

Geralt didn't answer, only staring at the squire with an unblinking gaze before giving a small sigh. He guessed Tywin would have arranged a meeting, even more considering the outcome of the Melee. While it was tempting to simply refuse, he guessed it was best to not annoy the powerful noble. Besides, he felt Tywin could give him new leads or insight into his investigation.

"Very well." Geralt shifted up to stand, stretching a bit to loosen up. "Lead the way."

The Lannister squire nodded as he'd turnabout and head outside, the Witcher following close behind. Outside the noises of the tourney festivities quickly surrounded the two as they'd stroll through the private camp grounds with the laughter, chatter and music from the fairgrounds filling the air. It seemed everyone was enjoying the last free food and drink Lord Stark had offered up, a last call for merriment for the night.

"Everyone has been talking about you're victory sir." The Lannister squire suddenly remarked. "I saw the whole Melee…it was astounding really. They're already working on some songs for you, the commoners I mean."

"The bold heroic type or dark and brooding? That's how most songs on Witchers go." Geralt asked, dry sarcasm hinted in his words.

"Why dark and brooding? Your countrymen must have an odd view about you." The squire questioned, obviously not getting the Witcher's jest.

"Never mind. Anyway are we close?"

"Ah…right! Just here sir." The squire pointed out a red and gold trimmed tent, an obvious sign of it being Lord Tywin's encampment. Besides the entrance were two of the lord's honor guard who were dressed in quite fine and unique styled armor. Approaching the entrance, they'd suddenly bar the way with their spears, making the squire gulp nervously. They'd look at the squire then Geralt, a hint of respect showing as they nodded to him.

"Ser Geralt. We're sorry but you will need to wait for a while. Queen Cersei is busy speaking with her father privately." One of the guard's remarked.

"No worries. I can wait." Looking to the squire, he'd continue to speak. "Anyway thank you for guiding the way. Uh…what was your name again?" Thinking about it, no one ever spoke the Lannister's first name at all.

"Lancel ser."

"Try to relax a bit this evening. Not often anyone can enjoy a tourney feast after all."

The young man nodded, giving a thankful grin. "You're right ser. After all it may be me who'll win his own joust or melee someday." Seemed the squire had quite the ambition hidden away.

"One step at a time. Anyway go on." Geralt warned before the squire nodded and hurried off into the maze of tents. The Witcher's attention focused back to Tywin's tent, curious at what he and his daughter were discussing. The guards seemed focused on watching the main entrance, not paying too much attention to him while they idly chattered. He saw this as a good opportunity to eavesdrop, if he could get close enough for his sharp hearing to catch in. Pacing around the side of the tent discretely, he'd hone his senses as he'd shut out the many other noises. With some effort, he'd soon could pick out Cersei's and Tywin's voice.

"He's dangerous!" The queen remarked sharply, seeming to be in a heated argument with her father.

"Most men like him are…you're point being?" Tywin calmly questioned.

"My point? He scarred Jaime and he's been trouncing across all of King's Landing looking for something for the last few weeks. Always he's been constantly speaking between Lord Stark and Tyrion. They are planning something…scheming…"

"Or you are being paranoid." Tywin muttered sternly. "Firstly, has Jaime even complained about his injury? I take he's being given the best care."

Cersei paused before answering. "The Maesters say he's injuries are minor, though the wound on his face will have scarring. He…hasn't complained about that news."

"So there. If he isn't bothered then neither will I. He understands the risks any battle brings and if anything a scar is a blessing to the crippling Gregor received."

For a moment it sounded as if the queen gave a low hiss of anger. "What happened to all that talk of family pride? Some foreign stranger wounds your favored son and you simply let him by."

"If you are so eager to avenge Jaime's honor then you may gladly pick up a sword and challenge Ser Geralt." Tywin snapped back, leaving Cersei silent now. "You're emotions are blinding you Cersei. Do not underestimate the man, he's a calculating professional, not some short sighted sellsword. He understands how the intrigues of the court, maybe even better then you if he has you this concerned."

"It is about Jon Arryn's passing. From what I've learned he has been prying deeper into the previous Hand's death."

