
Chapter 29: Checkmate Queen

Author's Note:

I know it has been a while I'm really sorry. I have been really really busy and I took my two days off to unwind, sleep and wash all my clothes that already pile up. I still haven't read your comments so I'll read it all after I upload this. Anyways here is another update for you guys.

Happy Reading :😊!


Aiden stroll the dark, filthy muddy passage of the alley in between houses to houses of the slam area. He can't believe that the person he's looking for will be in this area. He stop and look at the place where the map points at. It was a place, a very small house if it's something that can be considered as a house. It was more like a house built from pieces of fly woods that the people throws away. It doesn't have any decent door to cover the entrance not like the place needed one. Aiden knocked on the sturdy part of the house and he was greeted by a boy who carries a kid who Aiden thinks as young as 7 years old. "Can we help you Mister?"

Aiden flash his warmest smile. "I'm looking for Axel, do you happen to know who he is or where he is?" The boy's flinching didn't escape Aiden's eyes which only proof that the boy knows who the person is.

"N-no I don't know who the man is, I'm sorry." The boy turned his back around and went inside the little place they call house. Aiden left but stayed near where he can see the house. He waited for the person he's looking for to appear. The 4 hours wait didn't went in vein when he saw the Omega that he was looking for he tried to approach the man silently but was taken aback when the Omega suddenly throw his back pack at him that was followed by a hook job punch that he luckily blocked but not quick enough to see the right hand that hold his left wrist that he used to block the left hook. The Omega pulled his wrist and quickly went behind him, twist his wrist behind his back as the Omega pined him on the house rotting wooden walls. "Who are you and what do you want?" The Omega asked.

"Just as I thought, you really are the perfect person for my plan." In one swift move Aiden slid his right leg slightly behind the Omega's right leg and then pushed it forward. The Omega loss his balance and fell down but before his back hit the pavement the Omega used his right hand to push his body and do a back flip to get back on his feet.

"Just who are you?" The Omega said, Aiden saw how the facial expressions of the Omega's expression slowly changes.

"You are that Omega at that restaurant. What are you doing here?!"

"Don't you want to let me in first? I want to talk to you." The Omega looked at the the small place he calls home.

"If you want to talk then this is not the right place. Not in my house, the kids are in there."

"Very well let's talk inside my car." The two walk till they reach the place where Aiden left his car.

"So what do you want?"

"Going straight to the point ey?" The Omega looked at him

"I don't have time to waste here so what it is that you want to even seek me here personally." Aiden looked at how the Omega wonder his gaze inside his car. "Your kind doesn't belong in this filthy place."

"Neither do you and the kids. It seems that you are the only innocent people leaving in this hellish place full of criminals I'm surprised that no one even dare to lay their hands on you and the kids considering they are the only kids leaving in this filthy place."

"Let's get straight to the point." Aiden sighed.

"I want you to lend me your ability and skills." The Omega laughed.

"What ability? Your not joking are you?"

"Unfortunately I'm not, You see I know some things about you." The Omega suddenly stopped laughing and his face became serious.

"You were kidnapped as a kid and was trained to be an assassin. Nothing is more effective to become an assassin than an Omega. If trained right they can be a perfect weapon, with a body that men constantly wants to fuck and a skill that can kill men. An organization founded by a mafia was established 25 years ago with a project of collecting kids who doesn't have much family background all over the country. The goal is to trained these kids only to have the incompetent be killed. All those alpha kids were removed from the program and killed. They only leave the Omegas, training after training, elimination after elimination till it all goes down to the end — survival of the fittest. They took you all in a deserted litle town and asked to kill each other leaving only 3 survivors. The 3 of you were asked to kill and assassinate different powerful influential persons like it was nothing. Since the organization thought that the project was a success and gave them so much profit they start collecting kids again. One of those Omegas tried to bring the organization down which resulted to his death. He blow the place up that most of the kids who were taken there died including the founder of the organization. The other Omega became the right hand and concubine of the Organization's founder son who has now taken over the mafia but the third Omega, he just suddenly vanished to thin air like nothing happened to him."

"I don't know what you're talking about." The Omega bite his lips.

"I can help you and those kids. They are the survivor of the incident aren't they?" The Omega looked at him

"I can help you and the kids to hide."

"Who are you and how did you know?"

