
Chapter 67: The Engagement Part 2

Author's note:

I'm so sorry, I was really busy everyday I go to work with my bicycle as the means of my transportation (since I'm still afraid of using the public transportation.) So I go to work and go home using my bicycle and the moment I reach home I'm so tired that all I do is eat then sleep right on the bat that I haven't washed my clothes for two weeks now. I gotten pretty used to going to work and home with just my bicycle so today I don't feel as tired as the other week, so I have lots of energy stored to write and do other house chores. The moment I had free time I jumped off to writing this chapter first before doing any house chores. So enjoy while I wash all my two weeks worth of clothes 🙂. I will also probably clean my room too.

I didn't mean to delay the chapters as I had promised before but I'm still just an average human who has work to prioritize. I'm really sorry 😞 I will try to write as often as I could 😉. By the way I received three offers for this book from different companies but because I love my readers I'm planning to finishing this book here before thinking of whether to accept or not one of the offers.

It was really a tempting offer but you guys matter most so yeah ☺️ I will finish this story here. So please bare with me, I won't drop this off untill it's done. So please 🥺 bare with my slow update, that's all this humble author is asking. Thank you as always.

Happy Reading 😊❤️


It didn't take a minute before Teakyun's phone begun to ring. He looked at it and it was an unknown number. Teakyun didn't think twice and quickly answered it, he believes that the person who's calling is his missing wife. With cold sweaty hands Teakyun answered the call.

"Hello." Teakyun greets.

(Baby, it's me.) With just three words Teakyun's mood suddenly went from dangerous level down to stable level. All the negative and dangerous thoughts lingering inside his head vanish the moment he heard those sweet voice, like a mermaids voice bringing calmness to the ones who can hear it.

"Where are you? Are you ok? Are you not hurt?" Teakyun can hear soft chuckle on the other line.

(No I'm fine, I got lost a little that's all. I borrowed a phone from someone after I saw your announcement. I'm sorry for worrying you.) Teakyun really wanted to be angry at Theo but he just can't, so he calm himself down before considering the next thing to say to him.

"Send me your location I'll go to you, don't leave to where you're standing right now." Those are the only instructions that Teakyun made before dropping the phone call and seconds later after dropping the call he received a message with Theo's location. Teakyun didn't waste anymore time and go to where Theo is. He didn't even said thank you and just left without saying anything, all eyes follows Teakyun. Those who knows that Teakyun was married once are all been wondering who is the lucky person who was able to capture the cold heart of the widowed first born Alpha of the Shun's and to those who were nat aware that he has ever been married to anyone wonders who is the lucky person.


"You really are his wife aren't you?" Jay asked after hearing the conversation.

Theo who handed the phone back to Jay just smiled at the man, ignoring the question that has been asked of him.

"Come on brother that too must have been just a coincidence, I mean who would even want to marry him? I was even skeptic about the servant marrying you considering how were you whoring yourself back then." Patrick scoff.

"Well I married him and I'm planing in marrying him again." The voice of a man said. Jay and Patrick turned their gaze towards the direction where the voice came from.

"It appears to me that you know my wife back then?" Teakyun asked as we shorten the distance between him and Theo.

"Y-yeah." Patrick stutter. The presence alone of Teakyun can already make him tremble to his knees even without him using his pheromones but he tried to compose himself. He already thought of ways on how to not get to his bad side after confirming that indeed the former slut is married to a very powerful man. "Well you may not have known his past but I do." Patrick start off by letting the man know what he knows about Theo.

Teakyun put his arms around Theo the moment he reached him and Theo looked up to him. "Tea I want to go now." Theo said, he was already sweating bullets. He knows that Teakyun already knows about his past but just because his husband's knows about it doesn't mean he wanted him to know the details of what happened then. Even till now it still traumatizes him thinking all the abuse he has been through.

But Teakyun lightly squeeze his shoulder letting him know that he won't let anyone hurt him, that he is safe with him. "There isn't anything that I still didn't know about my wife. I don't have any plans in tracking each and everyone who has wronged my wife cause it is not something that will make him happy so I didn't, but if your people start popping up out of nowhere and cause my Baby some troubles then I think this time I have to retaliate. Mr. Whoever you might be I'm telling you now, you don't want to make me your enemy." Teakyun may have been speaking calmly and softly but everyone who heard the conversation can tell that it was a clear warning to the man.

Then he gaze to his side to look closely at the man standing a little further beside his wife. "You must be the one who helped him." Teakyun took his arms off around Theo's shoulder and properly face Jay. He extend his right hand for a handshake.

