

Barristan glanced at Geralt, seeing the serious look in those cat like eyes. "We can't be certain. Lord Stark's death by that assassin is proof that someone else has a hand in all this chaos. Too much has happened too quickly for her to plan all of this."

It was a logical reasoning, something the Witcher nodded in agreement. "Have to say I'm getting fed up with all this conspiracy and backstabbing. Faced a lifetime of that back home already."

"It's only going to get worse."

"I know..."

Both men were silent, just taking in the peacefulness of the sunny day and vast sea surrounding them.

"So, what will you do now?" Geralt suddenly questioned. "The Lannisters will no doubt be hunting for you for helping us."

"I've been debating over my next course of action. One matter I feel bound to do is to ensure Eddard's daughters are brought home safely."

"I hope you didn't steal that from Lord Beric. He promised the same thing." The Witcher jested.

"Heh… honest men think alike." Barristan chuckled out. "Yet after my task is done I plan to go to Essos to settle one final matter."

"Essos? Why would you go all the way out there?"

"Personal reasons. Still have some old oaths to keep and answers to find."

It was a blunt and vague answer, though Geralt had some ideas on what the old knight had planned. After all, the last of the Targaryens was somewhere out there in the vast half of the world, though what Barristan planned to do was uncertain to even the Witcher.

"Then I won't question them. I can only wish you the best of luck when we do part ways."

"And the same to you Geralt." Barristan respectfully answered back. "The world is changing. It's not just the looming threat of war but something different…" He'd glance at the Witcher with a sharp look in his eyes. "Whatever happened last night has changed you. Its subtle really, a stronger stance and more alert look in your eyes."

Thinking about it, Barristan did have a point. The Witcher's senses did seem sharper and while his head was still aching from before his body felt more alert as well. It wasn't major, but notable when he put his mind to it. Already he wondered if this awakening may have some effect on his Signs, though he wouldn't know until he had a private chance to practice.

"Whatever the case, I know these coming days will test you Witcher…it will test all of us." Barristan placed a firm hand on Geralt's shoulder. "Knowing you, you'll take on the entire world to protect those you care for."

"Considering what I faced before, I may have already."

The claim had the old knight smirk before giving a parting pat on Geralt's shoulder. "Then don't lose that confidence and determination. Such qualities can prove quite inspiring for others." Removing his hand, he'd give a small sigh. "Anyway, you've heard enough of an old man's ramblings. I best leave you be to enjoy what freedom you'll have before we reach Dragonstone."

Geralt only nodded in agreement before the old knight walked away, leaving the Witcher by himself. There were so many reeling questions going through his mind which in turn led to countless possible outcomes at the same time. "Shouldn't be overthinking or worrying." He muttered to himself as he leaned against the edge of the ship railing. Takin a deep breath, he'd calm himself as he'd shut out the bustle of the crew behind him. He'd slip into a light mediation, focusing on the sounds of the ocean and blowing wind to help relax his troubled mind.

"Are you alright Geralt?"

Arya's soft voice had the Witcher's eyes snap out before he'd glance to his right to see the young girl standing by. She still wore the boy clothes she had stolen from before, guessing the ship had nothing fitting for a girl or spare clothing her size. Her eyes were red, cheeks flushed from cry, though right now she seemed calm for the moment. He'd realize it was sunset as he saw the light low in the west, casting a deep orange light across the bay.

"You looked like you were sleeping…sort of." She'd shake her head, seeming unsure with her words. "I was worried when I heard you passed out last night. I thought that you were…"

"Hurt? No just exhausted after everything that had happened." He answered back, shifting to stand up from where he was leaning. "Right now, I'm doing fine, what I'm worried about is you and your sister."

The young Stark was silent, head bowed as she composed herself. "Sansa is…still mourning about father. She blames herself for trusting Cersei and even caring for the…monster." Her tone became spiteful with that last word, her newest title for Joffrey. "I'm done crying and hiding away…I want to make the Lannisters pay for everything they did!"

Those bitter words made short images come to Geralt's mind, seeing Arya as a cold and calculating killer, hardened by years of cruel experience. For that moment of anger, she showed, she resembled that other Arya, Gaunter had showed. That was a future he couldn't let her fall towards.

"So, what will you do?"

"I want to finish my training with you! I know Syrio won't be staying…he told me and said that it be better learning from you." She'd have that determine look show in her eyes, hands clenched tightly. "Then I can help you and everyone else fight back!"

