
Chapter 47: The Party Part 1

Author's Note:

Hi there everyone, I tried to wrapped everything to this chapter but since it's getting too long I have to cut it in to two parts. Anyways I hope you like this chapter. Happy Reading 😀!


People of status gathered up wearing their elegancy. Men wear their expensive tailored suits matching it with their priceless watch and finished it with their breath takingly exorbitant leather shoes and jewelries. Women shows off their extravagant gowns and dresses, flaunting the beauty and perfect built of their body. Faces that beautifies by make ups, hair that arrange and decorated carefully which compliments their attires. Jewelries that scream fortune. Smiley faces; loud and soft laughter of people he meets. Greetings and congratulations these are mostly the kind of things that Teakyun see and hear in every gatherings he attended and organize. Be it him being an attendee or him being the host it doesn't make any difference people give respect to those in power and none to those who don't hold an authority. He learned to play your card smart — that every friends you should make are those who can be of any use to you. He finished his glass of champagne in one gulp before heading himself in greeting one of his visitors. "How's the party? Have you been enjoying the night so far?" Teakyun asked.

"Shun, Teakyun." Greeted the man that's already in his late 50's.

"Chairman Miller how have you been?" The old man just laugh at the question.

"I should be the one who should be asking you that. Don't worry I'm ok, still as young as ever." The man jokingly said. "Well I heard that your new business venture outside the country has been a huge success. I really can't expect any less from Chang woo's son."

"Well thank you. I guess I just got really lucky." The man looked at him.

"I don't believe in luck young man. Must have been your wife. Know what they say behind every man's success is a queen who got his back." After saying that Chairman Miller start looking around as if he was looking for someone.

"By the way I haven't seen your wife. Where is he?" He asked.

"He's taking a rest for a while. He must have felt tired." Teakyun made up an excuse. The old man is very fond of their Love story he believes in true love and he doesn't know why? When he hasn't even seen the old man with someone not even once before.

"Ow then you must look after him, don't set aside any little things that you see, even a slightest discomfort of your wife you need to have it consulted to a Doctor. You might never know that those simple things might be hiding something big." Teakyun was a bit confused with what the old man has been saying to him and it seems that man had read his mind.

"You see I once had a wife before like your wife he is also an Omega. Not all knows about it I kept it hidden — the fact that I have an Omega for a wife. We all know that he has an asthma so we all thought that the symptoms were just because of an asthma but we didn't know that it was much bigger than what we thought. he has a heart condition and very much pregnant at that time. He refused to give up on his pregnancy and said that he can wait till he have given birth before receiving any medical treatments. To simply put I lost him." The old man laugh.

"I was naive at that time. I thought that we have so much time together that I took him for granted. He was always there when I was just starting. When I had nothing he's the only one who believes in me till I finally reached my goal." Chairman Miller looked at him with a sad smile.

"But comes with the success are temptations from your surroundings. People who will feed your mind with unnecessary things till they inject their poison to your system. Authority, power, men and women, lustful world of sex. Name it I've experienced and done it all but even so he stayed. I took for granted the fact the he choose to stay even though I'm already hurting him physically and mentally but more so emotionally. I thought he won't leave no matter what thinking that he has nothing but me. That he won't last a day without my money and power but boy I thought wrong." Teakyun listens carefully he can't shake the feeling that the story awfully feels the same as him.

"He left. I thought because he got fed up from all my craft but I was wrong." Chairman Miller looked at him. "Do you know why our wives leaves us?When they loves us so much despite us men being a trash?"

"Why?" Teakyun asked he wants to know why. Maybe he could find an answer why his wife left him other than what he has in mind.

"It's because they don't want to see us hurting. They would rather suffer all by themselves than for us to feel sad and sorry about it. They always put our happiness first than their own. A person who truly loves is not selfish and I was too blind to see that." The Chairman Miller averted his eyes in the distance.

"I was too late. 28 years too late." Teakyun watched the man standing beside him smile bitterly. "When I found him he's already dead, I was left with a less than one year old Son that she left to her friend's care." He blows a loud breath and gulp the glass of scotch he's holding.

"He told me my wife found out that he's two months pregnant a month before she left me. He refused having the treatments that could save him because he wants to keep my child so badly. He bargains in doing the treatments after he has given birth." The man closed and open his eyes multiple times as he wonder his around him as if doing so could prevent the tears from threatening to fall down from his eyes any time soon.

"7 months, he carried my child for 7 months inside him before his heart gives in. They have to perform a Cesarean section to deliver the child safely."

