
Chapter 34: The Queen Of Thorns

Author's note: Apologies for the wait, Read review and enjoy. Now if you excuse me I'm in a wrestling match with the turkey helps prepare me for the in-laws(rolls up sleeves) Happy Thanksgiving. (Lunges)


"You're an idiot."

"I sorry."

"How could you be so careless."

"Could we please drop this?"

Robb sat on the bed putting on his jerkin as Sansa paced about in front of him. He winced as the movement caused stinging in his shoulder that was covered in bandages. Sansa knelt down and helped steady it as Robb pulled the sleeve up.

Robb had been careless at the Crag should have known better. Riding so close to the Crag's crumbling battlements. Close enough for one of their archers to loose an arrow that pierced his shoulder. The wound was enough that is left him bedridden. for a week under milk of the poppy. Robb cursed, if he ever had to drink that stuff it would be much too soon.

Robb and his host chose to stay at the Crag while he recuperated. His sister Sansa had taken to tending to him while as he recovered. Grey Wind stayed by his bedside at all times.

"What were you thinking riding up so close to the walls?" Sansa asked incredulously. "Do you expect your horse to knock the gates down."

Robb shook his head, "it seemed like a good idea at the time to be closer to the men."

"You could have been killed Robb," Sansa emphasized.

Their 'hosts' were the Westerlings and Spicers. Since the true lord of the Crag Gawen Spicer was captured, his second son Rollam was acting Lord of the Crag. among his kin were his sisters Jeyne and Elenya, their mother Sybell Spicer, and their Uncle Rolph, and a cousin Samwell Spicer.

House Westerling was an ancient and noble house going back to the age of the first men. but bad times had caused the unfortunate house to fall into ruin. The Spicers were a family of up jumped merchants, not a drop of noble blood but they had gold. So it was a mutual agreement, the Westerlings would regain some wealth while the Spicers, moved up the feudal system.

"Grey Wind and Lady don't seem ti like our hosts that much," Robb quipped.

"Only some of them," Sansa pointed out

What had surprised her most was the reactions of their direwolves. Both Grey Wind and Lady were passive towards Rollam and his sisters, they were nothing but hostile towards the Spicers, always growling and snarling when ever they were near. This was also surprising coming from Lady who was generally a passive and trusting wolf. Roland always told her that wolves like dogs are flawless judges of character. So if neither Grey Wind or Lady trusted them than neither did she.

"It's this, war," Robb insisted, "it's making him hostile."

Sansa disagreed, "I don't think so, Roland once told me that dogs have flawless judges of character, that's what makes them such good guards."

"Direwolves are not dogs Sansa," Robb said with a smile.

"No," Sansa admitted, "they're just larger stronger and more intelligent."

"You sound like Arya," Robb noted with amusement.

"Maybe I'm just maturing faster," Sansa replied, the two siblings laughed while their direwolves barked happily."

A week after taking the Crag, Robb finally recovered enough to take his host to Riverrun. His uncle Lord Edmure has unwittingly disrupted all their plans so he was returning to see what was to be done now. His uncle actions however good intended they were put everything at risk especially their King.

Robb had not seen father in months. He had been spent too long in the Westerlands, it would be nice to be in a more friendly castle for a while

Once Robb and Sansa returned to Riverrun Sansa left for her chambers while Robb headed for the great hall. They entered the great hall where his father and the Blackfish were in a heated argument with Edmure

"I mean you should thank Lord Eddard for his forbearance." Blackfish snapped. "Eddard played that mummer's farce in the great hall so not to shame you in front of your people. If it were up to me I would have flayed you instead of praising that Folly at the Fords."

Edmure looked at the three men perplexed "Folly? I held Riverrun and bloodied the Lannister host. Surely you must realize we won't win this war if Robb and Roland are the only ones winning battles, there's plenty of glory for all of us."

"So you did," Blackfish admitted, "but this war isn't about glory nephew. Did you ever wonder why Robb stayed in the Westerlands for so long, you should know we don't have the men to take Casterly Rock or Lannisport."

"I assumed it was for taking the other castles, like Ashmark and the Crag, there are others with gold and livestock."

Robb sighed, "we did not come for mere plunder, Uncle. I wanted Tywin to come west. King Roland was falling upon King's Landing, He could have taken the Red Keep subdued his brother and ended the war right then and there."

Blackfish spoke again. "we planned to run Lord Tywin a merry chase up and down the coast, then slip behind him to take up a strong defensive position at the gold road, at a place my scouts had found where the ground would have been greatly in our favor. If he had come at us there, he would have paid a grievous price. But if he did not attack, he would have been trapped in the west, a thousand leagues from where he needed to be. All the while we would have lived off his land, instead of him living off ours."