"Still doesn't answer my question." He calmly stated. "Let's say I train you and one day you do have Joffrey at your mercy…do you think simply killing him will help?"

A confused look crossed Arya's face before a hint of anger showed. "Why does it matter!?"

"If you want me to keep teaching you I expect you to answer me."

The stern tone had Arya calm down, giving a small sigh and nod. "I just want justice. He had Lady killed, ordered everyone to try and kill you…then wanted to execute father. He'll no doubt hurt more the longer he lives."

"So that means if you kill him you'll be willing to kill Cersei next?"


"Cersei would never stop hunting you down if you killed him. She surely wants me dead for breaking his hand. So, in the end you'll have to kill her too."

"I…well…she's an evil woman after what she has done! She's just as much to blame for what her son did."

"A fair reasoning…but then that means you'll need to kill Jaime next."

"J-Jamie?" Arya sounded nervous now at the mention of him.

"Killing Joffrey would be enough for him to face you but killing his sister would make him dead set." Geralt calmly explained.

"B-But…I can't fight him! Only someone like you or…Ser Barristan could match him!"

"That is what I'm trying to say. In the end, if you take another's life you have to expect others will want vengeance against you for it. So, in the end you'll have to kill all the Lannisters, Cersei's other children included, to stop them from hurting you or anyone you hold dear."

"I…I wouldn't want to hurt Tommen or Myrcella! They're just children, barely my age even!"

"Yes, but what about twenty years later when they grow up? You think they will forget or forgive you for what you did even if it was for a just reason?" Geralt moved closer to Arya, seeing the distraught look on her face. "In the end you'll just push a circle of hate and death, leading to more suffering all around. Besides…would your father want you follow such a path?"

"No…he wouldn't…" She muttered, remembering well her father's final words of advice. "So, what can I do? What is the point of learning how to fight?"

Geralt kneeled to be more at eye level with Arya, placing a gentle hand on her shoulder. "So that you can protect people like your sister if trouble does come." He answered back. "If you seriously want to continue your training then you must promise me this. That you'll use only what I teach for self-defense and protecting others. Is that understood?"

His calm stern words made her nod, the anger in her eyes faded and replace once more by that sharp determination. "I promise."

Nodding, he'd stand up once more. "Good, I'll expect you to follow that promise. Besides that, expect the next lessons to be much tougher than before. If you plan to fight like a Witcher you will train like one. Understood."

Again, Arya nodded seeming unfazed by promised hardships ahead. Like many times before Geralt saw the splitting image of Ciri about her, which in turn had him focused on seeing her training go through.


A crewmember in the crows-nest yelled out, making Geralt and Arya glance out to the front of the ship. Indeed, there was a dark shape ahead a black rock that the Witcher's sharp eyes determined to be a castle fortress of massive size. As the ship quickly neared the rocky island, it seemed like the structure had been carved out of the black rock itself, a possibility considering the magic and dragons the Valyrian's had in their golden age.

He had read up on the history of Dragonstone, a quite barren island set right at the entrance of Blackwater Bay. The Targaryens had in fact owned the island for centuries before their conquest of Westeros, becoming their sanctuary when the Doom claimed the Valyrian Empire ages ago. After the conquest it had remained a second home for the ancient family, at least until the Rebellion and Stannis being appointed to it.

The sun had nearly gone down the western horizon, giving Dragonstone quite the unnerving look as one by one torches and signal fires lit up across the island. The casting lights would show off the quite grim architecture, revealing that the towers and Great Hall were craved in the shape of dragons either at rest or roaring in fearsome display. With three massive curtain walls surrounding the central keep and it's connecting towers, Geralt understood why the fortress was considered impossible to take through normal means.

He'd notice Arya close beside him, seeming more amazed then fearful of the looming black stone keep and it's many fierce decorations. "I've always heard of this place…never thought it look exactly like nan's stories." She muttered.

"Not even Nilfgaard back home has a fortress as grand and imposing as this." Geralt remarked as the ship soon started to near the docks…or more of a shipyard considering.

It made sense that Dragonstone would be a key location to build and maintain ships because of its strategic location at Blackwater Bay and the Narrow Sea. Stannis's role as Master of Ships meant he had access to the fleet and the power to order more ships as well. Considering the dozen ships moored or docked about Dragonstone, the rumors of him expanding the fleet were now quite true.

