want, I mean neither of us have ever gone this far, so it's pretty shit hot, but if you want to fuck as well, Mrs Cross."

"Belinda," Mom corrected as if she was being friendly at the dinner table, not topless after sucking his prick. "And I promised you a fuck..." she smiled and licked her lips, "...and I'm hot and ready for it if you two want to get out of your clothes."

I've seen Charlie and Hank change a lot of times, the three of us in the corner in the locker room, undressing as slowly as possible to minimize the amount of time that jocks would be throwing basketballs at us on the court. I'd never have thought they could get out of their pants and T-shirts so quickly, stripping down to their socks and then taking them off too. Mom was even quicker, it took her seconds to unbutton her short skirt and drop it. She turned and spun so that I could see her snatch was smooth with a new tattoo round her belly-button to match the ones on her back and waist I'd seen in the porn movies. Charlie and Hank gaped at her, mouths open as she slid her fingers down to the pussy and then deliberately turned so that I could see her opening it and pink inside. She smiled, "You should love this pussy, Ricky, it paid for your car."

I'm not sure I could go any redder than I was already. Aware my Mom was waiting for a response I managed a small nod, "Yes."

"It's hand hundreds of dicks in it and now your friends are going to get it. Aren't they lucky?"

I nodded, if they were I didn't feel so fortunate. Mom smiled, evidentially wanting to rub in what she did more so that I really understood. " It's a moneymaker, I can get nearly a thousand dollars for spreading it for hard dick, but I'd do it even if I was getting a fraction of that. You see Ricky, your Mom's a slut who loves cock in her pussy. You understand?"

"Yes," I mumbled.

"Good," she smiled, "Now you can watch me get boned by your huge cocked friends."

She got down on the bed, spreading her legs wide open. My friends were both standing at the end of the bed, naked, with their huge dicks in their hands, stroking and rubbing them as they gazed down at her pink pussy. She smiled lasciviously, "Who's first? You Charlie?"

As I watched my overweight friend, who had even worse luck with the opposite sex than I did, climbed onto my Mom. She reached down gripping his prick and guiding it into her. He groaned as for the first time ever he was in a woman, something I don't think he had really expected until he was in his twenties and earning enough in Silicon Valley to pay for it. I'd have been pleased for him if his first time wasn't with my Mom with me looking on, as it was I squirmed uncomfortably, fidgeting with embarrassment as he began to fuck her.

"Oh yeah, big boy, oh yeah, give it me good," Mom gasped out, encouraging him. Her legs wrapped round his thighs and her hands gripped his back, "Give me that dick, ohhhhh, slam it in me."

Grunting Charlie began to move faster and faster, soon he was sweating with exertion as he did the most exercise he'd ever done, his schlong slamming all the way into Mom. He grunted and panted, a concentrated expression writ on his chubby features as he did his best to send the cock as far and fast as it could it to her. But it wasn't his performance that was making my stomach churn and my face burn with humiliation, but my Mom's. With every thrust she was writhing, rocking in time with him, her face contorted in lust and her screams loud and passionate and so I couldn't close my eyes, every few minutes she'd turn her head slightly to look at me, smiling and opening her mouth in an orgasmic 'o'.

Beside me Hank was also watching, more mesmerized than me, his hard cock in his hand, automatically stroking it as he watched our friend bang my Mom. He was ignoring me, muttering under his breath just loud enough for me to hear, "Fuck, man, fuck, she's so hot, Christ I can't believe I'm going to fuck such a slutty whore." I didn't say anything, I mean you shouldn't call your buddy's Mom a whore, but when she's fucking your other friend in front of you both its kind of difficult to contradict.

"Fuck Belinda," Charlie panted, using my Mom's first name, "I'm going to cum soon. I really am."

"Shoot it on my tits," Mom giggled, "Hank won't want to fuck a cum filled cunt."

I wasn't too sure, Hank looked about horny enough to do anything. Charlie just nodded, though, and continued hammering my Mom for what seemed eternity, but was probably only minutes before pulling out his dick and presenting it towards her. I grimaced as the sperm shot out of it, some of it bouncing onto her large tits, but the majority landing on her stomach, slipping over the naked skin. He staggered up, "Shit, thanks, that was so great, I can't believe I banged such a hot chick." He turned to me, "Sorry dude, but it's true, your Mom is so fucking sexy."

Mom giggled and sat up, looking at me, "See Ricky, that's what guys think of your Mom. And these two are the lucky ones who get to fuck me, there's millions more sitting in front of their computer screens and TVs, jerking off as they watched me get nailed."

I blushed, "I get it, can we leave now? Or at least can I sit in the car?"

She ignored the ask, standing up she pointed at my bag, "Pass me a T-shirt?"

