
Chapter Fifteen: Fire and Lightning 1/8

Author's Notes: Hello there! Sincere apologies for the long wait with this one! I hadn't originally meant for it to take this long, but given that it's now close to Halloween and this chapter does feature a haunted city, I'd say the timing's quite fitting. Not intentional on my part, but a nice little happy accident.

Well, I've got nothing further to say until the post chapter author's notes, so I'll get out of your hair.


Chapter Fifteen: Fire and Lightning

A few months later…

Squaring off against his old friend, his hand hovering over the handle of his Zanpakutō, Itachi gave Shisui a nod. "Ready?"

Squad Two's Tenth Seat smirked, his hand likewise positioned to draw his sword at the drop of a hat. "You really have to ask?"

The two of them then turned to Visaelya, who had her right hand raised. "If you're both prepared, then three… two… one…"

She then dropped her hand in a swift chopping motion. "Begin!"

The two former Shinobi drew their blades so fast that they were little more than twin streaks of silver. The song of clashing steel resoundingly rang out as the two swords met, and both men quickly found themselves in a classic blade lock. Each one pushed against the other, testing their opponent's resolve and looking for an opening.

After a few seconds, Itachi felt Shisui begin to give ground. Another fighter would've pressed the advantage, but Itachi immediately saw it for what it really was; bait. If he pushed forward, he'd overextend himself, and Shisui would gain a quick and easy win. Itachi had no intention of making things easy for his old friend today.

Instead he pulled back and allowed Shisui to go on the offensive. In response, Itachi focused on a tight defense, deflecting incoming blows while minimizing his energy expenditure. All the while, he patiently waited for an opening.

He got one a few moments later when Shisui capped off his sequence of strikes by bringing his sword down hard in a powerful overhand attack. Rather than parry, Itachi sidestepped the blow entirely. Pivoting on his left foot and adding centrifugal force to his counterattack, he whirled around and made a swift horizontal slash. Shisui quickly brought his blade up, but he was only able to manage a last-second block rather than a clean parry.

Now Itachi could go on the offensive, and he did not let this opening go to waste. His assault was swift and efficient, focusing on precise attacks designed to probe his adversary's defenses and gradually pick them apart. He struck from both high and low, doing everything he could to keep Shisui guessing as to what his real target was.

Unfortunately for Itachi, Shisui was hardly a stranger to sparring with him. The two of them knew each other's moves practically as well as their own, and that was knowledge neither would hesitate to take advantage of. As Itachi made a low sweep with his blade, Shisui simply left over it, his sword already raised for an attack. Itachi had to roll to the right to avoid the strike, but in the process, he was forced back on the defensive.

The two of them went back and forth like this for a few minutes, shifting seamlessly between attacking and defending as the situation called for. The years they'd spent training together as Shinobi had given them similar fighting styles, and now that they could spar together as fellow Soul Reapers of Squad Two, they could apply that knowledge to their Zanjutsu. This led to a beautiful sort of symmetry between the two combatants that let them fight each other on almost an instinctive level. Even though they were dueling with real blades, neither was concerned about hurting their opponent; they knew each other too well for that.

Deflecting a diagonal slash from Shisui, Itachi countered with a thrust aimed at his friend's shoulder. His opponent caught the attack and redirected it before following up with a thrust of his own, but Itachi swiftly brought his blade back up into a guard position and returned the favor. Both young men shared a small smile as the duel continued; despite the difference in rank and power, when it came to pure technique, they were evenly matched.

The unspoken rule of the fight was that the Tenth Seat wouldn't employ his Shikai, and Itachi knew that he wouldn't use his Sharingan either since they had Visaelya as an observer. Even had they been fighting privately, though, Itachi was certain that Shisui would keep the duel to one of pure Zanjutsu; the two of them respected each other too much for his friend to take advantage of the fact that he had the Sharingan and Itachi did not in a friendly sparring match like this.

Shisui chuckled as he deflected a slash from Itachi. "Just like old times, right?"

Itachi nodded as he pressed his assault. "Different weapons, but apart from that, yeah."

"You two fought like this often?" asked Visaelya from the sidelines.

"You bet!" Shisui replied as he fell back while fending off Itachi's attacks, "Itachi was my favorite sparring partner back when we were Shinobi!"

"That's because I was the only one who could keep up with you," said Itachi as he shifted to a series of low thrusts aimed at Shisui's legs.

Shisui angled his blade downward, expertly intercepting the strikes without losing his footing. He then swung his blade upwards, forcing Itachi to deflect lest he risk taking a slash on the chest. That gave Shisui the window he needed to reclaim the initiative, and he seized it without hesitation.

The song of clashing steel intensified as they picked up the pace. Itachi could sense the duel building towards its climax, and his eyes darted about as he searched for the slimmest possible opening. The two of them locked blades again, and after a few seconds of pushing back and forth both fighters broke off. They then both charged forward again, and in the blink of an eye the tips of their blades were pointed at each other's throats.

Visaelya stepped forward, and despite her effort to keep an aloof demeanor her eyes had still widened slightly at end result of the duel. "A draw…"

Itachi and Shisui both lowered their swords simultaneously and gave each other a respectful nod. It wasn't a win, but it was still an outcome that Itachi could graciously accept.