"Yeah, but I do apologize on behalf of my brother." The man named Jay bowed down to him. "I'm sorry I didn't know that he's your wife."

"Don't apologize for your brother's stupidity. About my wife it's fine it's not like everyone knows about him anyways which is my fault. I have been married to him for more than a decade and I didn't even took the liberty to announce that I have a wife." Teakyun smiled bitterly, he really regretted those times when he has to hide the fact that he's married only letting a handful of people to know about his marriage to Theo. Teakyun asked the man for his calling card and then bid farewell to those brothers.

When the two are a little far away Teakyun speak. "Are you ok?" He asked. Theo shakes his head no. Teakyun stopped walking to take a glance at Theo's face and there in the dimness of the night despite all the lights around Teakyun can clearly see the misty eyes of his beloved, tears that are threatening to fall any time soon. Teakyun pulled Theo, he fished out his phone and contact Derrek's number.

The conversation was brief and fast and the only thing that Theo can understand as he watches Teakyun walking and talking over the phone while he is being pulled is that his husband is asking Derrek for access to one of their mansion guest rooms. The walk feels like forever but once they got inside the room he immidiately felt the heat coming from his husband's body as he envelopes him with a hug.

"Cry if you must, no one will see nor hear you here. Only I and I won't criticize you for it." All the tears that Theo has been holding back all this time start racing down. He buried his face to Teakyun's chest and there he continuesly cried. Loud sobs scaped to his mouth as he pour out all the pent up frustrations, anger and shame that he is feeling right now and when he's done he wiped his tears.

Teakyun hold his hand and guided him to the bed side where he let him sit on the side of the bed. "Are you feeling better now?" He asked.

Theo nodded."How did you know that I was about to cry?" Theo asked.

"When I looked at you earlier I feel like your eyes are telling me that they are having a hard time keeping up a good appearance cause their owner is stubborn and won't let them cry." Teakyun joked.

Theo laughed a little then stayed silent for a while. None of them want to break the silent until Theo open his mouth. "After my family and I left that country I thought I was finally free but the ghost of my past just have to keep on hunting me. First it rob me my trust to Alphas, 2nd it destroyed our relationship and then now of all the places why do I have to see them here?" Teakyun brush the tears away. "I saw someone who knew me, the first thing that got to my mind is I can't let her see me. I don't want them to know about me and in the midst of running I bump into them but when I saw your announcement I feel like I shouldn't let you worry for far too long." Theo continuedly explain.

"Why did you fear that I might send a troop if I don't receive any calls from you?" Teakyun joke about it that made Theo smile.

"Yeah as a matter of fuck yes but more so I don't want to see you that sad." Theo cupped Teakyun's face with his one hand." I'm scared Tea, I'm scared that you might come to hate me again because of my past. I'm dirty Teakyun."

"Sssshhhh, I won't abandon you again, no matter what they say or what kind of past you had before I met you it won't be enough reason for me to hate and leave you. So don't ever think that I will come to hate you." Theo nodded and Teakyun kissed his tears away. The two stayed there for a while. Teakyun watched Theo as he sleeps beside him, he notified his parents to where they are so that they won't worry about them two.


"Your son informed me that Theo is fine he's just sleeping." Rebecca said to her husband.

"Good, I was close to calling for search party if that son of yours wouldn't be able to find my son in law." Dong ha said.

"Well I was already calling for one. So I have to inform them to no longer come." Rebecca informed her husband.

"Wait are you two making a competition out of this?" Lee asked.

"Of course not my son!!!" Rebecca who's always quick to move said defensively. "It is not my fault that your father is such a slow folk."

Dexter who can hear the conversation just shake his head. He knows that he should get used to it but no, till now it still surprises him just how peculiar Lee's parents are.

"Rebecca, Dong-ha." Dexter looked at the man who just came to greet his in law's. "I didn't know that your eldest is married."

"Well now you know." Rebecca said sarcastically. Dexter looked at the man carefully.

"I was hoping that he could tie a knot with my daughter but since he's married then how about the youngest?" Dexter's brows arced after hearing what the man just said so he walk fast beside his mother in law and quickly extended his hand towards the man.

"I'm Dexter by the way." Dexter introduced.

"Young Man didn't anyone told you that it's rude to step in the middle of conversation?" The man didn't even accepted his hand shake and just left it hanging so Dexter retracted it back.

Lee who's just watching beside his father smileling widely. "It's not obvious that you are liking this." Dong ha commented.

"It's not every day that I get to see my Dexy getting territorial." Lee explained.