"Which we had nothing to do with…if anything learning the truth would be desired. Jon was a valuable member of the Court. He managed the Kingdoms well and organized your position as queen. With his questionable passing, Lord Stark has plenty of reason to suspect us and in turn the Witcher as well. Acting rashly won't help our case of innocence."

"What if he frames us or-"

"He won't."

"Again you are so certain."

"Because I am. Just one look at the man I could tell he is someone who puts truth before all else." There'd be a tense pause before he'd continue to speak. "Now if there is nothing else you will leave."

Cersei was silent, making Geralt wonder if she'd snap back at her father for his blunt dismissal. However she'd gave a low sigh before hurrying for the way out. Keeping hidden, he'd see her hurry off and out of sight, giving him a chance to step out of hiding.

"Curious…" It seemed Tywin and Cersei didn't see eye to eye, along with the fact the lord was just as interested in knowing the truth about the late Hand's passing.

Approaching the guards, they'd move their spears to unbar the way into the large tent. The main space felt more suited for wartime, having hanging banners of the rearing roaring lion of the Lannister's along with a large table set in the center of the space with a large map of the Seven Kingdoms set on top of it. At the head seat sat Lord Tywin, the older lord dressed still in fine plain clothes for the evening. Those calm judging eyes focused in on the Witcher, that same gaze Emhyr always gave.

"I apologize for the wait Geralt. Family matters with my daughter." The man simply stated as the Witcher pulled up a seat a few spots away from Tywin.

"Must be quite important for you to have invited me so suddenly and dismiss the queen." The Witcher questioned.

"A formality really. Your success in the Melee earned my respect and interest, something that isn't easily earned."

"No hard feelings over Gregor or Jaime?"

"Gregor…he is one our strongest and most loyal warriors who served well during the Rebellion. If he had a sense of self control and respect he'd be the perfect knight, yet such qualities are rare for those with his history." Tyrion paused for a moment, seeming to ponder a bit before continuing. "Few would dare face Gregor like you have and they usual have a reason. You though fought and bested him with ease, fearless despite his reputation."

"Because I've killed a dozen 'Mountains' back home. Only difference is that he has the title of knight to excuse his crimes." The Witcher simply stated.

"His actions during the end of the Rebellion did…complicate matters. The Martells of Dorne have long demanded retribution for years for the killing Elia during the sacking of the capital. I never ordered or accepted the death of her or her children, even if Robert agreed to a degree. What is done is done…as can be said now."

Geralt decided not to argue on mortally about Gregor since it seemed Tywin knew just how much of a monster the Clegane was. "So what is his condition anyway?"

"Stable, however his injuries will be long term. When he woke up in the middle of getting his leg stitched together, he went into a rage. Nearly strangled a Maester and crushed a squire's skull as they tried to restrain him. Took half a dozen men and enough sedative to drop an ox to calm him. Overall the Maesters doubt he will heal properly considering the precise wounds and the stress he put on them. He'll be lucky to walk and wield a sword properly again."

The Witcher didn't respond, having nothing to say on the matter, his calm gaze hinted that the cold satisfaction knowing Gregor's fate. "And Jaime?"

"Well enough. A few days and he'll be at full condition, although he'll have scarred from the slash along the face. A small price to pay for experience."

"He's a gifted swordsman. Been a long time since anyone has pushed me that far in a fight."

A hint of pride showed in Tywin's eyes, yet the man kept that calm demeanor well enough. "Jaime is the pride of my House, even if his potential is being wasted guarding kings. One day Robert will see fit to dismiss him and let him take his proper place leading Casterly Rock."

"Seems odd you want him to take up lordship. Your family already is in line to becoming Westeros's rulers after all."

"True…yet I'll not have our legacy limited to that. I've worked long and hard to get my family to the position of power it is in now and I expect my children to take their rightful places as well."

He was just like Emhyr in mind set. That sense of his choices being the right ones and how everyone needed to obey them. If anything Tywin's aspirations were very much the same as the emperor's, to create a dynasty of power that his bloodline would dominate. "Fascinating as this is, I feel you didn't invite me here to share family history Lord Tywin."