"I was never told," Edmure insisted. Why am I being chastised here, I was only following orders."

"I told you to hold Riverrun, what part of that command did you fail to comprehend?"

"I was also ordered to hold the Lannisters at the Red fork."

Robb, his father, and uncle looked at each other, this was news to them. "Who told you to hold the river," Eddard asked gently now.

"King Roland himself," Edmure walked over to his desk and pulled out a raven scroll and handed it to him.

Eddard looked at the letter carefully, "This is his seal to be sure," he said finally.

"He said he didn't want Tywin to interfere with Robb's raiding, nor to catch you from behind nephew. It made perfect sense to me so I didn't even question it."

This shocking revelation took the other three men off guard. "Why did you not say shat Roland wrote to you," Blackfish demanded.

"I assumed you knew about it," Edmure replied.

Robb sighed and looked down at the map, "what is Roland up to, none of this makes any sense?"

"When did you receive this letter," Eddard asked.

"About a fortnight ago, Edmure explained, "Why."

Eddard sighed, "this turn of events might have something to do with the letter I sent him requesting aid for the wall."

"How do you mean," Robb asked his father.

"He sent a raven back saying he would send aid but it also said he would be joining them, perhaps he had to change his plans in order to accommodate our request."

Blackfish frowned, and turned to his nephew, "did you happen to take any hostages of value?"

Edmure nodded, "Willem Lannister, Martyn Lannister, and Tion Frey, hopefully, they can be ransomed for anyone the Lannisters have."

Eddard nodded, "as good as we could hope for considering the circumstances."

Robb sighed, "I don't like any of this one-bit father, I hope Roland knows what he's doing."


They had arrived at king's landing in the night. in the sea of men she could just make out the distinct sound of battle further up. the sun was blocked by the smoke created from the flames both inside and outside the city.

As they poured in through the northern gates Bane did something unexpected. He reared up suddenly, throwing her off and before anyone could react, Bane galloped away heading north.

Raynald Westerling who was assigned to watch Arya saw the spectacle and sat her on his own mount, "Are you okay?" he asked gently.

Arya nodded as she shifted in the saddle.

"I guess he didn't want to go back," he said bluntly.

"It's probably for the best," Arya said simply, "who knows what Joffrey would do to the poor horse if he got his hands on him."

After the Battle Arya expected Joffrey to make her life hell. It was highly unlikely that he had forgotten the humiliation he had suffered at the Trident because of her. 'It was his own fault,' Arya reasoned with herself, if he had just left us along everything would have been fine. Now she was right back where she started, the Red Keep. But instead of drunk but jolly Robert Baratheon, the ruler was now the cowardly liar son Joffrey.

But surprisingly, other than the rather less than pleasant company, her time in the Red Keep was rather uneventful. Mainly because Joffrey was too busy wooing his new wife Margaery Tyrell. For the most part, Arya was allowed free reign of the castle, though she was now shadowed by Lannister men every moment of the day save for in her own chambers. Thankfully, they were Westerling men. Arya suspected that Tywin had given strict orders that she was not to be harmed.

Despite this Arya knew she had to 'behave' herself. Along with herself, Tywin had also brought two other prisoners with him, Gendry and another boy named Hot Pie. Hot Pie was a plump pleasant boy with straw-colored hair, he reminded her somewhat of Prince Tommen. Arya was always good at making friends with commoners and Hot Pie was no exception. At Harrenhal he worked i the kitchens preparing Lord Tywin's meals so they saw each other often. When Arya was done for the night he was always eager to make her something.

Arya was puzzled at first as to why Tywin would bring them. But soon the answer became clear. They were hostages meant to deter Arya from escaping. Despite everything, she didn't want either of those boys to come to harm. the memory of Mycah was still fresh in her heart. Joffrey may have had him killed but that didn't stop Arya from blaming herself.

Most of the court gave her passing glares but Arya couldn't care less about that. 'They're all stupid,' she thought. "None of them realize they're bowing to a prick." Tywin had them provide clothes for her and even gave her a handmaiden, a slight comely girl named Shae. Arya was fascinated by her accent and she didn't seem like other handmaidens. Un;like the other pompous girls, this one was down to earth and straightforward about everything.