"Well done," he said.

Shisui nodded. "Same to you. Want to grab a drink? The lunch rush at that teahouse by the barracks should be over by now."

"Sounds good to me," Itachi answered before turning towards Visaelya, "Want to come along?"

Squad Two's Eighteenth Seat nodded. "Sure. I didn't have any pressing plans today."

Shisui smiled as the three of them headed towards the exit of the training yard. "It was nice of the Captain to align our schedules so the three of us would have the same day off. Too bad your mom's already left for the day, Itachi; you said she likes this place, right?"

Itachi nodded. "She enjoyed it when the two of us went there last week. Unfortunately, she didn't have as much free time today as she did previously; she had to head back to the Academy early in order to get her homework done."

"It sounds like the advanced track hasn't gotten any easier since we graduated," said Visaelya, "I hope your mother is not overwhelmed by the workload."

Itachi shook his head as they passed through the gate of the barracks. "She's all right. It's more just a matter of her getting used to being a student again. After all, her Shinobi Academy days were a long time ago, and the curriculum of Shin'ō Academy is a different beast altogether."

"At least she's off to a good start," said Shisui, "I think she'll do just fine once she properly settles in."

Itachi was certainly hoping so, and all signs so far seemed to point to that being the case. Yoruichi hadn't been proctoring the entrance exams this year, but she had taken part in reviewing the results, and she'd seemed quite happy with how his mother had performed. The training she'd gotten from Minerva in the leadup to the tests had definitely paid off, and now her Academy lessons would further hone and refine her abilities.

The three of them reached the teahouse a few minutes later. Stepping inside, Itachi saw that it was relatively empty; with the lunch rush already wrapped up, business likely wouldn't pick back up until evening rolled around. That wasn't to say that the establishment was completely empty, though, as a certain familiar voice attested to.

"Hey, Itachi!" called Jiraiya, waving from a nearby table, "Fancy seeing you here!"

Visaelya's eyes widened. "Jiraiya? What are you doing here?"

"This teahouse is a bit out of your way," Shisui pointed out, "I'm pretty sure the Squad Eight barracks have similar establishments nearby."

Jiraiya smiled. "What, am I not allowed to swing by and say hello? Come on, join me! I just got the table; it'd be a shame to keep it to myself."

Itachi nodded. "All right, then."

The three of them sat down and ordered their drinks. As the waitress left, Itachi turned back to Jiraiya.

"Did you really come out this way just to visit?" he asked.

Jiraiya chuckled. "And here I thought we were friends! What's with the suspicion?"

"You have to admit that it's unusual," said Visaelya, "Squads Two and Eight don't usually have much to do with each other unless the former's scouting for the latter, and we've engaged in no recent joint operations with your division."

"I'm actually here mostly for Itachi," Jiraiya replied with a mischievous grin, "You see, my division's Captain happened to be the one charged with proctoring this year's entrance exams… and apparently there was a very interesting applicant. Itachi, you wouldn't happen to know anything about that, would you?"

"Why ask questions that you already know the answer to?" Itachi countered, hardly in the mood for Jiraiya's games.

Squad Eight's Seventeenth Seat laughed. "Man, you really need to lighten up a bit! I would've thought that reuniting with your mother might improve your mood a little. Guess that was too much to ask."

"How did you find out?" asked Itachi, "I know the nobility was gossiping about Yoruichi having her family host her, but she did manage to keep a lid on her real identity."

Shisui's eyes narrowed. "It was Captain Kyōraku, wasn't it? He probably noticed the family resemblance and put it together."

Jiraiya nodded. "You got it. He seemed quite taken with her, and after I got a peek, I can't say I blame him! Your mother's a real beauty, Itachi!"

Itachi shot him a withering glare. "Define 'peek'… and define it carefully, Jiraiya."

Visaelya looked absolutely mortified at the implication. "Jiraiya! Don't tell me you…"

Jiraiya held up his hands in surrender. "Whoa, easy there! It wasn't anything like that, I promise! My Captain asked me to help out with the new student orientation; since I'm a recent graduate myself, he thought it'd be good to for the freshmen to interact with someone who could better relate to them. That's where I met your mother, and believe it or not, she was the one that made the first move! You've got no one to blame but yourself, Itachi; she said you told her that I was a friend of yours, and she wanted to meet me herself."

"I don't think the word 'friend' ever came up in our conversation when I spoke of you," Itachi deadpanned.

Shisui chuckled. "That sounds a bit harsh, Itachi!"

"I'd expect nothing less," said Jiraiya, "Look, don't worry. I know what my reputation is, but I've got some rules. I'm not going to try anything with your mother, Itachi… even though the temptation is definitely there!"

Itachi sighed; Jiraiya's 'research' habits aside, he knew when the Legendary Sannin was being serious. "Did she look like she was doing okay? The two of us have spoken since the entrance exams, but I know she wouldn't want me to worry, so she wouldn't have mentioned if anything was amiss."

Jiraiya smiled. "She looked just fine, Itachi. More than that, even. She was the life of the group while I was there; I think being back in school is making her feel young again! You've got nothing to worry about."

Itachi allowed himself a small smile. "Good… thanks."