"What?" I asked, not sure what she meant.

"A T-shirt," she repeated, but before I could move she went over to my bag and unzipped it, pulling out a neatly laundered top. "This will do," she said.

"What? Why?" I asked, why did she want it? She wasn't going to get dressed? Why not in her own things, my T-shirt would have been too small for her busty frame.

I was immediately answered as Mom began to use it to rub the cum from her belly and breasts, "I wouldn't want Hank be getting Charlie's sticky cum over his chest as he fucks me," she smiled at him, "That wouldn't be fair." The entranced look he was giving my Mom was lie to that. She grinned and past me the T-shirt, it was crumpled and wet stains on it were obviously Charlie's seed. I dropped it on the floor almost as soon as it touched my fingers.

Mom was on the bed again, opening her legs, "Your turn Hank. Let me make you a man."

Hank swapped places with Charlie, my chubby buddy dropping to the floor beside me and resting his head against the wall, obviously exhausted after screwing my Mom. Hank got up on my Mom. He wiped a strand of long hair away from his eyes, it was the only thing that was floppy, then, with Mom's encouragement, he pushed his big member into her cunt. I frowned and pulled a face as the dick vanished into her hole and then reappeared as he lifted himself. Mom reared up, her tits bouncing against Hank's skinny chest. "Oh yeah, that's it big boy, bang me like your stud of a friend, make me cum."

"Okay," he mumbled and started to hammer into her.

I watched through half-closed eyes, the frown on my face as deep as it could go, my hand tapping against my uncomfortably jiggling legs, I just hoped it would be over soon that Hank would quickly fire and I could leave. He didn't look like he was going to prematurely ejaculate, a slow smile spreading across his face as he got used to having his cock inside a woman and got into a rhythm. "Shit," he grunted, "This is great, I've never fucked a woman before."

"Mmmnn, oooooh, you must have stud, you are so good, fuck me harder, thrust that huge dick into my cunt," Mom groaned bucking and bending up him, her legs wrapped round him as her arms clasped his back in a passionate embrace. "Go faster stud, hit my pussy."

"Go for it dude, hit that," said Charlie from the floor. He looked at me and shrugged, "Sorry man, forgot you were there."

I gave a rictus grin and shrugged, "Yeah man, cool." What else could I say?

On the bed my Mom was squealing louder, her face twisting in ecstasy and her body shuddering in pleasure. Hank's cock went in and out of her cunt at speed, slamming in so hard that the bed was squeaking and rocking and it was lucky that Charlie's Mom wasn't it or she'd have thought there was an earthquake happening upstairs. I watched, red-faced as Mom's back arched and she screamed out, "Ooooohh, aaaarrghh that's so good, oh my God that's so good, you're making me cum, Hank baby, oh shit, oh shit, aaaaaarrrghhh."

Hank grunted something and continued pressing himself up and down, his large cock smacking into my Mom. He was sweating, his long hair out of control and awry. Mom was gripping him, pulling him down further into her and screaming with each thrust until he said, "I'm going to cum."

I watched as he jerked his cock out of her. There was a pause, that seemed to last for ever, as he jerked at it and then there was an explosion of sperm, my Mom shrieking and laughing as the warm, silvery goo splattered over her stomach and tits. "Oh yeah, that's it, cum on me, I love it."

"Fuck," grunted Hank and rolled onto his back.

Mom grinned and ran a finger through the goo settling on her stomach. A globule attached itself to the tip and she looked deliberately at me before sliding it into her mouth and sucking it clean. "Yummy," she giggled. She swung her legs over the side of the bed and pointed to my cummy T-shirt, sitting on the floor beside me, "Pass me that Ricky."

Gingerly, I leaned over the side of the chair and picked it up between two fingers and tossed it to her. Mom caught it and began to rub clean her sticky stomach, "God, that was so good, you guys really gave my cunt a working out."

Charlie grinned at that and from his prone position Hank raised a hand in the air like a victory salute. I stood up, "Are we ready to go now? Please."

"Ssshhh Ricky, sit down and don't interrupt your Mom when she's horny," Mom gestured at me to sit down and as I did so she leant over and dropped the shirt back on my lap. I quickly dropped it on the floor again, giving an involuntarily grimace and shudder as my fingers briefly dipped into the damp goo liberally soaking the material.

My eyes closed momentarily, trying to pretend I was elsewhere, but I opened them quickly before Mom noticed and told me off. Mom wasn't looking at me, but at Charlie, sitting on the floor beside me, his dick jutting out from beneath his stomach was rock hard again. Mom's tongue slid round her lips hungrily. "I'm still craving cock."

I sunk back into the chair, not happy that the humiliating ordeal was continuing. It was going to get worse as Mom smiled at Charlie, "You want to go again?" He nodded eagerly and she carried on, "This time you want to fuck my asshole?"