"How I know it is none of your concern, but as of now I'm your best option to be precise my father's influence is your best option. Here if you change your mind and need my help just call me here." The Omega looked at the card he's holding. Five years after that incident he and the kids are hiding since that day. It was never his intention to help those kids, he was contented enough with his life as an assassin as long as he is free, has food to eat and money to spend but Nelson couldn't stomach it all he planned to infiltrate the place and set the kids free. He also plan to finish the people behind that project. Axel is against that plan, he thought that he finally convinced Nelson but an information about the attacked reached him. He hurried back to see what happened but everything was too late. The Mansion was burning, inside the burning house he found Nelson's dead body surrounded by the dead bodies of the children He found ten kids who are still alive and a baby sleeping tightly." At that moment all he was thinking is to save those wounded kids but out of ten he only manage to save 2 and a baby. Since then he went of the grid. Though they know that all kids died that night Axel didn't risked the chance for them to find the kids even if that means him getting involved against them.

"So how did it go?" Chairman Miller asked.

"I think it went well Dad."

"Aiden I don't want you to get involved in the organization. Not you or George. I'm only helping you with this cause I know the reason why you asked for my help is because of those kids. I shouldn't have let your auntie help you."

"I won't get involved with the Spectre Dad but it's really nice to have a bad ass Dad like you." Chairman Miller laughed.

"There's nothing bad ass about the man who works behind the scene. I don't fight son, more like I support them through my money, mind and influence but I don't fight."

"I know Dad cause if you are involved physically G will probably going to kill you himself hahaha."

"I agree but Aiden don't get involved." Chairman Miller got serious.

"Dad why do you keep on repeating that? I have known your involvement in that cause you told me from the start and G knows about it since he's young. You told us so we can continue to support the organization behind and not to get involved with it physically. Dad we know that, I know that. We respect your wishes."

"Aiden, you have a strong sense of Justice and you entering that organization with that mindset is not far from happening but I don't want you so you have to promise me."

"Ok Dad, don't worry. I have so much things on my plate and there's no place for me to fit the problems of the organization there."


"Where is Teakyun?" Theo asked

"He's at the farm Dad told him to plant corn seeds there." Justine answered. It has been a week since they landed back to Theo's home. His family was enraged after hearing from them the news. His father almost killed Teakyun he already pulled the trigger of his gun saying he rather be a criminal than to let his boy be with the monster again, luckily Theo was able to pushed his father's aim away from Teakyun which made the bullet missed him, because of Theo's plead his father stopped from trying to kill Teakyun using his gun in one condition that Teakyun won't go inside their house. So Teakyun stayed there for three days and nights till his body give in from not eating anything. They brought him back to the hospital and left as soon as they took him there, as per Theo's father command. It hasn't been 24 hours since they brought him there but they find Teakyun standing outside their house again. Theo plead his father to give Teakyun as chance to prove himself and because Theo's mother is already taking pity of the boy she too asked his husband to let the Alpha in. That night the whole family had a meeting. Teakyun kneeled in front of Theo's father for forgiveness and a chance to prove himself once more. Theo's father propose a deal that if he managed to do everything he asked him to do without quiting till he accepts him then that's the time he will give his blessings to the two and accept him as his son in law but if the Alpha quits then he will never going to show his face to them or to Theo anymore. 3 days have passed since Teakyun became the official and instant maid of their house.

Theo went to the farm and there he saw Teakyun in the middle planting seeds manually under the blazing heat of the sun. His sweat glistens down to his well toned body. Theo tried to pushed back all the naughty thoughts, obviously that one time make love is not enough to make up for all the years they have been separated but because of the situation they are in even if they wanted to they can not. His family are keeping an eye to both of them. They are not allowed to be by themselves alone, they can't sleep in the same room, they can't be alone in the same room and most of all they can't be intimate to each other as long as the two of them are in Theo's parents care.

"Tea!" Theo shout, Teakyun turned around to look at him.

"Teddy Baby....."

"Why are you here? Why are you the only one who's doing all these? Where are the other workers? why are you doing it manually?! and most importantly why are you topless?!" Teakyun smiled at him.

"Baby your father gave your workers a paid day off so they can rest, so I volunteered to do this since I'm not doing anything. Also doing this manually is a form of exercise for me see this muscles?" Theo glared at him. He knows that Teakyun is just lying to cover that it was his father's doing. His father is doing it in purpose so Teakyun will quit on his own accord.

Teakyun ruffled his hair. "What are you thinking Baby, you look so serious."

"I'm just worry about you, I know you are lying and that all these is Dad's fault." Taekyun place a kiss on top of his head.

"Don't hold it against your father I deserve this. These are all nothing compared to all the hurt I have caused you. Beside I want to properly asked your hands from them. I know it will make you very happy for them to attend our wedding." Theo smiled, he's happy to see that he made the right decision.

