
An old man talking.

A blinding white light followed by a buzzing sound began to flow in mystical patterns on the scroll. Ryuk a few feet away from Xin Li seemed to feel his body falter for a moment almost like he nearly lost conciousness. Ryuk had read about enchanted scrolls and knew a few things. First anyone could use them as long as they had sufficient qi furthermore the power behind it is of the original qi signature so if a mortal used a scroll from a god they would basically become god. Second the scroll in of itself regardless of what rank determined its power by the one whos qi is infused so a scroll made by a condensation stage 2 and condensation 3 are virtually different items even though the design and rank are the exact same. Third they were extremely hard to make as the requirement for the soul is much too taxing so unless one has a talent for soul they would never be able to make a scroll. Fourth enchanted scrolls had a short span of use. Fifth every scroll had one weakness called the qi origin break that you stop the circuit and therefore render the scroll worthless.

Ryuk having a natural circuit of qi in his body has a likeness to qi circuits and qi in general which he discovered a few months ago. So Ryuk focused all his concentration on the flow of qi around him and around the scroll. He could make out opaque shapes flowing into and throughout the scroll in his mind. Ryuk then took out a shabby metal sword with a impure good hilt and input his qi into it. The sword let out a *ching* sound almost as if it was suffering and about to die. This was natural as normal weapons did not have a qi circuit so the qi would just explode into the weak particles overflowing them with qi causing them to explode. Ryuk then twisted in an unnatural way and spun twice and the then threw the sword plummeting at the scroll like a meteor.

Xin Li had immense pride when he saw Ryuk faltering, but then he saw him throw that volatile sword and felt a uncontrollable fear, but a cold feeling of pride and disgust towards Ryuk kept him in place. The scroll seemed on the cusp of giving birth to a large bolt of lightning, but a sword pierced through it. Ryuk had a chilling grin on his face his yellow and shattered teeth filling his face, but a feeling of doom stopped that smile. The scroll didnt seem to stop drawing in qi, but now it greedily devoured qi from the atmosphere nearby people even Xin Li. The scroll was imploding into itself and then stopped. Ryuks hairs sprung up in fear almost as if they wanted to separate from Ryuk and run away. Ryuk ran as fast as possible sending as much qi into his feet even though his dantian might get hurt.

*Poosh* the scroll exploded nearby people turned directly into Ash in front of this majestic lightning everything seemed to disappear. If the original creator of the scroll were to see this he would be shocked this power was mind boggling. Ryuk managed to evade the most fierce lightning storm, but a loose lightning bolt struck him and shot him out.

Ryuk seemed to be dying, but to Ryuk it seemed as if he had finally come home after a long journey. The death aura within him comforted him like his mother, and when Ryuk sensed that motherly compassion he remembered his Mother and wanted to forget everything and disappear back into her arms.

A pale hand touched in shoulder it seemed as if the very particles kneeled before this hand. The hand was not seen by anyone it was as if it existed and didnt. From somewhere random an ancient voice filled Ryuks receding conciousness. "How unfortunate our fates our indeed unfair. Seeing your progress i thought i would get to meet you when you fought against them, but it seems as if karma and samsara truly wish me to be forgotten. Child the cycle starts. Follow your desire and follow a path different from all. Forget me when you reach the origin i am but a ghost. Live a good life Ryuk." The hand sent beautiful colorful qi into Ryuk, but the qi was notably dull and weak. The hand turned into an old figure who had large dark circles under his eyes, but even though he looked old and tired he seemed to be brimming in exuberance, but his figure slowly decreased in exuberance. The old man had a smile of his face as he looked at Ryuk and said "Truly exceptional you are Ryuk! Truly. Live a amazing life Ryuk. My bloodlust shall forever be lost to the samsara and flames." He shot one last sweet look almost as if looking at his grandson and removed his hand, but Ryuk moved his hand on top of the old mans and looked into his fading eyes. The demonic look in Ryuks eyes weren't normal and made the old man falter. "I wont stop my desire!" A hoarse voice shot out from Ryuks lips. The old man seemed to be suprised and then drew a smile on his face. "Amazing a connection to the future and the past. This is what the time god sought for millions of years. An intersection of three realms. It seems this boy is greater than i thought. Who would have thought my presence would give him some insights into the fabled Omni connection, but whats even more amazing is his future. Ah Riverbend god I feel sorry for you." The old man then disappeared and Ryuk was left in the debris alone with a smile on his face.

The next few chapters are the real starting point of the story.

1mmortal_Azurecreators' thoughts
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