
Chapter 33: S2-E9: Splendors of Qarth - Part 2

Chapter Thirty-Two: The Splendors of Qarth – Part Two

Forward: Editing credit to Rainsfere.

Ciri was finishing changing into her new outfit in the small private tent Gaunter's outdoor shop had, reserved for customers wishing to change into their recently bought clothes before examining themselves in the humble merchants mirrors. While she worked on getting the laces of her boots tightened, she tried to listen in on the faint conversation outside between Gaunter and Daenerys, only picking out a few words. Despite how friendly and polite the mysterious man was, she continued to feel on edge about him while still trying to remember where she had heard his name before.

"Just being paranoid." She muttered to herself. For all she knew she must have heard of a few Gaunters back in her own world. Right now they needed a new ally besides Xaro, someone who could give some insight on Qarth beyond their lavish host. Gathering up her old clothes, she left the tent where Dany, Jorah and Gaunter where waiting nearby, relaxing on large sitting pillows. All of them along with Daenerys's nearby procession looked at Ciri, everyone seeming quite impressed with how she looked in her fine duelist outfit.

"I have to say sister, you look quite dashing. If you just cut up your hair a bit you could pass as a man." The Targaryen teased with a small giggle.

Jorah chuckled a bit. "If the men back in Westeros and much of Essos saw you dressed like that…well…you'd anger quite a few people"

"What, does seeing a lady in leathers and pants enough to frustrate the knights of Westeros?" Ciri jested back as she examined herself in one large mirror before moving to take a seat beside Daenerys. "As a Targaryen though I can dress however I see fit. So if anyone has an issue they can complain all they want…and if they want to fight over it…" She patted Zireael on her back, shifting the sheath blade off to lay beside her.

"Such bold independence. It's quite refreshing to see after so long." Gaunter commented with a small grin. "However I'm sure all of you have questions for me, considering I already know so much about you."

"Indeed." Dany replied. "Again I must thank you for helping us with that other merchant. I guess my first question is where you are from. You aren't from Essos from what I can tell…so are you Westerosi?"

"Heh admittedly I have no true homeland my dear. To me the world itself is my home, for I'm just a boundless soul seeking to experience it's wonders and hear it's endless stories."

"Quite poetic." Ciri commented. "I can say I understand what you mean, having traveled freely for much of my life."

"Glad we can relate." Gaunter chuckled. "Anyway I have shifted between trades before taking on my more…unique choice of merchandise. Mirrors aren't the most sought-after items; however they have been my life's passion for as long as I can remember. I doubt you'll find finer quality in all the world."

"Then I'll know who to speak to when I have need of one." Dany politely remarked. "You mentioned you also deal in other matters."

"Of course. Often I get my hands on quite useful trinkets, things that I trade or discover during my travels. Most I keep for myself, but at times offer them up for a trade or payment for a favor completed." The man explained. "Lastly I deal in information. Secrets, rumors and the like. My mundane appearance makes many overlook me, thus letting me overhear quite interesting conversations."

"Even matters relating to the Thirteen of Qarth?" Ciri questioned. "Our host Xaro insists they're quite the powerful group."

"Oh and they are. The amount of wealth they control is astounding, though I'm sure you understand that after seeing Prince Xaro's palace. The fact is though they are simply merchants who have played the game of trading to the highest degree. Money and material items are their interest…along with protecting said wealth." From his tone he seemed to see the Trade Princes interests to be quite dull. "However, you arrival here will surely stir things up."

"How so?" Dany questioned.

"Here in Qarth, the people prefer being isolated. They fear the outside world, of sudden change coming to them." Smirking, he gestured west to the city's triple walls to make his point.

"They have good reason to. Their riches and key place among the sea routes make's Qarth a target for many." Jorah countered.

"It is one thing to be protective of what is yours Ser Jorah, it's another when you shut everything out. Trust me, if it weren't for Xaro, the fair Khaleesi and her people would have been forced back into the wastes."

"I have a feeling this is leading into how to bargain with them." Ciri said with an inquisitive look.

Gaunter nodded. "Sharp of you Lady Vaera. Normally one would simply trade for the Thirteens aid, though you lack the coin to do so or…willing items." His gaze did drift to the sleeping dragons in their covered cages. "So you must play on their weakness. Their fear of change and of the outside world."

"Such as the fact that Xaro wishes to marry me?" Dany remarked, surprising both Jorah and Ciri about sharing such information.

A curious gleam showed in Gaunter's eyes. "Very interesting. Those who serve the Thirteen have gossiped on this possibility. The fact is Xaro's position among the council is one of the 'lesser' because of how new he is. To marry you would gain prestige and influence…along with the fact you have dragons."

"I haven't accepted his offer…though after seeing his wealth it is becoming more tempting." The young Targaryen glanced slightly sidelong. "I know a marriage with him would be political, but the thought of doing so feels like I'm…selling myself and my dragons."

Now Ciri was fully understanding the conflict Dany had shown back in the baths. "Its your choice to make sister. If you feel accepting sullies your dignity, then perhaps you should refuse."

"That is the problem. I doubt Xaro will allow us under his care for too long or accept the Khaleesi's refusal. He'll most likely have us leave Qarth, hopefully by ship to a city of our choice." Jorah commented.

