
Chapter 41: How to be a Father and a Husband

Morning came Nicolas had a very normal morning as any of the other days he have for the past years. He had breakfast with his son. He doesn't really need to do much in the morning since Zay is a very responsible kid he doesn't need to be told what to do he himself knows the things he needs to do. When the two are done, they set to leave but to Nicolas surprise when he opened the door he find Zeejay sleeping at their door step with bags that weren't there last night. He used these bags as his pillow. Nicolas woke him up using his feet.

"Hhhmmmm.... still sleepy 5 more minutes." Zeejay said but this only made Nicolas more annoyed than he is the moment he saw him.

"Woke up you moron!" Nicolas kick Zeejay to his legs causing the alpha to wake up in pain.

"Nick! I'm Sorry. Are you going to work?" Zeejay got up. "Zay good morning are you going to school? I'll take you to school if you want." Zeejay's sleepiness went away as soon as he saw the two. The two important person in his life now, his treasure.

Nick massages his temple his head is aching this early in the morning all because of Zeejay. "Why did the guards let you sleep here. They didn't even stopped you from entering and loitering all your things in front of my door.

"Ow that I told them I was your husband and that I'm Zay's father. The guards are very friendly and they told me that they finally know where did Zay get his good genes. I told them that we had a little fight and let me sleep here wishing we could finally reconcile." Zeejay explained but his explanation made Nick almost drop his jaw on the floor.

"Zay's father?" Nicolas repeated

"Yeah," Zeejay smiled and shifted his gaze to Zay who is now glaring at him.

"I don't have a father."

"Yes you do unless how will you going to explain how did your mother got you then?"

"Sperm donor. It's true that I'm his son but you are not my father. My mother had a sperm donor which explains why I'm here right now. So save your sorry excuse of a father. Mom lets go I'm going to be late." Zay walk ahead he didn't even wait for his mother.

"Aa-hh yeah ok.... wait for me Zay!" Zeejay looked at his family walk away from him.

"Hays this is going to be tough." He shake his head. "This won't do. My son won't let me in and staying in front of his house would only pissed him off specially that kid." That day Zeejay initially fixed everything that needs to be fixed in order for him to get the unit next door. After that he went to Nicolas work he waited outside the building till the Omega came out for lunch.

"Nick!" Zeejay shouted.

"What do you want?!" Nicolas is beyond annoyed he has been reprimanded by his boss for being absent minded all morning because of the incident Zeejay had cause and the fact that Zeejay knows about Zay.

"We need to talk properly."

Nicolas sigh he knows sooner or later the two of them will have this kind of talk — It's inevitable. "Follow me I know a place." The two went to a secluded area of the place far from his working place. Nicolas doesn't want to capture anyones attention specially since Zeejay stands out a lot. He doesn't want any rumors circulating in his workplace.

"So what do you want to talk to? You only have a half an hour to wrap everything up." Nicolas said.

"About Zay. I want to be part of his life too as his father." Nicolas didn't answer he digest every words that Zeejay said before he answers back.

"How can you be sure he is yours? He could be anybody's child I'm an Omega after all. He have been apart for more than 12 years. A lot of things could happen and I have met different people and I might have slept with them. I'm not Theo who is marked, Teakyun can be sure if Theo came back with a child that it's his cause he marked him but me, everything is possible." Nicolas said without any emotions showing.

Zeejay clenched his fist just imagining that Nicolas sleeping with other people aside from him makes him want to kill that bastard but Nick is right, if only he had marked him as his since the beginning then none of these would have been happening but there's not point in crying over a spilled milk the only thing he has to do is to make sure not waste this opportunity. "We could have him test though I'm already sure that he is mine. I was really pissed and jealous during those times that I failed to see but Zay resembles me a lot. Why did you think that the people in that building didn't even doubt me when I told them I was his father?"