"Why am I even telling you this when I know for a fact that you are different from me. You love your wife, you won't wonder to the same path I have been."

Teakyun look at him. "If you had found out something about his past. One that can brought you shame would you still love her the same way as you do now?" Chairman Miller looked at him with a smile on his face as he answered him without batting an eye. "Yes it was already in his past — which I should have told him but didn't. You see every Omega has always have it hard and it's not their fault. I should have realized it a lot sooner that it happened during the time when I'm still not part of his life just yet. If you truly love a person you will accept not just their present and future but also their past."

"Dad I have been looking all over for you." Chairman Miller's son said.

"You are such a worry wart, can't your old man wonder without telling you?" Chairman Miller laugh while saying that to his son.

"I won't worry if you weren't such a stubborn old man. I just can't seem to understand why the older you get the more stubborn you become." His son complain. Chairman Miller raffle his son's hair.

"Don't worry about me, go have fun maybe you can finally meet my future daughter in law so you can finally give me a successor." His son just glared at him before opening his mouth to talk back to him.

"Not yet old man. You still need to wait ten more years before I finally settle down and another ten years before I give you a heir and at least 20 years before you can build and groom a good successor." His son said.

"I'll be like 98 by that time." Said Chairman Miller.

"You should add 2 more years to make it a hundred." His son commented which made the Chairman cringe, he couldn't imagine himself living a hundred years just because his son doesn't want him to go.

"Forget about it I will never going to win this argument with you." The Chairman turn his gaze towards Teakyun. "Ow by the way President Shun this is my one and only son George Miller Jr., George this is President Shun a friend of mine in business world." Both man shake their hands to formally greet one another. It didn't took long before Chairman Miller's son excuse himself and left the two alone to talk living his father of a reminder on what not to eat and drink.

"Can't you believe it? I own a very successful company and yet my one and only son insisted in becoming a Doctor. You know what his two reasons are?"

"What?"Teakyun asked, he was also curious as to why did his son didn't want to inherit his father's business. Everyone would kill just to have that opportunity.

"1. He wants to personally take care of me, saying he wanted me to live longer and for that to happen I must have a good Doctor who he can trust and the only person he can trust is himself. He said he doesn't want to inherit the company that's why I should keep it running for as long as I can while he keeps my health in check.

Funny my one and only son told me. 'I won't inherit your company Dad so you need to live long till I gave you a grandson who will inherit it from you. Of course you still need to wait for him to grow old. That's why I became a doctor for that to happen.'

2. He wanted to save lives, he wanted to be able to help other people. He told me, 'Business is not for me Dad, I was not born to make money but I was born to help others and to keep you around a little longer Dad. Mom needs to wait much longer because I'm will be keeping you for a very long time. Got it?'

It's hard to have a son that is a Doctor. He will always going to keep you in check. You not only have a personal Doctor and nurse but you'll also have an instant dietitian and nutritionist. He also sometimes my physical fitness trainer. He is so busy and yet he always finds time for me." Chairman Miller looked at the people who are laughing and having fan.

"He is the only reason why I choose not to give up on life. Without my son I might have taken my life a long time ago. I truly regret what I did till now but I can't just leave yet. My son won't permit it."

Chairman Miller looked at him and took both of his hands. "I'm happy to see that you love your wife so much even though he is an Omega. You two are one of the rarest genuine couple that I have ever seen in my whole life. Continue what you are doing. I know that you are already making a name for yourself, you are already stepping out of your father's shadow and the moment that you are completely out that's where all the temptations will come; all pride and ego will start to build up and more fake people will gather around you trying to get your favour but don't be swayed by all those things cause the moment you do then that's the start of the end for your marriage."

"Dad..." Chairman Miller's son said asking for his father. "I'm sorry but can I borrow my father for just a minute?" Teakyun nod giving him the permission to speak.

"There has been an emergency at the hospital I might have to go now. I don't want to leave you here alone but I also don't want to spoil your night so I'll be sending Frank together with the two body guards to look after you and take you home later."

"Son you are worrying too much."

"Dad don't be stubborn or I won't leave. If something happens to the patient's then it's on you." His son is now pulling out the guilty card on him and he knows that he meant it when he says he won't leave until he's assured that his father will agree to him.

"Ok, Ok I won't be stubborn. So go now they need you there. Go save some lives." His father said shooing him away. George immidiately run.

"I Love you Dad." a fine smile lined to his face.

"Such a great son that you have." Teakyun commented his eyes are still on the crowd where Chairman Miller's son disappear to.

