
Chapter 33: Follow my Command!

Chester woke up with a sore body nonetheless despite the body pain his body has been thoroughly been cleaned. *Perhaps it was Terrence.* His thoughts initially made his face burnt with embarrassment. Even though Terrence is his husband he still feel embarrass to have him clean him down there. He was still in his own thoughts when the sound of the door opening caught his attention and from that direction he saw that most handsome man he had ever saw, well at least to his own judgement.

"You awake, seems like I'm just right on time." Terrence said with him is a bed tray filled with breakfast.

Chester feeling embarrassed about what happened last night simply responded to him with just yeah. While eating he couldn't help but to feel curious. For the past weeks they had been together after confessing their feelings Terrence has been anything but charming, sweet and a doting husband to him. He also wonder if he has been this loving to him back then, so out of curiosity he asked him. "Were you spoiling me this much too back then?"

"Why did you asked?"

"Nothing, seeing how you are spoiling and loving me right now I can't help but feel curious if I were as spoilt and loved back then as it is now."

Terrence pretended to think but deep inside he already knows the answer to his wife's question. "Well you see it's true that I spoiled and loved back then but comparing to now I think I am spoiling you more now than it was then. Maybe perhaps your disappearance put a lot of trauma to me. I still think that if I don't love you more than it was before, then you will disappear on me like you did back then. Additional to that I also blame myself for not setting a high security on you, for not giving time on you and for not listening on Damian's warning. I am such a jerk for being too complacent just because I know for a fact that you love me and nothing and no one could steal you away from me."

Chester suddenly felt sad hearing that, he thought that what if the reason why he walked away from Terrence is because he was in loved with the another man. He couldn't bare the pain of putting Terrence in that painful situation again.

"Hey what are you thinking?" Terrence noticed that bothered look on Chester.

"What if I really left you for another man? And what it he resurface again and I ended up chosing him again?" Chester asked his self doubt to Terrence.

"Well that means I have failed, that I don't have the capacity to tie you down for a lifetime with me. Back then I placed all the blame on you and thought that it was your fault but thinking now I realize that love is a gamble. You can put every card that you have in order to win but if the luck is not in your favour then the prize is not for you. It's the same with love no matter what you do if the person's heart doesn't beat for you then that person is not for you." Chester saw that sad smile of Terrence lips. He may be saying it like it was nothing but Chester can feel the agonizing sorrow on each words being uttered by the person who claims that he will love him for a lifetime. He can feel that Terrence says those words so he won't feel guilty about what happened on the past the he can't remember.

"I know you are not the kind to cheat on a person. I know if you truly love that person you will personally break things off between us before going to him. I was blinded back then by my anger. If I didn't let my emotion get the best of me maybe the time that we were apart had been shortened... Chester what do you feel about me now?"

"I love you, I already told you I love you at that time.... Don't you believe it?" Chester said in a whisper.

"I do believe it but it was you who seems skeptic on what your heart truly feels towards me, cause if you are not then you wouldn't doubt yourself to leave me if such a man truly exist."

Chester looked up to him. "You really mean it? ... You believe in me?..... You trust me?"

"Yeah I do." Terrence pulled him to a tight and warm hug which made Chester cry because of happiness.

"Better finish your breakfast I will take you and the kids home. I want to spend some quality time with just you and the kids. Let's leave the old to do their old stuffs." Chester chuckled at what his husband just said, he doesn't really think that his in-laws are that old.

"They are not that old. Mother will be furious if she heard you said it like that." Terrence saw Chester glow as he laughs without worry.

"Well, lets not talk about them. I think we should prepare to get ourselves our own place. It wouldn't be right to live with my parents, I also want to spend more time with you and the kids." Chester blushed upon hearing that, he do wish to have their own bonding and private time too but he's still thinking that maybe the idea is too soon for the Alpha that's why he never brought the topic up to him even after their confession.

"Kitten do you have time later? I think we need to go somewhere it will be quick I promise."

"Where are we going?" Chester was curious about Terrence nervous reaction. Terrence didn't answer him instead he walk out of the room. Chester was a bit worried that he might have offended the Alpha to the point that it decided to walkout of the room but minutes later Terrence came back with a box on his hands. Terrence opened it and there he saw different kinds of earrings, Chester felt astonished with the earings designs however he wonders why does it didn't came with pairs. Each studs, loops and hoops comes in different variations with different etch on it.

"Before you went missing I gifted you two kinds of jewelries. The other is a bracelet and the other one are these earings. The earrings I kept cause that time you were still pregnant but now will you accept these gifts again?" Terrence asked.

"They are beautiful but how come they didn't came with a pair?" Chester has been wondering about that since the time Terrence opened it in front of him.

"Cause they are called constellation earrings, the designs are specifically made base on the shape of your ears." Terrence explained.

"So that means they will all be put on my ears?" Chester asked once more.