"Hays, there's really no point in hiding it right? since you know it already." Nicolas admit. "However I wasn't really trying to hide the truth. Zay already knows about you even before he met you is just that he doesn't acknowledge not want you to be part of his life. I can only arrange and help you get closer to your son if that's what you want but it's still up to Zay whether he will accept you as his father." Nicolas explained.

Zeejay was a little bit surprised to learn that his son knows about him for a while now but doesn't really want to know him nor to even make him aware of his existence. "That's fair enough thank you."

"If that's all then I should get back to work...."

"No! No please stay for a while it's not just about Zay I also want to talk about us."

"There is no us Zeejay. How many times should I tell you that?"

"As many times as you want but I will never get tired of telling you that I won't get tired of telling you that I love you and I want us to be together again with Zay and future other kids. I think Zay would be a good brother." Zeejay said dreamingly as if he could already see the future.

"Zeejay listen to me." Nicolas hold Zeejay's hands. "Go back to your family. Marry a good woman gave your parents a grandchild that they want."

Zeejay took his hands away from Nicolas. "I already have a son, If I'm going to have another child it will still be from you. My parents doesn't need to acknowledge any of my children. they probably already disowned me not that I care." Zeejay said bitterly. He hold Nicolas hands again. "Nick you are my family now. If I'm going to marry it will only be with you or else I won't marry in this lifetime."

"Zeejay I need to go. Let's just talk about this next time." Nicolas heart was beating so fast that he feels like it was about to explode. He can't deny that he's still in love with him He had waited for those words from him for years til he lost hope in ever hearing them from him but now that all those things has been said to him he can't seem to believe his words. All the pain which he had caused him is hindrancing him from believing Zeejay so he flee.


"What happened?" Theo's father came rushing as soon as he heard the news. Brent explained everything and asked Theo's father to convince Teakyun to apologize to the Governor to lessen the anger of the man.

After hearing everything that happened grab Teakyun's shirt to lift him up from where he is seating right beside Theo. "How could you make him pregnant!" Brent was shocked to hear that the man was angry with the fact that Theo was pregnant instead of being angry that they are about to be sued by the Governor.

"I'll take responsibility. I'll make sure that his pregnancy won't be dangerous. So father please be at ease." Teakyun said calmly but he himself can't be calmed. He was happy knowing that another member will be added to their family of two but the fact that Theo had had a heart condition and was undergone a heart transplant scares the hell out of him. There are a lot of what ifs and the most frightening what if that he has is what if this pregnancy will cause him his life. If that comes to the point he won't hesitate in letting go of the baby's life even if that means Theo will hate him for life rather than to loose him for good.

"Then you better make sure of that. What about the problem with the Governor?" His father in law let him go.

"It is being taken care of. Teddy made the first move in hurting them and destroying the car which puts him a little in disadvantage here." Teakyun explained.

The man glared at him. "Don't tell me you can't solve this and do something about that? Do you want my son who is pregnant to spent his time in jail?!" Brent and Rachelle immidiately agreed.

"That's why you need to apologize!" Brent said.

"Beg for their mercy!" Rachelle seconded.

"No one is going to apologize and beg! Clearly my son is not in the wrong here so how could he! I will not even allow his husband to apologize and beg on his behalf!" Brent was startled. He could no longer understand things.

"Father I'm already dealing with it. Don't worry I never beg in my life except for the time I was desperate for your son. I will only beg for your son so be at ease." Teakyun said.

"Good." Theo's father looked at his son's peaceful sleeping face. They spend time there till his wife and sons arrive. Shortly the family of the kid that his son saved also visited. They thanked his family and said their apology. He knows that his son has soft spots for kids so he really can't blame Theo for doing such things. Not everyone will take a stand for the right but this time it seems that Theo got himself in some trouble luckily Teakyun is his husband. Only during these kind of times that he is thankful that Theo is with Teakyun. Teakyun is very influential, rich and cunning he is sure that the man already has a solution on how to get away from this kind of problem till the door from the room opened and the Governor together with the authority.