Visaelya shot a scowl at Jiraiya. "I'm glad you were able to exercise some restraint, Jiraiya. Should you take leave of that restraint with regards to Miss Uchiha, then you will answer to me. Do I make myself clear?"

Jiraiya raised an eyebrow. "Where's this coming from?"

"Just answer me, damn it," Visaelya pressed, although not without briefly glancing at Shisui.

Jiraiya smirked; there was no way his sharp eyes had missed that little cue. "All right, all right. I take your meaning loud and clear, Little Miss Vissy."

Visaelya nodded. "Good."

The waitress returned a moment later with their drinks. Their conversation died down for a few moments as they all took sips, although it picked up again in short order.

"So, how's Squad Eight treating you?" asked Shisui.

Jiraiya smiled. "As good as always. The Captain's the best drinking partner I've had in a while. I don't know if he could take on Tsunade there, but it'd be fun to watch him try!"

"Captain Kyōraku's also a fan of your books, right?" Itachi recalled.

Jiraiya nodded. "Yup. It's made settling in easier, although I do have to deal with him badgering me to hurry up with the next volume. At least he understands the importance of my research!"

Visaelya rolled her eyes. "Given Captain Kyōraku's reputation, that does not surprise me one bit."

"Any progress with your Zanpakutō?" asked Itachi.

"Still haven't gotten the name yet," Jiraiya answered, "I'm not worried about it, though. It'll happen when it happens."

Visaelya nodded. "That's a good attitude to take."

Jiraiya smirked. "I bet the only reason you're agreeing with me is because you don't know the name of yours yet either. Am I right?"

Visaelya lowered her gaze and took a sip of her tea. She didn't say anything, but the gesture was apparently all the Legendary Sannin needed.

"Thought so," he said, "Look, don't overthink it. Just carry on like you normally would. You'll get it sooner or later."

Jiraiya then turned to Itachi. "What about you? That witch of a sword still giving you a headache?"

Does he want me to come out there and beat him within an inch of his life?

Since I told him you're a woman, he might be hoping for that.

He should be careful what he wishes for.

"I've made some progress," Itachi replied, "I still don't know her name yet, but I don't think it'll be too much longer before that changes. Call it a hunch."

Jiraiya smiled. "Is that so? Glad to hear it!"

The sage then turned to Shisui. "By the way, been meaning to ask; any luck with finding other members of your clan out in the Rukon District apart from Itachi's mother?"

Shisui shook his head. "I'm afraid not, nor have we spotted any signs of other Shinobi clans out there either."

Visaelya raised her eyebrow. "Your conducting a search for fellow Shinobi that might've passed on from your Realm of the Living? Why?"

"It's just a contingency," said Shisui, giving her a reassuring smile, "There are a lot of powerful and potentially dangerous people in the Shinobi World. Since Itachi, Jiraiya and I all were able to develop our spirit energy here after passing on and Mikoto's on track to doing the same, it stands to reason that others would be capable of that as well… and not all of them are as friendly as us."

"Is the Captain aware of this?" asked Visaelya.

"She is," Itachi answered, "As long as our search does not interfere with our primary duties as members of Squad Two, she's given our efforts her blessing."

Visaelya nodded. "I see. Is there anything I can do to help? If we find others that are like Miss Uchiha, I'd like to aid them in reaching the safety of the Seireitei and the Academy if they have the aptitude for it."

"That's very kind of you," said Jiraiya, "You don't have to stick your neck out, though. After all, this is something that involves our particular Realm of the Living."

"But it has the potential to impact the Soul Society," Visaelya countered, "Squad Two is charged with scouting and keeping an eye out for potential threats. Even if the former Shinobi we find are friendly rather than hostile, it's still well within our division's jurisdiction to seek them out and assess them."

Shisui gave her a friendly pat on the shoulder. "I appreciate the offer, but it's all right. This is a private matter, and we have no right to impose it on you."

It was impossible to miss the red that flashed across her face. "Well… I wouldn't consider it to be an imposition. I'd… I'd be happy to help you."

Help all of you, or just Shisui?

If I had to guess, I'd say the latter.

Well, well; the boy can learn. Fancy that.

Itachi brushed her off; he didn't feel like trading barbs with his Zanpakutō at the moment. "I don't think you realize what you're getting yourself into. Shisui's been conducting this search for years, and he's yet to find any trace of other former Shinobi in the Rukon District. My encounter with my mother was simply a coincidence, albeit a happy one. It will likely be a very long time before we pick up any solid leads on other Shinobi in the Soul Society."

"Haven't you asked your mother about that?" Visaelya countered, "She must've been looking for you and other members of your family over the past fourteen years. Surely, she's found something by now… apart from you, I mean."

Itachi shook his head. "I'm afraid she's had no luck. Given the sheer vastness of the Rukon District, let alone the rest of the Soul Society, that's hardly a surprise. Even over the span of fourteen years, it would simply be impossible for one person to cover anything more than a small fraction of that territory."

Visaelya sighed. "I see. What do you two typically look for when you're out there?"

"Clan signs and secret Shinobi signals, to start with," said Shisui, "Shinobi have all sorts of ways to communicate or send a message without making it obvious to outsiders. A variation of a common emblem, certain written characters displayed in a particular way, the name of an individual establishment; the signs are there if you know how to look for them. Since Itachi, Jiraiya and I were all Shinobi of the Hidden Leaf Village, we're well-versed in the kinds of signals our former comrades would've used. For Shinobi from other villages, it'd be more difficult for us to discern potential secret signals, but not impossible."