"No but it is to make a point." The man stated quite sternly. "The matter is you're an oddity, someone will skills to outmatch the greatest knights in the land and having a sharp if blunt cunning within the court, all while being common born. I thought it was simply rumors, yet you've easily proven otherwise. Many see you as a threat and others a tool for their own ends. I question if you know who considers you as such."

Geralt was silent for a long moment, knowing well what Tywin was trying to do. "And what do you consider me then? A threat or 'tool' as you say."

"A possible ally." He'd simply answer back, catching Geralt a bit off guard.

"That suddenly? I've heard many things about you Lord Tywin, easily trusting isn't one of them."

"For this I feel an exception can be made. As I said before Geralt you have the rare quality of being truly honest which I respect. You speak what you believe and let no one dissuade you, be it men like Gregor or even King Robert."

For a moment the Witcher thought over Tywin's words, his yellow eyes glaring for a moment. "Then let me be honest with you now. The answer is no. I'm not someone you can hire or convince to join your 'side'. You may have claim to respect me, for me I value trust as well, which you haven't earned. After all I've taken my time to learn of your history and past…a long history of betrayals considering."

Tywin silently listened, Geralt could tell his words had struck a nerve with him. "So do you think trustworthiness and honor is enough? Eddard's father and brother followed those beliefs and died because of it. Lord Stark has that same mind set which will drag you down."

"I've heard that many times Lord Tywin…hasn't killed me yet." A small smirk hinted his lips as he'd shift to stand up. "For now though I think it's time I left. This has been an insightful conversation though."

"Indeed." Tywin muttered, giving that cold look to the Witcher. "I do wish you fortune in learning the truth of Jon Arryn…and the misfortune to young Bran Stark, the attempt on his life is troubling news."

What surprised Geralt on that mention was Tywin's knowledge of it. Few knew of the assassination attempt beyond the Stark family and the few involved in the investigation. For a moment he looked at Tywin, realizing the man was far more informed then he originally thought. Already he questioned if he learned of this somehow through family agents…or if someone involved in the case had leaked the news.

"Goodnight Lord Lannister." With that he'd leave the large tent, eager to escape the cold judging gaze of Tywin. It was for certain though, he already disliked the man greatly and knew that out of all the nobles in King's Landing he was by far the most dangerous one about.

The walk back to tent was short since Geralt ignored anyone who tried to get in his way. A few nobles or stray commoners did greet him, though the serious look on his face was enough to dissuade them away. Already the Witcher was thinking over all the conversation he had overheard between Tywin and Cersei along with his chat with the noble. All it did was cement his distrust towards both the Lannister patriarch and the queen, who both seemed focused on the political game happening in the shadows. It seemed obvious neither truly knew who was behind Jon Arryn's death, but they were obviously working towards a power grab with his passing. Yet what or how was the real question.

Entering his tent, he'd snap out of his thoughts when he saw someone pacing around the table, making Geralt tense for a moment before recognizing who it was. "Davos?"

The sea captain glanced to Geralt before giving a big friendly grin and stepped forward for a quick hand shake. "Congratulations on the victory Geralt. Gods it was a battle of a lifetime seeing you take down the Mountain and the King Slayer. I'm sorry I couldn't speak to you sooner, just you ran off so quickly after the Melee. I assumed you needed the rest."

"What about Lord Eddard?"

"He's retired for the night along with his daughters. Shared a fine dinner with all three, can say the girls are quite the unique pair…if quite contrasting. Arya won't stop remarking about every move you pulled out in detail. Girl has a sharp eye and mind to have noticed everything from so far."

"A bit of natural talent I think. She's proven that after just a few sword lessons." Geralt remarked in agreement. "Still, why the late visit? I'd imagine you'd be back in the city and to your ship."

"Aye you'd think that…however the matter at hand is very political." Glancing a bit, he'd lean in to mutter. "Uh…there isn't anyone over hearing us is there?"

For a moment Geralt paused as he'd slowly pace around the tent, his hone senses listening for anyone lurking just outside. Once he did a full circle, he'd nod which made Davos relax before he'd speak again in a low voice.