While the island itself was bare of wood and other resources key to ship building, the island was the closest to all the trade routes along Westero's eastern coast and that of Essos. With Davos connections and merchant fleet gathering all the supplies needed, Stannis could build a fleet while maintaining a guard across the mouth of Blackwater.

Already there were soldiers holding torches lining up at an empty spot on the docks, along with a large group marching from the gates of the keep, no doubt the welcoming party.

"Best we join the others." Geralt remarked, glancing back to the center of the deck where everyone was gathering up. He'd lead the way back with Arya following close alongside.

Geralt also noted Gendry among the group who was speaking to Davos. It seemed the young man had decided to leave below deck and join the group for disembarking. The Witcher was beginning to wonder how the Baratheon bastard would fit in at Dragonstone with his uncle, though he had a feeling that things wouldn't play out orderly for him. He'd have to keep a close eye on him during their stay.

Among the crewmembers and Geralt's allies, Sansa easily stood out among them. She seemed to have taken time to fix up her dress and hair after the hectic events of yesterday, along with having calmed herself as well. She was currently speaking silently to Barristan, a soft smile hinting her lips as the old knight was giving her some kind words of encouragement.

"Feeling alright Sansa?"

She'd look to the Witcher, not giving her usual startled look whenever he suddenly greeted her. It seemed after yesterday's escape she wasn't as easily shaken or perhaps had gotten over his gruff appearance.

"I'm well Geralt." She formally greeted back. "So much has happened so quickly but…I know I can't just hide away right now." Her gaze was set to the welcome party, a nervous look hinting her eyes. "I need to be strong if I'm going to speak to Lord Stannis and represent my family."

The news was sudden and surprising for Geralt, not expecting the quiet girl to be willing to take up such responsibility. However, it was a fact he had overlooked since he couldn't make any promises for House Stark, being little more than an unofficial advisor and bodyguard. Only Sansa's word would have any meaning to someone like Stannis, beyond of course her eldest brother.

"Then I'll do my best to advise, though let me deal with Stannis unless he speaks to you."

Sansa nodded, trusting in him as the ship creaked as it dropped anchor to slow down, stopping before the main dock. The crew got large gangplanks out to let everyone file off the ship with Davos at the lead with Geralt and the Stark Daughters following close behind. Barristan, Thoros, Beric and Syrio along with the remaining Stark loyalists. Overall it was a small yet very impressive honor guard for both Arya and Sansa, having some of Westeros best warriors guarding them.

Stannis's men were dressed in a sturdy mix of plate and chain along with short visor dome helms. Their armor lacked any decoration unlike the more lavish Lannister armor, focusing more on pure practical design. The men kept their gazes focused between Geralt and Barristan, no doubt knowing two were the most dangerous among the group.

At the end of the docks was the group that had been seen leaving the main keep. At the front was a stern-faced man nearing his forties with short thinning gray-black hair and scruff across his face. He was dressed much liked Tywin, wearing fine yet plain clothing. The outfit was fine gray woolen tunic with a large black belt with a sword and dagger at his side. Overall he looked fitting of a man dedicated to the military life, strong and imposing. Considering all the descriptions and stories Geralt had heard, he knew that this was Lord Stannis. Just at a glance he could see the family relation the man had with Robert, that stonewall military mannerism the late King often showed. While that was a quality Renly lacked, he knew the youngest Baratheon shared more of Robert's charismatic nature, if more refined. Stannis though screamed cold and humorless.

To the right of Stannis were two men, one very old and one quite young, both wearing the signature robes of the Maesters. Unlike older Maesters like Pycelle and Luwin, this one looked like he was about to shake himself to death. His skin seemed almost see through and his hands trembled as he barely kept himself standing. The younger man beside him was calm and composed despite the elder's weak state. His chain was much shorter, being more of a large necklace instead of long metal sash other Maesters wore. Geralt guessed that the younger man was an assistant for the older Maester…and his future replacement.

On Stannis's left was a tall and slender woman dressed in long and quite revealing red robes, which bared her shoulders and the enticing curves of her full breasts. She had long hair the color of burnished copper and pale unblemished skin. At her throat was a lavish choker with a gleaming ruby set in it, jewelry adding more to her already elegant looks. Her calm sharp eyes had a unique red color, adding more to her exotic appearance. While she seemed to be glancing over the arrival party, he saw her alluring gaze focus on him for a moment, almost as if expecting him. A faint smile hinted her lips, confident and sultry much like one sorceress he knew all too intimately.