"Could you teach me to do so?" asked Visaelya, "I won't be of much help to you if I don't know what I'm looking for. Besides, I'd… like to learn more about Shinobi culture."

Jiraiya chuckled as his eyes darted back and forth between her and Shisui. "I'm sure you would…"

Visaelya folded her arms and glared at him. "Do you have something to say to me, pervert author?"

"Oh, nothing!" Jiraiya replied, the faux-innocent smile on his face suggesting very much the opposite.

Shisui put a hand on Visaelya's shoulder, eager to play the role of peacekeeper. "Easy there. Look, if you really want to put this on top of your current workload, Itachi and I can give you some lessons on Shinobi. We really would appreciate the help; we just don't want you to feel like you have to do this."

Itachi nodded. "We've tried to keep affairs from our past lives from intruding upon the Soul Society, although that can be a case of easier said than done. If you really do wish to assist us, then we would gratefully welcome your support."

Visaelya smiled. "You two are more than just my comrades; you're my friends. Finding your fellow clansmen and Shinobi is clearly important to you, and I'd be honored if you let me help you."

Shisui smiled. "In that case, welcome aboard!"

"Yes," said Itachi, "and thank you. We won't forget this."

Jiraiya smirked. "Never thought we'd get you involved in Shinobi business. You'd better be ready, because we don't play by the rules of you nobles!"

Visaelya gave him a confident smile. "I'm no longer just a noble; I'm a member of Squad Two. Fighting dirty is in our job description."

She's come a long way since our little rivalry back at the Academy, Itachi mused, I wonder what greater exposure to the ways of Shinobi will do to influence her growth.

I suppose there's only one way to find out.


A week later…

"Thanks for coming so quickly, everyone," said Yoruichi, "Sorry for calling you all in on such short notice; the Head Captain sprung this on me out of the blue in the last meeting."

She was at the head of a long table in a meeting room that was reserved for Squad Two's officers. Given their low ranks of Sixteenth and Eighteenth Seat respectively, Itachi and Visaelya were assigned chairs that were down towards the far end of the table. This would make it a bit difficult to make their voices heard in the meeting, but Itachi was sure that Yoruichi would give the two of them a chance to speak once they caught her attention. Every single officer from Twentieth Seat to Captain was present, and Soi-Fon hovered like a shadow just behind Yoruichi.

Even the Lieutenant's here, Itachi mused, Yoruichi usually tries to keep him as busy as possible with his Patrol Corps command and administration duties so he can't interfere with the rest of the division. If he was summoned along with the rest of us, then whatever's going on must be so big that she can't afford to completely sideline him this time.

The organization was simple; even numbered Seats were on the left side of the table, while odd-numbered Seats were on the right. This had the unusual effect of depriving the Lieutenant of his symbolic position as the Captain's right-hand and delivering that role to Third Seat Urahara instead, and Itachi was certain that not only was the gesture deliberate, but that Ōmaeda was too full of himself to notice.

A little way up the table, Itachi caught sight of Shisui. The division's Tenth Seat gave him a friendly smile and nod in acknowledgement, all he could do in such a formal setting. Since he was closer to the Captain and had much greater experience in navigating these meetings than Itachi, the Sixteenth Seat felt it was best to sit back and take his cues from his old friend for the time being.

Itachi watched as Yoruichi turned to her bodyguard. "I think we can get started now. Soi-Fon, if you'd be so kind?"

Soi-Fon nodded. "Of course, Lady Yoruichi."

She went to the wall behind the Captain, and Itachi spotted what appeared to be a very long rolled up scroll hanging from it. There was a string attached to it, and when Soi-Fon pulled it the scroll unfurled, revealing a large map of the Soul Society. It was one of the most elaborate such maps that Itachi had seen in his relatively brief time in the afterlife; not only were all of the subdivisions of the Rukon District labeled, but it extended outwards to account for the Principalities of the Five Great Noble Houses and much of The Wild.

Soi-Fon then stepped away from the map, and Yoruichi moved to take her place. Grabbing a long and slender wooden stick that had been leaning against the wall, she used it to gesture at a location to the east, a little more than two-thirds of the way along the main road from the Rukon District to the eastern Principality of the Drakken Clan. From where Itachi was sitting, it appeared to be situated in one of the central passes of the Red Cap Mountains.

He heard Visaelya gasp, and as he glanced at her he saw her face pale ever so slightly. "No way…"

"What is it?" he whispered, less than encouraged by her reaction.

"Menar Issilaya…" she murmured, although it was hard to tell if she was answering Itachi or talking to herself.

Looking back up the table, Itachi realized that Visaelya wasn't the only one who appeared apprehensive. More than a few of the assembled officers exchanged troubled looks, and even the normally easy-going Kisuke seemed rather somber. Wherever Yoruichi was pointing, it clearly wasn't a destination for the faint of heart.

Yoruichi was more than capable of reading the room, and there was no playful smirk or mischievous glint in her eyes here; the Captain was all business, which to Itachi only served to underline the seriousness of their upcoming mission. Whatever the Head Captain had assigned to Squad Two, it clearly wasn't to be taken lightly.