"Yeah to nice and great for me to have but nonetheless was given to me. He took after my wife that's for sure. How about you any plans on having a kid, you are not getting any younger."

"No, we still don't have plans in having any time soon. We are still enjoying each other's company." Teakyun said plainly. He somehow feels strange and unsettled after hearing the story of Chairman Miller. It seems like what happened before is what is happening with his marriage right now. *But Theo is not sick. He is very much healthy so that would be impossible. Unlike Chairman Miller's me and Theo still have plenty of time.* Teakyun thought to himself.


Lee was waiting on the parking lot for Dexter to come down. He asked Dexter to be his date and he also plans in introducing him to his parents. Dexter sure did take his time in preparing but all the waiting is making Lee nervous for unknown reason. It was his first time that he will be introducing a date to his parents although he brought a lot of dates in every occasions he never once introduce them to his parents.

"I'm sorry I took so long. Did I make you wait?" Lee turned around to see the person who just talked. He couldn't find the words to say after he saw Dexter. He looks to dashingly sexy in his all black attire. Black polo which was covered by black coat blazer partner with black pants but the most surprising of all is Dexter's hair. His long hair is gone replaced by a clean-under cut comb over hair style which made him even more good looking.

"What Happened to your hair?" Dexter touched it.

"Why? Does it not suit me?" Dexter asked feeling nervous if his new hairstyle doesn't suit him.

"No you actually look good. I mean I heard from Liam that you like your hair long so why cut it?" Lee asked.

"Ow, that's because you said you'll introduce me to your parents. I don't want to give a wrong impression so I cut it clean. Also I thought it's nice to try some little changes sometimes." Dexter explained which put a smile on Lee's face.

*So he did it for me.* Lee thought a smile slowly make it's way to his face.

"What's with that creepy smile?" Dexter snorted.

"Nothing I was just happy that you told me that you did all that for me."

"I didn't say that I did it for you! I said I did it to not embarrass myself in front of your parents." Dexter was already getting annoyed. He couldn't understand how did the Alpha concluded that way when clearly he did it all for himself... HIMSELF! *Or was it really for himself?* Dexter thought.

"And now I'm confused!" Dexter whisper silently cursing through his teeth.

"Well it sounds like you did it for me." Lee said grinning from ear to ear.

Dexter wanted to pull his hair but restraint not to do so. He took a very long time to style it so that it could look neat and stylish. He doesn't want what Lee said ruin all the preparation and effort he put in to.

"Let's just go they must be waiting. The has yet to start but why do I feel so tired already?" Dexter said while getting inside the car.

"Actually my parents know that I'll be bringing someone they are used to it but what they don't know is that I'll be introducing someone to them tonight." Lee took his hand and kiss the back of his hand. Dexter quickly took his hand away from Lee's the moment his lips touch the skin of the back of his hand.

It took Dexter a few seconds before he could finally respond, "What why didn't you tell them?!" Dexter shout.

"It's not too late to back out." Dexter mumble to himself and then seconds later he was already looking at him. "Stop the car, I'm not going since they don't know it will be much better if they don't know you are dating me."

For some reason Lee doesn't like the sound of what Dexter just said. "Why so sudden?" Lee asked coldness in his voice is very evident.

"Cause it will save us and your family the trouble when things won't work out." Dexter blurted out, he didn't mean anything about what he said he just simply said what's on his mind.

Lee was hurt when it came from Dexter's mouth.

It was not something new to him after all that's how he used to think before meeting Dexter. He just didn't expect that it will hurt to hear things as that from the mouth of the man he loves.

*But there's no pulling back now. I have to do everything to make him fall for me so he won't be saying such absurd things anymore.* Lee thought.

"Too late." Dexter can feel the coldness in his tone and then suddenly Lee looked at him and smile for a second before reverting his gaze to the road.

"No backsies. I'll introduce you to my parents and that's final. Don't worry about what happens to tomorrow. If you can't still see your future with me then just think and enjoy your today with me. I want to make your present belongs to me, cause if your present belongs to me then your tomorrow will eventually be mine as well. Cause all tomorrow will eventually be a present if I just wait."

Dexter looked at him with a confused face. " I don't understand." Dexter whispered.

"Don't think about it too much. You'll get it when the time comes. Always remember 24:59 is just a minute away till it reaches 00:00 for it to become today."

