
Get well soon

"Why did father not tell me about this? Why had this event not even been spoken about in the history books? Did someone cover it up?" the prince continued to ponder before noticing that the woman had already left the room.

Staring at Anberine he stood up and went to get another bowl and carefully filled it with water, walking back with a fresh cloth he sat back down at her bedside and proceeded to dab the cloth in water before using it to help relieve the fever that was no doubt bothering the sleeping girl.

"'She looks so peaceful and yet... she looks so pale' Prince Skye said as he stared at the sleeping girl, at the same time he continued to treat Anberine as if she was a frail bird made out of glass by lightly touching her with the cloth.

'Maybe I should take her out of here once she has fully recovered... I'm sure she'll like the sacred springs, they're known to help heal injuries' a smile formed on the prince's face as he saw the sky show pink and dark blue hues signalling that it was getting darker.

'I'll definitely take her there' and with that he resumed treating the sleeping girl while ideas of what he would do there continued to form in his mind.


The first thing Anberine did once she slowly regained consciousness was groan weakly from the sunlight, turning her head she tried to avoid that beam.

Just then she heard something metal quickly scraping what sounded like a floor to her left followed by a brief blast of air as the sunlight was quickly snuffed out enveloping the room in darkness.

Slowly opening her eyes Anberine took note of the various colours that appeared blurry, eventually the blurry colours soon took the shapes of to her shock Prince Skye and beside him the physician who showed signs of worry despite smiling softly.

"I see Miss Prendagon is now awake, welcome back darling you had me all worried when they brought you to see me. Not to mention your friends were visiting you for days just to see if you would wake up or not" the physician commented as she observed the startled girl, Prince Skye remained silent as he watched the woman check Anberine for any unwanted issues.

Seeing the woman hum lightly allowed him to relax slightly knowing that there was no problems.

Noticing the Anberine's confused but dazed look the woman smiled knowing that she would want to know what happened.

"This boy helped me treat you, wouldn't leave your bedside much until he saw that you were awake. Now that you're almost recovered it can stop your friends from going crazy from worry" the physician said before leaving the pair alone, something that left Anberine uneasy about even as the prince looked like he was feeling anxious about something.

"S-Sorry" he said with a shaky smile however Anberine was left baffled by his sudden words "it's because of me the girl had thought it was okay to hurt you, my father has dealt with her so she's going to remain punished for a few more months... How are you feeling?" The prince asked as he scratched the back of his head weakly, saying nothing Anberine's eyes slowly closed until strength left her once more.

Seeing this the prince stared at her with sad eyes, a sigh left his lips as he watched her fall back asleep.

'Get well soon' the prince said before looking at the sly smile that formed on the woman's face, seeing this left him startled at why she was giving him that look.

"Don't go taking her out on dates young man" she teased causing his face to go beat red.

"A-huh! What?!" the prince cried in surprise earning him a low laugh from the physician, this in turn made him whine from her reaction. Talk about mortifying.

"So young" she muttered playfully "don't go breaking her heart now, you hear me?" she hollered lightly as she went to resume her work for the day, leaving him to remain completely unsettled and yet... happy.

Turning to look at Anberine who now looked more peaceful in her sleep made his eyes soften at how serene she looked in contrast to the last few days.


Anberine eyed Skye weakly as she was sitting up on the bed wearing a long cotton dress with a white cardigan, the prince as she watched him was packing some medicines into her bag carefully knowing that they were fragile bottles and refused to get her injured from any damaged bottles.

Satisfied he handed her some clothes Merlia had given him for Anberine to change into, the recovering girl in question took the clothes gingerly before looking up at him with a blank but confused look.

"Merlia asked me to give them to you since you're leaving the physician's office today" Skye said meekly as he scratched the back of his head weakly, slowly turning her eyes to the clothes she looked back at him with pursed lips.

"Can you go so I can change? Please?" Anberine asked slowly, startled the prince's face turned red and yelped in reply.

"S-Sorry!" Skye croaked as he pulled the light blue curtain to separate them in order to give her privacy, soon his ears caught the sound of the physician's gigging earning her a withered look once his back was to the curtains.

Dipping his head down in shame he almost wished that he could melt into the ground thanks to the embarrassment that continued to fill him.

"Are you ready Miss Prendagon?" the physician asked with a kind smile as she went past the curtain to check on her patient. Anberine who was now dressed in a white shirt, black skirt stood by the bed putting her white socks and black shoes on.

Staring at the physician briefly Anberine resumed what she was doing until she finished buttoning her black jacket that rested up to her waist.

Once satisfied the physician examined Anberine before nodding in approval.

"Any issues or headaches come straight back here do I make myself clear?" the physician asked sternly.

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