He'd stare back, eyes narrowing in suspicion while he'd feel his wolf medallion tremble around his neck. Considering what Thoros had muttered about the Red Priestess and the many rumors about her arrival on Dragonstone, there was some genuine magical power about her. He already knew he'd have to be on guard with her.

Soon, Geralt's group stopped before Stannis's with Davos dropped to one knee to kneel respectfully before his Lord. "Lord Stannis, I Davos Seaworth come bringing honored guests." Standing up, he'd glance back and gesture to each member of the leading group. "Lady Sansa and Arya Stark, Lord Eddard's Stark's daughters."

Sansa gave a quite formal bow, though Arya's was a bit simpler showing how unused she was to such moments.

"I also present Ser Barristan Selmy…umm…former Lord Commander of the King's Guard…"

The old knight bowed after his introduction.

"…along with Lord Beric Dondarrion of Blackhaven, a loyal ally to Lord Eddard and King Robert."

Beric too bowed low as well.

"And lastly-"

"Geralt of Rivia."

A smooth female voice spoke up, interrupting Davos. The sea captain glance forward to see it was the Red Priestess, making him give a narrowed glare at her.

"The Mountain Breaker…The White Wolf…Gwynbleidd…" The last title had a hint of surprise show in Geralt yellow eyes while few of his companions showed slightly confusion instead. "So many titles for a foreign stranger such as yourself."

"Melisandre! It isn't proper for you to intrude during introductions like this." Davos spoke up, a hint of annoyance in his voice.

"Apologies Ser Seaworth. I was too hasty to speak." She coyly answered back, seeming almost mocking to Davos.

"That is enough with formalities Ser Davos. I understand their purpose, yet this is a unique gathering after all." Stannis spoke out, voice firm and commanding with a hinting lack of emotion. His gaze looked over the group, making Sansa and Arya shift nervously as that intimidating gaze settled on the. "Lady Sansa and Arya. I didn't expect we'd meet under such grim tidings."

Sansa nodded slightly. "We've faced many hardships fleeing the capital Lord Stannis. Many lives were lost to save me and my sister…my father being one of the fallen."

"Hmm…so it is true then? Lord Eddard Stark, Warden of the North is dead?"

For a moment the young woman gave a shaky breath before calming herself. "Yes, your grace…"

"My condolences then. Lord Eddard was a dutiful and honest man, a rarity in these times."

"Thank you, Lord Stannis."

"There is much to discuss, but that can wait for tomorrow once everyone has had a chance to rest. You have my word that we will do our best to protect you and keep your stay here on Dragonstone comfortable."

"That is generous of you, but I-"

"There are some things that can't wait till tomorrow." Geralt spoke up calmly, interrupting Sansa. A curious look hinted Stannis's eyes before he'd nod to let the Witcher speak. "Right now, time is precious with Eddard's passing. I have his final words and will, which needs to be send to his eldest son, Robb Stark, in Winterfell."

"Ser Geralt is right Lord Stannis." Barristan added. "The North needs to know the truth of Lord Stark's fate before falsehoods are spread. Besides the will also is key to your right to the Iron Throne."

Stannis listened, one hand rubbing over his chin in thought. "I see…" He'd pause as he'd look to his Maesters and gathered guards. "Please tend to our guests by showing them to their rooms and seeing to any wounded. Ensure Lady Sansa and Arya have the best guest chambers during their stay."

"As you wish your grace." The older Maester answered while the younger nodded in agreement before gesturing the group forward.

"Everyone please follow me." He said in a low voice. The group was quick to follow, no doubt eager for a warm meal and bed after the rough night on the ship. For a moment Sansa and Arya hesitated, looking to Geralt for a moment though he'd nod to them to reassure them. He trusted Stannis's word and he knew the girls need some good sleep for tomorrow. Arya gave a short wave before tugging her sister forward, following the group up the stairway path into Dragonstone.

Thoros was one of the last to walk by, yet he'd move up close to speak in a hushed voice towards Geralt. "Don't trust her." His gaze glanced at Melisandre, who seemed to notice their short exchange, giving little more than a coy grin back. The Red Priest said nothing more as he'd continue forward, catching up with the rest of the group.

Only Geralt, Barristan and Davos remained of the original landing party.

"Was anyone else present during the writing of Eddard's will?"

"I was Lord Stannis." Davos quickly answered, patting at a satchel at his side. "I have it with me as well, for you to see for yourself.