Dexter and Lee arrived at the party. It was the biggest and grandest party that Dexter has ever attended to. He attended some extravagant party because of his father's business but what he's seeing is nowhere near as extravagant as this. He looked at Lee and wonder just who is he and how rich is he. If his father finds out that he's dating such person he is sure that it will faint out of shock or maybe it will have their marriage tomorrow arrange that instant. Dexter laugh bitterly upon remembering his father.

It hasn't been that long since they arrived but someone already snatch Lee away from him. From the looks of it the man must have been a business man. Lee promised to comeback soon and told him to stay where he's at. Dexter doesn't know what to do so he just grab something he can eat easily while standing. He was not able to eat anything earlier because of too much nervousness.

He looked at the people invited in this party and he can recognized some of them. There are big names and influential people in both business, entertainment and government industries. He was busy observing when he heard two people talking just beside him. They looked young like in their early 30's. The woman was wearing a red sleeveless, waist wrapped, cascading raffle gown. She looks so elegant with her hair up in a messy hairstyle with little hair hanging loose in some places of her head. The man beside her is looking so flash and dashing with his thing stripped dark blue and light blue polo partner by dark blue plain neck tie, covered by grey vest and grey coat blazer.

"What do you think this time?" The woman asked.

"What do you mean this time?" The man returned the question to her.

"I mean do you think your son will bring someone tonight as his date?" The woman asked.

"Of course that's not something new. He always brings someone as a date but takes home different one after the party." The man looked at the woman beside him. "And why are you making it sounds like he's only my son? He is also your son Rebecca."

*So they are a married couple. Must have been a troublesome kid if they are referring his that way.* Dexter thought.

"Want to make a bet?" The man asked his wife.

"What kind of bet?" The woman who was referred as Rebecca asked back.

"If he'll take home a different person than who he has brought or this time he will take home the same person." The man explained.

"Ok, if I win you will take a work time off and we will go in a vacation just the two of us. Deal?" The man looked at her.

"Deal. But if I win we will do all the different sex position and role play that I want not buts and questions asked. Deal?" The man asked.

Dexter almost choked upon hearing the bet.

"Deal." The woman said but the two noticed Dexter who was coughing because of too much surprised from what he just heard. The woman went over to him.

"Are you ok?" The woman asked. Dexter looked at the person who just asked him and his face hue suddenly change from normal to blush red. The woman took a hint on what might cause the blush on the young man's face.

"You must have heard us right?" The woman asked suspiciously.

"No--- No Ma'am. I didn't hear anything." Dexter put his two hands in front and shake it as he says no.

The woman find Dexter's reactions adorable. "Don't worry we don't mind even if your heard it. That just how the two of us are." The man explained.

"I'm Dong-ha by the way and this is my wife Rebecca." The three exchange handshakes.

"Yeah Don't mind us betting. You see when two Married couples have been together for too long they tend to get too comfy and used to with each other which eventually leads to boredom in the relationship. Things such as like this is what keeps it interesting...." Said the woman named Rebecca but was cut off by her husband's words.

"And spicy. Hahaha." The man loudly laugh.

"Must have been a very problematic son if he is your object of your bet." Dexter commented he finds the situation very awkward. The two seems nice but he finds it very uncomfortable to be told about little of themselves when he doesn't even know them.

"Yeah really that man only knows how to play. He never gets serious though he's bringing dates every single time he never even managed to introduce them to us." The woman agreed and went on telling him just how troublesome her son is.

"That's why we don't really consider them as someone he can take seriously. Funny thing is he brings date every single time but always ended up going home with a different one." The man named Dong-ha added.

"I even saw him one time coming out in a bathroom and walking behind him is a different alpha female who was limping while walking with her dishelv looks. I was thinking that time that the two must have done it." Dexter thought just how promiscuous their son is.

"Agree, agree... I once walked in your son in the kitchen fucking someone. I never imagined I would be witnessing my son doing that. Ow my poor eyes." The man said dramatically.

Dexter was already feeling very awkward knowing more about their son when he doesn't even met him just yet. He wanted the conversation to end quickly so he decided excuse himself when he felt a strong one arm was placed around his shoulders.

"So you guys finally met?" Dexter didn't need to turn around to know who's man that voice belongs to. The shocked written on the faces of both married couple is enough to confirm what his thinking.

"S-son?" The man said.

"Mom and Dad, I was planning to introduce you to him earlier but uncle snatched me away but it seems the three of you are already getting familiar with each other, that would save me some trouble." His parents face are still in daze they can't follow what he was saying to them.

"What are you talking about Son, please elaborate it." His Mom said.