"THEODORE!"Theo flinched upon hearing his father called. He knows that it means to step away from his husband. He sighed as he walks away from Teakyun towards his father. He knows the road to forgiveness is still long for his husband and family.


Bea will be back in less than a week and Lance still hasn't found any clue or evidence on where his wife might have been. He has been thinking none stop on ways of how to find Liam but he just can't think of any. Now that he is sure that the Sy's doesn't know Liam's where about his only choice and lead he has is Bea herself, he's thinking that maybe the woman's coming back is not that bad as he can find clue on Liam's where about but a knock outside his office brought Lance back to reality.

"You must have been lost in your own thoughts. Did I disturb you with your day dreaming?" Lance glared at the Omega.

"Any news Miller?" Lance asked.

"Yeah, Mr. Harris is winning our first Omega case with his neon orange hair. Doesn't he have any plan to change it back?"

"Lee already got out of the prison but the neon green color that Terrence colored his hair is just too stubborn, no matter how much they dye it, the green still shows. Dexter said as long as Lee's hair is green his will be orange. Dexter is actually planning to shave Lee's hair clean but the latter doesn't want to. If that happens I'm pretty sure Terrence will be bald too." Lance can't imagine those two having shiny heads.

"Nonetheless his winning it."

"It's still too early to celebrate it has been a week since we accepted the case along with the Alpha case. Speaking of alpha cases?"

"its going well so far, I told you hiring only the best will make this company firm enough to make a name for itself." Lance smile, seeing the Omega happy and excited is somehow making him happy too.

"Aren't you going home it's pretty late." Aiden asked.

"No there are things that I still need to fix and beside my Fiance will be back in less than a week." Lance said sadly.

"Ow the fiance'..... So when the wedding will be?" Aiden asked, the news didn't brought him any hint of sadness as a matter of fact it brought him excitement. Excitement for the things that are about to happen. His plan for the woman are all set the only person that's missing is the lead actress itself.

"That..... actually we still don't have any date for that but the announcement of the engagement will be like two days after she arrived. She already arranged everything." Aiden got a much better idea in addition to his plan. The engagement announcement only add spice to his plan.

"Do you want to come? I mean you can come as my guest." Aiden smiled to him.

"Yes of course. I would love to meet the future Mrs. of the Montero Empire." Aiden said with too much ecstatic but he noticed that the Alpha doesn't seem happy nor excited about his engagement to the woman.

"Why does it seem that you are not happy?" Aiden asked."Shouldn't you feel happy when you are announcing to the world that you are about to marry the most beautiful girl in the country?" Lance laugh.

"Don't exaggerate things Miller. She's not the most beautiful you are even more beautiful that her." Lance was still laughing not noticing what he just said and the effect it had cause to the Omega.

Aiden can't believe what he just heard. He can't believe that Lance just praise him. He felt happy and yet sad cause he knows deep inside that the face doesn't really belong to him. It belongs to Chairman Miller's late wife. Aiden looked at Lance sighed after he laughed that hard. "Hays," He watched Lance smile sadly looking from a far. "But no one is more beautiful than my wife."

Aiden was not prepared when he heard those words from Lance mouth. "Wife?' Aiden unknowingly uttered. Lance looked at him with that happy smile on his face far from his sad smile when he told him about his wife's beauty.

"You must've not know... Though I apologized to him back then in a national Television people were not convinced that I was married. Can't blame though they never saw him once."

*How can I forget about that time.* Aiden said to his mind remembering that time when Lance was courting him back to him after making that mistake with Bea which gave birth to their son Lander.

Lance took out his wallet and pulled out a photo of Liam sleeping on a couch while holding a plate of cake with his stomach that starting to show. He must have been 6 months then that time. "He's pretty right? The prettiest of all." Liam can't believe that Lance is carrying such photo of him for 5 years.

"Pregnant." Liam said sadly, he would have been their second baby but his baby wasn't given a chance to see and live to this world because his father is nothing but a useless man.

"If you have a wife then why are you marrying Ms. Salvacion?"

"He's dead." Lance said.

"How did you know?" Aiden asked further.

"I saw the body." Lance said, as much as he wants to reveal the truth but choose not to. He can't afford to have his cover blown. He needs to find Liam first, he can't let anybody know that he is searching for Liam aside from his family, Lee and Dexter aside from them he hasn't told even a single soul afraid that the news will get to Bea and that will put Liam to harm.

Aiden sneered at what he just said and walked near him till he is just inches from Lance face. He lightly run his fingers under Lance chin and with that smirk on his face he told him. "How sure you are that it was him? Montero how weak and dense can you get?" Liam pulled out he tap the table with his fingers making a sound as he continues to say what's on his mind, letting out the frustrations and hatred that build up inside his heart. All the questions he wanted to ask to Lance.