"Good. I want to read it myself to truly validate it." He'd turn towards the looming keep, already moving to lead the way, the other following along.

"It will be genuine Lord Stannis." Melisandre calmly stated. "The fires have been true so far after all."

"They have."

Geralt was curious about what they were muttering over, though he remembered how Thoros claimed to have seen events play out in fires he stared deeply into. Since this woman shared the same faith, it made sense she may have the same ability though better experienced then his companion.

"You seemed quite prepared for our arrival." Geralt remarked as they'd near the gate of the keep.

"Lord Stark and Davos has been keeping me informed of events back at the capital. As you know I was working closely with Jon Arryn to investigate more on Cersei and her children. When Lord Arryn died, I knew staying was a risk and left the capital." He'd guide the group towards one of the looming dragon shaped towers which connected to the central massive tower that made up much of the keep. "Was Cersei behind it though, killing both Lord Arryn and Robert?"

Geralt was silent, as they'd enter the tower and start working their way up to the higher levels. "I only have theories." The group reach the bridge point to the main tower, crossing over as a harsh wind blew by before they'd enter it. "I'd rather not share base suspicions. Better to deal in hard truths instead."

"Wise way of thinking Geralt." Davos commented.

"A fair point indeed." Stannis muttered as they'd soon reach the highest level of the main tower and enter a large chamber.

It was a meeting room, though it was far from ordinary because of the grand stone 'table' set across it. The table was really a detailed stone map of the continent, every feature and major city being shown and the whole landscape beautifully painted as well. At the far end was a large open balcony that faced westward towards the distant main land. Geralt knew this room was where history had been made as the Targaryens planned their grand conquest of all the Seven Kingdoms.

"Quite the map." Geralt muttered as he'd pace around the table, hand rubbing along it's rough surface. Already he'd note there were war pieces and House markings spread about, the expected clues of war plans being made. "Seems you're already active on battle plans."

"As an old Valyrian saying does, 'If you want peace prepare for war'. Robert feared of a Dothraki invasion because of Daenerys, so I had official reasons to build fleet and gather up forces. I knew such an attack was unlikely yet knew that the threat of civil war nearing because of all the intrigue and chaos happening at King's Landing."

"Quite the tactical and practical planning. You prepared before everyone else while drawing little suspension to yourself."

"All I need now are armies to enforce my right to the Iron Throne. With the official degree given through his letters across the Kingdoms and affirming it through his will, I'm certain I can gain sway with the Houses."

Barristan nodded, though had a warily look on his face. "I wouldn't be too confident on the matter Lord Stannis. Tywin is Lord Paramount of the Westerlands and has the deep loyalty of the many lords in that region. He will no doubt also use his connections in the Riverlands to further bolster his forces and start a line of defense against the North. As for the Stormlands…I know that your brother had returned to Storm's End."

"All fair points, though I question why you mention Renly."

"It's the issue of him he supports your claim or not."

Stannis paused, fingers tapping a bit in annoyance at the thought. "I will be sending a raven to know of his intentions." He simply answered back. "Right now, my concerns are more to the North. Robb Stark will be soon named Lord of Winterfell no doubt and he will no doubt fully agree to my claim."

"True, though I doubt the other Northern Lords will. Right now, this is the time for the ambitious to make their move to grab for power. You need to be quick making deals and compromises."

"Deals…compromises…" Stannis repeated under a low breath. "The issue is simple, I'm the rightful ruler of the Seven Kingdoms. If any House takes arms against me be it on the side of the Lannisters or in their own self-interests I will deem them an enemy of the people and fight them without mercy."

At that point Geralt saw the man's dead-set view of the world, a black and white one. Already the Witcher wondered what would happen if Robb made the choice to not support Stannis and try facing the Lannister's as his own faction. He'd have to deal with two well prepared forces lead by two very ruthless commanders.

"Indeed, you have the right to rule." Melisandre answered back, her elegant voice drawing everyone's gaze onto her. "Both by the laws of the land and the blessing of the Lord of Light. However, there is wisdom in Geralt's words." She'd shift close beside Stannis, placing one hand on top of his to calm the tapping movements his fingers made. "Showing a generous hand will surely sway doubters to your side, ensuring a quick victory to the throne."

Stannis was silent as he thought over her insightful words. Geralt knew very well what she was going for, wondering why she was so quick to support his advice instead of siding with his choice or press her own opinion. She'd whisper something more, making the Lord's narrow gaze soften before muttering back to her. Soon, they finished speaking and he'd set his gaze back to the Witcher.

