
Chapter 16

Syren huffs a little at the worry in her son's mind, "Pack bonds are a lot stronger then you seem to be thinking. Your mind probably still feels exactly where they are." She says in a slow loping pace, keeping herself to matching him, not leading him along this time instead.

He shakes his head in disagreement, "I don't think so. I mean, they probably do not even hear us right now." He says as if that was all the proof they would have needed. Taking in the scents nearby, deep breathes with every step, trying to find just where he is wanting to get to.

His mother doesn't dispute him, but rolls her eyes, "Relax a little, don't focus like you did on your first hunt." The wolfess nudges him when he lost track of the scent. "You should learn to trust your mother more." She says, almost puffing out her chest. Reminding him of the loli's in anime.

He sighs a little, closing his eyes and taking in a breathe, he doesn't go as deep as he had when trying to project himself. It's edging though, he could see the world under him, and what looks like a loose string from a shirt or sweater, something you wouldn't even notice if someone mentions it is there. A piece of thick steel cable though, is connected to something closer, it is very obviously, his mother.

Syren bobs her head in a nod, "There you go, find all three threads now, don't want you to miss them all." She says, not trying to break his concentration, but knowing encouraging him would help.

He bobs his own head, "Okay, I'll work on it a little more then." The wolf says getting a little distracted, thinking about how much easier it would be to have a name. That rabbit hole was trying to draw him in, and he skirts around it for the moment. A little white thread was barely caught out of the side of his eye, he quickly collects that thread. He starts looking around his mind/soul scape for the last one. It was almost like the last one had been hidden above him, dangling like a piece of string for a kitten.

The three are collected in his soul's hand, opening his eyes, he barely sees the little threads, starting to slowly follow these, he notices, even though they had been in different positions in his mind, they were all together. He takes his time to follow, having found the threads, he notices they are relaxed, he could tell that they were probably taking a rest, maybe even taking a nap.

Syren bobs her head again, "Your thoughts are right, they are most likely asleep. Packs aren't usually this new. Your to be an Alpha, you will improve with your age." She lets him know. Letting him take the lead, falling back to not have him follow.

It wasn't quick, but they weren't needing to be, they knew where to go, and didn't have a problem getting their to late. They find the vixens curled up resting in the sun, an almost bone deep satisfaction is in all three of them being sunned. He decides it is time to get a little even with them.

He lets go of the threads, starting to bounce up and down. Syren looks at him a little amused, "Don't jump to high, you don't turn to water." His mother's remind of their interesting constitutions makes his head move into agreement. He instead, runs towards them like he was planning to tackle. His mind almost making him think his legs were moving like those cartoons with the legs spinning like wheels.

He arrives and winds up shoving his head in between Azure and Lapis, climbing over Nadia. Their confusion almost felt like it was pumped out from a hose. He turns around and rests his head in between, barely able to have his nose right in between the cubs. Nadia was soon standing up, shaking all three off, looking around wondering what had happened.

He was smiling in his mind at the sort of prank, the cubs pouncing towards him, starting their wrestling match. His teeth lightly moving to nip them. The cute pair circling him jumping just barely back. The seem to be of one mind, jumping at the same time, so both head were pressing into his sides, having tried to jump out. He rolls over Lapis when she slips a little, her sister joining, running over he sister to try and nip him some more.

Both Nadia and Syren look at them, entertained by the sudden burst of energy from the trio. The wolf tries to get at least one of the girl's pinned. They make sure to not be to close to him, remembering when he was able to pin them together earlier.

They didn't keep track of how many times that they able to get on top, and how many time he had been able to manage. His mother barks after a bit, showing that they should get going. "Come on son, we should find a new territory."

The foxes are a little confused, they knew what the wolfess meant, but they had never heard words before, or knew about the fact that they could convey the same sort of messages as the images. In a way, it was clearer, but it was also a little more confusing.

The wolf nods his head, "Okay." Sending his agreement through that simple word and feeling. The foxes are still confused by this. It is a hard little thing, but he starts to lightly teach the girl's, it's almost like trying to remember every word in a dictionary, and thinking of a suitable image to correspond. Not a sentence, which would be lot easier, but trying to find images for some, just made him blank, there were so many words in language that were needed, but was hard to imagine.

His mother just shook her head at his attempts to teach, "Better to just let them listen, then to teach them. It will make it easier for them to understand, and they will learn so much quicker that way." She points out to him.

He nods, "Makes sense, sort of like babies." Which actually makes his mother a little confused, until he shows an image of a cub. The foxes just taking it in and just trying to understand it as best as possible.

"Now let's decide where to go, none of us have any ideas where to go just yet." Syren let's him know. Letting him know just where they had gone so far. Pretty much west and north-west were the only true choices.

He decides to go west, his mother's head bobbing in response, the foxes didn't really care. As long as they were together, they were happy. It almost seemed to be like they were still a little dependent on the pair.

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