

Hadrian made his way downstairs, he was eager to share the results of the ritual with his grandparents.

He found Charlus and Dorea sitting on the sofa, with Dorea leaning her head on her husband's shoulder as they both shared the newspaper they were reading.

Upon hearing Hadrian's entrance, they tore their attention from the newspaper to look at him.

"Good morning, dear. Did the ritual go well?", Dorea said as she stood up and worriedly scanned Hadrian.

Hadrian grabbed her hand placatingly, "I'm fine now."

"-And did it work?", Charlus asked, as he too looked at Hadrian warily.

Hadrian nodded his head, "I can't transform into my Animagus form - because the circumstances are different for Dragonlords, but the ritual did fix the blocks I was experiencing."

Charlus sighed in relief, "Good."

"Also, I can do this!", Hadrian declared, before focusing on changing his hair color to blonde.

Charlus and Dorea looked at him in shock, "You're a Metamorphmagus!".

Hadrian shrugged sheepishly, "Only Partially. I'm stronger than most Partial-Metamorphs, Merlin said I was an 'Enhanced Partial-Metamorphmagus.'"

"That's amazing...", Dorea said as she shook her head, "Two of the Black Family traits...Do you understand how rare that is, Hadrian?"

"Mhm.", Hadrian nodded, "Although, there are now 3 Metamorphs in the family..."

Charlus smiled, "All of which are Half-bloods."

"There would have been more if my niece had married a Halfblood or a Muggleborn.", Dorea commented.

Charlus shrugged, "I doubt Narcissa would have married anyone 'less' than a Pureblood."

"Yes, I know.", Dorea sighed, "I just find it disconcerting that our family is now interlocked with the Malfoys."

"Daphne told me about their heir, Draco.", Hadrian inserted, "Apparently, his father is trying to force Lord Greengrass into accepting a Marriage Contract."

Charlus cleared his throat and gazed steelily away from Hadrian, "Cyrus informed me, and it's being taken care of."

"Don't worry, Hadrian.", Dorea said, "Daphne will not be forced to marry anyone she doesn't want to."

Hadrian nodded his head slowly, confused at the look Dorea was sending him.

"When are they com-", Hadrian began, before he was interrupted by Charlus standing up abruptly.

Seconds after he stood up, Hadrian heard someone knocking on the door.

The family heard the door open, with Korby's voice guiding the 'guests' over to the Living Room.

"Hadrian!", A loud and fast ball of blonde hair lunged at Hadrian.

"Ugfh!", Hadrian groaned, "D-daphne!"

"Sorry!", she said, apologizing for the way she speared Hadrian, "I was just excited..."

Hadrian smiled at her coy expression, "It's fine, I'm happy to see you too!"

"Come here, lad! Say hello to Uncle Cyrus!", Daphne's father, Cyrus Greengrass beckoned, grinning all the while.

Hadrian went over to Cyrus and displayed his hand, "Greetings, Lord Greengrass."

Cyrus shook his head, before grabbing Hadrian's hand and pulling him into a hug.

"It's Uncle Cyrus. No more of that Lord Greengrass business!".

Hadrian grinned as he pulled back from Cyrus, "Alright...Uncle Cyrus."

Cyrus smiled and nodded in triumph, "That's better."

Hadrian then heard a soft and melodic giggle coming from behind Cyrus. He turned his head and saw a beautiful, blonde-haired woman with quite the...'healthy' body.

"Lady Greengrass.", Hadrian said as he bowed and displayed his hand for her to take. She played along.

Hadrian took her hand and gently kissed the back of it.

"Ooh!", Lady Greengrass exclaimed, "Well, isn't he a charmer, Cyrus!"

Cyrus chuckled, "Yes, and I can tell you that it certainly did not come from Charlus' influence."

Charlus sent a glare at Cyrus.

"You can call me Cynthia, or Auntie.", the woman said as she turned to address Hadrian.

Hadrian smiled and nodded.

He looked at Cynthia and saw movement made by someone hiding behind her. Cynthia followed his eyes and smiled sheepishly, before adopting a stern voice.

"Astoria! Come out and say hello!", she ordered.

A small girl, also with blonde hair, emerged from behind Cynthia. She kept her face glued to the floor, but still managed to send Hadrian multiple shy glances.

