
Wolf's Farewell Party

The next day, I met with my team at the Anbu HQ to finalize some formations and other miscellaneous stuff that we need to familiarize ourselves with each other.

The most important thing that I was able to see about my subordinates was that after I told them yesterday that they needed to work together as a team, they did train as a team after I left.

They brainstormed about their strength and weaknesses and they were able to formulate a compromise for each other.

Crow was a mid to long-range fighter while Monkey was a mid to melee specialist. Ox was the sole exception of the 3 because he was a pure melee fighter.

You can see in their body build that Ox was a vanguard type ninja. He has a large katana, to match up his large body frame and tall physical structure. He is also able to fight even without his Katana and he can use Lightning Jutsus as combos with his Katana.

Monkey is also a good melee combatant and he can use his Bo Staff efficiently. His Bo Staff also extends up to 10 meters if he wants to by inserting chakra on the Staff. He can also use some of the Sarutobi fire style jutsu as a mid-range attack.

Crow was a sensor just like me and at the same time has a fully matured Sharingan. She is also proficient in basic genjutsu by using her Sharingan while she has learned most of the Uchiha fire style techniques. She's also quite proficient in Taijutsu but with her small frame, it is not her best suit.

After I told them about everything that I learned from Kakashi about teamwork drills and formations, I also taught them things that they need to know at the field as an Assassin Anbu.

When we were finished discussing everything, I then dismissed them and told them that we will meet up again tomorrow with Neko's team to deliberate about our battle plan once we arrive at Kirigakure.


When I arrived home around 3 pm, I was surprised that everyone I know was there. I thought that the party was supposed to begin around 5 pm because of Yuki and the other academy schedule but to my surprise, even Iruka Sensei and Kurenai were there at the party.

The Ino-Shika-Cho trio was there together with Naruto. Hinata was also there with his father and sister Hanabi. Kakashi Sensei is not late for once and he was together with Guy Sensei and Yuugao Senpai. The other Jonin Senseis were not there due to their respective missions but I was still happy that almost everyone was there.

Even Izumi nee, together with her cousin Itsumi was there with Hana nee and Yuki. Mom was there with Kuromaru and the Hokage.

When I arrived, they said "HAPPY BIRTHDAY!"

"Nani? It's not my Birthday guys." I said.

"Well we decided that it will be your birthday celebrations since you'll be out of the village for quite a while, you won't be able to celebrate your birthday with us. Happy 11th Birthday son." My mom said as she got close to me and put a birthday hat on my head.

After that the party took place and we had fun the whole day while laughing at Naruto's antics, it was time to receive my birthday presents.

"How were you able to get gifts for me this fast. You just had the rest of the day earlier to procure a gift." I said.

"That's why don't be picky with your gift because we didn't have time to think of anything useful." Hana said.

"Ne, ne. My gift first Daisuke!" Naruto said as he gave me a huge box.

When I opened the gift, it was filled with Cup Noodles of different flavors.

"Do you like it Daisuke, Dattebayo!?" He said while I sweatdropped.

I thank him for the gift and the rest followed suit.

Izumi nee and Itsumi gave me a Fire Jutsu Technique called "Katon: Fire Fist.". It was almost the same with Ace's attack which generates a lot of flames through my hands. The larger the chakra you pour, the bigger the attack.

Ino then gave me a book about a love story while Shikamaru gave me a sleeping eye mask. Choji, as always, just like Naruto, gave me lots of potato chips.

Yuki gave me a new Jacket while Hinata gave me a scarf. Hiashi Jiji and Hanabi gave me a set of camping tools for my mission, while Iruka Sensei gave me a Ninjutsu Theory book and Kurenai gave me a Genjutsu scroll.

After them, Yuugao Senpai gave me a blade cleaning tool while Guy Sensei brought out a green spandex matching his suit and a small notebook.

Kakashi Sensei gave me an Icha Icha Tactics Book, but it was snatched by my mom immediately and glared at Kakashi. After that, he just gave me a box with an intricate pattern and told me to open it later when I'm alone earning my mom's glare again.

After that, it was Hiruzen's turn. He gave me a new set of Fuinjutsu Tools.

Hana Nee's gift and Mom's gift was the best of them all. Hana Nee gave me a wallet that also acts as a picture album. Inside was everyone's pictures. Mom then gave me a gold pocket watch and when I opened it a seal was inscribed at the top part of the locket.

"That is a family heirloom of our clan Daisuke. Wherever you are, we'll always know if you are dead or in danger. If ever that happens, I will rush to your place, even if the cost of it would be my life." She said.

After that all of us just chatted with each other for a while and then one by one, they made their goodbyes and good lucks and they then went home. The last visitor that left was Naruto and Hiruzen.

"Always be safe Daisuke! Okay! Come back in one piece. If you don't I'll find you and kill you myself! Dattebayo!" Naruto said with teary eyes.

"How would you kill me if you haven't ever defeated me yet. I'll make sure to come back before you graduate. So study well and train with Yuki everyday bro! Is that a deal?" I said while I offered a fist bump.

"You got a deal. Dattebayo!" Naruto said while he bumped my fist with his own.

"Ahhhh, before we leave Daisuke. 2 other persons wanted to give this to you." Hiruzen then gave me 2 scrolls with 2 different eye patterned seals.

"Thank you Jiji, I'll make sure to open it later." I said.

After I watched the 2 of them leave, I then went inside and helped mom, Yuki and Hana nee clean the place up. After that, I then went upstairs to open Kakashi Sensei's box and the 2 scrolls Hiruzen gave me.

Hello Guys!

I just want to announce that I found an online job just this past few days that's why I wasn't able to update because I was busy with the application and interviews.

I've always wanted to apply for a job since the lockdown started because I want to help with the expenses here in the house. That's why I searched for jobs after jobs and finally, I was accepted and the Training will start this evening since it's a graveyard shift.

Also, don't worry about me abandoning this story because I won't drop it.

Anyways, thank you guys for the support. Always wash your hands and be safe.

Walker Out!

Lain_Walkercreators' thoughts
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