"Which is why you need to play on the other Thirteen fears to get their support." Gaunter stated. "However, do not try to threaten them, no matter what. They will be defensive and quickly shut you out of any negotiating. Let them make the first threat before countering and they'll back down quite quickly."

Everyone else thought over this last piece of advice, Dany seeming to be piecing it together into her existing plan. However before she could say more, Ciri spoke up. "There is someone else I'm curious to learn about, the Grand Warlock."

Gaunter gave a curious look hearing that title, stroking his chin slightly. "Now that is a title I don't often hear…or advise speaking publicly of." He calmly warned. "The warlocks may often be viewed as charlatans and frauds, but their Grand Master has proven to be quite dangerous. While he has become secluded, the Thirteen know to respect him, sort of an unofficial member of their circle."

"In what manner exactly? Xaro seemed vague about what he is capable of." Jorah remarked.

"Heh that is the problem, because no one knows truly what the Grand Warlock can do." The mirror merchant replied. "You see there was a warlock a year back who got a bit too lost with his ego, making public claims about how he'd take his rightful place leading the Order. Not long after that boasting, I found him one night drinking himself to a stupor, trembling as he rambled like a mad man." He paused letting tension build. "Now this may seem off topic but relates to this tale. But surely you've noticed something odd about Qarth."

The statement drew confused looks from the trio who glanced between each other, before they began to think over what he meant. Ciri though came to a quick realization. "There aren't any beggars or poor people living on the street."

At that mention Jorah nodded in agreement. "Even when I came to Qarth once during my travels, I noticed that too."

"While the poor do exist in Qarth, they are quite well hidden or at the least have the most basic homes within the harbor district." Gaunter explained. "The half-mad warlock spoke of how for a time his duty was to…collect the unfortunate, be it with bribing lures or force if needed, taking them to the House of the Undying."

"The stronghold of the Warlocks." Jorah muttered, glancing off towards to the east where among the other tall buildings as a faded red stone tower. "To think they live in that old ruin…but appearances can be deceiving."

"So your saying the Warlocks can simply kidnap people and the Thirteen don't care at all?" Dany questioned, a bit disturbed by news.

"Khaleesi, this is a city were slavery is legal. To the Thirteen and most of the citizens here, the removal of undesirables is considering good for the community." Gaunter bluntly stated. "Also no one knows what happens to those who are taken beyond rumors. Claims of them being used in experiments, enslaved to serve the warlocks or even taken to a paradise hidden within the House. Whatever the case, no one who isn't a warlock has gone into the House of the Undying has returned."

"So what about the warlock who spoke of all of this?"

"Ah right, back onto the tale. He drew quite a lot of attention with his ramblings, but then he sees someone…or something that has him tumbling from his seat. The look on his face was true terror as he screamed of them coming for him and that they were among us. Drew a wicked dagger, nearly cutting a few people in his shamble to run out into the streets."

"So did he ever leave the city?"

Gaunter shook his head. "A day later the guard found a body in the alleys, dried up as if it had been in the desert for months. The only way they could identify him was the warlock robes he still wore and that unique dagger he had. No one knows how the other warlocks could do that to a person, but no one dared question them."

The more they were learning about the Warlocks, the more troubling they sounded. Ciri already was figuring out why they were so interested in her, since if they could even sense magic she must be like a roaring flame to them. Considering her history of power-hungry mages and secret orders of sorceresses vying for her, she would have to see them in the same light.

"A fascinating tale, though I feel we should move onto another topic." Jorah stated. "Since you are often traveling, perhaps you can share about any noteworthy news from Westeros. That is if you have visited it recently."

"It has been a while since I visited out west, though I've heard quite a few things when I was staying in the Free Cities." The merchant replied back. "The most shocking story I heard is that King Robert Baratheon is dead, killed by poison after an assassination attempt during a hunt."

A shocked look crossed both Jorah's and Daenerys face, though Dany's eyes had a pleased look hinting them. Considering Robert had killed her eldest brother in battle and was the main reason she was in exile, the young Targaryen had plenty of reasons to despise the dead ruler. Jorah's face was more concerned though since he understood the repercussions of the assassination.

"So have they figured out who killed him?" He questioned.

"Only rumors on who did it. Obviously, the Khaleesi and her late brother were believed to be behind it, though considering recent events that is quite impossible."

Dany fiddled with her hands a bit. "Despite everything, my brother never shared any plans on assassination. Besides, even if he or I had, we simply didn't have the coin or influence to do so."

"That aside there are other claims. One many believe is that Queen Cersei did it all to put her son Joffrey on the Iron Throne as a puppet ruler. Another one involves Robert's trusted friend Lord Eddard Stark of a conspiracy in trying to take control."

"Lord Stark would never do such a thing!" Jorah sternly remarked. "He may be the reason I'm in exile, but the man is honest and honorable."

The Northerner's reaction seemed to be interesting to the mirror merchant, though he didn't remark about it. "Overall Lord Stark was accused of treason for the murder of Robert and for trying to overthrow the Lannisters. He was arrested; however a small elite group of loyalists led a resistance within King's Landing. From what I was told the Stark's mysterious champion, the White Wolf, organized a rescue attempt when Eddard's trial turned into an execution."

"An execution. Ugh…seems the nobility of the south have learned nothing…" Jorah muttered. "Did Lord Eddard escape in the end by this champion of his…in fact since when has House Stark have a champion?"