"Considering your many accomplishments and feats, I know you're a very capable man, Ser Geralt." Stannis calmly remarked. "Do you think Robb will be a capable leader for the North and will put the good of the nation before his own Kingdom."

Geralt's yellow eyes locked with Stannis, the man staring back unflinching even when looking straight into that cat like gaze. "I do. He is young, but he fully understands the duties and choices he has to make as Warden of the North."

There was a long pause before the Lord nodded. "Then we will set plans to negotiation. You will send a Raven with Lord Eddard's will and news of your arrival here on Dragonstone. Meanwhile, Lady Sansa and whoever she wishes to advise her will speak with me along with my own council on the terms of an alliance."

"Simple terms overall." Davos muttered; the man having been silent for most of the conversation "Forgive me for asking this but…what if agreements aren't reached?"

Everyone gave questionable looks to the sea captain, wondering what he was going on about.

"I know we should focus on the best outcome, though I feel you must be open if a deal isn't made."

For a moment, Stannis didn't answer though there was a hint of respect with Davos bold statement. "Putting honesty before all else. Very well, that is fair after everything the Witcher has shared." Looking to Geralt, Stannis kept that calm look about him. "If an agreement of alliance is not met, then Lady Sansa and Arya are to remain as political prisoners until their brother agrees to my terms. You and your companions will be imprisoned, though treated fairly until I've taken the Iron Throne. Is that clear?"

It was a blunt answer, one that made Davos pale slightly as he'd look to Geralt and Barristan. Both men were calm despite the threats given, Witcher and knight glancing at each other in some form of silent agreement.

"Then I will be forward with you Lord Stannis Baratheon. If such an outcome happens then know that I will give you and your men one chance to release us and provide a ship for us to travel to the North. If you plan to keep us here by force, then my companions and I will resist you. Is that clear?"

Davos gulped seeing the fierce look in Geralt's cat like eyes. Even Barristan was slightly shaken by that glare, being the same look he had given Lord Baelish when he had betrayed them. Melisandre remained calm, a soft pleased smile hinting her face while Stannis stared back, seeming unfazed by the Witcher's counter threat.

"Heh…bold honesty. I can see why Robert had such a grudging respect for you." Stannis muttered, a hint of a smirk crossing his lips, the closest to a smile the man had shown so far. "We've discussed enough tonight. A long night's rest would do everyone some good." Shifting away from the map table, ready to leave the room.

"One request. May I stay here in the map chamber for the night?" Geralt suddenly asked, making Stannis pause for a moment.

"I see no issue."

The Witcher only nodded slightly in respect before Stannis left the chamber. Barristan soon following giving a parting glance to Geralt before leaving as well.

"Ugh…sometimes I wish I didn't speak my mind." Davos muttered, rubbing one hand across his worn face. "Letting my good nature get ahead of my reasoning."

"Hmm…I think there was logic behind your questioning." Melisandre remarked, the Red Priestess approaching the sea captain. "In the end, you showed how Geralt is serious in protecting the Stark daughters and make quite the impression between him and your liege." She had one hand reach to brush along the light beard covering Davos chin, the man shifting slightly from her touch. "Still cautious of me Ser Davos?"

"I am a married man Melisandre and thus avoid such closeness." He bluntly answered before moving aside, avoiding the coy look she returned to him. "It has been a long few days for me. Excuse me."

Moving to leave, stopping close to Geralt to take out the sealed scroll case containing Ned's will along with parchment, ink and quill. "Best pick a big raven for this." He muttered, making a small amused smile cross Geralt's face. Giving a tired sigh yet a friendly grin, Davos hurried out of the room, no doubt eager for long night's sleep.

Geralt quickly had his attention shifted to the Red Priestess, the woman where Davos had original while she gazed back at him with a sly look in her eyes.

"How did you know about my other name?" He calmly questioned.

"You mean Gwynbleidd?" Slowly Melisandre stepped closer, her red eyes locked with his bright yellow.

"It's not a title most people often talk about. Even when it was told during the Tourney of the Hand, most forgotten it for more…simpler titles."

"Hmm…true. The common folk aren't so fluent after all and the Mountain Breaker has become popular."

"So then how did you know of it?"