"I'll admit Geralt. I have deceived you for a while."

"Deceived me on what?"

"My reason being here. It's beyond just trading and gathering ship supplies but spying. How well do you know about Lord Stannis, Robert's brother?"

"Only that he's the Master of Ships and what you've shared with me. Seems like he was a very upstanding if overly seriously lord from what I can tell. I know he left quite suddenly just days after Jon died."

"That be true. Despite rumors though, he's one of the most honest and dutiful men I've met in my life." Davos took a deep breath now, collecting himself. "Stannis left for Dragonstone because he knew Jon was close to finding the truth about the Lannisters, mainly that behind Queen Cersei."

"What truth?"

"Her children…he believed they weren't truly Robert's."

"So you mean he believed them to be bastards? That is a serious claim towards Lady Cersei to cheat and purposefully set those children up as false heirs. The problem is proving that."

"Which was why Stannis believed Jon Arryn was killed! The former Hand was close to having such evidence, enough that would have even Robert believe such claims. Stannis never learned what this proof was before fleeing to his Keep, which is why I've been visiting so often to try and find some trail to pick up on."

"Which I happened to be on…clever."

Davos nodded. "I was making plans to contact you when I learned you served for Lord Eddard, yet fate decided we'd met on different terms."

"So I take you've shared this information with Eddard was well?"

"Of course! If anything the news seemed to trouble him as he seemed to realize something. Mentioned something about a tome dedicated to the lineages of the great houses. Perhaps there was some clue in it that he recognized."

"Maybe. I'll have to ask him about it once we return to the keep." Geralt paused to think for a moment, wondering how to approach this. "If what you say is true then all that leaves is learning who the royal children's true father is."

"Stannis wasn't too certain himself. Again much of this search was done on Jon's part."

"What if they are wrong though? If anything I can see Stannis making such a claim just to discredit his brother's children and deny Joffrey his rightful place to the throne."

Davos had a bit of a baffled look at the suggestion. "Stannis would never grab for power in such an underhanded way. This man has struggled hard for all his life to get to where he is, even when he was denied the credit he was due for the blood and effort given. While he did demand to be recognized for his actions and birthright, he'd never stoop so low to steal for such power."

It was quite the impassioned speech and from the way Davos kept that unweaving look showed the captain meant every word.

"And I believe you. Again I'm just looking at this from all angles because if we make a mistake we'll have a lot of people being blamed and branded as traitors."

"With truth comes its risks." Davos sighed.

"Indeed. For now though just keep your Lord informed while Eddard and I focus on this matter. If something new does come up you'll be the first to know."

"Thank you. I value you're trust deeply Geralt."

Again they shook hands before the sea captain stepped back, giving a small yawn and stretch. "Secrets aside…I feel it's time I head back. Ugh…a long ride back to the ship that is for sure."

"Roads should be lit by this hours, so I'm sure you'll have no trouble. Still, watch yourself out there Seaworth."

"I will. You be mindful yourself." Turning to leave though, he'd nearly bump into a portly man dressed in tanned leather and a sizable head cap which covered most of his upper head, some courtier by the looks of it. "Ah! Apologies!"

"None needed sire. My mistake of rushing in unannounced." The man answered back formally.

Davos nodded, seeming in a hurry as he'd leave the tent with a short parting wave back to the Witcher. Geralt's attention though was set on the courtier who'd approach him.

"I have an important message from King Robert himself. He deeply apologizes for not being able to invite you for a private dinner tonight because of…complications. Thus he has requested you come with him on a royal hunt in three days' time."

"A hunt? Surprised he'd organize one so soon after the games." Geralt questioned "Care to explain that…Varys."

At that point the 'courtier' glanced up, an amused smile hinting his thin lips as the Master of Whispers better shared his face. Indeed he had put on some make up to disguise his soft features, yet Geralt's sharp eyes could see through it all.

"Impressive. What gave me away?"

"The perfume you have on. Same stuff you wore at the Small Council meeting. Very distinct scent considering."

"Nose is as sharp as your wit and eyes Witcher. As expected of a man of your many surprising talents." The spy master complimented, giving a cheer grin as well.

