
Battlecry in the Face of Danger

Krysaos wasn't immortal. He was a Bronze-Rank-- and barely stronger than a regular person. 

All he had to do was trust in Mina... and get through the trap path-- even if he had to crawl to finish it. 

As long as he made it out in one piece, the LT could use his weird magic to heal him. 


It was hard to believe that some people made a living off of being in the shite all the time. 

"Alright, girlie," Krysaos adjusted his Captain's hat and put on his usual fake grin. "On me."

"Aye aye, Captain!" Water mana swirled around Mina and she directed the stream with her hands, "⌈Swiftness of the Coursing River!⌋"

Krysaos took a deep breath, reinvigorated by the familiar scent of the ocean and the misty spray on his skin. 

As long as he had Mina, he could survive. 

He got to his feet, supporting himself on the adjacent wall... 

--when a shrill, scraping noise rumbled from behind the bricks. 

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