"Only if you want to, but if you don't I will just gladly give you normal ones."

"I like it." Chester feared the pain of drilling holes to his ears but seeing Terrence happy weights more than his fear besides he really liked the designs.

"Tomorrow, we will go to your Therapist. It has been a week since your last visit." Though Chester's condition somehow improves it still doesn't eliminate the fact that the Omega fear to go there alone without Terrence beside him. He knows that he's being a burden to Terrence but his Husband assured him that it's ok to act spoiled of him. It's ok to be selfish of him.


"Dad why do you have to be so cruel to him? Its been a month now that you worked him to the bones but still you wouldn't give him a chance!" Theo burst in anger because of the incident happened on the farm with cause teakyun head injury.

"Its just a minor concussion why are you getting so angry for?" His Dad retaliate.

"Do we really need to wait for it to be serious for you to forgive him? He has been trying. He is not used to do hard labour but to get your approval and acceptance he worked without complain. You let him sleep and live in that small storage room outside near the farm but you never heard him say a single unpleasant word about it. You belittle and mocked him but he just accepted it and smile towards you. Dad what do you want more just so you can accept him?" Theo was getting desperate. He thought that when his Dad sees Teakyun's sincerity then he would forgive him but he thought wrong. His husband's despair is his father's entertainment.

"Son, when he beat you to death did I heard you complain? When he rap*d you did you run to your Daddy and said that I have been abused by my husband. When you had those miscarriages did you even shared your grief? When you were cheated by that bastard repeatedly did you even told Daddy that your heart has been shattering? When you were sick you kept quiet and continued to endure things till we found out about it eventually from other people." Theo looked down staring at his own feet.

"Son no one was there to worry for you. Back then he has been killing you Physically, mentally and emotionally but you endure all those things on your own while that son of a bitch entertained himself seeing you in despair. What I'm doing to him is not even 1/4 of what he has done to you. He's lucky that he has someone to look up to him at least he is not exhausted mentally and emotionally." His Dad walkout on him without feeling any sympathy on what happened to Teakyun. Theo is fully aware why his family is like that to his husband. He may have forgiven him because of the simple reason that he loves him but it's a different story when it comes to his family who almost lost him. Theo sigh he can only hope for a miracle to happen that somehow his family will be able to forgive the man that he loves of course that goes without saying as long as his family don't approve the two of them can't be alone in the same room or place at the same time let alone sleep in one bed. Theo's family is treating him like a virgin protecting their son's chastity against the ferocious beast which happens to be his husband. It has been a month and he too wants to feel that kind of love that only Teakyun can give. *It would be satisfying if we will be able to do it on my heat.* Theo suddenly smack himself because of the thought. "What are you thinking Theo your husband is lying on the bed and yet here you are thinking with your lower half hays geezz." Whispered to himself not looking to where he's walking his action were halted when he bump onto someone and because of his small frame his body was immidiately pushed away luckily the man was able to caught him.

"I'm sorry are you alright? Theo?" Theo looked at the man who caught him.

"Brent?" Theo immidiately step aside a little further away from the man's embrace. "Since when did you came back?"

"Hhhmmmm just two weeks ago. I didn't know I will bump into you here. So what are you doing in the hospital anyways? How about uncle and auntie are they alright?" The man asked.

"Yes their alright actually its not them who got confined here but my....."

"Brent Son!" Theo was stopped by his father calling his childhood friend, yes he is his close childhood friend but sadly the two lost communication when Theo's family went overseas to live there before the incident in the new school happened by the time that he returned when he got sick he just found out that his childhood friend also went in Europe to study there and also live there.

"Uncle! How are you!" The two men hug, to his parents Brent is like their son as a matter of fact they usually teased the two to be together it's just like Theo doesn't see Brent as someone he could love romantically and that goes the same with Brent.

"What brought you here Son?" His father asked.

"It was grandma, grandma got hospitalized 3 weeks ago that's why we rushed to go back home as soon as we heard." Brent explained.

"Ow that's so sad I wish for your grandmother's fast recovery. Such a good boy like you is totally as good catch. It would have been nice if my Theo had married you instead." Brent laughed at what the man said.

"Don't talk like that uncle. Theo is a rare catch every man will be lucky to have him as his wife. Why are you here uncle did someone got hurt?"

"Ow don't trouble yourself with such trivial things. No one got hurt as a matter of fact I will be happy if that person had died then my precious Theo will have a chance to find new love and happiness....." Theo didn't like what his father just said if it was a joke he still can't accept it.

"Dad that's taking too far! If Teakyun dies I swear the next thing you'll see is my cold body!" Theo doesn't want to shout and doesn't want to disrespect his Dad but taking people's lives lightly like it doesn't mean a thing that he can't understand.

"Who's Teakyun?" Brent asked.