"Aren't you afraid that Dexter might kill the man and castrate you later?" Dong ha asked.

"My Dexy is a very calm and reasonable man Dad." Dong ha raise his eye brow to his son.

"You really don't know anything do you? Well I live it up to you since you know better." Dong ha smirked at his son.

"Sorry for being rude but I think I have to disappoint you in one thing, Lee is no longer available." Dexter showed him his ring finger. "He's married to me."

"That's impossible, you're an Alpha! I can feel your pheromones."

Lee put his arms around Dexter's shoulder. "Yeah he is but he's married to me." Lee showed him his ring. "And we have a son. So please if you'll excuse us. I'll just leave you to my parents." Lee pulled Dexter's hand.

"Are you mad?" Lee asked.

"Furious, why are there so many people who wants to marry you when you are so handful to begin with? I'm even having a hard time handling you." Lee just laughed hearing his husband making such complains about him. So instead of answering him he continue to grab his hand till they reached the platform and there he snatched the microphone to one of the hosts of the event.

"Hello, everyone? Can I get your attention please!" Everyone who heard it stoped with what they are doing. All eyes are on Lee.

"I know a lot of people doesn't know about it but since Auntie invited such large crowd of people I want to take this opportunity to announce something." Lee raised his hand that is still interwine with Dexter. "This, this person beside me is my husband." Reporters race to get a good photos of the two married couples. Everyone keep on whispering to one another as they tried to absorb the news they just heard. "It was an intimate wedding where only the closest family members were invited so only a few people knows about me getting married but since my husband here is getting awfully jealous and protective." Dexter hit his head and people who witness it just gasped at the sight but Lee just laughed it off and bring Dexter's hand that he's holding to his lips and gave it a kiss. "Him being cute and all I just can't help but announced it to the world. How can I keep such a beautiful man in secret." Lee looked at Dexter like he's the only person he can see at that moment as he says those words and then he shiped his gaze back to the audience. "Please people cross my name out of the bachelor's list cause this man is already tied up to this wonderful person beside me." And with that Lee step out of the platform.

Clara who's fuming came almost running to both Rebecca and Dong ha. "Twice this happen twice this evening! I gathered all these people for the soul purpose of my son getting the announcement and yet both of your boys steal that!"

"Guilty of charge, anyways Clara I'm so sorry that those things came up now. I don't have full control over my boys."

Clara massage her head, having two brothers announce to the world their marriage is a big news and scope than having her son announced his engagement to the beta. "Anyways there's nothing much we can do about that, if it weren't for those boys being like my family too I would have your family kicked out of this event."

"Well don't worry since those two finally came out now they will probably announce it officially soon to the world." Dong ha said calmly.

"You two should have done it quit sooner." Clara glared at both of them.

"Well there has been a couple of issues back then that's why my boys can't. Theo technically doesn't want to because of personal reasons and till now I know he still doesn't want to. About Dexter he too doesn't want to afraid that it will reach his parents ear but since he and his family already in a good relationship I think that's why Lee is more open to it now." Rebecca explained.

"And what might be Theo's reason of hiding it? The kid is a good person even back then." Clara who just heard about it got really curious.

"No it's their own problem to deal with but I think Teakyun is starting to make a move in slowly introducing Theo to the world as his wife." Dong ha answered for his wife.


"Those fools, stealing the lime light from the star of the show." Terrence shakes his head after witnessing all the announcements made by two brothers. He looked at his little kitten and somewhat feel a little envious with the fact that those two can finally announce their marriage to the world and even asked the people to have their names cross out of the bachelor's list. He too also want to show off his kitten but with all the unresolved things that is going on around them now is not the right time to tell the world his marriage with Chester, he fears that those who hurt his wife will comeback to hunt and hurt him again. "Until everything is done, just wait for me." Terrence whispered as he looked at Chester watching Lee's confession in the big screen.

"Kitten come we need to find the others." Terrence intertwined their hands together as he leads him. People who are seeing this can't help but speculate but without any confirmation they can only assume.

Aiden was talking with Nicolas and Drake when Terrence saw them, he quickly approach the three and when Aiden saw Chester he hugged him tightly.

"Chess! I miss you." Aiden shed a tear thinking that there won't be a time where he will be able to see much more hugged the very first friend he had. Chester's disappearance left a huge mark to Aiden's heart that's why when he learned that the Omega is alive he wanted to meet Chester but Terrence asked for him to give him some time. He explained that Chester is not in the best shape to accommodate people from his past cause he can't remember anything. He is like a blank canvas that he needs to learn anything from the scratch.