In fact the only people who bothered to interact with her besides Tywin was Princess Myrcella and the imp Tyrion Lannister. Arya liked Myrcella, their first encounter she realized that they both shared the same view of Joffrey. She even loaned her some of her dresses to wear at court. As she went to break her fast she came across him.

"Hello Lady Arya," Tyrion said cheerfully, "it's good to see you again."

Arya didn't answer, and bowed stiffly. "thank you, Lord Tyrion."

Tyrion smiled normally, "lady's curtsey instead of bow."

"I'm not a lady," Arya snapped."

"Of course not," Tyrion replied, "you are a wolf and a fierce one."

"I don't normally see you in this part of the Keep," Arya observed.

"I'm just going to see my new niece, Tyrion said simply, "Would you like to come see her."

This intrigued her but one thing stopped her, "Won't your sister-?"

Tyrion waved it off, "I wouldn't worry about her, she's got her hands full for the day."

They headed to the nursery where Tommen and Myrcella were already there playing with the baby. They were all on the floor along with Tommen's kittens, Ser Pounce, Lady Whiskers, and Boots.

Cerelle was playing with a lock of Myrcella's hair, Myrcella giggled. "She's obsessed with my hair, she said as the baby stuffed the lock into her mouth.

Arya couldn't help but smile down at Cerelle and touched the baby's cheek. Cerelle turned to look at her and Arya gasped at the bright blue eyes staring back at her. "Winter rose," Arya whispered.

Tyrion looked at her, "pardon?"

"Her eyes are like a winter rose," Arya explained.

"I've never seen a winter rose before," Myrcella admitted. After thinking for a moment she held Cerelle out to Arya, "would you like to hold her?"

Arya was shocked by the gesture, "I don't think your mother will approve."

Mycella smiled slyly, "my mother's not here is she?"

Arya returned the smile and held out her arms. "Cerelle was smaller than most babes she had seen, but she was no dwarf. Despite this the babe looked quite healthy. As Arya held her, the babe squirmed in her arms and tried to reach for her hair. Arya shrugged and offered Cerelle her own braid. The babe wasted no time stuffing it in her mouth. Tyrion and all three children laughed and this seemed to cause Cerelle to laugh to and she was the loudest of them all.

Arya stayed with them for a while when a servant knocked announcing the arrival of Garlan Tyrell. Arya stood up and bowed, "Ser Garlan."

Garlan responded with a bow of his own. Arya remembered his brother Loras, Garlan was far larger than most men she had seen save for the Baratheons. He was dressed in bright green garbs and his right hand was bandaged. "Lady Arya, " He began, "My grandmother Olenna Tyrell invites you to dine with her and my sister Margaery in the Maidenhall this evening."

Arya nodded, "I will go prepare then." she left for her chambers shortly after Garlan left. Rummaging through the dresses Myrcella gave her Arya chose the simplest she could find. A dark green dress with gold stitching. Shae braided her hair and she checked herself in the mirror. In her mind she looked fine so it will do.

A knock came at the door and a young woman stapped in. she was dressed in in the colours of Tyrell yet her face looked northern with brown hair and light green eyes. The girl curtsied and spoke. "Lady Arya, I've been sent to escort you to my Lady. Arya nodded, got up and followed.

As they made their way down the halls Arya blurted out a question. "Are you a northerner."

The girl smiled and nodded, as a matter of fact, I am. My name is Mira Forrester, eldest Daughter of Gregor Forrester."

"Forrester?" Arya gasped in surprise, "your family serves the Glovers."

Mira's smile broadened, "that's right, I was sent to Highgarden to serve one of Lady Margaery's Handmaidens." She paused and her smile faltered, "I'm very sorry this has happened to you. Lady Arya, it must be cruel to be separated from your family."

Arya shrugged, "it could be worse," she said simply. "At least they're alive and the Lannisters leave me be for the most part."

They came to the Maidenhall where they were met by Margaery Tyrell. Arya was stunned for a moment, she had heard the tales of her beauty. but hearing and seeing were two different things. Margaery Tyrell was absolutely stunning with soft brown hair and large doe-like eyes. Margaery smiled brightly as Mira Curtseyed and Arya bowed.

"Arya Stark, my lady," Mira introduced them.

"Thank you Mira," Margaery thrummed brightly. As Mira went to join her fellow handmaidens. Margaery led Arya to one table where two women were seated. One was a tall, comely woman with silver hair and light blue eyes. The other woman, Arya could only guess was Lady Olenna the Queen of Thorns

There sitting before them was the teeniest old woman Arya had ever seen. With snow-white hair and soft gaunt hands. She was even older than her grandfather Hoster Tully. She smiled pleasantly enough yet her eyes seemed like she was peering into her soul.

