
Chapter 37

Kakarot was staring off into space. He was facing west. He had sensed a new power. New ki. It was someone new and they were strong. Probably as strong as Sarada. Who could it be? From what he can feel the new presence is at capsule corp. It made him even more inquisitive. Who did the ki belong to and did said person know Sarada and his mother? Or the Brief family. Maybe he should visit, just to see who the new person was.

Kakarot tilted his head when he felt something approach from behind. He watched a stone fall into the ocean. He turned around to find his assailant.


Krillin looked disappointed in himself. He missed, again. Was he ever going to catch Kakarot by surprise? He was always alert. He could always sense him coming and evade his moves.

"How do you always know I'm coming? "

"I can sense your ki, I've told you a million times. And even if I couldn't sense your ki I can pick up on you by relying on my senses alone" Kakarot explained. He was trained to always be alert. He was taught to locate a person even when he could not sense their ki. He was taught never to underestimate an opponent because they have a lower power level. Sarada made sure to teach him everything he would need yo know yo be a good martial artist.

"And you're not very good at sneaking up on people, you wouldn't even surprise a baby"

Krillin-owned counter: 1

"Hey! "

"What? I'm just being honest. It's not my fault you're as silent as a dying cat."

Krillin-owned counter: 2

"I hate you" Krillin sighed. Kakarot can be so mean sometimes. "Who taught you how to sense ki? "

"My sister" Kakarot stood up and started to head towards Kame house. He had a free day. He could go see his mother. Sarada wasn't back yet. For a brief moment he thought he sensed her, but it was gone as soon as it came. He would have to go tell Master Roshi that he'll be leaving for a few hours. Maybe Chichi would like to come along. She did say she never visited the city. He was sure she would appreciate it.

"Where are you going? "

"Master Roshi, I want to visit my mom" Kakarot walked around the beach until he found the old turtle hermit in his beach chair reading one of his perverted magazines. He was a pervert through and through and he was weaker than him, but he taught him so much. It was worth it and he plans to spend his time training with him until the tournament. He was interested and would take part.

"Master Roshi"

It took a moment for the old man to snap out of his perverted world. He looked up, eyes unreadable behind his glasses.

"What is it? "

"Since we're taking a break today can I go home and see my mom? Oh and can I take Chichi with me if she's interested in coming along? "Kakarot asked.

Roshi nodded yes and returned to his magazine. He didn't see a problem with it. Kakarot is a child and has a family. Of course he would miss them. It would be cruel of him not to allow him to go see his mother.

Kakarot grinned happily and ran into the tiny house on the beach to go find Chichi. She had said something about cooking with Launch. Kakarot ran through the house until he slid to a stop in the kitchen and almost hit a wall. He gained the attention of a blue haired Launch and a curious Chichi.

"Kakarot, what's up? "

"I'm going to go see my mom. I remember you saying you never visited the city so I thought you might want to come"

Chichi didn't need to think it through. She always wanted to see the city, but never got the opportunity to. Her father is very overprotective and was even rethinking allowing her to train. He would never let her go to the city on her own, but she'll be with somebody who knows it. So she had to take her chance.

"I do want to come, when are you leaving? "

"Now" Kakarot motioned for them to leave the house.

Chichi apologized to the smiling Launch and followed after Kakarot.


Gine was overly happy. She was on the balcony as usual. The only difference was that Bardock was there with her. He was stuffing his face full of the food she and Panchy had made. He hadn't changed at all. He still craved his training. He still appeared as if he could care less. He still teased her. He was Bardock and he was there. She had missed him.

Maybe a little too much.

Those who get the context.

She had her husband. Her daughter. Her youngest son. All she needed was Raditz and she would be fully content. She wanted her family back together but she knew that it wasn't that easy. Even if Raditz was with them, Sarada and Kakarot ran off to do their own thing. If Raditz was there he would have went off on his own as well. She didn't know what Sarada was up to. She had told them she would be taking a detour. There was something she needed to find and it was important to her. There was nothing she could do. And then there's Kakarot, he's off training, but she was happy to feel his ki getting closer. She had felt it get higher and higher everyday. He had the gravity machine to himself. He must train non stop. She knew his ki was restricted by that watch Sarada had made. It was at a low ten. She wasn't sure, but if she would have to guess the number it would be around 5000. That plus the power he had locked away put him very high. What he had done to get that strong in one month is beyond her. Her children had a fast growing rate. It started with Sarada, but then she trained Kakarot since the day he could walk.

"Gine" Barock was staring off into the garden. He liked the planet. The gravity was light. The air was fresh. It was overall a nice and peaceful planet. Something he was sure his wife enjoyed. She's not the fighting type, never was.