"Mom and Dad, I want you to meet Dexter my date..... and also my lover." Dexter looked at Lee.

Lee's parents were confused at first but eventually got back to their senses and greet Dexter again.

"I never thought that you are my son's date Hahahahaha." Rebecca loudly laugh trying to erase the tension. She went near Dexter and hug him as she whispered. "Please forget everything we just told you." and wink at him

The Lee's father did the same thing he hug him and whispered something. "My son is a good boy. I'm just exaggerating when I said those things earlier."

The couple look apologetically at him. Lee find his parents actions weird. "Did you guys said unnecessary things when I was not with him?" Lee asked them suspiciously.

"No of course no!" His parents said simultaneously which made Lee even more suspicious but Dexter assured him that the three of them are just talking random stuff.

"Don't over think about it we are just talking about random things." Dexter said which put Lee at ease. *About you* Dexter thought in his mind adding to his statement earlier.

"Mom, Dad I'll be just borrowing Dexter. It won't take long, it will be just quick." Lee said before grabbing Dexter's hand to pull him away.

"So about the bet is it still on?" Rebecca's husband ask.

"Of course, this time I have a feeling that I'll win this. So you better prepare your leave form cause we will ba having our honeymoon tour." The woman smirk.

"Don't be so sure that's my son we are talking about. He is a promiscuous beast that can't be tamed. So you better start stretching your body." Her husband winked at her.

Dexter was taken to a bunch of men who looks the same age as Lee. They are standing around the stand up cocktail table. They seem to be enjoying themselves talking to each other till Lee intrude them by suddenly grabbing the other man on his neck from behind. "Damn it Lee that almost gave me a heart attack!"

"Don't be too over dramatic Terrence. You're a bad person and bad person won't die easy." Lee said.

"Fuck you!" The man who he called Terrence said.

"Ow well thank you." Lee replied. "So even to others he is being weird." Dexter mumble. He looked at the men who Lee is with and noticed a familiar face.

"Ow guys I want you all to meet my date and my lover..." Lee suddenly grab his wrist and pulled him in front to introduce him to his friends.

"Dexter?!" Lance said pointing at him. Lee looked at the two of them with confusion written to his face.

"You two know each other?" Lee asked.

"Moron of course I do know that man." Lance scoffed. "He is just the guy who hide my wife from me."

"Excuse me I didn't hide your wife I just simply help him when he's got no place to go." Dexter looked at him. "Of course I do know him he is Liam's husband.

"Come on break it off you two. Hi by the way I'm Terrence unfortunately I'm one of your boyfriend's friend. Nice meeting you." Terrence said shaking his hand.

"Hi Adrian here. Same as Terrence I'm also one of the unfortunates who had became victim in being one of your boyfriend's friend."

"I think you already heard about me I'm...." Zeejay was not able to finish what he was saying when Dexter suddenly grab his hand using his two hands to shake it.

"Zeejay! I can't believe I will be meeting you here. I'm one of your fans. I have been a fan ever since you are just starting your acting career which was like 12-14 years ago I think." Dexter said excitedly. Lee saw that and for some reason he felt really annoyed. Zeejay gave him a ' See just how popular I am look.'

Lee quickly grab Dexter's hands away from Zeejay. "Can I take a photo with you?" Dexter asked.

"Dexy honey, why are you even asking to take a photo with him? When you have me?" Lee complained.

"Why should I? You're not a famous actor like he is and I'm no fan of yours like he is." Dexter said plainly.

Lee looked at Zeejay who just shrug his shoulder and gave him a 'See what I told you.' looked. At that moment Lee wanted to murder Zeejay so badly.

"Hi don't mind them they are always like that by the way I'm Derek...."

"Let me guess you are one of the unfortunates who became friends with my boyfriend?" Dexter cut off what Derek was about to say. Derek just laugh at what he just said.

"No, don't mind the others that's just how they always are." Derek explained.


"How was the meeting?" Lee asked. The two are at the garden sitting at the edge of the fountain, the only place that is tranquil.

Dexter looked at him. "Why did you suddenly invited me here and introduce me to your family and friends?" He asked.

"I still haven't introduce you to everyone just yet but we will get to there." Lee said.

"You haven't answered the question." Dexter said pushing through.

"I'm serious about you and I want the others to also know that this is just some sort of fling that'll end once I'm bored." Lee said.

Dexter Stretch his legs straight, slouching a bit and blow a loud breath. "You are way out of my league. At first I thought you are just some rich spoiled brat like I am but it appears that you are way more than a rich man." Dexter said before sipping to his glass. Lee took the glass of scotch away from his hands.