Ciri was silent though after hearing this champion's title. She had to remember this was a different world, so they surely had to be others with similar titles as her adoptive father. Still, he listened closely as Gaunter answered back.

"Sadly it's unknown of Lord Eddard's fate, only speculation of him being alive or dead. As for the White Wolf, he's a mysterious fellow, a master swordsman from lands afar. He took part in a tournament in honor of Lord Eddard becoming the Hand, winning the Melee by defeating both the Mountain and Ser Jamie in single combat!"

The two names the merchant dropped drew a shocked look from both Daenerys and Jorah. Even Ciri recognized those names since Dany had told her how those two had killed quite a few of her family members. Gregor the Mountain had killed her Aunt and cousins with gruesome cruelty. Jaime the Kingslayer in turn had turned against her father, killing him which lead to the capital being sacked by the turncoat Lannisters.

"Both the Mountain and Ser Jamie alone. Whoever this person is can't be human." Jorah muttered to himself.

"Considering he crippled the Mountain; I may have to agree on that."

Dany smirked a bit at that detail. "Perhaps if I see this warrior I'll see that he get's rewarded, even if he is serving a House that overthrew my family."

At this point though Ciri spoke up. "Did this swordsman carry two blades on his back, have white haired and a scarred face? Also…what is his name?" She suddenly demanded.

"Why…yes he's just as you described. As for his name I believe it was Geralt, Geralt of Rivia in fact."

For a moment Ciri thought her heart had stopped, eyes widening in pure shock. Everything around her seemed to come to a stand still and all sound becoming muted. Already her mind was rapidly thinking over how this is possible…how Geralt of all people could be in the same world. She remembering Avallac'h discussions on reality relativity, of how some worlds could have individuals similar to others. However the description was too accurate and the name with the title was proof enough.

"No no no…how…" She muttered to herself, drawing concerned looks from her companions. They knew about Geralt after she had explained her past to them, though they seemed confused on how the Witcher could also be in this world.

Despite Ciri's obvious shock, Gaunter continued to speak. "Anyway, Westeros is now on the brink of civil war. Robert's brothers and the Lannisters contest for the Iron Throne while the North rally against the Lannisters as well."

"Sounds like the Rebellion all over again." Jorah sighed. "Yet in the end this is a sign of just how divided Westeros has become." Looking to Daenerys, the two were already muttering about what this could mean, though Ciri's attention was set on Gaunter. The merchant kept his gaze set on her, a friendly smile on his face.

"Just…who and what are you?" Ciri whispered, tensing as she reached for her sword.

"Now my dear. Let's not be hasty." Gaunter answered back calmly. "If anything, it's time we have a private chat." With that, he clapped his hands together, the sound making a resounding echo to Ciri's ears. At that moment all sound seemingly stopped, making her glance about as she realized everyone was stuck in a stand still. "Ah much better." The entire market was now frozen in time, stilled by whatever magic this 'merchant' was using.

At this point Ciri had no doubts about who this man…this entity was. "I remember now Gaunter O'Dimm. Geralt told me about you…"

"Hopefully good things considering. I did help him out of a quite dire situation after all and our partnership was beneficial."

"Enlightening details in fact. However I want some clear answers now." She sharply demanded, fearless of Gaunter despite his show of power. "How did Geralt end up following me and what is happening to him?"

"Simple. He took the doorway you came through. As for how it worked for him despite lacking your unique bloodline, I believe it's the bond of fate between you two." Gaunter shrugged though, seeming dismissive of matter. "As for what he has been doing, it's was searching for you at first, trying to gain allies to aid him. Course…things have become complicated."

"Well not the first time he's gotten mixed up in civil wars and politics." Sighing, Ciri was silent for a moment. "He shouldn't be here. Facing the White Frost was my task alone to do…a task I failed in."

"Not completely." Gaunter assured. "So long as you live the White Frost can still be stopped, though the open window you had is long gone."

"Why do you care about the White Frost? Considering that you're here, traveling between worlds is quite simple for you."

"True, though my methods are different from your natural gifts. There are certain rules I must obey and you unique power have few limitations." He explained. "That aside I do have some attachment to a few worlds, your own being a favorite of mine. Besides, it be quite dull if all of existence was slowly snuffed out."

"Alright…fair reasoning there." Ciri muttered before pausing in thought. "So then how do I stop the White Frost? I imagine it's connected to that crown horned creature I encountered when I first arrived here."

"Ah…that is the mystery of it all." Gaunter remarked. "The best I can describe that creature is an avatar of the Frost, a more direct aspect meant to claim this world. Right now the Frost is at it's weakest here, so failure isn't an option for you."

"So no second chances." A small chill went through her, remembering how close she came to dying against that creature, feeling it freezing the very life out of her. "I imagine I won't catch it by surprise again."

"Sadly no. Even if you knew where it was, it will be well protected this time. In fact, whatever it's plans are there are progressing rapidly." He paused letting that detail sink in. "You're going to have to handle this the hard way. Lucky facing this threat head on is doable since the people of this world have faced it before and even contained it for thousands of years. This time the source of the Frost must be wiped out, be it that horned creature you faced or some other unknown source."

Ciri scoffed a bit as she realized what he meant. "You mean build an army? That could take months even years…yet…" She glanced at Daenerys, already understanding why Gaunter suggested that. "If Geralt is trying to make allies in his side of the world while I build up Daenerys strength, a unified force would mean better chances."