"What is it? "

"Sarada was accompanied by an odd saiyan" he recalled the blue hair and tail. It's the first he had seen a saiyan like that. He wondered how strong she was. "Do you know anything about her? "

"Yes, she was human, but Sarada wished for her to become a saiyan"

"The dragon here can do such a thing? "

"Looks that way"

He was quiet again as he stared out. Maybe he should have a problem with the girl. She wasn't a real saiyan. She was just a human wishing for the power of the saiyan. But he couldn't dislike her. Despite everything he does care for his daughter. They are alike in a lot of ways. One of them being their oblivious nature when it comes to emotions. Gine was the one who had to chase after him. If she didn't, they wouldn't be together and have three kids. He realized that his daughter, as smart as she may be, was oblivious.

"Sarada is attracted to her" he said and looked to Gine, who did not seem surprised. She noticed it as well.

"You noticed that fast? "

"It was obvious, although they don't seem to know "

Gine nodded. "I'm blaming our daughter's oblivious nature on you"

"That's fair I suppose" Bardock shrugged. "They'll be traveling together for some time, so maybe they'll realize at some point"


"But when they do realize they'll be on a spaceship alone. And they're saiyans"

Gine sighed and glared at Bardock. Why does his mind always go in that direction?

"I'm just saying Gine. You have no right to look at me like that, you couldn't keep your hands off me yesterday"

Gine glared harder and Bardock almost faltered. There's something about an angry wife that could terrify even the strongest of warriors.

"Don't start Bardock"

"Fine fine. Just remember that when you add another to our collection "

"And who's fault would that be? "

"Don't put all the blame on me. It takes two"

Gine sighed and decided not to continue their little discussion. Kakarot was closer. He had someone else with him as well.

"What's wrong Gine? "

"Kakarot is coming"

"You really need to teach me how to sense ki" Bardock said. It was a very useful skill that he wished to learn as soon as possible.

"Sarada's the teacher, you'll have to ask her whenever she returns. "

Bardock only nodded and continued to eat as he stared at the small yellow cloud heading towards them. That was odd, but he didn't question it.


Kakarot had come to a stop right in front of the balcony. He knew he would find his mother there. He did not expect to find a saiyan man that looked so much like him. He was confused as he jumped off his cloud and onto the balcony, Chichi followed after him.

"Mom, who's he and why does he look like me? "He asked as he stared at his father.

Gine was smiling fondly as the two inspected each other. It was a bit funny that Kakarot chose that day to dress in the green armor Sarada had made him. He even had on the headband. Their expressions were similar as they eyed each other curiously.

"Why are you so short Kakarot? "Bardock asked bluntly.

"I don't know, who are you? "

"That's Bardock, your father" Gine informed.

Kakarot was even more confused. Wasn't his father dead? Didn't Frieza kill him? That's what Sarada told him and he doubt she and his mother would lie about such a thing. So if he was dead, what was he doing in front of him?

"It's a long story"


Kakarot was eating some food Panchy had brought him as he digested everything, not just his food. So his father was sent to another timeline when he was hit with Frieza's ball of destruction. Sarada had went to a planet Namek to use their dragon balls to bring him back, thinking he was dead. In the end the dragon pulled him out of the timeline he was trapped in.

Stranger things may have taken place.

Chichi sat there, next Gine and digested the info as well. Kakarot's family is odd, that was the conclusion she came to. They came from some far off planet that was destroyed by an evil tyrant. To save their lives Kakarot's older sister had sent them to earth while his father went up against this Frieza. He had apparently died, but turns out he was sent through time. Sarada wanted to bring him back and traveled to another planet for some dragon balls where she summoned a dragon and wished him back.

Huh. She met some odd people. Her dad wasn't as weird as them.

"So you're my dad" Kakarot said slowly. "Sarada told me a lot about you. She said you're super strong. Will you spar with me? "

Of course that is the first thing he requested of his father. From the smile on the older saiyan's face it was easy to tell he was more than happy to do as asked.

Gine sighed, already seeing where the situation was headed. If she didn't interfere they would end up fighting in the open and that would cause trouble in the form of a destroyed mansion

"You know where to go, Kakarot "

He nodded and she watched him drag his father off to a safe location. He had the gravity machine with him. He just needed to place it somewhere safe enough.

"Saiyans are weird" Chichi said after they left. She was munching on a cookie. Milk cookie, she guessed.

Gine had smiled when she said that. She wondered who she was. Kakarot had introduced them, but that's about it. Apparently she's training under the turtle hermit with Kakarot and another boy. Which meant she was a fighter. She was strong. Gine could sense that.

"Well, saiyans love to fight"

"I understand that. It's all Kakarot wants to do. When Master Roshi isn't training us Kakarot is in that gravity room" Chichi informed. "He made me train in it too. He said he could withstand fifty times earth's gravity. I can hardly stand ten times"

That was impressive. Chichi was implying that she could at least survive in eight or nine times normal gravity. She may not think it much, but it was an impressive feat.

"You must be strong"

"Not as strong as Kakarot, Sarada or Bulma"

"Yes, but they got there with training. You'll catch up at some point"

Chichi only shrugged. She only wanted to learn martial arts to be like her father, but after meeting Kakarot, Sarada and Bulma that changed. Now she wanted to be as strong as them.


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