"We got a warrant of arrest...." Teakyun sighed and got up he didn't let the man finished his sentence.

"My wife is resting can you do this to some other places and who are you going to arrest? My wife? Can't you see he's not in a great condition to deal with you guys?" Teakyun took out his phone and called someone. "Where are you? There are annoying people here getting me even more pissed than I'm already am!"

"I'm here, I didn't sleep a wink all because of the things you asked me." The man who barge in said, he's still holding the phone to his hand.

"I asked Jules and yet he sent me you."

"Don't blame him that man is busy. You should be thankful that he at least sent me here for you. I'm also busy but since he's my friend and I know you I decided to help." The man looked at the Governor and extended his hand towards him but the man only sneered and didn't accept the handshake so Alexander retract his hand.

"Alexander Contis, Gov. would it be ok to talk to you in private for a minute?"

"Why should I come with you?" The Governor said.

"1980 La Pacifica Casino, 1985 Mellisa Yu, 1987 Sweet tooth case, 1992..." Alexander keep on saying nonsense things that no one could understand but it appears that the Governor knows them cause the more that Alexander says things the paler the man gets.

"Enough I'll talk to you in private." The Governor said. Bullets of sweats forms on his forehead.

"Make him talk here, just sent the police men he took with him." Teakyun said. He still yet to read the report cause Alexander just got here but he also want to know what Alexander has able to dig in.

The Governor sent the men away that only left him inside.

"How did you know all these? I made sure that those things are burried deep!"

"Don't asked him he does that all the time so. What I want is for you to take back the law suit you had filed against my wife and to apologize properly to my wife and to that child's family." Teakyun said. Brent and Rachelle could not believe that Teakyun is Commanding the man. "So are you going to agree or I'll make sure that you will rot in jail? Even if you push through with the case I'll make sure my wife will not even step on foot in the prison but you I'll make sure you will rot there and your daughter will regret ever crossing paths with my wife." Teakyun move closer and closer to the Governor but the governor keeps on stepping backwards til his back touched the wall. "So what's your answer."

"I will take it back." Teakyun turned around. "Good, you may leave now. After you said your apology when my wife wakes up I don't want to see your face ever again."

"Who are you?" The man asked but Alexander put his arms over the man's shoulder. "Don't even ask, he is not someone you can deal with even with your position, believe me that man can strip you of that position if he wanted to. You should be thankful that you got away with only this."

When the Governor left Theo's mother opened her mouth to say something. "You attacked him directly."

"Yes mother. If we will sort this out fairly with law we won't be able to win this. I have to play dirty to get what I want. Theo was not in the wrong it just so happen that Theo was the first one to strike but set that aside since it has already been dealt with." Crisel smiled back to Teakyun. She's right to trust the man again. She's sure that this time Teakyun will really take good care of Theo.

"Hey who is that guy really?" Brent asked Alexander. "How come he has that too much of an authority even the Governor forfeited.

"Him, well he is... Theo's husband." Alexander said.

"We know that already!" Rachelle said since she is also curious.

"He is the president of an entertainment industry that is based that is based in overseas countries. He is not really from here and the only reason he is here is because of his wife." Alexander explained.

"You you mean to say that he is rich?" Rachelle could not believe it. She remembered what happened when Theo and her went to buy things.

"Not just rich but filthy rich. Even when doesn't work for his lifetime I bet he won't be able to exhaust his richness."

"You're exaggerating Alex. I'm not that rich." Teakyun said.

"Yeah tell that to the people who knows you." Alexander said.


Nick's Bitch: Guys who knows how to cook? I was planning to cook something for Nick and Zay?

Chester's Bitch: Me I know little about cooking

Nick's Bitch: WTF why's my name like this?

Chester's Bitch: Yeah who changed my name to this too? Though I'm my wife's bitch that much is true. Anyways I know little about cooking.

Nick's Bitch: Teach me.

Chester's Bitch: I'll teach you.

My Dexy's Bitch: If it's cooking Lee is the best.