"His husband. He's the one who's in the hospital right now. It would have been great if you were the one who he got married to but why it has to be that damn man." Brent looked at to the direction to where Theo walked in to as he whispered those three words. "He is married."

Theo went inside Teakyun's room and saw the Alpha awake. Teakyun was about to say something when he shouted at him. "YOU! IF YOU THINK ITS TOO MUCH AND WILL PUT YOUR SAFETY AT RISK THEN LEARN HOW TO SAY NO! IF YOU HURT YOURSELF LIKE THIS AGAIN I WILL MAKE SURE TO DIVORCE YOU. LISTEN I'M NOT ASKING YOU I'M COMMANDING YOU!" Theo walkout of the room, Teakyun was still lost for words his right arm hanging on the air.

"You've got a Pierce wife there young man." Said the old man lying on the bed on the other side. Teakyun can only scratch his head in response. "Yeah, I guess so but he's sweet most of the time."


"Does it stings?" Terrence asked worried about his wife. The earrings are place beautifully on his right ear while the left ear was left with no accessories on it.

"A little." Chester answered, it hurts but he can't help but to admire how well it suited his ear.

"Your ear is red." Chester can see the worries on Terrence eyes which makes him want to laugh at him. *He's the one who wanted it but why is that he's the one who looks so sad.* Chester utter to his mind while laughing.

"Come on don't be like that, I love it thank you. The redness will fade away soon so don't worry too much ok?"

"Let's go get the kids and we will leave."

The two went back to the mansion to get the kids after that they went straight to Terrence unit. When they arrived they didn't stay too long cause Dos has been pestering them to take them to the park to play with that all five headed to the park near to where Terrence lives. It was already afternoon so there are a lot of kids and their nannies or mommies in the area.

"What does a young man like you doing in this park? Are you baby sitting somebody's baby?" The woman looks like in her early 40's asked them. She dress a simple typical mother who is a housewife.

"No." Terrence answered. "I'm here to watch my kids play but since my youngest cry when he trip my wife went over there and abandoned his husband over our son."

The woman laugh. "So the wife is that man over there, from the looks of it probably an Omega."

"Yeah an amazing one if you will going to ask me." Terrence answered without gazing away his eyes from his family. The woman can see the happiness in that young man's gaze towards his family. How she wished that her husband would also looked at her that way.

"I think I need to get over there." Minutes later Terrence got up and walk over to where his family is. He took the boy from his wife and called the other two boys. The woman watched as the family of five walked away.

The kids are all fast asleep probably because of the exhaustion from too much playing which made Terrence silently happy cause it means more time for them both husband and wife not that he's complaining but it's true that having lots of kids can actually cut off all the time that both him and Chester has. Their boys loves to sleep with them and be with them most of the time. Terrence seize the opportunity. He quickly pulled Chester on their bed as soon as the other one emerge from the bathroom wearing his PJ's. "What are you doing?" Chester asked. "I just want to cuddle, you are not thinking anything dirty are you?"

Chester immidiately smack his head with his palm. "Ouch kitten that hurts."

"You're saying such embarrassing things, or course not!"

"But you're blushing." Terrence continued to tease. He hug Chester tightly. "Of course I won't touch you, we just did it last night you are still sore and I know that it is still hard for you to do all that but I'm thankful cause I know that even though it's hard for you, you are still trying." Chester raised his right hand and caress Terrence hair. He didn't say anything and remained silent, he appreciates everything that his husband are doing but he knows just how much Terrence is holding back.

"It may have been fast and you might find it uncomfortable but Kitten will you move in with me? Of course not here. I already purchased a house for us and the kids. We can't forever stay in my parents home although we are welcome there, we still needs to have our own place but if you are not comfortable with it then we can stay at my parents mansion as long as you want, No pressure."

"Wherever you want to be that's where I want to also be as long as you are there." Terrence push himself up in disbelief with what Chester just told him.

"You mean to say?"

"Yes me and the kids will move in with you."

"Don't worry kitten we will not going to move in that soon cause the place is still under renovation. I have to make sure of the place security system. I have to make sure that everything you and the kids needed are all in there. It will take another 2 weeks time before they are all done." Chester feeling satisfied by just watching Terrence happy expression, he never thought that saying yes would be enough to make the man happy.

"Ow by the way from now on whenever you go out to work kiss me and the kids so as whenever you return from work. I....I heard it will help to develop relationship between families." Chester said without looking. Terrence was slightly taken aback and teasingly asked Chester.

"Is that a command?" Terrence asked.

"Is it bad?"

"No you can command me with anything. I will gladly fulfill it for you." The two laugh and shared things that night.


"So you won't be able to come home tonight and tomorrow night is that it?" Dexter asked.

(Dexy honey, I'm sorry but your honey needs to finish this. I promise I'll make it up to you just give me two nights.) Lee pleads.

