
Chapter 31

The sort of trance that I was getting in to, had his energy start to try and work it's way out. Starting to let out a sort of energy to start slowly leaking his own energy out. It seems to be flowing out in a steady little stream of energy that is matching Tortuga's. He feels himself starting to work into the cycle, starting to go from being released into the world around. It starts to press into the ground and feeding into the plant life.

It starts to go into the world, the return isn't great for himself, but enough to make it even a great way to make the plant life start to get even deeper, going into the bush and causing those buds starting to grow and feed the plant and causing the bush to flower at a generous rate. The grass was starting to get higher up, reaching the edge of the giant tortoises's rim of shell.

Syren and Nadia were taking advantage of this and moving close up towards him. Azure and Lapis were still playing, the pair were still starting to roll up and down though near the front. It was almost an hour before Syren's head raises up. Looking around in awareness of something happening around.

There isn't something truly noticeable, there was a few different things happening in the area around them. The fact being there was a few animals were starting to be even more attentive to them. Not approaching, most of the animals around had some sort of awareness. The fact that they had moved in and were starting to move back towards their habitats after the disturbance from the humans.

It wasn't loud noises, the fact that most of the animals were just sitting and watching and enjoying the basic energy. It was a bit of a strangeness, the menagerie was sitting down next to each other.

When the wolf finally moved, he looks around at the animals that seemed to find interest in the group at the center of the clearing. He almost thought about having a staring match with some of the animals that were looking at him. His eyes land on a few does that were in the surroundings.

His focus on them seems to make the already nervous creatures more nervous. He looks back at his mother, the question didn't even need to be asked before she starts to instruct him, not planning to help. "You are going to need to do the same as the boars. Just do not try to force it as much. Using to much makes it harder for it to be a clear, and keep them calmer."

He bobs his head with that information, taking a quick moment to let himself flow out of his body. The astral form was much easier to use then the practice he had with Tortuga. It was easy to clear the distance between him and the does. Standing close to them, he just thinks calm thoughts himself, staring at the deer, not really trying to share the ideas with them.

It was a bit easier to get the pair convinced to stay where they were. A few other animals had decided to head off, worried because they see some gluttonous looks on the pair of foxes that were 'Queens of the Tortoise.' Both were pretty happy that they had so many options towards what they might want to eat.

In the back of his mind, he hears his mother and Nadia reprimanding the pair that were preparing to toss spikes out, even though they wouldn't be able to get to eat.

They didn't seem to get the idea that their parents were trying to convey about the fact that they shouldn't waste it. Then again, there is also Tortuga to keep in mind, the tortoise didn't eat meat, at least they didn't seem to notice that he did.

It was during a little bit of yipping from the pair, until a loud crack sounds out. Causing almost everyone to bolt. The deer do move themselves feeling safe enough, they just moved to the shadows instead of running off.

He didn't move, taking his time to look around, not as worried, but knew that something big must have been moving around. Searching around, he doesn't seems to have a chance to find something that makes sense for where the sound had come from. Nadia and Syren had a basic idea themselves, they felt a little exposed, having been resting on top of the shell.

There wasn't anything that seems to have been standing out in the forest. Just some loud noises were happening with a bit of frequency. The strangeness of the noises were causing him to look everywhere, hoping for something to find. Tortuga seemed to have no issues with the noises, his mind seeming to push it off, nothing was worrying it.

The tortoise had finally decided it had it's fill of the green leaves, turning slowly and moving at a glacial pace as he head toward the cave that it had taken it sharing residence with them. Syren and Nadia seemed to get more and more attentive, wondering where the noisy animal or person was.

That was the only thing that the young wolf could choose to have been making so much noise. The fact that it had stopped after Tortuga started moving made him curious. It was almost like someone was just there for the ancient being.

Syren seems to have a little nod to her head and keeping her eyes peeled on the forest, worrying constantly. It was a feeling like a string was getting ready to snap, strung tight. Nadia was the same, holding a spike just under herself, hidden by her fluff so neither what was around, or her children could see. Knowing that the pair would love to have a reason to use their own.

His search had started to circle around, looking for something out of place, hoping to find out that something large had been moving around. Something was hidden, and he noticed a faint glimmer in the trees, like something had been hit by the light of the sun.

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