"Yes. Much better chances." The way Gaunter repeated that made Ciri nervous, since it seemed there was no guarantee for victory. "Continue to advise and build up trust with Daenerys, who in time will have an army of her own. Besides, both you and her will become stronger as individuals…through your special bond to each other."

It seemed like a logical approach, though she had no idea how she'd convince Daenerys to go off and face a supernatural threat. Time would tell, though she wondered what Gaunter meant of them both becoming stronger from their 'bond'. "Then if we have nothing else to discuss I do have one thing to request of you."

"Curious. Tell me what it is."

"If you plan to see Geralt again could you tell him that I'm alright? Tell him that I'll find him on my own and to stay safe."

"A simple request that I have no issue with. Besides, he's going to be at a quite historic gathering, one that I don't plan to miss." Giving a small smile, he glanced about their still frozen surroundings. "Now before I set things back in flow, I have one warning to give you. For soon you will face a dire threat that can possibly overwhelm you."

"What kind of threat?"

"Sadly I cannot tell you. Again rules I must follow." He dismissed. "Now listen closely. When you are promised great power, refuse it. When you are offered happiness, remember your duty. When given love, realize what you've already lost. When you face your greatest fears, face them head on. And lastly, when all hope seems lost, don't surrender."

Ciri wondered what threat could offer so many dangers at once, but she nodded in understanding to Gaunter's warning.

"Good. Oh and please keep the truth about me to yourself." That little warning did make Ciri tremble a bit for a short moment she saw a horrible vestige about the merchant. With that, he clapped his hands once more, bringing movement and sound back. It nearly took Ciri by surprise, though she remained composed around her companions. For a moment Dany glanced at her with a concerned look in her eyes, seeming to know something was wrong.

"Khaliseei!" The familiar voice of Xaro called out, stopping Daenerys from speaking. Everyone looked to the Trade Prince who had a few of the regal guards standing by. "The Thirteen have called for the meeting. It is time to see them."

With that direct message given, Daenerys nodded before standing up. "Gaunter, thank you for your insightful advice and hospitality."

"Heh, its has been an honor Khalessi! I'm sure our paths will cross again, and we'll have many more interesting tales to share." The mirror merchant politely replied. "Watch yourself well in Qarth, Lady Daenerys. Oh and guard your dragons closely."

With that final warning, the trio rejoining the combined force of the Bloodriders and Xaro's Qarthian guard. By the main road was more of the merchant prince's carriage to transport them to the domed citadel of the Thirteen. With everything sitting down for the ride, Ciri could see how Dany wanted to talk to her about the news of Geralt yet remained silent with Xaro around. Speaking about the Witcher would after all risk Ciri's cover as a Targaryen.

"Now there is a few formalities you must understand about the council. As guests you will introduce yourselves first, sharing titles and the like. In turn you will let the Thirteen do the same…which is quite the long process."

"Well…that is one way to test those seeking an audience." Ciri remarked sarcastically. "Lucky we have quite the patience don't we?"

"If we could endure the Red Wastes, we can handle prolonged formalities." Dany agreed. "I also take that decisions the Thirteen make is by vote as well?"

Xaro nodded. "That would be correct. No member has no official strength over the others, though the elders have greater personal power. Crossing them could prove dangerous for us all, since even if the majority favors us, they could challenge us indirectly."

"Such is the way of politics." Ciri sighed, leaning back in her seat, watching as they neared every closer to the citadel.

Up close they could truly see how daunting it was in size, making it a fitting place for Qarth's wealthy and powerful to decide the future of the city. Arriving at the front steps of the domed citadel, there were more Qarthen guards along with Unsullied lined up in a display of power. Ciri guessed that Qarth didn't have a large official military, since the amount of Unsullied outmatched the regal Qathen guard. With the carriage stopping, the group filed out and began to move up the steps. Xaro and his guards were at the lead with Daenerys, Ciri and Jorah close behind. The three handmaidens carried the caged dragons, who seemed wake with the low screeching and murmuring they made. Lastly the Bloodriders were at the back, the Dothraki alert since they were surrounded.

Nearing the large doors of the citadel, a lone Qarthan guard stood before them, the man taller then the others. His armor oddly was less decorated then the rest and Ciri's sharp eyes could see hints of repairs to the gleaming plate, showing that this individual took pride in being part of battles. His helmet also was stylized like a ram instead of a bull like the other guards, the curling horns ending with the sharp ends pointed forward. At his back he had a large falchion and round metal shield that seemed stylized like the sun.

As Xaro approached, the man bowed quite low despite all that armor. "I welcome you honored Xaro Xhoan Daxos of the Thirteen." The man spoke, his voice deeper unlike the guard who had greeted them at the gates earlier that day. Standing up, his helmed head glanced over the Trade Prince's guests. "As warden of the Citadel and the Thirteens chosen, I must ask to inspect all of you for the safety of the council."

"Do you mean to disarm us champion?" Jorah calmly questioned. "While we welcome the Thirteen's hospitality, I would not wish to be defenseless in protecting the Khaleesi."

The Warden didn't answer back as he already was looking over Daenerys's group. While none could see his eyes under that helmet, Ciri felt tense about the man. He did pause, noting how both Ciri and Dany had swords, the one at the young Targaryen's hip. "A Valyrian short sword. Been a long time since I've seen such a weapon."

