
Don't piss her off...

Ciri shivers and zips up her tracksuit jacket up further as she wanders through the dark streets of Brimsby, the only thing allowing her to see are the wayward streetlights dotted sporadically around the area. The whole situations is incredibly messed up, she was determined to find the people responsible for the murders. Truth be told she felt partly responsible for the loss of Luke's father, obviously there was nothing she could have done but she still felt the niggling guilt of letting the boy down. Although she would never admit enjoying walking through these dingy streets, it reminded her of her time with her mentor and father figure Geralt. She idly remembered the various stories he'd tell her as they watched the stars, the one of him dredging through sewage always cheered her up.

She tenses as she hears something nearby, it sounds like running water? She grips her invisible sword and silently approaches the sound, the street turns left and houses continue either side. She continues to stalker after the noise until it suddenly stops, she realises the sound come from a nearby doorway and quickly moves in to face the enemy... Only to see a man with his hand against the wall having a piss, he clumsy turns around, sees her and starts propositioning her while slurring his words, "O-oh, Lass... Ya didn't come to help me with this did yea?" he says as his zips up his pants

Ciri almost growls at him, "Come any closer and I'll cut it off." the pudgy man doesn't seem to take her warning seriously until she waves her arm at the thin tree on the houses front lawn, causing it to drop to the floor, a clean cut clearly visible. The man pales, takes out his keys and opens the door he was just pissing on before quickly heading inside.

Ciri starts to walk away but hears voices come from inside the house, "George? You've been out drinking all night even when I told you not to?!"

What sounds like the mans voice replies, "Y-you dun't tell meh what tu do woman! Now leaf me alone, I-I think I'll take a bath."

She ignores the subsequent voices and continues searching the town, it's an hour or so later when she walks into a playground and sits down at a swing set. There had been no clues of anything unnatural happening around the town, she just idly watches the Dark forests tree line while thinking about the possible things that could be the cause of it, of course most of her knowledge was limited to another world but she'd been as proactive as Reima at keeping herself updated on this worlds specific threats. The only thing she'd read about taking away peoples memories are witches and wizards. But that's incredibly unlikely for them to randomly go round obliviating people... Isn't it? Could wizards and witches be the ones attacking people and covering their tracks with magic? The thought causes her to grit her teeth, she'd been incredibly angry at hearing the kinds of things the magical folk did to keep their existence a secret. The secrecy itself wasn't really a problem but the spells devised for such a purpose could be misused and abused in an incredible amount of ways, a wizard could literally walk into someones home, rape or torture the occupants, obliviate them then leave with no evidence apart from their bastard children. Reima had told her that such a thing woul commonly happen while Voldemort was terrorising Britain, in-fact the wouldn't even need to obliviate the muggles, instead they just killed them istead.

Her angry thoughts are interrupted as she spots a couple shadows dipping from the treeline and entering the Dark Forest, she doesn't waste any time and immediately runs after them, making sure not to be noticed by whoever or whatever they are.

It's usually quite easy to spot disturbed foliage and tracks but this isn't the case in almost pitch darkness, she instead had to vaguely follow the sounds of their footsteps. This continues for around 10-20 minutes until they reach the lake that the father and son had been fishing at. The three cloaked figures gather around and starts speaking to one another in hushed tones, "The plan is working well." a whispered voice is barely heard by Ciri.

"Indeed, but I suspect we'll need more to draw "Their" attention..."

Another voice speaks slightly louder, "It's fortunate we've got someone volunteering." he says and the three figures turn towards Ciri, they're red eyes glaring directly at her.

Her breath halts as she prepared for combat, her heart beating furiously as she lowers into an agile stance that Geralt had taught her and Reima had been helping her improve.

Suddenly one of the creatures almost vanishes as it lunges at her, sharp claws that resembles knifes extend from it's fingers as it tries to slash her... It seems surprised when she swings "nothing" at it and severs it's wrist.

"Ahrrrghh! The bitch is magical, get her!" the mans words cause the other two to jump into action. They move inhumanly fast as they surround her, one transforms into a black lion and tries to pounce on her, she stops this by casting Aard at it, blasting it a couple meters backwards as it rolls across the forest floor. Ciri herself is having an incredibly difficult time keep track of her enemies in this darkness, she having to rely on her hearing and reflexes to even deflect their blows, suddenly she's kicked in the stomach and is launched into the lake, dropping her sword as she's knocked away. She realises she's in terrible situation, if she was able to teleport without alerting the Wild Hunt she would've done so already... The only choice she now has is to try and call for assistance, she sticks her fingers in her move as she floats in the water and whistles as loud as she can. She waits for help to arrive as the cloaked figures walk towards the bank of the lake and look down at her, they gloat over her as she helplessly waits for them to act... That is until blue light off in the distance draws their attention, what on earth is that?

The pissing scene is courtesy of an Angry Scottish Comedian, points to whoever can guess his name.

As always, if I missed anything please let me know.

Niggrosscreators' thoughts
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