
Matter manipulator (159 Words)

„Hahahaha!! I finally did it!" I shout into my empty room.

"The [Matter Manipulator] blueprint is finally mine!" With a giant grin on my face I look at the description of the blueprint on my computer screen.

[Matter Manipulator: A multitool of the highest grade, able to deconstruct any form of matter and store them for later uses. Used for building bigger facilities with prepared materials.

-Durability; 500´000

-Energy storage; 10´000´000

-Energy cost; 10 – 1´000

-Storage capacity; 40´000km²


{Self-Repair] Able to use stored matter to restore durability.

{Self-Charging] Able to use stored matter to recharge energy.

{Matter-Storage} Able to store deconstructed materials or constructs within a storage space.]

A true end game level equipment, that is only unlocked if you achieved hundred percent completion of the [Matter-Research] branch in the [Science Research Tree].

And that tree is big as hell with so many connecting branches that it is nearly impossible to complete it with pure science based build.

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