Curious, Daenerys looked to the Warden. "I take some guests to the Council bared such weapons in the past?"

"At times, though they are little more than ordainments to most owners. As backwards as Westeros is, at least the weapons there are used by proper warriors." The Warden commented, nodding his head slightly. "You though carry that sword properly…as a real weapon. Keep it sheathed and we will have no issues." Next he examined Ciri's sword, giving a small 'hum' during his inspection. "Never seen a sword of such design, even among the Valyrian crafts."

"Heh you wouldn't be the first to notice Warden." Ciri replied with a small smirk, one hand brushing the pommel of her blade. "Won this on a gamble during my sellsword days. The previous owner claimed it to be from the far east beyond the Jade Sea." It was the best story she could think over about Zireael, which she hoped the observant Warden didn't pick apart.

"I see." The simply reply had her nervous, but she kept her calm. "You may keep your blade as well." Moving onto Jorah, he'd examine him next. "Westerosi…Northerner. Weapons are fitting of a sellsword but your stance is more professional. A knight?"

"That would be correct Warden. Formerly of House Mormont." He answered back.

"Sadly I know little of the Houses of the Seven Kingdoms. However I know most knights are disciplined individuals, so you are allowed entry." Looking to the Bloodrider though, he shook his head at them. "However I will not permit them into the Citadel. I know how loyal a Dothraki can be to those they are sworn other…making them rash when faced with insults."

"Is that so?" One of the Dothraki growled, one hand gripping at his Arakh threateningly. However Rakharo shoved one hand on his fellow rider's arm.

"The Khaleesi is a guest in this city and is expected to obey their customs, thus as her honored warriors we must do the same." He growled to the Bloodrider. "It is no different if an outsider stayed in Vaes Dothrak." His words calmed the fellow warrior, he relaxed his grip before Rakharo move his away.

"Hm…rare to hear wise words from your kind." The Warden muttered. "Your fellow riders will remain outside while you may follow your Khaleesi."

Rakharo only gave a small nod to the Warden before giving a quick order to the remaining Bloodriders who gave grudging nods back as they returned to wait by the carriage. Lastly the Warden moved to the handmaidens carrying the dragons. The young women shifting nervously around the imposing men. Silently, he leaned in to look into one of the wicker cages, Drogon hissing through it at the Warden. "Gods…so they are real." There was real amazement in his word, but he was quick to compose himself. "I hope you'll keep your pets under control Khaleesi."

"My children Warden." Dany replied quite sternly back as she approached the cages. "And like any caring parent, I will not be separated from them. So if you won't allow them entry then the Thirteen will have to meet me at Xaro's palace instead."

The declaration did draw a surprised and nervous look from her noble patron. Even Jorah seemed to not expect such a reaction from her. Ciri though had a small proud smile hinting her lips, liking how Dany making this meeting be on her terms to a degree.

The Warden after a tense moment of silence though nodded. "Of course Khaleesi. Then so long as you keep your dragons far enough from the Council, we'll have no issues." Moving back to the great doors to the citadel, he personally pushed them open for the group. Considering the doorway was made of black iron and fine wood, the man must have had great strength to open it on his own. "This way then honored guests." Gesturing down the ornate hallway, the Warden leading the group forward.

Among the pillars and walls Ciri could see carvings and etchings that depicted many different events of Qarth's history. While some were similar to what was seen throughout the city, here it seemed to be in a roughly chronological order. They would then reach an intersection of halls that split off to the different sections of the citadel, with the way ahead of them having another set of heavy doors watched by more guards. Saluting to the Warden and Daenerys's group, two of the guards grasped the handles of the doors to open the way.

The council chamber itself was not as Ciri expected, being a smaller chamber with a sizable crescent shaped table set at the center. Along the outer side of the table were thirteen seats, each chair regally designed to offer perfect comfort and a show of personal wealth. At the seats were twelve Qarthans, seven men and four women, all lavishly dressed in colorful garb much like Xaro.

"Honored Thirteen. Trade Prince Xaro Xhoan Daxos has arrived along with his honored guests." The Council Warden formally declared, giving a low respectful bow to the group. Xaro nodded to his fellow council members as he moved for his open chair at the table, a few returning it while others muttered about. They eyed Daenerys and Ciri, seeming to have expected the Khaleesi of Dothraki to not look so formal along with having a 'sister' at her side.

Once Xaro was seated, Daenerys stepped forward before the council and gave a short bow. "Thank you honorable Thirteen for inviting me to this gathering. I am Daenerys Targaryen the Stormborn. Khaleesi of the late Khal Drogo, Crosser of the Red Wastes and…" With a small gesture the handmaidens undid the ties to the wicker cages. At once the young dragons crawled out, drawing shocked and amazed remarks from the Qarthan council. The Warden tensed, though didn't interfere as the three dragons approached Dany. Drogon crawling up her back to rest on her shoulder, while Viserion climbed into her arms and lastly Rhaegal curled up close at her right leg. "…The Mother of Dragons."

With her titles given and the impressive display of the dragons, the Thirteen seemed almost at a lost for words. Xaro though had a pleased smirk seeing his fellow council members so speechless. They had no doubt expected a desperate outcast, but instead faced a confident Valyrian. Ciri at this point stepped up beside her 'sister' smirking a bit at the stunned group.