"Lady Arya, it is an honor to present my grandmother, the Lady Olenna of House Tyrell." Margaery gave a formal introduction.

Lady Olenna smiled and held out her hand, "Kiss he, child," Arya leaned in and kissed the old woman's hand. "It is so good of you to visit me in my foolish flock of hens."

"Why do they call you the Queen of Thorns?" Arya asked immediately.

Margaery's eyes widened in horror and Alerie gasped. Nobody dared to call her grandmother that to her face. Her grandmother hated being called that. Yet Arya betrayed no sense of fear she couldn't tell whether it was childish ignorance or she just didn't care.

Olenna's eyes narrowed and her lip curled for a moment before speaking. "What have you been told, child?"

"Roland says it's because you have the sharpest mind and tongue in the Reach," Arya replied.

Olenna's smile returned, "You are a bold little lady, aren't you Arya Stark."

"I'm not a lady," Arya declared indignantly. "I don't want to be and I never will be."

Olenna chuckled. "You, are exactly like your aunt Arya Stark. She was infamous for her wild nature. It's certainly are refreshing change compared to the simpering little birds I'm forced to surround myself with." The queen of thorns interlocked her fingers, "do you know of my husband? The late Lord Luthor?"

Arya shook her head, and Olenna continued, "a ponderous oaf he was. He manage to ride off a cliff whilst hawking, he had his head in the clouds and paid no mind to where his horse was taking him."

"I'm sorry to hear that," Arya said carefully.

Olenna shook her head, "don't be, we have enough fools in the family."

"Grandmother," Margaery scolded, "what will Arya think of us."

Arya was unable to suppress a giggle something that didn't go unnoticed by the Tyrells. Olenna smirked, "clearly she will think we have wits about us. Or at least one of us at any rate." Olenna sighed, "what we did was treason, I warned them all. Robert has three sons and Renly has an older brother. How can he possibly lay claim to that ugly iron chair, when his claim was the weakest?"

"Renly was brave and gentle grandmother," Margaery reasoned. "Father liked him and so did Loras."

Olenna scoffed, "Your fat head father's decision to back Renly was a fool's errand. At least my nephew Paxter had the sense to declare support for the Baratheon that is next in line. Yet my son was determined to make Margaery queen. The idea of a Tyrell on the throne make him puff up like... What do you call those silly looking fish." She turned to Arya, "You seem like a clever girl Arya, could you tell this poor old half-daft woman what is the name of the queer fish that puffs up ten times larger when you poke them called?"

"I think they're called puffer fish, Lady Olenna," Arya replied.

Olenna scoffed, "of course they are, people these days have no imagination."

"It seems fitting to me," Arya quipped "A boring name for a boring creature."

Olenna hmphed, "well I guess I can't argue with that. Now as for your brother Margaery. Loras, is young and good and knocking men off horses with sticks. But that doesn't make him wise or ready for battle. I heard he lost to a woman from Tarth during one of Renly's melees. I will never know what possessed him in thinking he could take on the Black Prince. Roland Baratheon has been wielding a sword since he could lift one and trains as vigorously as Garlan. Doesn't help matter that he had good men to teach him, Jaime Lannister, Barristan Selmy, Stannis Baratheon and even his father before he became fatter than my own son."

Arya suppressed a chuckle at that, Mace was indeed fat but he was thin compared to Robert Baratheon.

"Now he's a broken man, The Battle of the Kingswood had left Loras a shadow of his former self. If it had been Garlan that day perhaps much would have been different. If it were up to me, we would have stayed well out of this bloody mess. But once the cow has been milked you can't squirting the cream back up her udders. Now we're here to see things through." She turned back to Arya, "what do you say to that."

Arya shrugged, "any decision is a great risk, we'll just have to see if it is all worth it."

Olenna nodded. "Yes, we will, my dear." She got up and gestured Arya to follow. "come dine with me child I think you will find me less of a bore than these others." Olenna grabbed a servant, "take this dog's dinner away and bring me some cheese."

The cheese will be served after the cakes my lady," the servant tried to explain."

Olenna glared at him, "the cheese will be served when I want it to be served and I want it served NOW."

The servant nodded quickly and rushed to obey."

Olenna then turned to Arya, "now, I want you to tell us about Joffrey. He is comely enough, but then again so was Arion Brightflame and he was a monster. What is Joffrey Arya? How kind is he how clever? Does he have a good heart and a gentle hand? Is he as chivalrous as a king should be. Will he treat my granddaughter tenderly and protect his honor?"