"So what brings you here? Doubt you played dress up just to watch the tourney without being hassled."

"This disguise has always been useful blending into such events. Let's me get by and overhear anything…suspicious that warrant my attention."

"Such as between me and Davos?"

"And Lord Tywin. I must say you walked a fine line speaking so openly with him, while not being too hostile." The added remark drew some surprise to the Witcher, questioning how the man got close enough to overhear. However he decided to not ask, feeling he'd just get a half answer on the matter.

"So then…what do you plan to do? Do you deem me a threat suddenly?"

"Not yet, although you've complicated matters through your victory at the Melee. By now it's obvious you're quite the deadly warrior, a literal one-man army from my point of view."

Geralt crossed his arms, a hint of annoyance on his face. "Getting to a point yet? If not, then I'd like you to leave…"

"It's about the claims Davos shared with you. In truth I've been following up on such rumors as well."

"Really now? So what do you believe in then?"

"Only that things in court and across the Seven Kingdoms will become quite chaotic, a situation I'd greatly wish to avoid." He'd turn to leave the tent, stopping at the flap. "Your answers are much closer than you think Geralt. Both you and Lord Stark have been looking too broadly. Sometimes the most complex answer is simply the one in front of you."

"Right…vague clues…my favorite spy trick." Geralt muttered as Varys slipped out of the tent. Only a few moments later did the bald man's head peek in quickly.

"Also I wasn't lying about King Robert's invitation. Hope your hunting skills are up to par." With a small polite smile, Varys slipped out of view once more, at last leaving the Witcher alone.

Geralt gave a deep sigh as he'd sit at his cot, eyes closing as he'd think deeply over the news and the spymaster's words. Already he was beginning to see a connection to it all. All it came down to King Robert himself giving the final pieces he needed to be certain and for Eddard to find whatever shocking link he had realized. If anything the invitation to the hunt was the perfect opportunity to privately question the King without being overheard and while he was in good spirits.

"All comes down to one point…" Geralt muttered to himself before glancing at the locked chest where Dragon Flag was tucked away. If the person he believed had owned the dagger back in Winterfell was who he thought it was, then things were only going to escalate no matter what. For now he'd relax on the cot, giving a sigh as the stressful day had taken its toll as he'd drift to sleep.

Many miles to the north west, a hard week's ride from King's Landing, the sound of digging tools and tired voices filled the air. On a tall bare hill famously known as High Heart, worn laborers heaved damp earth up around the center of large white wood stumps, the only remaining hints of the great weirwood grove that had crowned this hill. They were creating a wide deep pit, that could be easily be considered a pond if filled with water. Nearby, a large hut had been build or more of reconstructed considering the owner's demands.

Weavess spied on her slaves through the blinds of the window, knowing very well that most would parish within the week. It didn't matter, for in death their flesh would be of use for the coming rite, giving their lowly lives some last purpose. When she had sensed this place, she had been quick to halt her work on the tapestry and focus on using what weak willed followers she had to move to this sacred hill. She had communed with the dormant power, the ancient natural energy that was here. Such old history she had learned, giving her at last insight of this world's forgotten history and the foolish beings that tended these long-fallen trees.

"Oh how weak the Children were. Fearful and cowardly…having so much power in their grasp yet lacking will to use it." She chuckled to herself as she paced about the tapestry room, gazing at her beautiful work. Indeed the piece depicting the crones was nearly complete, the labor having been long yet worthwhile. "Yet I have the will. Yes…the time draws near when the dawn of flame breaks. With it the world with take's its first breath for a new age. From that we will be together against sisters…" Mournfully she'd caress the tapestry, touching the fine material with such care unfitting for such a clawed limb.

Outside there'd be more coughing then gasping as one of the labors suddenly collapsed, the fellow workers keeping back as he fell over twitching before being still. Everyone paused, hesitant at first before two labors picked up the dead worker and dragged him to the hut, laying it before the doorway. Once they had hurried off, the hag's gnarled hand yanked the corpse quickly inside, followed by the sickening crack of bone and the gory smack of bloody flesh being stripped away.

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