"Sadly I lack any real titles like my sister. However, an introduction is needed for me still." She remarked. "I am Vaera 'Waters' Targaryen. I am the bastard born daughter of King Aerys Targaryen and Shana Goodbrook. I have lived in hiding for all my life, only recently come to serve my sister as a protector and adviser, putting my experiences to good use."

With the introductions made the Thirteen quietly muttered to each other before the man sitting in the central spot at the crescent shaped table. He was a quite chubby Qarthan, one of the older individuals that made up this council. "I must admit I'm surprised by your introduction sisters…indeed very surprised." He replied formally before giving two sharp claps, making the servants who stood off to the side stand alert. "Servants. Chairs, a table and food for the Targaryens and their dragons. Plenty of fresh meat for the creatures."

"Cook meat please." Dany quickly added. "Dragons prefer their food that way. I'd rather not trouble their appetites." Her tone for that last sentence was a bit chilling, almost as if she were implying someone else may end up as the dragons meal.

Despite that Ciri couldn't help but be amused as the Thirteen gave a small chuckles back, nervousness hinting them. This was going to be quite an interesting discussion…

The first hour was quite a drawn out one as the Thirteen would introduce themselves in turn, sharing long complex names and many titles. However they made it clear about this issue, allowing them to speak to them by the titles, Princes or Ladies of their differing trades. Ciri and Dany at least had chairs to sit down while the listened to their council host, feeding the dragons who lodged around them. With formalities finished, a few questions were asked about Ciri as the Thirteen wished to know the full details of her 'past', leading to her relaying the tale like she had done to Xaro. With her story finished the Thirteen took some time discussing it between themselves before quieting down.

The chubby merchant price who had first spoken to them, the Price of Spices, stood up from his seat. "It seems we underestimated the news about you Khaleesi Daenerys. When word came that the other Khals were hunting for you and that you fled into the Red Wastes, we expected you to be in a more…dire condition."

Daenerys nodded as she offer a piece of meat to Drogon, the black scaled dragon eagerly swallowing the food down. "Indeed. We were only a day into the wasteland when we realized we only had enough water for at best a week. If it weren't for my sister's timely arrival with water supplies, most of my khalasar would have perished trying to reach Qarth."

"Yet it was your planning that ensured we crossed the Wastes, Daenerys." Ciri remarked back. "And considering even supplied armies have failed to cross it, I can say that is an impressive feat."

The Thirteen did mutter in agreement, since they knew well the Red Wastes was their greatest defense from invaders. One female council member in deep red and fine white scarves, the Lady of Wines, spoke up. "And obviously your intentions was to seek refuge within our city. If Xaro hadn't been informed of your approach, you most likely would have been turned away at our gates."

"That is hasty of you to suggest Lady of Wines." Xaro politely argue. "We boast about being an open and civilized city, yet you speak of refusing the first Valyrian to own true dragons in a nearly two centuries."

"And I fully agree." One Qarthan remarked. Dressed in an outfit made of color pelts and fine leathers, it was fitting garb for the Prince of Beasts. "Just to see such magnificent creatures walk the world once more. They are truly…priceless."

"Whatever the case, Daenerys is under Xaro's care. Our Prince of Silks will share any consequence if trouble does come." The Price of Spices muttered, eyeing the dark-skinned man sternly. "So let us get to the true matter, what do you plan to do from here Khaleesi?"

For a moment Daenerys remained silent as she let that question hang in the air, looking over the Thirteen. "I plan to take back what is rightfully mine. The Iron Throne and the Seven Kingdoms."

"Hmm…a bold claim." The youngest female member of the council, her face partly hidden by a black vale, the Lady of Whispers. "From what my distant ears have told me, Westeros is indeed facing great chaos. Its Kingdoms and Houses divided as they scramble for control. A perfect time for you to bring order."

"Bah! This is why the ladies aren't involved in matters of war!" A scarred faced Thirteen muttered out. Out of the whole group he was the most muscular, shown well under the deep green and blue clothing he wore, along with having a saber rested on the table in front of him. "As the Prince of Blades, I understand what is needed in conquest. True three dragons would crush any army, but I'm sure it will take years until their matured and trained properly for battle." He slammed his fist on the table. "You need skilled armies, a fleet and bulk supplies for such an invasion. All of which require allies and gold."

"Which is why we're here today." Ciri coyly replied. "Because you all may have a chance of funding and supporting our cause."

The Thirteen glanced at each other, a few low chuckles and shaking heads shared between them. "Lady Vaera, we are patrons of business. We didn't gain our wealth and success through blind investment…which in your case be a high one." The Prince of Spices politely explained. "If you had connections and backing within Westeros, we may see the potential��but I certainly don't at the moment."

Despite the blunt answer Daenerys kept a small soft smile on her face. "And I do not blame you. Indeed to support me would be quite risky…yet very rewarding." She then paused. "Which is why my kind host Xaro wishes to fully support me through marriage."

The reveal had the Thirteen quickly become silent, all twelve members glanced to the lone merchant prince. Despite the shared news, the dark-skinned man kept calm as he stared back. "She speaks the truth."

"As expected…rash ambitions…" The Prince of Spices muttered.

With this new detailed shared though had the Thirteen spoke in Qarthan, seeming to be debating on the matter. It seemed that Gaunter's advise had been right about the Council having second thoughts when they heard of Xaro's interest of marriage with the young Targaryen.