"Judging from the looks on your faces, it seems most of you already know what's here," she said, "For those of you unfamiliar with the east, this is the Luminous Pass… or at least, that's what it was known as back in its heyday. Now it goes by the name most you have probably heard; the Shadow Pass. Here lies what's left of what was once a city of the old kingdom; the ruins of Menar Issilaya, or the Citadel of Moonlight. It's been abandoned for a good few thousand years, and nowadays has the happy little moniker of the Phantom Citadel."

Kisuke gave a bitter chuckle. "Clearly not one of the top vacation destinations in the Soul Society these days."

"That's putting it mildly," Visaelya muttered, still looking a bit rattled.

"What does the Head Captain want with a place like this?" asked Lieutenant Ōmaeda, his typically boastful confidence having taken its leave of him.

"Since the fall of the old kingdom, we've ceded too much of the Soul Society outside the Rukon District and the Principalities to The Wild," Yoruichi replied as she returned the stick to its previous place and moved back to the head of the table, "At the direction of the Central Forty-Six, the Thirteen Court Guard Squads have been charged with establishing a series of outposts, some of which could eventually evolve into large-scale settlements. Squad Two's role in this initiative is to scout out suitable locations, and the Head Captain wants us to start here."

Itachi caught Shisui's eye, and the Tenth Seat then leaned forward to get Yoruichi's attention. "Captain, any chance you could tell those of us who are unfamiliar with the east why this particular location is our starting point?"

Yoruichi nodded, her gaze briefly meeting Itachi's; she'd already figured out that Shisui was acting as an intermediary for him here. "Of course. While the city fell towards the beginning of the last millennium of the old kingdom's reign, rumor is that the citadel itself remains intact. Granted, the source of this rumor is the same as that of its new name; word of mouth from the few terrified survivors of groups that attempted to loot the city itself after its fall, so take that with a big grain of salt."

"And… how did it fall?" asked a nervous female voice.

The source was a rather short and slender young woman sitting to Visaelya's left. With her raven hair tied up in a small bun and her almond eyes wider than usual with worry, Twentieth Seat Aika Hirata was an unusual fit for Squad Two, at least in terms of personality. Shy, sweet and modest, she hardly seemed the type at first glance who would join a division that was known for being the scouts, spies, assassins and jailors of the Soul Society. Having graduated the year before Itachi and Visaelya, she was an intelligent and diligent young woman, and Itachi had soon realized that the only reason she'd remained at the bottom of the seated officer rankings in the division was because of a distinct lack of self-confidence. Hohō and Kidō were her strong points, and while her abilities with Hakuda were decent enough it was her skill in Zanjutsu that was the biggest source of doubt for her. The very act of drawing her sword seemed to be one that filled her with an unusual amount of apprehension, and while Itachi could appreciate a healthy level of respect and fear for their blades given their inherently violent purpose, hers went a bit too far. In the training yard her stance was always shaky, and the few times Itachi had sparred against her it had taken just a few quick exchanges to break through her guard, and that had been with him holding back considerably.

Yoruichi sighed. "That's the thing, Aika; no one knows for sure. The most common guess over the years has been a large-scale surprise attack by Hollows, but honestly, that never really sat right with me. It's plausible, sure, but it wouldn't really explain what's been reported by the few people who have survived heading out there since the attack."

Aika gulped. "What's been… reported?"

Yoruichi's eyes narrowed. "That the city remains haunted by its former denizens. If it had been a large Hollow attack, this wouldn't be the case; the inhabitants would've simply been devoured. From what I can tell, the handful of survivors from looting parties or curious bands of explorers spent their time jumping at shadows even during the day, and when night fell… supposedly that's when the real horror began. According to them, vengeful specters emerged and fell upon them, still wielding the armor and weapons of the city's ancient defenders. The citadel tower itself would radiate in the night, and this light was supposedly more terrifying than the attackers themselves. One survivor was so traumatized that the only words out his mouth from that day forward were warnings of the 'phantom lord' that now ruled the citadel, which is where the new name for the city comes from."

Across the table from Itachi, Rija folded her arms; the Fifteenth Seat looked rather skeptical. "How much stock can we put in the ravings of would-be grave robbers?"

Yoruichi shrugged. "Hard to say. Something scared them the hell off, though… and whatever it is works on more than just people. Isn't that right, Visaelya?"

Itachi glanced at his friend, who gave their Captain a nod. "That's right, Lady Yoruichi. Since Menar Issilaya isn't too far from the Drakken Clan's Principality, members of my family have ridden their dragons out that way to investigate the ruins from above. They've all reported the same thing; their mounts would not dare descend into the Shadow Pass, regardless of how hard the rider tried to push them. They refused to fly anywhere close to visual range of the Phantom Citadel. Every new generation of the family makes an attempt, and all end the same way. That's why, for us, the Shadow Pass goes by another name; the Pass of Dragons' Fear."

"An apt name," Yoruichi replied, "It's not just dragons who won't approach it, either. Horses stay out, as do any other animal one might use for a mount. In fact, most animal life in general won't go near the pass, and if the would-be looters are to be believed, the few that do will not dare to enter the city. Plants still grow in the area, and a river runs past the city flowing into the east, but that's it."