Arya was silent for a moment she set her knife down and placed her hands in her lap. "Joffrey can be charming when he wants to be, but he is no king. He is a liar and a coward, he killed a friend of mind to save one of his lies. He ordered my sister's direwolf killed when-"

Alerei cut in, "pardon me Lady Arya, but did you say direwolf?"

Arya rolled her eyes inwardly, "yes direwolf, me and my siblings have one even my half-brother, Jon."

"Indeed," Olenna snapped, "now hush up and let the girl finish."

Arya nodded and continued, "he looked down at everyone in my family and he only treated my sister kindly because he wanted her beauty. He put my father in a cell and slaughtered our household, people I have known all my life." Arya kept her eyes on Olenna through out her rant. When she finally finished, Alerei and the other ladies were staring at her in disbelief. Shocked that Arya would be so bold as to speak of the king in such a matter.

Only two did not display such emotion, Margaery had listened intently to Arya's words and her faces betrayed nothing. Olenna merely shrugged and said. Ahh, well we figured as much. Margaery visited him earlier and she got a similar impression."

"What will you do now?" Arya wondered.

"The wedding will still go on as planned," Olenna confirmed, "my son is determined to see his precious daughter wed the king so we shall see it through. But now we know to be on our guard, lions are dangerous even the reckless ones."

Margaery decided to change the subject, "Arya would you like to visit Highgarden?"

Arya was taken aback by the offer, yet Margaery continued, "you will love it, I know. There are groves, fountains, shady courtyards and marble colonnades. In court, we keep singers, pipers, fiddlers, harpers.

"Hush now child, Olenna said calmly, "we don't even know if she wants to go there. If she is the type of woman I think she is. I don't believe she would like flowers and singers too much.

Arya was conflicted, she had never been to Highgarden, and she would want to get as far away from Joffrey and his mother as possible. Still, Highgarden seemed more like a place Sansa would love not her, and besides, she was unlikely to make any friends there. Myrcella seemed to like her well enough and then there was Gendry and Hot Pie. Who knows what Joffrey might do to them. "I don't think the queen will let me leave Kingslanding," she said finally.

"The Queen Regent you mean?" Margery corrected her. "There's no need to worry about her, when Joffrey and I are married I shall be queen."

"What of Tywin? Arya wondered. "He knows I'm too valuable a hostage to allow me out his sight."

"Ahh yes," Olenna realized, this blasted war will certainly make things complicated.

"I- I will have to think about it," Arya said finally. This is not an easy choice."

"Of course," Olenna nodded in acceptance. "Thank you Arya Stark, I look forward to the next time we speak." She turned to Mira, "I'm putting you into Lady Arya's service for the time being. Seeing as you both are of the north, the two of you will have much to talk about."

Mira bowed, "as you wish my lady."

Arya bowed her head respectfully, "thank you Lady Olenna." With that, she stood up and headed for the smithy, with Mira in tow.

"I've never seen a girl speak so boldly," Margaery commented.

"Honestly what do those northerners teach their daughters," Alerei scoffed.

Olenna simply smiled, "I like her." The turned as a servant approached, "ah, here comes my cheese."


The howling of winds fills his ears, The snow falls thickly but not heavily, looking around Roland sees he is on the edge of a cliff. Down below he sees a massive battle ensuing. His is so far up that Roland cannot tell the banners but he sees masses of gold, blue, and even green. torches as numerous as the stars in the sky. He hears a noise and turned to his front. Before him are 13 wraiths, eyes glowing like blue flames and holding weapons that sparkle in the light. Roland looks down at the blade in his hand, the blade is crimson yet it didn't seem right for some reason.

Looking back at the wraiths he grips the sword and charges, he cuts down the first four with ease but but the wraiths move faster that expected. As he is about to cut down a fifth, one grabs his arm. Roland struggles as he sees his arm turn to solid ice. then with a mighty shove the wraith shoved him back the last thing he saw was the valley below, falling, falling, falling.

Roland bolted awake, his hair and face soaked in sweat. His hand moved to wipe the sweat off his face when he felt the bandages. Blinking a few times Roland noticed that something didn't look right. He traced the bandages and found them covering the spot where his right eye should be. Rubbing the last of the sleep from his other eye, Roland got up slowly and grabbed a mirror near his bed. The bandages seemed focused over his left eye. He touched the spot gently and winced at the pain that suddenly shot through his head.

Beside him his arm suddenly felt wet, Turning Roland saw Shadow at his bedside licking his arm. "Hello boy, he smiled and petted the dog's head.