She waved at Hadrian and said, "H-h...hello...", before going back into her hiding space.

"That girl.", Cynthia began as she rolled her eyes, "Normally, she isn't very shy. She loves talking about your battle with that magical beast, you can blame Daphne for that!"

Hadrian raised an eyebrow and looked at Daphne, "M-mum!".

Daphne blushed as her mother continued, "Well, it's true! Nothing to be ashamed of, dear.", she said, "It is your fault after all. You went on and on, talking about how brave and strong Hadrian was. No doubt your sister thinks he's some sort of hero."

"He is a hero!", Astoria exclaimed, before her cheeks reddened in embarrassment, causing her to retreat to her hideout.

"Now then, if you're done teasing your daughters...", Charlus began with a smile, "Why don't you hand your trunks over to Korby so he can place them in your rooms."

Korby bowed, before clicking his fingers and disappearing with all the trunks in tow.

Moments later, another set of knocks rapped against the door.


Korby appeared and once more brought them into the room everyone else was in.

In entered Archibald Nott, his wife, and his son, Theodore Nott.

"Theo!", Daphne exclaimed as she too went to greet him with a hug. Theo didn't respond to the hug, instead choosing to accept it whilst reading the comic book in his free hand.

"Hey, there Theo.", Hadrian said as Daphne broke off the hug. Theo clasped his hand around Hadrian's.

"'Sup, guys.", said Theo, "Nice pad."

Archibald looked to his wife and mouthed, 'Pad?'.

Hadrian chuckled before walking over to the glasses-wearing man, "Greetings, Lord Nott."

"I thought I said you could call me 'Archie.'", he responded with a smile.

"'Ello, Archie!", Cyrus shouted from his seat.

"Not you!", Archie responded.

Everyone laughed at the two men's' interactions.

"This here-", Archie began as he gestured over at the woman standing beside him, "-Is my wife Lucinda Nott."

"Pleasure to meet you.", Hadrian said as he greeted her accordingly.

Lucina covered her mouth with her palm as she giggled, "What brilliant manners!", she said as she stared intently at Theo.

Theo rolled his eyes, "wHat bRiLLiaNt MaNneRs!", he repeated mockingly.

Lucinda smacked Theo on his head sharply, "Don't be rude!".

Theo doubled over, clutching his head as he rolled on the floor, "This is your fault, Hadrian!", he said as pointed at Hadrian.

Hadrian laughed at Theo's shenanigans, "How is it my fault?"

"It's alright, dearie.", Lucinda waved off Hadrian, "Theo's just being silly."

"Like always.", Daphne added.

Theo quickly rose to his feet, he seemed to have recovered from the pain instantly, "That's not true!"

Daphne rolled her eyes, "What about the detentions you received from Professor McGonagall for all those pranks you pulled with the Weasley twins."

Lucinda smacked Theo on the head, again.

Theo assumed his early position on the floor, "Daphne! That is not cool!"


Hours passed, and Hadrian, Daphne, and Theo were now on sitting by the lake's pier.

"I'm bored.", Theo said as he closed his comic book, "I'm gonna go and annoy Korby, bye!".

Theo ran down the pier and made his way back into the house.

Hadrian and Daphne were now left alone.

They sat on the edge of the pier, their legs dangling just above the water as the sun began to set.

"So...", Hadrian broke the silence first, "How's school?"

"You asked me this last time.", Daphne remarked shyly.

"I know. But last time, all you talked about was the Troll and how barmy Dumbledore was."

Daphne smiled, "I suppose you're right."

"Well then?"

"Hogwarts is...fun.", Daphne shrugged, "I have a few friends, and one best friend called Tracey."

"Is that the one you said called Malfoy a ferret?"

Daphne giggled, "Yup!"

"She sounds fun.", Hadrian said, "What about the work? I suppose it's easy since we did go to Aunriton, after all."

Daphne sighed, "Yeah. It's easy. I'm currently the Number One student, although someone else is looking to steal that from me..."

Hadrian looked at her confused, "Theo? I doubt Theo will want to-"

"No, not Theo.", Daphne interrupted, "He gets good grades, but he doesn't care about things like that."

"Yeah, I thought so too.", Hadrian added, "So, who is this 'someone', that's looking to dethrone the 'Ice-Queen'?"