"You are not having an affair are you?" Dexter asked with a hint of suspicion, he is not a suspicious kind of guy but it's the first time that Lee is not coming home from work, and the fact that he's pregnant is not

Dexter is already in his 3 months of his pregnancy the muscles around his belly are starting to lose it's shape but not enough for others to tell that he's pregnant with a child. Aside from his cravings Dexter didn't experience any discomfort that other person who are pregnant experiences, since food is the only thing that Dexter's been craving Lee made sure to keep the fridge full with all sorts of food that Dexter's been craving. Ever since coming back after living overseas for 4 years Dexter has been staying at home, he needs to resign to his previous work abroad for the reason that the two decided to stay for good in the country but staying at home as a wife is not a thing for Dexter. He deeply appreciate all the care he receives from Lee and his family. The house that Lee built for him is something that made Dexter very happy, he considers all the things that Dexter loves. He specifically built the house near nature since Dexter loves sports and adventure while considering the distance travel from the city. Though it was built outside of the city the travel time from their house only takes about an hour and a half most which is not bad. But the fact that he stay as an house wife doesn't sit right with Dexter. He wants to work just like Lee, he too is the man of the house that's why he doesn't want to be left alone inside the house with the Nannies and all his body guards, while Lee goes out everyday to work the job that his brother and father left for him. Feeling alone and bored Dexter decided to leave the house without telling Lee. He called Harvey and Charles his two body guards and Lina one of the Personal assistant assigned to him who has a medical background as a nurse before she became Dexter's personal assistant.

"Where are you going Sir?" Charles asked after Dexter throw him the keys of one of his cars. "Take it, you three will go with me. I won't take any other additional people with me you three will be enough. I'll just explain this to my mother so no need to hurry."

"But Madam clearly told us to not let you go out alone..."

"I'm not alone Lina, I'm taking you, Charles and Harvey with me. I want to visit my husband so hurry up." Dexter said losing his patience.

The three couldn't do anything and just followed Dexter. Dexter with his white V-neck shirt paird with black pants looks sexy and manly if anyone would see him no one will thought that he is pregnant after all the baby bump is still can not clearly be seen with clothes on. He step out of the car the moment they arrived. He looked out the front of the building where the company that his father in law built stands, now it is being run to by Teakyun but since Teakyun is in an indefinite leave his husband Lee took over to run the business. As much as he doesn't want to admit the moment Lee took over in running the business Lee has spend little time with him. He do understand it, he really do it's just that he misses him sometimes just sometimes because of Dexter stubbornes he always tells himself that he only misses that man sometimes just sometimes. He step inside the building and went straight to the receptionist.

"Is there anything I can do for you Sir?" The beautiful lady asked.

"Yes I'm here for Lee Shun, I'm his husband but he always refers to me as his wife." The woman eyed him from head to toe.

"You must have been mistaken Mr. Shun is not married." Dexter who doesn't want to engage in a debate pulled out his phone and called the person he wanted to surprise.

"Get down here at the lobby now!" He didn't wait for the response nor gave the person on the other line a chance to speak, he just simply end the call. He even heard the woman phoned someone and told the other receptionist to not take her eyes off of him and to not let him inside. Minutes later three guards came.

"They are the person, please lead them the way out." The woman told the guards, then she looked at them. "I'm sorry but you have to leave, we can't let you stay here for long spreading rumors that might affect the image of the company. The guards will lead you the way as long as you follow them without causing any troubles we will make sure that we will see you out as a guest."

When one of the guards was about to touch Dexter, Harvey moved and twisted the hand of the man behind his own back. "Don't touch him so recklessly!" Harney told the guard.

"That's enough Harvey, let the man go." Dexter looked at the people in front of him. "We will not fight just don't touch me or do anything reckless. We will go out, no need to use violence." Dexter turned around to leave when suddenly someone hug him from behind.

"It is really you! Dexy my Dexy visited this lonely man who has been missing his wife!..... Ouch! Dexy why did you hit me?"

"What took you so long? These people are trying to throw us out! So you're leaving a life of a bachelor here in Teakyun's company. How come I didn't know that my husband is single here and turns in to a married man at home? Or is it you wanted to be a single man again. I can arrange that for you."

Lee suddenly felt the chill on his spine after hearing Dexter told him that. "Dexy no! I don't want to be single, I have worked really hard in tying you with me you can't take back your vows now." The people in the reception area looked at Lee their acting President cling himself to the man who just told them that he's married to their President's younger brother. It was their first time seeing him break that stoic face of his in the work place. They thought of him as a cool cold icy prince but what they are witnessing is far from what they thought of him since he take over in running the business. The looked at the handsome man that is being clinged but the man only gave them a proud look as if telling them. *I told you but you didn't listen." And that moment the felt the same feeling they get whenever they face Rebecca. The power of a commanding wife that every employee fears and recognize.

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