As he inspected his wounds, Maester Cressen entered the room, "My king," he exclaimed, as Roland struggled to his feet, searing pain burned through his leg when he attempted to apply pressure to it. "Please, you must not exert yourself yet."

Roland sighed and rubbed his head, "How long?"

"Two weeks my king," Maester Cressen replied. Roland opened his mouth to say more, but the Master seemed to know the question. "Your leg will heal fully in time, fortunately, it was only a flesh wound." Cressen paused reluctantly to tell Roland the worse news, "I'm afraid your eye, on the other hand, cannot be repaired.

Roland bowed his head, the loss of an eye could greatly affect his ability to fight. But for now that was a minor issue, there was so much to discuss, to explain.

Just then Shireen rushed in and gave a cry of delight seeing her cousin awake. she bolted to the bed and hugged Roland tightly. Roland groaned as the gesture put strain on his leg. Nevertheless he returned the gesture. "I thought you were dying," she said with watery eyes, "you slept for days."

"Oh little fawn," Roland cooed, "don't you know by now, they need a dragon to kill me."

Shireen laughed which made Roland smile, she then took out something. "They said you lost your eye," she said, "so I had them make you this." She handed him an eyepatch with a golden stag in the middle.

Roland eyed it for a moment, smiled and kissed her forehead. "Thank you, he said genuinely before looking around mockingly, "but I fear I have nothing to give you in return."

"I'm just glad you're not dead," Shireen replied. Then her eyes widened as she remembered something. "Oh, I almost forgot to tell you. We received a raven from the capital. Your lady mother has given birth."

This caught Roland off guard, he didn't know his mother was with child. suddenly fear swept through him what if the battle caused her to go into labor. "What?"

"She gave birth to a baby girl," she said with excitement, "you have another little sister. Father says she has black hair and blue eyes like you. Her name is Cerelle." With that Shireen jumped from the bed and skipped away to find Patchface.

Roland leaned back on the bed a big smile spread across his face. He had a sister, a full true-born sister. A small bolt of fear went through him as he thought about Joffrey. what would he do, how would he act, questions like that plagued his mind . But then there was his mother, despite her flaws Roland was sure she would not let anything happen to her own daughter and Tywin's presence was sure to bring the boy to heal.

After she left, Roland got up and looked into the mirror. Slowly and carefully, Roland removed the bandages, a large scar ran down from just over his forehead to just below the cheekbone. it was still a mess but at least it was sealed. Roland washed his face and combed his hair before getting dressed. After donning his usual black garb he took a cane provided to him by Cressen and headed to the Painted Table with Shadow in tow.

He entered the room of the Painted Table and found his main Lords already gathered. His Uncle Stannis, Alester Florent, Davos Seaworth, Beric Dondarrion, Bryce Caron, Ser Donnel Swann, Arstan Selmy, Monford Velaryon, Ardrian Celtigar, Guncer Sunglass and Duram Bar Emmon. They had been bickering loudly, but the moment he entered, the room grew silent as the lords stood up and bowed.

His uncle Stannis was the first to speak, "It's good to finally see you on your feet nephew."

Roland nodded "thank you Uncle." They waited for Roland to take his seat before the lords did the same, once he was sorted Roland spoke. "I know many of you have questions and even more concerns especially after what has happened in King's Landing. But first I have questions of my own." He turned to Lord Stannis. "Have any lords deserted us?"

To Roland's relief Stannis shook his head, "none thus far my king, several dozen knights, and men at arms tried to desert but I dealt with them accordingly."

Roland gave a slight nod, "good, now what is the tally of out losses uncle?"

Stannis pulled out a sheet of paper and real it aloud. "The current tally is 6,000 dead, and 1,000 taken prisoner. Of the 160 ships we had, we lost about half, all 60 merchant vessels, 10 war galley's and 2 catapult ships."

Roland opened his mouth to speak but Stannis continued. "However we were able to capture several War Galley's from Joffrey's fleet, so as of right now we have 100 war Galley's at our command."

Roland nodded, thanks to his Uncle Tyrion's wildfire trick losses were heavier that expected, but considering the plan these seemed acceptable losses. "What do we know the enemy hosts that attacked us?"

"Rolland Storm sent scouts who report that the Lannisters numbered 20,000 men. Mace Tyrell crossed the river with 60,000 men before the rearguard was attacked by a fleet contingent led by Aurane Waters."