"And the Head Captain serious expects us to be able to establish an outpost in a place like this?" asked a deep male voice from further up the table.

Sitting across from Shisui, the speaker was Ninth Seat Mindiwo Opolo. A tall, imposing and well-muscled figure, Mindiwo definitely stood out in a crowd. His dark skin was contrasted with a series of bright, swirling crimson tattoos that covered the right side of his face, going down his neck and dominating his upper torso. While definitely intimidating at first glance, Itachi had actually found him to be quite friendly, if a little on the reserved side. He could often be found meditating while off duty, and more than once Itachi had seen birds casually land on his shoulders while he was in a deep trance. One would never guess at his inherently peaceful nature when they saw him fight, though; his Zanjutsu form was disciplined and powerful, a relentless hammer that would methodically beat at an opponent's defenses until he discovered that decisive crack in their protection that would win him the day. His Hakuda was nothing to sneeze at either, and his Hohō skills were definitely a few steps above average. Kidō was his only deficiency, with anything more than simple low-level spells being an immense struggle for him.

"It's hardly ideal," Yoruichi conceded, "Definitely not the first place on my list to scout for a future base, that's for sure. Its supposedly intact infrastructure is probably why the Central Forty-Six wants the Head Captain to consider it. Either way, it's been left alone for far too long. The Head Captain's orders are thus; Squad Two is to mount a thorough scouting expedition of the Shadow Pass and the ruins of Menar Issilaya. We're to determine if the area can be made safe for at least the establishment of an outpost, and if possible, to figure out what actually caused the fall of the city the first time around. If there's still a threat in the area, we have to assess it. We'll eliminate it if it's within our power to do so, and if not, we withdraw and report back to the Head Captain who will see to the matter personally."

Kisuke whistled. "The old man's really serious about this one."

"He's got some pretty heavy pressure coming down from the Central Forty-Six," Yoruichi pointed out, "You know how those geezers are; even two millennia later, surviving remnants of the old kingdom make them nervous. They're probably hoping that we'll find something out there they can use as a pretext to have the Head Captain turn those ruins into ash and charred bits of stone."

Kisuke rolled his eyes. "What a waste."

"If part of our goal is to determine how the city fell thousands of years ago, will this be a joint operation with Squad Twelve?" asked Shisui, "That sort of task falls more in Captain Hikifune's area of expertise than ours."

Yoruichi shook her head. "I'm afraid not. I tried to convince the Head Captain to bring Squad Twelve in on this one, but he's got Kirio working a separate research expedition out west. She'll be unavailable for the next few months at least, and the assignment's tying up quite a bit of her division's resources. The rest are minding the barracks and archives, so we're not going to get any help here. Archaeology's only a secondary objective for us as far as I'm concerned; recon and threat assessment are our top priorities here."

Rija smiled. "So, who's up for this one?"

"The Head Captain was clear; he wants this expedition to be Squad Two's immediate priority," said Yoruichi, "I'll be leading the expedition personally, and most of you here will be tagging along. Lieutenant Ōmaeda, you'll be in charge of things here while I'm gone."

The Lieutenant seemed less than pleased by this development. "What? Captain, this isn't right! I should be out in the field getting glory with the rest of you!"

Yoruichi shot him a withering glare; she was in no mood for games. "Have you forgotten your responsibilities, Lieutenant? As head of the Patrol Corps, internal Seireitei security is your primary mission. If you're no longer up to the duties of your position, then perhaps I should begin considering your replacement. What do you think?"

That was all that was needed to bring Marenoshin back into line. "N-no, Captain! T-that's not necessary! I-I can assure you that I'll maintain our internal patrols according to the highest possible standards in your absence!"

Yoruichi smirked in satisfaction. "Good. I look forward to reading your report upon my return, so make sure you keep things orderly around here. I'll have a few officers assigned to support you in running the barracks, so your workload won't be too severe."

The Lieutenant bowed his head. "Thank you for your generosity, Captain Shihōin!"

Thanking her for sidelining him, Itachi mused, Lieutenant Ōmaeda's completely out of his league when it comes to her.

You're enjoying this, aren't you?

Are you telling me you're not?

Oh, hardly. Seeing an oaf with delusions of grandeur put in his place is always a pleasure.

That's what I thought.

"We'll be leaving the day after tomorrow," said Yoruichi, "Given the distance involved and all the supplies we'll have to drag along on this trip, not to mention how long we could be in the Shadow Pass once we get there, I'm afraid we'll likely be gone for several months at least. We should be able to supplement our provisions along the way through foraging parties, but once we get to the Shadow Pass, we might not have that option. Make whatever personal preparations you need to quickly. If you're not ready at dawn when the time comes, you're getting left behind."


Two days later…

Night had fallen an hour or so ago, and Yoruichi was making one last round through the camp before turning in. Her division had made great progress on the first day of its trip; they were well clear of the Rukon District, having taken the Great East Road at quite a brisk pace considering all the supplies they had with them. Their camp had been established in a clearing off to the right of road, surrounded on three sides by thick woods. Even now, Yoruichi had scouts out there amongst the trees; no one would be catching Squad Two unawares if she could help it.