"I have an offer coming to mind. Ten strong ships manned by professional crews along with enough coin to pay and supply whatever mix of slave and mercenary soldiers to fight on your behalf." The Prince of Beasts offered. "In exchange, I'd like to have one of your dragons. I promise I'd care for the creature properly thanks to records I have collected over the years."

It was quite a grand offer to promise, yet the suggestion made Dany's hand grip the arm of her chair sharply. "Good Prince. What you suggested would be as if I asked you to sell your own child to me so I may put them in a zoo." She coldly answered. "Even if you could hand me the Iron Throne, it and the Seven Kingdoms are no where close to the worth of my children." Drogon even gave a low hiss as he seemed to understand the beast trader's intentions. "Besides, I doubt even you could tame any of my dragons."

The man had a nervous look show on his face from the way Drogon hissed at him, but his gaze did have an annoyed look hinting it. "I meant no disrespect Khaleesi."

"So then how do you plan to bargain with us Khaleesi?" The Prince of Spices formally questioned. "Beyond your…children…you have nothing valuable enough to afford our support."

"At least in the short term." Jorah spoke up, the first time the knight had spoken during the meeting. "With due respect, you all seem to be ignoring the long-term gains. While you all may see Westeros as a backwater nation, it's a land ripe with resources and luxuries that no other land has to offer."

"The Northerner has a fair point." Remarked a Thirteen with large bi-speckled glasses over his eyes, the Prince of Crafts. "I remember getting a sample of black colored wood which was as tough as metal and could sit in a fire pit yet never burn."

"Aye…Iron wood. I doubt there is a tougher wood in all of the world." Jorah confirmed. "Really every part of the Seven Kingdoms has a prized commodity that isn't openly traded with the Free Cities. If the Khaleesi was made queen, then Qarth would have full trade between both far west and east."

"Then there are practical matters we could support Qarth in. Despite your wealth and connections you no doubt have troubles with outlaw groups such as the pirates of the Stepstones, Basilisk Isles and rogue groups." Ciri added. "Even an experienced mercenary company be hard pressed in wiping out such troublesome raiders. In a few years, my sister's Dragons could make short work of them."

"Just getting the head of Crow's Eye be a benefit to us. That damned Iron Islander is a true demon of the seas." The Lady of Wines muttered. "A few years ago he raided one of our largest ships which had a massive order of Shade of the Evening. Enough to supply the Warlocks for a few years, but for an individual it could last decades."

"That one man and his small fleet has cost the cities of Essos a fortune." The Prince of Blades remarked in agreement. "Ending him would send a clear message to all the pirate groups." Pausing in thought, the man looked at Daenerys. "If you'd also be willing to increase Westeros's ships to guard the Narrow Sea, I would be open to possibly supporting you."

"A reasonable request." Dany politely responded with a small smile.

"Let's not be too hasty to agree on such matters though." The Prince of Spices spoke up. "If Qarth is to officially back you Khaleesi, we need time to vote as-" However, the sudden creak of the chamber doors silenced the man along with drawing every gaze to the large doorway.

Two individuals, a young man and woman, dressed in fine black and silver clothes had opened the doorway for a third figure which everyone quickly recognized as Pyat. The bald warlock gave respectful nods to his younger companions before striding into the council chamber. Already the Thirteen muttered about, seeming to not be expecting this sudden arrival. Even their Warden was tense, one hand seeming to drift closer to his weapon.

"What is the meaning of this intrusion Pyat! If you had wished to be involved in this gathering you should have been here from the start." The Prince of Spices demanded sternly.

Pyat kept that calm expression as he moved to stand between Daenerys's party and the Thirteens table, giving a low sweeping bow to both. "I apologize honorable Thirteen. The Grand Warlock wished of me to come in due haste so that he may speak with the Targaryens.

The Prince of Blades scoffed at the man's words. "Well I don't see your wise master with you…so you might have to explain how he'll speak from the other side of the city." The jest drew amused chuckles from the council table, except from Xaro who was silent.

"Amusing sir." By now the two younger warlocks flanked their master, the man on the left and the woman on the right. Pyat then drew out a small crystal bottle from his robes which contained an inky blue fluid. "Yet my master has enough power to commune in…indirect ways."

Opening the bottle, Ciri frowned as her sharp nose caught quite a distasteful scent, something similar to rotting flesh. Despite the smell, Pyat calmly tipped the bottle to his lips, the fluid flowing down it as thickly as honey until emptied out. With one deep swallow the bald man gave a tremble before bowing his head low, while his two student warlocks placed their hands on his shoulders. Both began speak yet no words could be heard from their lips. Pyat's head started to lull about, swaying as if following some unheard music. Then it suddenly snapped up to face everyone, eyes rolled back as he seemed to be in some deep trance. Slowly his white gaze scanned about the room, going across the unsettled Thirteen and Daenerys's curious group. The warlock's gaze stopped at Ciri and Dany, a kindly smile crossing his lips.

"Daenerys Stormborn. The Mother of Dragons. Khaleesi of the Exiled." The voice that spoke those words was not that of Pyat. It was smooth and relaxed; each word clear a water which made it oddly soothing to listen to. "Varea Targaryen. Slayer of Blood. Visenya Reborn."