When Stannis finished, Lord Bryce Caron was the first to speak, "My king, the defeat at Kings Landing is a great set back for us. Now with the newly forged Lannister/Tyrell alliance, we wonder how you intend to deal with this development."

Roland sighed and stood up, "my Lords I apologize for keeping you all in the dark, but it was necessary that Lord Varys did not learn the purpose of my plan." The lords gathered looked at each other confused as Roland continued. "We were not meant to take the capital at all, The defeat at the Blackwater was really strategic retreat."

Now the Lords were really confused, "I'm not sure we understand my king," Lord Caron replied. "Is King's Landing not the capitol, is it not where your brother currently sits the Iron throne that should be yours?"

Roland nodded, "you are correct on all counts Lord Caron, but taking King's Landing would not spell total victory for us. What you need to understand is that as long as our enemies have a haven to retreat to the war will continue. While our dominance at sea is unquestioned, our enemy still has advantage over land." Roland shook his head "It would not have mattered," he said bitterly. "The moment I made Margaery Tyrell a widow, the Lannister/Tyrell Alliance was an unavoidable event."

"So how does a fake attack on Kings landing help our cause?" Alester Florent asked.

Roland gave him a sly smile, "Tell me, Lord Florent, where is Tywin Lannister now."

Lord Florent looked around thinking it was a trick question, finally, he breathed, "King's Landing?"

Roland nodded, "yes now where is Mace Tyrell?"

"King's Landing."

Roland nodded once more,"Now tell me what did those two men bring with them to King's Landing?"

The lords looked at each other not understanding the question before Lord Beric Dondarrion answered, "the might of the Lannister and Tyrell armies."

Roland smiled, "precisely. Lord Tywin came to Kings Landing with 20,000 men and most of his capable commanders including Roland Crackhall, Addam Marbrand and his brother Kevan. Mace Tyrell has done the same, with the bulk of the Reach forces and his two subordinates, Randyll Tarly and Mathis Rowan."

"How do you know those two men are with him," Lord Beric asked.

"Because Lord Mace has never marched to war without those two men by his side" Roland replied. "But the Point remains, My brother's two most powerful allies have gathered in one place with their most capable commanders and the bulk of their military might."

"I fail to see how that helps us," Lord Florent said skeptically.

Roland shook his head slightly, "That's because you fail to grasp the bigger picture. With them all in one place that means they have foolishly left their lands undefended. Robb has already led a successful incursion into the Westerlands now we shall do the same in the Reach. While our losses at the Blackwater were heavy, our armies are far from depleted, our Reach forces remain fresh they will prove useful in the months ahead."

"What if Mace decided to turn back for home?" Lord Beric pointed out.

Roland smiled, "the fat fool may find that more difficult than he realizes." The lords looked at each other not fully understanding as Roland turned to one in particular. "Lord Wendwater, what is the progress on that 'project' I gave you?

Lord Wendwater spoke softly, "everything is going smoothly, 60 have been built with 40 more in construction."

For once Lord Stannis was perplexed, "Sixty of what nephew, what have you been building?"

Roland grinned Stannis, "Hemiolias uncle."

"Hemiolias?" Stannis wondered, hemiolas were fast light galleys with about 30 oars. They had a low draft and were highly maneuverable. While a ship designed for scouting they were equipped with a ram to be used for combat. But what would Roland need such ships for when he has so many at his disposal already.

"I anticipated a war with the House Tyrell uncle seeing as I scarred their prize flower knight. So I had the Lords of the Kingswood construct a fleet of shallow draft warships to be used along the Reach's many rivers. As our forces wreck havoc from the land, this fleet would pierce through the Mander, the heard of the Reach. I needed a fleet that could go from Highgarden to the Grassy Vale and Bitterbridge."

Stannis thought about it and saw it's logic, though they did have many warships at their disposal, only a few of the had a draft shallow enough to move deep into the river.

"However," Roland continued, "considering the new Lannister Tyrell Alliance, the plans have changed. Instead of using the hemiola fleet to raid the Mander I will use them instead to patrol the Blackwater and prevent Mace Tyrell from returning to protect his lands. Any watercraft they have will be an assortment of boats, barges, ferries and rafts. Against Hemiolas they will stand no chance. With the Tyrell army trapped north of the Blackwater, Lord Stannis can wreak havoc on the Reach without too much trouble."

as Roland continued. "What do you think uncle, will the vessels I have be enough?"

Stannis studied the map carefully, "Hard to say I've never engaged in River warfare before." He looks at the blackwater carefully, "It is hard to say at the moment my king, but it could be enough."