If our progress over the next few weeks mirrors today's, things should go well, she thought, I know the Great East Road was redirected after the fall of Menar Issilaya, but the original sections of the road near the Red Cap Mountains approaching the Shadow Pass should still be usable. Until we reach the mountains, our only concerns should be bandits, Hollows, and the wildlife.

She'd be lying if she said she wasn't concerned. The fall of the Citadel of Moonlight was one of the great unsolved mysteries of the Soul Society, and while she understood the Head Captain's reasons for sending her out to investigate the city and the surrounding region that didn't mean she was thrilled about the assignment. There were far too many unknowns at play for her liking, and even though she intended to scout the Shadow Pass as well as possible before entering the ruins of the city she was still aware that a lot could go wrong.

She needed someone to relax with a bit before calling it a night, someone to help her keep her mind at ease until the time came to actually worry. Normally she'd chill out and chat with Kisuke or Soi-Fon at times like this, but tonight she found herself seeking out someone else; Itachi.

One would've thought that finally understanding his past might mean that some of the mystery and excitement surrounding her Sixteenth Seat would diminish, but Yoruichi hadn't found that to be the case at all. Sure, she knew a hell of a lot more about him than she had before, but that did nothing to lessen her fascination with the young man. In fact, the effect had been quite the opposite; she was more drawn to him now than ever before.

He wants to move forward and find a life beyond the shadows of his past, she thought with a smile, and I want him to find that, too. He's been defined by what happened with his clan for so long, but he deserves so much more than to be bound by the chains of that horrible night. Our talk that day loosened those chains; I can feel it. Reuniting with his mother pushed him even further along his new path. Where it'll ultimately take him, I can't say… but I very much want to find out!

It didn't take too long to find him; he was sitting on a patch of grass at the edge of the camp, his gaze focused down the Great East Road. What was that intriguing mind of his currently preoccupied with? Was he, like her, trying to guess what awaited them in the Shadow Pass far into the east? There was only one way to find out.

"I don't recall putting you on first watch tonight," she said as she approached him.

He looked over his shoulder at her. "My apologies. I'll be turning in soon. I won't be late when my watch comes around."

Yoruichi shook her head. "Don't worry about it. Mind if I join you for a bit?"

Itachi nodded. "Please. Your company is always welcome."

Yoruichi smirked as she sat down next to him. "Is that so? Do you say that to any pretty girl that comes your way?"

Much to her surprise, he actually gave her a small smirk of his own. "Only the ones that know who I really am and what I've done."

Was he actually flirting with her? This was an unusual development, albeit one that Yoruichi was quite welcoming of if it were indeed the case.

"Oh, really?" she purred, "I can't think of too many girls that fit that description. Only two come to mind; me and your mother. I'm not sure how to take that."

"Consider yourself part of a very exclusive club, then," he replied without missing a beat, "Take it however you wish."

Yoruichi giggled. "In that case, I guess that makes me one of the two luckiest women in the Soul Society! I'm pretty happy with that. How is Mikoto doing, anyway? You paid a visit to the Academy yesterday, and I can only think of one reason why."

Itachi raised an eyebrow. "I thought I'd slipped away without anyone noticing."

Yoruichi winked. "I've got my eye on you, Itachi! Former Shinobi or not, you can't slip away from Squad Two quite that easily."

Itachi chuckled. "I suppose not. I presume one of the Stealth Forces members you have monitoring the Academy mentioned me?"

Yoruichi nodded. "That's right. When they told me they'd spotted you, I instantly knew what was going on. I did tell you all at the officers' meeting to make whatever personal preparations you needed to, and I guessed that you'd want to say goodbye before departing, especially given how long we'll be gone for."

"I didn't tell her what our mission is," Itachi replied, "I only told her that I'd be out on an extended field assignment. She was worried, but no more so than she had been in the past when I went out on Shinobi missions."

Yoruichi smiled. "I trust you, Itachi; I know you wouldn't reveal sensitive mission information, even to family. I'm glad you took the chance to go see your mother. Has she fully settled into the Academy?"

"Yes," he answered with a small smile of his own, "and she's enjoying it immensely. Learning how to properly wield her power, making new friends… I think she's having the time of her life. Well, afterlife, that is."

"Glad to hear it," she said, "Both of you deserve some happiness after what happened to you. If her studies are going well, so much the better."

Itachi gave her a knowing look. "Should I be looking forward to having my mother as a subordinate in six years' time?"

Yoruichi smirked. "Maybe!"

"I'm all for her joining Squad Two upon graduation," said Itachi, "That being said, is it really a good idea for family members to be commanding each other in such a manner? Wouldn't you be concerned about… well, favoritism?"

Yoruichi shrugged. "With most people, I would. You've handled yourself exceptionally well since coming to my division, so I'm not concerned with your conduct under such circumstances. I suppose my only worry would be that you'd hold her back out of a desire to protect her."

Itachi nodded, apparently deciding that there was no point in hiding his thoughts on the matter from her. "You're right. If I were place in direct command of her… I'd likely be overly cautious."

Yoruichi gave him a pat on the back. "It's because you're determined to keep her safe, especially given what happened fourteen years ago. That's a perfectly normal emotional response, Itachi. It's nothing to be ashamed of."

"I recognize that," he replied, "but it's also why I shouldn't be allowed to directly command her; I'm emotionally compromised there. I think you understand that as well as I do."