Zeejay blink a couple of times and re read the message again then he replied.

Nick's Bitch: Dexter?

My Dexy's Bitch: Yes, Lee is asleep. He sleeps like dead beside me. The party just ended. I couldn't find Lance though it seems he followed Aiden earlier.

Chester's Bitch: I didn't know about that. Lance is still off line. I'll probably asked him once he's back online.

Nick's Bitch: All of us seem to be dealing a lot of things.

My Dexy's Bitch: So how are you and Nick?

Nick's Bitch: It's still the same. It was may fault so it can't be helped.

My Dexy's Bitch: Don't give up just keep on trying. That's how Lee had managed to get me. Who would have thought that we will now be having a baby.

Chester's Bitch: How about cooking when Lee is asleep now?

My Dexy's Bitch: Yeah about that. hhhmmm wait his brother cooks well too. Let me just add him up here. Will that be ok?

Nick's Bitch: If that would help me then it's ok.

My Dexy's Bitch added Shun, Teakyun.

Chester's Bitch Change Shun, Teakyun to Theo's Bitch.

Nick's Bitch: @Theo's Bitch

Theo's Bitch: What the fuck? Why's my name like this?

Nick's Bitch: Why? Aren't you Theo's Bitch? If not then I'll tell Theo.

Theo's Bitch: No don't! Why am I here in the first place?

My Dexy's Bitch: Brother Tea, it's me Dexter. Zeejay wanted to learn how to cook he wanted to impress Nick.

Theo's Bitch: Dexter?

My Dexy's Bitch: Yes it's me Lee is already asleep. He's very tired because of your Mom birthday.

Theo's Bitch: Fuck I forgot about Mom's birthday. Theo got hospitalized and her birthday slipped pass my mind.

My Dexy's Bitch: Yeah mother got a little upset she has been waiting for your call but how is Theo? What happened?

Theo's Bitch: He's ok now he just resting, he and the baby needs it.

Chester's Bitch: What! He's pregnant?! Congratulations! I wish my Chester is also pregnant.

Nick's Bitch: Damn you're that fast! You and him just got together for less than two months and here he is pregnant with your child.

Chester's Bitch: You need to work hard Zee, Teakyun was able to hit the bull.

Nick's Bitch: Fuck off Terrence!

Chester's Bitch: Asked Teakyun to teach you how to melt a frozen heart.

Theo's Bitch: Enough I don't have time for this.

Nick's Bitch: Zeejay I'll teach you I'll just call you directly.

Aiden's Bitch: Aiden doesn't want to be with me anymore. He already chose to be with his new husband.

Nick's Bitch: Wait what? Lance where are you? Don't do anything rush? Anyone near where Lance is?

Chester's Bitch: Damn it Lance I will call Jules. Stay where you are don't do anything.

Theo's Bitch: Wait this Aiden's bitch is Lance? Lance are you in love with Aiden? And what about him being married?

Aiden's Bitch: I love him but he's married with someone else now.

Theo's Bitch: His brother is married but Aiden is not married.

Aiden's Bitch: Brother?

Theo's Bitch: Who is Aiden's husband anyways? With how strict his brother and father is I bet no man will be brave enough to even court him.

Aiden's Bitch: He's married to George Miller.

Theo's Bitch: Hahaha Aiden and George must have been playing a Frank on you. George and Aiden are brother's. George is married to a doctor who's name is also George.

Aiden's Bitch: His brother?

Theo's Bitch: Yeah

Aiden's Bitch: Thank you Teakyun.

Theo's Bitch: Anyways if you want to court Aiden, you must first tame the two beast those two won't let anyone else take their Omega they are very much protective with the Miller's Omega Prince.

Aiden's Bitch: I'll keep that in Mind Tea. Thank you.

Nick's Bitch: I thought I was the first one who was asking for a help here but how is Lance is the first one who got help here.

Theo's Bitch: Hey don't be upset there body this man will call to rescue you.

To be Continued...

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