"What of the reach Uncle? Can it be done?"

Stannis thought about it, the battles of the Kingswood and Blackwater had cost the Tyrells roughly 20 000 men. With Mace bringing so much of his strength to the capital, this meant that the Tyrells only had 15,000 men defending the region. Roland had not brought any of the reach lords with him to King's Landing so he still had 20,000 spears from the Reach at his command." After a while, Stannis nodded.

Roland smiled, "The Tyrells have chosen to enter the war, now it is high time to show them exactly what that means." He looked around, "the same goes for the treacherous lords of the Stormlands." He turned to Lord Beric, "I'm giving you command of the Stormlords, you are to capture the holding of all the traitor houses from Parchments to Gallowsgrey, is that understood?"

Lord Beric bowed his head, "it will be done, my king."

"And what will you have done with the traitors?" Stannis asked.

Roland's eye turned dark. "eliminate them."

"Who will inherit these castles," Lord Florent asked.

"Rolland Storm will be given Parchments and Aurane waters will be given Evenfall Hall in recognition for their loyal service."

"Y-you would give my bastard brother, Tarth?" Lord Velaryon wondered.

Roland smiled slyly, "why of course, my fellow lords should know that loyalty shall be rewarded, and treason paid with blood."

After they made the necessary arrangements the council meeting ended at dusk, preparations were made to leave for Duskendale after Roland had recovered. as so in as all had left Roland had a private word with his uncle. "I hear I have a trueborn sibling now."

"Yes," Stannis admitted. "it seems you were right not to reveal your brother's illegitimacy."

Roland cocked an eyebrow, "how so uncle?"

Stannis began to explain, "when it was just you, many of the people might have accepted it. But now that your mother has produced not one but two legitimate children it now makes the truth less believable."

Roland nodded, 2, as opposed to 3, did make the legitimization of Joffrey, Myrcella, and Tommen complicated now. But that was not important right now. Right now the important thing was what the next move will be. As he headed for his chambers to think, a servant wearing red approached him.

"My king," he began, "Lady Melisandre wishes to speak with you."

Roland sighed, 'well I won't be going anywhere soon, might as well humor her.' He and shadowed followed the servant to Melisandre's chambers.

Roland entered the room and found to his surprise the red woman taking a bath. the water was perfectly clear and Roland could see her nakedness underneath. Roland cursed silently as he felt his manhood twitch. Roland frowned at the fact that his body reacted to her like an animal in heat.

He tried to back away, "forgive me, my lady I was unaware you were busy."

"It's all right," she said soothingly, "you interrupt nothing, and it's perfectly alright for your body to react in such a matter."

Roland gave a look of being trapped upon realizing she knew, "h-how did you-?"

"I know many things, King Roland, " she replied, "The flames tell me so."

Roland frowned, "yes of course."

Melisandre smiled and got up revealing her voluptuous body in its entirety, Roland eyed her all around. 'Her skin is pale, too pale, like milk, and her hair, her hair is red like Sansa's-' 'NO.' another voice hissed almost causing Roland to flinch. 'nothing like Sansa's, Sansa's hair is red like fire. Melisandre's hair is red like-' Roland went through many words but only one seemed to describe it best. '-Blood, just like her eyes.'

He quickly handed her a robe wich she took gratefully. "There is no need to be ashamed my king," she slipped on the robe and cupped his face. "It's only flesh, it needs what it needs."

'Sansa won't see it that way,' Roland thought. "How may help you Lady Melisandre?"

"I understand you lost your eye in your latest battle."

"Indeed and what does that have to do with anything?"

Melisandre smiled, "it need not be a permanent thing."

Roland raised his eyebrow at this, "how do you mean?"

"The Lord of Light has many powers and bestows great gifts to his true believers. You are a true believer King Roland even if you don't know it yet." Melisandre looked into his eye. "There is a gift for you, you need only ask for it."

Roland's eye narrowed, and exactly what cost does this 'gift' require.

Melisandre's smile widened, "nothing my king just a little blood."

Roland looked at his arm, "You want my blood?"

"There is power in king's blood, and for something as small as this, we don't need much." Melisandre walked over to a wall of shelved and pulled out a jar, reaching inside, Melisandre pulled out a single leech."

Roland was still wary, he still didn't trust her, "No sacrifices? No burnings?"

Melisandre shook her head, "no my king just this."

Roland left hand gripped his dagger, 'if this woman plays me false, Shadow cam make her into his next meal. Besides a good bloodletting won't hurt.' He bared his arm and said, "let it have its fill."

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