
Brown Paint?

Today is the day Reima finally leaves Ard Carraigh, after a couple months of clearing out all monsters in the vicinity the populace seems much happier and less worrisome about the future, Reima packs his bags up, equips his armour and bids farewell to the Inn keeper who thanks him for his services to the city. He makes his way to the local herbalist and purchases various things that he may need on his journey, while Witchers are immune to most diseases, poisons still effect them... Maybe even more so than normal people due to their higher metabolism. Reima since his first hunt of the Nekkers under the bridge always carries a Swallow or two with him. He also has a spare Cat's eye and Golden Oriole (Anti-poison) on hand at all times, paranoid? Perhaps. But he'll never be caught off guard without options.

Reima makes his way out of the city while shouldering his heavy travel pack and heads towards the horse merchant that owns a field around a mile away.

He arrives at the rural looking farmstead and knocks on the door... A young woman answers and Reima asks if he can purchase a horse here, the women goes to fetch her husband.

A fat pudgy man arrives, Reima can't help but notice he seems to be maybe 40 years older than his supposed wife...

Horse Merchant "Good mornin. The misses said you wished to purchase one of my horses. He eyes Reima, glancing to his wolf head medallion and twin sword on his back. Reima nods.

Horse Merchant "Well, follow me to the field. They're grazing so it'll be a long walk to find a suitable one. He states as if hes unwilling to walk such a distance... From what Reima can see the horses are only a few hundred meters away... Maybe the Merchant needs to lose some weight.

The Merchant takes him to some male horses before Reima requests a female one, Geralt always stated that the mares were superior in their line of work, it surprised Reima to find out that Roche was female.. The masculine name must have given him the wrong impression.

Reima eventually spots a good sized brown mare that's speckled with white spots, the merchant notices his gaze and comments.

Horse Merchant "That one? Shes quite fierce, tried to have her bred but she nailed my prized stallion on his face with a hoof... "

Reima grins at the thought, "Seems like my kinda horse."

They approach the mare but it seems weary of Reima, he tries to get closer but it backs away with a challenging glare.

Horse Merchant "Seems like she doesn't like yer... Shall we look at the others?"

Reima "No, let me try and tame this one for a moment." The Merchant seems confused but lets Reima do what he wishes.

He swiftly approaches the horse and dodges its rear kick but bounding off the floor and onto it's back, it neighs and struggles to get him off but with his firm grip on his mane he's not coming off any time soon. After around 10 minutes the horse tires itself out and begins to calm, seeing this Reima jumps off and moves to its front. It still gives Reima a defiant glare but he returns with his own. Cat-like eyes gaze into the horses own like a predator, the horse shifts its gaze in an act of defeat.

Reima looks at the merchant, "I'll take her, can you get the saddle and some saddle bags ready as quickly as possible please?"

The merchant leaves to bring them as Reima quietly observes the horse...

Reima "I think I'll name you... Brown paint?... No.. Browny??? Fuck it, I'll think of a name later."

After quickly paying the Merchant and bidding farewell Reima ties his travel pack to it's back and hops onto the saddle, before leaving towards Aedirn, or more specifically Vengerberg. Reima wants nothing to do with Temeria and wishes to stay far, far away from those crones who literally have an ear everywhere.

With his travel time significantly reduced he passes various villages while his horse Canters along.

Eventually with night about to fall he spots a Village in the distance, he decides to see if they have any accommodation, if not he will camp on the outskirts.

As he gets closer he senses something is wrong as his Medallion slowly vibrates the closer he gets to the Village, he finally spots the black smoke in front of the darkening skyline and starts galloping to see if he can help.

As he reaches the Village he hears a scream cut short as a crunch follows, leaving his still un-named horse ties to a gate a good distance away he sprints closer, silver sword drawn. When he gets to the Village centre he sees absolute carnage, half burning buildings and bodies of men, women and children left on the floor. Some seem to be half eaten and some seem to have died from huge impacts. a man with a torch and pitchfork sprints towards what seems to have caused all this death and destruction. Reima sprints after him and finally spots the culprit, It's green scales stop the pitchforks of the remaining Villagers from piercing as it rends them apart with it's talons... A basilisk seems to have invaded the Village.

So... As some of you may have noticed, I am terrible with names... So I'll have you guys pick the name of Brown Paint... That's the horses name if no one decides otherwise :)

As always, if I missed anything please let me know.

Niggrosscreators' thoughts
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