Ciri recognized the name Visenya from Dany's stories about her family. A fierce female warrior, skilled dragon rider and sister wife to Aegon the Conqueror. It was a humbling comparison considering the past Targaryen's accomplishments, though she hoped that she wouldn't face a slow death at the hands of a withering sickness.

"A humbling title for me Grand Warlock. My line of work doesn't exactly earn much in names or praises." She remarked back.

The possessed Pyat gave a quite whimsical chuckle of amusement in response. "I think you underestimate just how many you have and will earn many more throughout your life." The knowing words did have Ciri shift slightly, though the warlock didn't seem to notice.

"While an interesting discussion, I do have a question for you…Grand Warlock." Dany asked, a bit hesitant on who exactly she was addressing. "I am curious to know what your name is beyond just a title. After all we've heard much about you, though its hard to untangle rumor from truth."

"A wise question but one I can't openly answer so publicly." The voice politely answered with an apologetic frown. "I come here with an a clear offer of aid…not vague promises and bargains. I offer the wisdom of ages and true magical power…things that can't be attained by money or politics."

"You want nothing in return?" Dany questioned.

Pyat bowed low in response. "Being a part of history is reward enough. My life and the creation of the Warlock order has been to further the knowledge of magic…which has faded for far too long." Pyat then gave a low groan, body twitching suddenly. "Ugh…but sadly that story is for another time. Know this ladies of destiny that the House of the Undying will welcome you if you need it." Sharply his head snapped up to then stare at the Thirteen. "Be weary of your hosts. Their deals and promises are like poisoned honey…alluring yet insidious. Fear…greed…petty emotions that…ugh…"

That cold rant was cut short as Pyat trembled, eyes rolling forward before he became limp. The two younger warlocks supported their master, heads bowed low in ritual like respect. "The link has been stressed. The Grand Warlock and Master Pyat have exhausted themselves." The male mystic explained.

"Heed the Master's words fair sisters. This is the age of change…one that you will bring to all of the world." The female mystic added before she and her male twin dragged away the unconscious warlock out of the room and down the long hallway out of the citadel.

The council chamber was dead silent for a long while until Jorah at last gave a small cough. "Well…that was an eccentric performance."

"Quite…and unwelcomed." The Prince of Spices muttered. "I don't know what trickery Pyat or his students are trying to pull, but such disrespect will not be overlooked."

"I believe we've discussed enough for now. It has been a long day for the sisters and there will be plenty of time to focus on how we as a group can support them." Xaro remarked, drawing a few nods of agreement from the other Thirteen.

Dany bowed her head in understanding. "Then we'll take our leave for now." Standing up, the handmaidens approached with the wicker cages, letting Daenerys carefully put her dragons back into them. "Thank you all for allowing this meeting and that we will speak again soon."

"Likewise Khaleesi." The Prince of Spices politely responded. "Until another gathering is called for, enjoy exploring the splendors of Qarth."

With that formal dismissal, Ciri would stand up from her seat as well and followed Daenerys out of the chamber with the rest of their group close behind. Right now her mind was thinking over what had happened with Pyat being in that trance along with the message given by supposed the Grand Warlock. Her pace slowed as they moved down the hall, making Daenerys pause in her walk.

"I know that look. You're worried about what Pyat said."

"Or the Grand Master. I've seen possession magic before, though this required more effort to do." Ciri answered. "The fact is between the Warlocks, the Thirteen and Xaro…I'm starting to think coming to Qarth was a mistake."

Dany sighed, shaking her head slightly. "You know we had no other choice. I know the politics and intrigue is troublesome, but we'll weave through it."

Ciri didn't answer as she'd gaze back to the council chamber, the doors being closed by the waiting guards. Before they slammed shut, she could see the many stares of the Thirteen watching them…gazes that she knew all too well from her experience. "Whatever the case…I feel we're more of prisoners in this city and we that truly can't trust anyone but ourselves…"

Daenerys gaze had a worried hint hearing those words, knowing it was best to trust Ciri's judgement. Without a word they both continued on down the hall, eager to return to Xaro's palace and enjoy a proper bed…just to forget the many worries on their thoughts.

Notice: Well this has been a delayed chapter, however the last season of Game of Thrones along with a prolonged cold has slowed me down. I can say the end of the show was…disappointing really. While the actors and dedicated cast put so much effort into their work, the writing was what truly pulled the show down. I won't say much more on that, but you can discus more on the Fanfic forum I've set up through my profile.

Anyway I feel more dedicated then ever to doing this crossover. As a fan of both the show and book, I want to give it the story the setting deserves. We still have a long way to go, but over the last few weeks I've gotten a massive surge of supporters which has been truly touching for me. I promise I'll continue to strive for quality content no matter what.

That aside, for those who don't keep track on the forums or my profile, the Fan Raman podcast has come out a few weeks ago with my interview having been released only a few days ago. You can listen to the podcast at Fan Raman's Youtube channel, website, SoundCloud or ITunes. The interview currently is only available on their website, SoundCloud or ITunes. Overall the team at Fan Raman have done a fantastic job, so please go check out these two episodes. Everything is completely free, like and share whatever you see.

As always please review or seen me a PM if you have anything to comment on or join the White Wolf of Westeros here on Fanfiction. As a Fandom, its better that we engage as a community. Overall thank you all for reading and supporting this crossover! See you next chapter!

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