"I'm sorry bu-but, I'm sorry if I can't remember you." That's the only thing that Chester was able to answer.

Aiden pulled out from the hug and hold both Chester's hands. "It's ok if you can't remember and I won't force you to remember us too. We can start over again being friends and create new memories." Aiden smiled at him.

Chester felt very emotional hearing those reassuring words from Aiden. The burden of not having to remember even a single thing of the people of his past as been taking a lot of toll from him but not Terence, his family nor even those who his supposedly friends had put that toll on him. They taken the burden off from his shoulder.

"Come on Kitten don't cry, they are your friends I told you they will understand." Terrence words made Chester feels assured and safe that the only answer he can give is to nod at him.

"Kitten this is Aiden, this stupid looking Omega over there is Nicolas. Aawwww." A flying shoe hit Terrence on his head after he introduced Nicolas.

"Why did you throw your shoe in my face?! You disgusting freak!" Terrence complain.

"You should get use to it, those two doesn't have good relationship. Their days won't be completed if they don't bicker whenever the see each other's."

"Why did you call me stupid? You moron!" Chester looked at his husband who's pinching the Omega named Nicolas and Nicolas who's pinching his husband's cheek.

"Yet gow nyow jist insshhhtiant!" Terrence who's trying to speak while his cheek is being pinched by Nicolas.

"Nyow! You yet gow ffeeyyysssshhhh!" Nicolas answered back.

"You shink you cayynn jipeat mye?" Terrence answered back.

"We have gotten use to it believe me." Drake added. "I'm Drake by the way."

"Chester but you can call me Chess." Chester introduce.

"You really are beautiful as what they say. No wonder that lawyer is head over heels to you." Drake compliment earned a blush from Chester.

"So you haven't met me before?" Chester asked.

"No, I'm actually friends with Nicolas but by that time I was able to meet this crazy group of guys your weren't in the picture and that time I was courting Nicolas." Drake explained.

"You were courting him? But isn't he married?" Chester asked.

"Yes but that's ok, I already found the love of my life so it's all good."

"Aarrrrgggghhhh Let go you moron why am I the one who you are pinning done?!" Terrence shout got their attention specially Chester. Without thinking his body move and landed a high kicked to the person who's pinning his husband down everything happened so fast that the just realized that it was already Zeejay who's laying flat on the ground after receiving a high kicked followed by a powerful spin kicked.

It was already too late when Chester realized that it was his husband's friend who he assaulted. "Ow I'm so sorry Zee! I thought you were some else. My instincts get the best of me and I'm so sorry." All of them helped Zeejay except for Aiden who just witnessed what happened. When Aiden finally gathered all his thoughts he suddenly grabbed Terrence.

"Chester can't land a simple kick how is he..."

"Able to do that?" Terrence cut off Aiden's question.

"Body guards is proven not enough. Back then I gave him the best security and they were able to still snatch him from me, that's why I hired him a trainor. Aiden I will do everything, everything just so I won't lose Chester again."

"You have been training him to fight." Aiden said.

"Yes, the idea came to mind after I saw you. If you were able to learn it I'm positive that Chester will be able too. He just needs to have a drive in learning it. And the drive he has right now is us his family." Terrence explained. "I want him to be able to defend himself in situation that none of us are there for him. Aiden I don't want to lose him again, I will go crazy this time if that will happen."

"Just how much does he know?" Aiden asked.

"Enough to protect himself but I don't want to stop there, I will push it to a level of combat skills." Terrence didn't even bat an eye when he told him his plans.

"Are you training him yourself? What a lawyer can teach?" Aiden asked. He doesn't know much about Terrence combat not fighting knowledge as he never witness the man fight anyone outside the court.

"I hired someone to train him, you know that person so well." Terrence answered.

"Axel." Aiden said in a whisper.

"Yes. As far as I know Axel is in a different caliber and most importantly he's an Omega too. He will be able to fulfill the role of a good teacher to him." Terrence said.

"Can I teach him too?" Terrence didn't expect Aiden to offer him help as a matter of fact he was actually expecting him to object but if Aiden will be personally to teach Chester then maybe it's not a bad idea too.

"Of course, I know Chester will be thrilled to know."

"I also want to know just how much he knows when it comes to things like this. How about firing guns?" Aiden asked.

"Of course, he is learning that too, knife throwing, lock picking named it I'm having him thought of those things. In every situation I want him to be able to cope up."

"Just who are you Terrence?" Aiden asked.

"I'm just a lawyer who's very worried about his wife."

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