
Part 24

Katara's POV:

It was finally Friday morning, the day before her life would change forever. Most guests were expected to arrive today and she was excited to see so many familiar faces. She was looking forward to catching up with them all but she was also a little anxious to be pestered by their many questions. Leaving her soon to he husband to sleep in longer Katara exited their room making her way down to the main hall. Iroh being an early bird as well was already up and about, ready to greet her.

"Goodmorning Katara! I hear two of your friends have already arrived, they should be here shortly."

Of course by sheer instinct she knew Aang and Toph would he the first two to arrive. Taking a seat adjacent from Iroh he poured them both a foreign Jasmine tea blend, giving one of his usual speeches about the benefits. Only a few minutes passed before the front doors swung open, revealing Toph with a triumphant smile,

"Had to break these doors in at least once in my life!"

The young girl entered followed by Aang, Momo of course adorning his shoulder. Katara stood from her seat, thrilled to see them all. Hugging the two tightly, Toph instantly began her eager pestering.

"So you're really gonna marry Sparky, huh? Saw that one coming! Little miss Princess over here finally found some royalty - Where is Sparky anyway? Oh man is he gonna get a load from me."

"Still sleeping, he'll need the rest if he's going to deal with you the rest of the day."

"Ha! You're right."

Aang finally chimed in, his intentions clearly becoming more responsible over the years.

"So Katara... I hate to bring this up now, but any word from Sokka yet?"

"N-No... That's still a work in progress... But security will be right-"

"Oh you bet, nothings going down on my watch to ruin your special day."

Hugging him tight with a smile she tried to plead, "You're a guest don't feel like you have to double up as security, nothing bad is going to happen..."

Her words were filled with hesitation, she couldn't exactly know such a thing for sure. Katara could only hope no one would be willing to ruin the day. Taking a while to catch up and discuss just what they have been up to the past few months more guests soon began to arrive. The next to arrive were Suki and Ty Lee both dressed in traditional Kyoshi Warrior robes and face paint. To her surprise the both including Ty Lee wrapped their arms tightly around her. The skilled acrobat immediately congratulated her,

"Oh I'm so happy for you both! I can't believe someone finally broke through that icy heart of his!"

Laughing the statement off Suki held her close once more whispering something into her ear, "I need to talk to you in private..."

Heart nearly sinking in her chest she looked at her wide-eyed, grabbing her hand to escort her into the dining hall. Still concerned and on edge Katara mumbled out, "Whats going on?"

"I've been in contact with Sokka... He came to see me last week. I wish I could told you sooner but as soon as I planned to I got the invitation and just-"

"N-No I understand... Did he say anything to you?"

"Just that he was hiding out from Fire Nation soldiers until things died down. Last I heard he was traveling back to the Southern Water Tribe."

"I'm sure he's heard by now..."

"I don't think he would do anything..."

"Honestly Suki, I don't know who he is anymore... Thank you for telling me this."

They hugged once more returning to the main hall to see Zuko finally up and greeting the group that had already arrived.

Zuko's POV:

Zuko exited his room knowing Katara must have woken up earlier to greet any straggling guests. Unable to locate his fiance at first he was instantly nearly knocked on the ground by Toph once entering.

"You actually did it Sparky!"

Arms still wrapped tightly around him he mumbled out, "Y-Yeah please let go of me..."

Of course the stubborn girl didn't listen, only strengthening her grasp.

"You both are so hard headed this is gonna be great!"

His face starting to turn a shade of blue she finally let him go. He quickly greeted the other remaining guests, handling their teasing remarks as best as he could.

Katara eventually entered the room followed by Suki. Greeting him with a smile she tugged on his arm gesturing him into the other room, "Come here.."

Instinctively he followed her into the dining hall, her voice instantly speaking up, "Sukii's seen Sokka, about a week ago he headed back to the Southern Water Tribe-"

Pressing his finger to her lips he grinned, "Hey let's not worry about that right now, huh? We're surrounded by our friends and family let's just enjoy the moment. I told you once and I'll tell you again, I'm not going to let anything happen to you."

"You're right... I just don't want anything to ruin this."

"Nothing will, I promise."

The rest of the afternoon was spent greeting incoming guests, reminiscing on the past, and looking towards the future. After dinner things finally died down and many guests retired to their rooms or if they had chosen to stay somewhere else.

Per tradition Zuko and Katara would spend their night in separate rooms. Of course his own nerves would keep him up for most of the night. He was both nervous and excited for the following day. His life would truly change forever and at times it was hard to believe it would finally happen.

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