
I Got My First Task

When I went for my first day of my job I came to know that our defence minister was kidnapped. The boss called me "Jack Jack, come here fast I have a big task for you, the defence minister is kidnapped and it is a big ashamed news for our country so you have to go and save the defence minister and come and you have just 4 weeks to do because our same agents are there in the neighborhood country and they told us that they are planning to attack our country so you have to go and save the defence minister." I was told that we got a clue that he is now in shinker state and after 4 days he will be in tonk state so I had to work fast but there was a problem that there is tight security so I have go safely alone and it is very difficult but I have to do it any how for my country because I don't want any violence in my country.

1 Chapter/month