"What if you have been played by the tune of someone else's song. I can't believe the all powerful and mighty Lance will be this dense. After seeing the body you just believe?" Aiden laughed. Lance can't understand why Aiden is acting that way but he is sure that it is not sitting well with him.

"You know nothing Miller! You were not in my position to tell me that." Aiden raised his hand while his other hand holds his stomach from laughing too much.

"Montero you what you are right I know nothing but if I were to put in your position and my Alpha goes missing finding a body won't be enough to satisfy my need to know what happened to my Alpha. I will go above and beyond any means to prove that it was really him...." Aiden walked passed him and gently tap his shoulder as he gives him an advice.

"Montero better take care of the future wife or else you might loss her again this time." Aiden said with full of meaning but Lance response is what made him more surprised.

"I don't mind loosing the new one, cause I still prepares the old wife."


A four days have passed when Aiden suddenly got an unexpected visit from the person he has been waiting. "I was expecting you to give me a call or visit anytime sooner than now but whatever what matter is that you are here." Aiden leaned back to his swivel chair. "I'm hoping to get a good news from you."

"I won't beat around the bush, help me and the kids. Take them out from hiding even if you don't include me just them is enough. I want them to have a normal life, go to school, make some friends and maybe later on have their own family. I can't afford for them to find the kids." Aiden leaned forward. "I can also help you, I can erase your existence along with the kids. You all from now on will be dead."

"If you can do it I will give my loyalty to you. You can use me however you want. Even if I have to kill again I will just the kids. Give them the future they deserve." Aiden sighed.

"Your loyalty is what I want but no killing. I'm a wicked and cunning person but not to the point I'll ask someone to kill for me. If I have to kill I will do it using my both hands. Don't underestimate me Axel." Axel smirk at him.

"I know I saw from the restaurant but not enough. Your skills and posture are good but still not enough." Aiden laughed.

"I was not raised to be a killer machine since birth unlike you but admit that my skills are pretty great for a person who just started learning them 4 years ago."

"Not bad. If you want I can train you. I'm just letting you know I'm a strict teacher." Axel said.

"I'm looking forward to that. I need to go there's a party I need to attend to." Axel looked at his eyes and he knows that the shine in his eyes is telling him that the Omega is up to no good to whoever it was that's hosting the party.

'You"re about to do something bad and outrageous." The Omega said that made Aiden halted his steps. 'If you want I can come with you.'

"Suit yourself." Aiden said without looking back at the Omega.

The party begun on the right time and Bea's guests and the press have been showering her with their congratulations and praises. "Aiden was just sitting there together with the Omega who is observing quietly.

"You didn't really have to buy me a suit." Aiden fixed his coat.

"It looks good on you, just take it as token of you coming with me to this boring Party." Aiden said.

"You don't look so bored." The Omega said.

"Of course! I'm waiting for the climax of this party." Aiden said made the Omega anticipate for something to happen till late night when Lance and Bea went to the center stage to give their announcement.

"Good evening ladies and gentlemen. How have you all been? I hope you all are enjoying yourselves." There were a lot more of things that Bea said that her greetings took about 30 minutes before she finally went to do her speech. Lance didn't even gave his own greeting and speech most of it were done by just Bea. And after her speech she finally made the official announcement that everyone has been waiting for.

"I know that all of you knows about it for the longest time but since there wasn't really an official announcement regarding it cause my Lance was really excited to asked me to marry him. So we are happy to announce aaaaahhhhhh."Bea's scream can be heard by all when the party was filled with darkness. "I'm ok, I'm ok...." Bea said the people calmed down after hearing her said that.

"Why isn't the generator running... Aaaahhhhh...." Then they heard Bea's scream once again. The people start laughing and teasing Lance to guide his soon to be wife but none of them know that Bea has been taken by other person lurking in the dark.

Aiden received a message from someone that made him smile. Since his what he needs to do is already done he got up and left the event with the Omega.

Bea opened her eyes that is still heavy and a little bit stingy but still see nothing. She has been blindfolded. She next tried to move her hands that are both tied behind her back but the movement and struggling are only making her hands hurt. The roughness of the rough rubs against her fragile and sensitive skin causing it to blister so she soon gave up. She focus her attention to the people around her. She tried counting them using her other senses but failed to do so. She's not an expert to this kind of thing. What can a delicate Alpha woman that she is knows what to do once face to this kind of situation. So out of frustration she tried to throw a tantrums but since her kidnappers didn't gave her attention, she starts yelling and shouting at them.

