
16 days I have known him...

I was born in the class they called crazy rich. I was a child who ate using golden spoon, literally. Never in my life I felt pain or suffering like normal human beings did until the day I met him. The day everything changed for me and I realised I have got nothing. I am just as pitiful as a homeless beggar.

ChikaraA · Hiện thực
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Chapter 1: Yohan

10 December, 2019

I was born in the class they called crazy rich. I was a child who ate using golden spoon, literally. Never in my life I felt pain or suffering like normal human beings did. I was so high above the ground, flying in my own private jet since I was 10. Being the only kid from a filthy rich household made me turn into a spoiled piece of diamond. Well, I am a diamond whether you like it or not. The name is Yohan Vehime Aldida, next heir of the Aldida airnautica limited.

You must be wondering why this arrogant brat is bragging so much on the first page. Well, I am a narcissist. So, deal with it....

" Yohan! Yohan! Hey!"

Yohan raised his head and found his girlfriend Jenny staring at him.

" Yohan! What are you doing? Is that a journal? Why aren't you picking up your phone? I have called you like a million times already." Jenny yelled out loud. The whole class turned around to look at the high rated drama going on in the back seat.

" Hey isn't that girl the school topper? What is she doing here?"

" You guys don't know? She is the new girlfriend of the prince."

" who? Yohan? He is a prince?! Really?"

" No! You moron! Everyone calls him prince because he is the son of Abhis Aldida. The richest entrepreneur of all time."

" Yeah, people say his dad is the king of aeronautical engineering. That makes him the prince. Lol."

Yohan was already habitual of such loud whispers. Each one filled with envy and jealousy. Admiration? No, there was not a single person in his class who admired him. And why would they? He was rich because his father was talented. He was nothing but a spoiled brat. He was smart but he was rude. He was on the top but his eyes always looked down on everyone. He treated everyone like they were some kind of trash littering his mighty world. Such was the Valure of Yohan, the rude ass punk a.k.a. The prince.

" Yohan, look at me when I am talking to you."

Jennie continued her lines. She had already prepared the script in her mind. She will fight with Yohan and propose a break up. Then Yohan will ask her not to leave him. Then she will "reluctantly" agree and kiss him. And then, when she will gain the upper hand, she will ask Yohan for a nice trip during the winter vacation. Maybe they will visit the tropical islands this time. What a plan.

Jennie smirked and continued, " Yohan I don't want to be in this relationship if you are going to treat me like this. I wanna break up." Jenny started showing her cards.

" Okay." Yohan replied in one word and then continued working on his journal for winter vacation.

" I forgive you---- Wait…what did you say?" Jenny looked at Yohan with horror.

" I said I am okay. You can leave." Yohan looked up and saw right through her façade. " I am tired of this shit as well."

Jenny wanted to speak but every pair of eyes were looking at her and every set of lips was smiling at her stupidity. Who does she think she is. She felt embarassed. Then, humiliation kicked in and she stormed out. More precisely, she ran away.

And Yohan, he continued:

I am the next heir of Aldida aeronautica limited. I was raised in a mansion bigger than the president's residence. I was always served the finest of meat and the purest of alcohol. I have tasted the delicacies all around the world. I also have seen the most beautiful landscapes, oceans, trenches, mountains, cities, shrines, everything one can think of. But there is one thing I have never experienced, pain. Not once have I felt hurt about anything. I was homeschooled by most talented teachers. I always had more than ten servants taking care of me. My butler was a man who was my father's right hand. He always served me with utmost care.

I never felt grateful to him because I knew he was just doing his job. He was getting paid for every trouble he had because of me. I was just the task he had to do. I don't care about him.

As for my parents, I really don't care about them either. I don't even know where they are right now. To which country they have travelled or in which office they are meeting. They don't care about me either. It goes both ways.

So, as you can see I have never felt a bond with anyone. I feel like this floating life jacket left in the sea to drift with the waves. I am capable but wasted.

I think if I ever got to experience pain, I will become more humane. Maybe I will understand how painful it is to drown. Maybe then this life jacket will wrap himself around people to save them from what they call pain.

Waiting to experience pain.

Waiting to experience life.


Yes. This was the only concern of this guy, knowing pain. But you can't blame him for that. He was born 23 years ago. By that time, Aldida was already at it's peak.

After the war ended, the military only worked on defensive measures. The era was peace was about to start but the government still wanted to make sure that the military is on par with the neighbouring countries. They required new technology to upgrade their tactics. But because of the lack of talented engineers, they became dependent on imports. At such a time, Abhis started Aldida aeronautica. A company started from scratch. He employed 55 engineers, all were his college classmates. Together, this team created wonders. It was a great opportunity as there were no other manufacturers in the country. With government's support Aldida established R and D department which specialised in Warcraft. In less than a decade, the engineers manufactured advanced drones which were based on AI and ML. These unmanned drones provided assistance in espionage while ensuring zero loss of life. Later, it was proved to be the greatest invention in air warfare.

The stock prices skyrocketed and within a decade, Aldida made billions of dollar. The money kept flowing in. However, there was no one to spend that money on.

At that point, Yohan's parents came to a conclusion, they need a son to spend the money on. Yes, it was one of the reasons why Yohan was created. Yes, this man who is now 23 year old was born for a purpose- To spend money.

" I can't believe you broke up with her. Man, vacations are starting tomorrow and now you are single. I am pretty sure you are gonna end up with a foreign chick this time." Ryan was pretty sure that Yohan wants to play with another girl. That's why he broke up with Jenny. Even if he doesn't want to, he will eventually end up with another girl. And why not? It's their fault if they keep hovering around him like flies. He is allowed to smash one or two. Right?

" So bro, what are your plans?" Ryan asked.

" About what?" Yohan looked at him with a questioning gaze.

" About vacations...man don't tell me. Don't you know winter vacations are starting from tomorrow?" Ryan was amazed by how ignorant this guy can be.

" This is my plan." Yohan raised up his journal. " I am going to write a daily journal this time. I want to write what i want to do everyday." He showed it off like a little kid.

" What?! That's lame. But what are you going to do this year? It's going to get colder here. Aren't you going to some tropical island or something? " Ryan said in inquiring tone.

" Maybe. I don't know yet." Yohan shrugged it off.

" Really? Do you want to come with me then? My parents are having this cruise party at their anniversary. They have invited all of their friends and asked me invite some of mine as well. Do you care to join?" Ryan offered.

" A cruise ? Sure. " Yohan replied. " For how long?"

" 14 days. Just two weeks. Come on bro?" Ryan replied with excitement.

" Okay " I will be there. " Send me the time and location later."

" That's like my bro." Ryan hugged him tightly.

" Get off....I said get off..." Yohan felt a little excited too.

A cruise ...maybe the life jacket will not drift in the sea any more....