Again, that coy smile…a taunting smile. "The fires showed me Geralt. They showed me so much about you." Her gaze glanced to a nearby brazier before she'd pace closer to it. "The Lord of Light's vision spans far. Past, present and future."

"Forgive me if I feel doubtful on such claims."

"You doubt despite all your experiences?"

He didn't answer, keeping a passive look across his face.

"You have so many virtues that even the greatest of men lack. However, you lack a key trait…and that is faith." Slowly she'd walk pass him, heading for the doorway out of the map chamber. "In time you'll come to me first, seeking answers about the Child of Destiny…and the last battle we will all face during the Long Night."

Those final words had the Witcher tense up as he'd turnabout, seeing her red robes disappear down the hallway. Already he was understanding Thoros warning, seeing how the woman already had quite the hold of Stannis as his advisor. There was no denying she had magic about her, yet to what degree he couldn't be certain.

He'd glance at the fresh parchment and ink laid out for him, moving up to one seat to sit down. There was still one last task to do, one that very well trigger a long chain of events that come throughout the Seven Kingdoms. Grasping the quill, he'd begin to write…

Dear Robb Stark, Lord of Winterfell and Warden of the North:

I will be direct with my message here. Eddard Stark, your father, is dead. The claims that he is a traitor are lies created by the Lannisters to discredit and distract. Read whatever letters your father sent to you or the other lords, it details the crimes that 'Queen' Cersei has committed in her grab for power. The trial was meant to force his silence, yet it got out of hand when his execution was ordered. He was mortally wounded in the escape, but I was able to save both Sansa and Arya along with reclaiming Ice.

Right now we're taking refuge on Dragonestone under Lord Stannis Baratheon's care, who is the rightful ruler of the Iron Throne. Your father supports Stannis's claim to his last breath, something that you should honor. This coming war is more then just getting justice for Eddard but keeping the stability for the whole country. Don't forget that duty, no matter how much the Lords of the north pressure you. I trust you will make the right choice though.

PS: DO NOT TRUST ANYTHING FROM LORD PETYR BAELISH! He betrayed us at the Red Keep and will no doubt play on your mother's trust.

From, Geralt of Rivia.

With the long letter signed, he'd quickly get it rolled up and fitted into the scroll case with Eddard's will. Shifting up from his seat, he'd give a small sigh as he'd look at the scroll case before marching out of the room for the keep rookery. Picking out a larger raven trained for Winterfell, he'd strap the scroll case to it before letting the black bird loose. His sharp eyes tracked it for a moment as he quickly flew to the northwest, disappearing into the creeping darkness of the night.

"Now the worst part…waiting…" He sighed, as he'd return to the map room once more. Slowly he'd walk out to the wide balcony, taking a deep breath as cool wind and the smell of the sea washed over him. Indeed, he had many questions…uncertainties over what to do. Right now, he felt like he had traded the gilded cage of the Red Keep for the isolated prison of Dragonstone. He knew things would be tense here, but at least he still had close allies at his side.

"Won't be just me against the world at least…" He chuckled to himself as he'd shift down onto his knees, taking a meditative stance. Right now, he needed to clear his mind and thoughts, try to focus on the main challenges he faced. Taking controlled breaths, he'd focus his senses to the sounds of the blowing wind and crashing sea, drifting his mind into deep meditation.

Hadrian – Riverlands, The Woods Near High Heart

Hadrian stumbled again, tumbling onto the soggy ground before staggering up back to his feet. The young man's clothes were dirtied by mud, plant life and rain, having been running nearly nonstop after last night's attack. His body shivered from last night's rain and exhaustion, yet he pressed on as he'd walk down a small sloop. Tripping on a root, he'd curse out before falling down the rest of the way before landing in the middle of a trial. He'd groan from his fall, laying still as he caught his breath, not caring if he was laying in mud. However, he'd hear something nearing him, the clop of hooves against soft earth and the creak of wood.

"Woah there!" The driver spoke out, tugging the reins to slow the horse when he realized Hadrian in the middle of the road. "By the Seven…" The man dropped off the cart, hurrying over to tug the young man up as he struggled to stand. "Don't push yourself lad, you look beaten as hell."

"I need to go…" Hadrian muttered, one hand grasping at the man's shoulder tightly. "Have to warn father…"

Looking at the man, he'd realize he wasn't a Riverlander but a Northern considering his full short-cut beard and gruff wrinkled face, fitting of someone who worked outdoors constantly. The man was dressed travel in a mix of cloth and leather clothes, though Hadrian noted the leather and cloth were finer quality then a farmer could normally afford.