Yoruichi sighed. "No getting around it, I suppose. Ultimately, the division your mother joins depends on the offers she gets at the recruitment exhibition, but based on what I've heard so far, I can pretty much guarantee you that I'll be working hard to get her into Squad Two. Given her desire to make up for lost time with you, it wouldn't be surprising in the least if she accepts the offer I give to her when the time comes. When that happens, I will be placing her under the command of a different officer. I'll do all I can to protect her, Itachi, but I'm not going to completely shield her from risk. If she's truly determined to do her part as a Soul Reaper, then you and I have no right to deny her that."

Itachi nodded somberly. "I understand. This is her decision, and I told her that I'd respect it. Still…"

Yoruichi gave him a warm smile. "Don't worry. I won't ask anything unreasonable of her. As her Captain, it'll be my job to understand her capabilities and assign her roles that best suit them. I'll do everything in my power to make sure that she won't be put into a situation where she won't be able to handle herself."

"That's all I can ask, then," said Itachi, "Thank you, Yoruichi."

She nodded. "Of course. It's the least I can do."

She saw his gaze shift to the east, and his brow furrowed in thought. "I told you that I didn't tell my mother anything sensitive about the mission, but… well, she might've sensed my concern about it. From what you said in the meeting, this sounds like it won't be nearly as simple as the fights with Hollows that we've had in the past."

"No, it won't be," she answered grimly, "It might only be rumor and speculation at this point, but I'm positive it won't be Hollows we'll have to deal with when we reach the ruins of the city."

"That's what's bothering me," Itachi admitted, "Hollows are bad enough. What else is out there?"

Yoruichi closed her eyes for a moment, recalling one of Minerva's old lessons. "There are older and fouler things than Hollows in the realm of spirits, Itachi. The Soul Society is ancient beyond measure, no matter how much the Central Forty-Six likes to gloss over that fact. Hollows are simply one horror that feast upon souls; there are others out there that make them seem as cuddly as kittens in comparison."

"Which of those horrors are we most likely to find in the east?" asked Itachi.

Yoruichi shook her head. "I don't know. Every possibility that I think of is worse than the last, though."

Itachi nodded. "I see. Perhaps we should tackle this from a different direction. My knowledge regarding Menar Issilaya is sorely lacking. Perhaps you could help me fill in the blanks? If I have a better understanding of where we're going, maybe I can help you figure out what we might face when we arrive."

Yoruichi smiled. "Well, it can't hurt. I'm surprised Visaelya hasn't given you the rundown. I thought she was the type who liked showing off the fruits of the lessons from her family's tutors."

Itachi shook his head. "She's seemed a bit preoccupied ever since the meeting. I think the knowledge of where we're heading is weighing more heavily on her than it is on me."

"That's not too surprising," said Yoruichi, "Given its proximity to her family's Principality, Menar Issilaya and the Drakken Clan share some links. Hell, back in the day when the Shadow Pass was the Luminous Pass it was a vital trade route for them, a key part of the East Salt Way."

Itachi raised an eyebrow. "East Salt Way? I thought it was the Great East Road?"

"The 'East Salt Way' is a popular nickname for it," Yoruichi replied, "The Drakken Clan's power might come from their bond with dragons, but much of their wealth is due to their abundant and productive salt mines. It's actually another reason for their rivalry with the Shihōin Clan; our Principality is the only one that can rival theirs in the salt trade. As you might imagine given the demand for luxury foods and the means to preserve them as they're shipped to the Seireitei, the salt market in the Soul Society is very lucrative."

"Is that why Menar Issilaya was initially established?" asked Itachi, "As an outpost and depot supporting the salt trade?"

"That was definitely a major factor," Yoruichi answered, "but there was more to it. Menar Issilaya was founded during the glory days of the old kingdom, and it was one of a series of cities established during that era. Apart from relieving the immense population of the Rukon District, these cities were also meant to serve as points of civilization out in The Wild; safe havens for travelers as they crisscrossed the Soul Society, as well as points from which the old kingdom could project its power. That's why the names of each of these cities began with the word 'Menar'; it's an Andunayan word that translates as either 'citadel' or 'stronghold', with the former being the more widely accepted one. As the word might imply, they were very well defended and fortified."

"Which would offer another reason as to why the Central Forty-Six designated it as the first place for the Head Captain to send us on this outpost initiative," said Itachi, "If the rumors are true and much of the city's overall structure remains intact, then it would be easier to protect once properly garrisoned and provisioned. Even if they'd rather have an excuse for the Head Captain to destroy a remnant of the old kingdom, they can't deny its potential strategic value."

Yoruichi nodded. "You're not wrong there. Anyway, a survey was done of the Luminous Pass, named so because of the unique bioluminescence displayed by much of the flora in that area under the light of the moon. Marble deposits were found, and this resource became the primary building material for the new city. The builders soon discovered that this particular vein of marble captured and brilliantly reflected moonlight, and that's why the completed city became known as Menar Issilaya; Citadel of Moonlight. Although founded primarily for economic and political purposes, word of the city's beauty, especially under the light of the full moon, meant that it quickly became a popular vacation spot and a haven for artists seeking inspiration in its radiance."

"Sounds like quite the place," Itachi commented.

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