"Holy shit!" he gasped and Hank also let out a grunt of surprise, sitting bolt upright as if someone had electrified the bed.

Mom giggled, "Don't worry, it's clean up there. But very, very tight. You won't regret it."

"You said you'd bang us, you didn't say anything about anal," Charlie said in shock.

"Call it an added bonus for being a stud. Of course, if you don't want too..." she left the words hanging in the air.

I willed Charlie to think of how I was feeling, it had been bad enough watching him in her pussy, watching my buddy in her ass would be indescribably wrong. My Jedi mind-control wasn't working as after a few seconds pause to get his mouth and brain reconnected, he nodded, "Yes, God yes, I'd love to screw your ass."

"And you Hank," giggled Mom, "You can fuck it as well."

"Thanks," he muttered and shook his head in stunned awe.

Mom reached for her purse and pulled out a smallish tube half-way rolled up. She giggled, "My emergency anal lube, just in case."

I was mumbled something, I'm not even sure what, and burned in humiliation as I watched Mom gesture to Charlie to stand up and once he did so kneel in front of him, squirt a generous helping of the glob onto his dick and then rub it in. Charlie stood shivering in excitement, his prick rock hard, obviously unable to believe that not only had my Mom taken his virginity she was about to let him do her in the ass. I couldn't believe it either, though my reaction was less positive than his or Hank's.

Eventually Mom finished lubing up my friend's cock, running her tongue over the erect prick and then kissing it with her lips, "Oh this is so big, Charlie, I'm going to really enjoy it in my butt." I blushed red as she looked at me and winked. "I'm such an anal slut," she continued, "I love huge, thick dicks pounding up my backhole, loosening it and making me gape wide open; I've done plenty of popular movies where I scream out in pleasure so loudly as I'm stretched anally. There are whole DVDs just of me getting butt banged, they're so popular and you guys are going to get a piece."

"Shit man," Charlie said in awe and then, as if just remembering I was still sitting in his room, he turned to me, "Sorry dude, I can't turn this down."

"And there's no reason why you should. It's not Ricky's who's making the offer, it's me," said my Mom, "If I want to take huge dicks in my ass I can, can't I Ricky?"

I didn't know what else to do, but nod dumbly and wish I was somewhere, anywhere, else. My Mom grinned, happy with my response, before getting on the bed and positioning herself on her knees. She reached behind herself, wiggling her ass as she pulled at her cheeks, "Stick it me Charlie."

He looked at her tiny puckered hole, his mouth open and his eyes almost dropping from his head. "It looks so tiny, I'll never get it in."

"Oh it will," giggled Mom, "You'll find my poophole will expand to fit your dick nicely. It'll be tight thought, very, very tight. Now come on in."

Charlie didn't need any more invitations before getting onto his bed, his hard prick in his hand. I wanted to close my eyes, but couldn't - knowing as soon as I did Mom would order them open again. So I had to watch as he pushed the dick into my Mom's most taboo hole. It didn't go in quickly either, despite the lube, he really had to shove, pulling back and going in again, gradually, an inch at a time, driving his prick down Mom's hole. The worse thing was her reaction, her evident enjoyment as she moaned and squealed and enthusiastically encouraged him in, "That's it baby. Fill my pooper. Get it in. You're doing so well, I can feel it and it feels soooo good."

As he entered her deeper Charlie began to get into a rhythm and soon I was watching as he pounded Mom fast and hard from behind, gripping her waist as his belly slapped at her buttocks and his cock speared between them. He grunted and panted, sweating with exertion as he levered in and out. On the bed Mom squealed and jerked and cried out in pleasured ecstasy, her tits swinging beneath her and her expression one of rampant joy. "Ohhhh, yeah," she screamed, "Fuck my ass, fuck my ass. Oh that's right, fill it with your big prick."

Charlie grunted and upped the pace, slamming into Mom as hard as he could. My face was both red and pale as I watched in utter humiliation as the woman who'd given birth to me was rammed in her asshole by my buddy. It was made worse because Hank was also watching, a few feet from me, and his reaction was the opposite to mine, as he stroked his schlong and watched in excitement knowing that he'd be following.

Mom must have been thinking the same as she pushed Charlie away, "Okay baby, that's enough, I don't want you to cum in my ass. Hank's still got to fuck it and he doesn't want it all sticky." From the look on my buddy's face Hank couldn't have cared less as long as he got to fuck it. Charlie nodded, but he looked disappointed. Mom smiled, "Don't worry, come round the front and I'll finish it with my mouth."

"But it's just been in your behind..." I blurted in horror.

Mom smiled at me wickedly, "And now it's going into my mouth. I'm a porn slut, Ricky, you need to know that. Now Charlie let me get that massive cock between my lips."