"Where am I?" Bea shout then she felt someone slapped her.

"Shut up!" Said the voice of a man.

"Don't damage the goods, the boss said to take it easy with her. The boss really is brilliant for coming up with that kind of plan." Said the other one.

"Don you know who I am?" Bea shout again but once again was hit to her face.

*How dare them to touched my face that is worth millions.* Bea thought angrily. Only in her thoughts that she can get back at them, swore at them and hurt them. She can't afford to let her face get hit again.

It took like forever till they reached the place. She was prisoned in a room that doesn't look like a decent room for a person like her of a status. They tied her up after removing her blindfold. At first she tried to scream to get some help but no one came, she just lost her voice but no rescue came. She refused to eat by kicking the plate full of foods and even tried to bribe the kidnappers.

"I'm rich and my soon to be husband is rich. He will reward you handsomely just let me go." Bea said. She can't sleep on that hard filthy bed if you can even call that a bed she thought.

"We are not doing this for money. We are doing this because we owe the person a favour and beside you pretty much deserve this, you messed up with the wrong person." Said one of the men.

Bea spit on the man's face. "Bullshit! That person is the one who doesn't know who he's dealing with."

"Is she still being stubborn?" Bea look up when she heard that familiar face, for a second she thought she heard Liam but was still surprised to see the Omega who threatened her because of her son.

"You...." Bea said, still in shock.

"You bitch! Why did you kidnapped me? I didn't touched Lander, we had a deal. You are being unreasonable just because of that stupid kid!" Bea keeps on shouting but Aiden didn't mind her instead he went straight to where the food flew when Bea kicked it. He bend down and took a full palm of the food that landed on the floor. "What a waste, when I was struggling I almost ate the food in the garbage out of hunger but you I gave you a full plate to eat and the you just threw it away." Aiden got up still holding the full palm of food in his hand. "There are a lot of people starving to death and yet you just waste this food. What a shame."

"What does it has to do with me? Let them starve for all I care!" Aiden walked in front of her and with one swift move he forced the food on Bea's mouth. Bea was trying to throw up the food but failed to do so. In the end she ate the food till all of it were done.

"There much better. See it wasn't so hard if you just tried to be as obedient." Aiden said.

"What have I done to you?" Bea asked.

"To Aiden none but to Liam a lot. You have done a lot of things to Liam." Aiden said. Bea was beyond surprised, she wasn't expecting for the Omega to know about Liam.

"You set him up to be kidnapped. Collaborate with his parents, killed his child just to get his man. In the end you manage to even killed him and yet you don't even feel a single drop of remorse for what happened." Aiden said like he was just telling a story.

"That bitch deserves that! His baby? That would have been my child if he didn't step in between me and Lance. I just left Lance for a moment and another dog came running to get the bone which I burry."

"You left that bone to get a bigger bone have you forgotten about that already? And when other dog found your bone that you burry for so long that's when you came back to steel it again. You're pathetic really." Bea glared at him.

"If I didn't know better you just want Lance for yourself! Trying to get close to Lander and kidnapping me?" Bea hissed.

"Ow don't worry, I don't steal away bones that other dogs already licked and I won't stoop so low as to use your child to get Lance, hhhhhmmmmm" Aiden pretend to think.

"I was just thinking I guess your little bone wants to have a new owner, he just told me the other night that I'm more beautiful than you." Bea gritted her teeth, you are lying.

"I was not. Maybe I'll try to play with your little bone and will let you eavesdrop on us so I can satisfy your curiosity." Aiden said.

"Lance will never get swayed by you!" Bea shouted. Aiden sighed he kissed Bea on her forehead.

"Enjoy your stay here while I do my work outside. Don't worry I won't kill you but I can't promise you that I won't hurt you, after all I'm not as kind as other thinks. The only thing I can promise you is that after this everyone's attention will be on you." With that Aiden left.

To be continued...


Chapter 30 sneak peek.

Aiden came in to Lance office, he has been knocking since earlier but the Alpha is just to busy talking someone on the phone. He keeps on pacing back and forth as he shouts over the person on the other line.

"It has been 2 fucking days already! Why there isn't any news about her?! I want a to hear good news within the day!" Lance hung up the phone.

"Sorry I came in." Lance looked at him

"It's ok."

"It seems that you really love her very much." Aiden said concealing the hurt with those praising words.

"Yeah." Lance said agreeing but he knows that it is far from the truth cause the only reason why he wants Bea to be found is because of Liam. He fears that if Bea dies then he will never going to find him.

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