Daphne nudged Hadrian, "Her name's Hermione Granger, she's a Muggle-born."

"And she's smart - is she?"

Daphne nodded, "Nowhere near the level I'm at so far, but I did get a head start. I doubt she'll ever be able to take my spot. Not with how much I'm studying now."

Hadrian nodded, "Good. I can't have my best friend losing to someone else."

Daphne smiled in response, her cheeks tinged with pink.

"Daphne, why are you studying so hard?", Hadrian asked, "I'm sure spell-crafting is hard, but you don't need to start studying that now."

Daphne looked away from Hadrian, "I don't want to become a Spell-Crafter."

Hadrian blinked in confusion, "What made you change your mind?"

Daphne responded, but still refused to meet Hadrian's eyes, "I just don't want to become one anymore. Is there something wrong with that!?"

Hadrian studied her as he thought in his mind, 'Well, there goes the book on spell creation I got her...'

Daphne sniffed, a tear rolling down the side of her face.

"Daph!", Hadrian exclaimed, "What's wrong?"

Daphne shook her head, wiping her eyes before facing Hadrian, "N-... Nothing."

Hadrian stared at Daphne sternly, "Daph. You can't say that after crying."

"I wasn't crying!", Daphne shouted, "I'm fine."

"You're clearly not fine.", Hadrian said as he shook his head, "If you don't want to tell me, then I'll leave."

He got ready to leave before Daphne's hand clutched his arm, "Don't!"

Hadrian breathed out a quiet, "Okay.", and waited patiently for her to tell him.

"It's my sister.", Daphne finally said.

"What about her?"

"...She's-", Daphne paused as a sob escaped her, "Sh-she's going to...die!", she finally cried out as tears began to leak from her eyes.

Hadrian neared closer to her and placed her head on his shoulder - like he'd seen Charlus do to Dorea many times.

Daphne wrapped her hands around Hadrian's neck as she whimpered quietly. The blonde girl shook gently within his embrace as sobs racked through her body.

"What do you mean Daph?", Hadrian asked as they finally broke apart, "She looked healthy to me."

Daphne wiped her eyes before explaining, "There's a blood curse in my family."

Hadrian noted the bitter tone she was speaking in, it was unfamiliar on Daphne.

"It skipped a generation, and Astoria is the one that has it now. No one has ever survived it.", Daphne tightened her fists as she glared at the lake, tear droplets accompanying her next sentence, "It should have been me."

Hadrian turned Daphne so that she was facing him, "No, It shouldn't. No one deserves that.", he said as he wiped the tears from her cheeks, "Is that why you don't want to become a Spell-Crafter anymore?"

Daphne nodded, "I'll become a Healer instead. I'll save Astoria's life."

Hadrian surveyed her face, and found that she was resolute in her goal.

"I'll help you."

Daphne's eyes widened in shock, "H-huh?"

"I'll help you save Astoria.", Hadrian declared. "I promise."

Daphne's eyes grew teary as she shook her head, "No! You don't have to, I can-"

"No!", Hadrian stopped her from continuing, "I already promised."

She stared at Hadrian pleadingly, "Really? Do you mean it?"

"Of course I mean it, Daph.", Hadrian confirmed, "I won't let her die."

Daphne lunged at Hadrian.

"Thank you! Thank you! Thank...-", she whispered repeatedly.

Hadrian comforted her by rubbing her back slowly, "It's fine. Do one thing for me, though."

Daphne pulled from Hadrian and looked at him confused.

"Don't give up on being a Spell-Crafter. I know you want to become a Healer to save Astoria, but you don't have to give up on your dream."

Daphne considered his words for a few seconds, before nodding slowly.

"Okay.", she whispered.

"You wanna go back inside now?", Hadrian asked tentatively, "Or stay here for a while - you have been crying, after all."

Daphne smiled warmly at Hadrian.

They both sat there for a few seconds until Daphne responded.

"Can we stay here for a while?", she said, "I've soaked us both with my tears. Sorry..."

"Don't worry about it.", Hadrian said as he brought out his wand and cast a Scourgify on both of them.

Daphne laid her head on Hadrian's shoulder as they both sat there on the pier.

They were there for quite some time, watching as the sun fell slowly.

Charlus stood up abruptly because he noticed the wards. In case people were confused by that part,lol.




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