I groaned weakly as my Mom's lips closed round my friend's schlong, moving up and down in eagerly. He shuddered in pleasure, rocking slightly to meet her as she went down him. His eyes closed, Mom didn't mind him being shut, and he grunted and gasped, groaning in evident pleasure. Beside me Hank's hard cock was jutting out and he gave a low guttural groan of desire.

Suddenly Mom took her mouth away from Charlie's dick and turned to Hank, "What are you waiting for? I want that cock in my ass, my hole's getting cold without having a huge prick to warm it up."

"You want us both together?" Hank gasped.

"Sure," giggled Mom, "It's not like I've not had two guys at once before, I've had more."

"God damn," said Hank. I groaned in horror as he came behind her and, as her mouth returned to Charlie, pushed his huge dick into her ass. Hank went in quicker than Charlie, our friend having obviously opened my Mom. Within a few moments Hank's tall frame was bucking back and forth, his hands on her waist, as he pounded his large dong down her shithole. I tried to keep my eyes in place, but not to focus, hoping that things would just blur. It didn't work, even as my eyes blurred I could hear the groans of my buddies, the slaps of flesh and the squeak of the bed as it was worked overtime. And after a few seconds my focus would automatically adjust and then I'd see my Mom being squeezed between Charlie and Hank, the two of their cocks deep in her front and back.

I squeezed my thighs and ignored the hardness under my pants, just hoping it would end as soon as it could. I soon got my wish as Charlie's dick came out of my Mom's mouth and she squealed, "That's it baby."

I couldn't help, but close my eyes as he began to explode all over her. Luckily there was so much cum blasting over my Mom's face she couldn't see my reaction and I had them open in a few moments before she could notice. By then Charlie had done his work, silvery tendrils of cum dripping from her face, running over cheeks, a loop of cum hanging to one eyebrow. He fell back, sated, and the cum jiggled from Mom's face, sliding down as behind her Hank continued to slam her.

Free of Charlie's cock in her mouth Mom was able to give free vent to her passionate feelings, "Aaaarrhhh, oooohhh, urrrhhh, yes, yes, Hank you stallion, fuck me with your big cock. I want that huge dick pounding my asshole. I want it to stretch my butthole like it was rubber. Ram me open....arrrggghhh yessss."

Hank carried on faster and harder, his knees rubbing on the bed as he slammed my Mom. From where I was sitting I could see his balls smacking at her cheeks and his large schlong disappearing between them and whilst I couldn't quiet see her hole, there was nowhere else it could be vanishing into.

Mom squealed louder, shuddering, "Oh that's it, you're making me cum, oh shit that's so good. Fuck me, fuck my butthole, cum in my asshole."

In front of me Hank carried on, encouraged by her cries, slamming and rocking, grunting and panting with exertion as he pounded her as hard as he could. Suddenly I could see his face contorting and twisting and knew he was taking my Mom at her word and blowing into her ass. Mom squealed out extra loud as his goo flooded into her back hole, "Yeah, oh my God, yes, that's in, cum in my ass, oh that's so good, I can feel your sticky sperm in my asshole, filling it."

Hank groaned and shuddered, carrying on for a few more moments, before pulling out and draping himself over the bed. Mom giggled and shifted position so that she was facing the wall and her open asshole was opposite me. I blushed red as I saw it, gaping open and red rimmed, cum trickling from it, Mom made it worse by reaching behind and gripping her cheeks pulling them open even wider. I instantly closed my eyes, knowing that now she couldn't see my reaction. I didn't have a chance to keep them closed for long as Mom said, "Ricky, where's the T-shirt I was using as a cum rag, pass it me."

I had to open my eyes to find it, picking it up and passing it to her. She took and stood, turning to me and wiping at the cum that was trickling down her ass and legs, "That's better," she smiled, "I needed those dicks. You were stallions boys."

There was a muttered mumble of assent from Charlie and Hank, still both sated and stunned, the two of them lying at opposite ends of Charlie's crumpled and sweat stained bed, utterly exhausted. Mom passed me the shirt and I gingerly took it, dropping it on the floor. Mom frowned at me, "That's a good T-shirt. You're not leaving it here. Put it in your bag."

I did so, trying to position it so that the cum stains didn't touch any of my other clothing. I knew that, whatever Mom said, this wasn't a T-shirt that was going to be worn again. Meanwhile Mom had slipped back on her 'clothes', the tiny skirt and top and high heels. She nodded, "Are you ready to go home now Ricky?"

I nodded, defeated, "Yes Mom."

"Good," she smiled, "Now let's not have any more silliness about running away or trying to make me into little Mrs Suburbia. I'm Valentine Charming, porn star, and I love that."

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