"That's enough you already had too much. If this goes on you'll going to end up drunk." Lee said. "My parents are the one who's rich but we are still not as rich as Lance so don't get too intimidated and besides my parents are not that kind of a person as you saw earlier."

"Yeah they are also weird just like you." Dexter looked at him, Dexter's face begin to frown the longer he looks at him. His lips would open and then close and then open and will close again. It's like there is something he wants to say but can't say it.

"So will you take someone else home after this party?" Finally Dexter asked with a hint of sadness in his voice.

"Of course not why would I do that and to whom did you get that kind of idea?!" Lee asked he thinks he knows just to whom Dexter get that kind of idea.

"Nothing it's just that your parents said that Everytime you bring a date you always ended up bringing home someone else." Dexter said which confirms Lee's suspicion.

"That was before, it won't be the same now or ever don't dwell over it." Dexter can't understand why Lee's words always takes the worries away from his heart and yet it is also because of him that his heart and mind is in chaos.

The two came back to where the party is and people once again gather to where Lee is, they are trying to speak with him every single chance they get of course that didn't escape from his sight the flirtatious intent of other people be it men or women wants to get his attention. He doesn't like the feeling but he doesn't want to also cause a scene that will put the two of them in shame. But the woman just keeps on clinging to his boyfriend. *My boyfriend?* He thought making him scoffed as he laughed at himself. He must have been out of his mind.

The woman who is circling her hands to Lee's right arm suddenly whispered something to him which made Dexter lost his cool. He suddenly grab Lee which startled the woman. "I'm sorry but I don't like it when other people and when I say other people it means YOU flirting and clinging to my boyfriend." Dexter openly declared. The woman was slightly taken aback but eventually was able to composed herself.

"Well darling maybe your missing something here. Lee doesn't date, much more do relationship. Maybe you are just getting ahead of yourself. Just a little advice if you want Lee to continue to see you then don't be selfish of what's not yours or Lee might get fed up to you." The woman said rolling her eyes at him.

"Is that so? Lee Honey!" Dexter said with his eyes still in the woman. They are already getting the attention of the other people.

"From now on I don't want you flirting back to other people specially when they are showing any intentions towards you." Dexter said giving Lee commandment that needs to be followed.

"Huh? Why? we are not doing anything wrong, I have always been like this." Lee said.

"Are you objecting?" Dexter asked his eyes is still on the girl who is now smirking giving him the 'I told you so look.'

"Not that I'm objecting is just that things like this are natural to me." Lee defended himself.

"Let me ask you a few questions. Are you still having a communication with your flings, sex friends and such be it through call, text, chats or email or even in person?"

"Yes." Lee hesitantly answer that seems like a whisper. "But it was just a friendly conversation, well with a little dirty talks but that's all." Lee added.

"Have you had sex with them while dating me?" Dexter asked.

"Of course not! I haven't had sex with anyone ever since dating you!" Lee said.

"What is happening?" Lance asked when he noticed the little commotion. Terrence just point at Lee who is being questioned by his lover. "Lee is so toasted." Terrence commented.

"That's why being single is still the best!" Zeejay said.

"Darling it looks like your son is doomed!" Lee's mother commented trying to hold back her self from laughing.

"What do you expect he doesn't know anything about relationships so it's normal..... aw aw ouch.."

"Cause you didn't taught them anything about relationships." Rebecca said while pinching her husband's nose.

"What about making out, have you make out with someone while dating me." Lee didn't answer he just remained silent.

"I see." Dexter said.

"But that only happens once in a while and it was just that, we didn't go all the way." Lee blurted out.

"Lee let me asked you this. Will it be ok with you if I flirted back to those who are trying to get in my pants?"

"Of course no!" Lee answered back almost instantly.

"Will it be ok with you for me to make out with someone occasionally as long as we don't go all the way?" Dexter again asked.

"Don't even think about doing that Dexter or I might kill someone." Lee said his expression is already getting darker his pheromones is already leaking.

"Then it's the same for me. It's not ok for me to see or know that my boyfriend is flirting with those I know who wants one or two things from you. It hurts to learn that my boyfriend is making out with other people aside from me and it makes me want to kill that person." Dexter looked at him with disappointment written all over his face.

"You don't share to others the person you are in a relationship with. If you can't do that much then let's just stop this." Dexter said before storming out.

"Uh ow looks like your son is in deepshit." Dong-ha said to his wife.

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