"Slow down lad. Warn who about what?" The traveler supported Hadrian over to his cart, guiding him around to the back of it.

There were keg barrels tied up in the very back along with bundles fresh clothes and leather, no doubt for crafting or trader. However, Hadrian did get startled as he'd see a large dog resting on one of the piles of leather, a half-wolf hound with a deep black coat. It had been resting when the two arrived, opening its eyes to glance at it's master and the dirtied young man.

"Don't worry yourself lad, Garm may be a big one yet he's a gentle giant." The man assured as he'd ease Hadrian to sit down in the wagon. The boy shifted slightly from the wolf, who gave a low huff, eyes closing to return to it's nap. "A lazy dog as well. Anyway, tell me who you are and what happened?"

Hadrian leaned back to relax, taking calmer breaths as he had a moment to rest. "My name is Hadrian Rivers, son of Lord Tytos Blackwood of Raventree Hall."

"A noble bastard?" Eyeing over Hadrian, yet he could see the hint of noble upbringing from his formal manners and literate speech. "What are you doing all the way out here on foot? Take you about four days to march this far from the Hall."

"I was part of a group…a search party looking into disappearances. Whole villages have been found empty and travelers disappearing all within the inner woodlands." A sudden twig snapping had him tense, looking about nervously.

"Calm yourself Rivers." The man places his worn hands firmly on the boy's shoulders, calming him down. "I can tell you've been in a battle. You got that look…battle shock. Seen plenty of that in the later end of the Rebellion."

"Rebellion? You fought in it?"

"Aye, but that isn't important. Right now, I need to know who attacked your."

Hadrian paused, gulping nervously as he'd glance down at his lap. "I don't know…they were these grotesques things…looked and sounded like women yet…they weren't." He'd take a shaky breath, hands trembling. "They killed everyone…the plants came alive…a swarm of birds…and the big one crushed Ser Cordin-" He'd hear those horrible screams, seeing how armor plate and bone was crushed with such ease. "It crushed him like a…"

"Boy, you're hardly making sense to me." The man quickly spoke up, voice firm yet having a calming command to it.

"I'm sorry just…the only way I can describe them…they were monsters."

There be a tense pause as Hadrian stared at the man's deep brown eyes, worry showing in them. "You're just confused. From what I can tell you've been running all night…in the rain none of the less." Sighing, he'd shake his head. "Not doubting you Hadrian, just hard to believe that is all."

"I know what I saw!" He sharply answered back before calming himself. "Please…I need to get home and warn my father. If a reward is needed I'm sure-"

"No need." The man quickly answered back. "I was heading for Raventree anyway, picking up supplies for my inn." He'd march around to the front of the wagon, pulling himself onto the front seat and grabbing the reins. "Consider this a civic duty, helping the lordship and all."

Hadrian was silent, surprised by the man's honest and selfless nature. "Thank you…umm…"

"Marcus Grames, innkeeper." He'd answer back before flicking the reins to get the horse moving.

"You'd a good man Marcus…father will honor you for this."

"Bah, never been much for such treatment." The Northerner chuckled. "Now you best quiet down and rest. Sound like your going to keel over if you keep talking. I'll wake you up when we night nears, and we need to make camp."

Hadrian nodded, giving a tired sigh as he'd lean back against the side of the wagon. His eyes closed at first, yet he'd feel something shift about next to him. Opening one eye, he'd see Garm had moved to rest his head on his lap, trying to offer some warmth and comfort to the boy. He couldn't help but give a small smile as he'd scratch over the half-wolf's scruffy fur before closing his eyes once more and drifting into a dreamless sleep.

Marcus glanced back, glad to see the boy relaxed for once. However, he was on edge for now as he'd glance about the woods. If the boy had been attacked, then it was most likely the culprits were close by. However, after hearing Hadrian's chilling story, he couldn't deny something was off about the woods…like some sickness was just hinting the environment.

"Just feels wrong…instinct never been wrong…" He muttered to himself as his gaze drifted to the tree tops. He'd pause as he saw something very odd sight, a flock of crows perched in the branches of nearby trees. All of they're heads were moving as one, tracking his movement as he'd head further down the trail. "Damn it Grames…what did you get yourself into." He muttered, returning his eyes to the road, urging his horse faster ahead. Right now, he wanted to cover as much distance before nightfall which was only a few hours away.

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