
My CO Stash #53 - Gilgamesh in Konosuba by Dr4g0nb411z (Fate/staynightXKonosubaGod'sBlessingonThisWonderfulWorld)

-Not a SI but an OC reincarnating like Kazuma~ Instead of taking Aqua as companion, our MC asks to literally be Gilgamesh!

Synopsis: Micheal Zangro dies in his sleep and gets reincarnated into Konosuba! And what does he take as his power? He chooses too become the great king Gilgamesh! Rated M just in case

Rated: M

Words: 16K

Posted on: https://m.fanfiction.net/s/13540099/1/Gilgamesh-in-Konosuba (Dr4g0nb411z)

PS: If you're not able to copy/paste the link, you have everything in here to find it, by simply searching the author and the story title. It sucks that you can't copy links on mobile (´ー`)

-I'll be putting the chapter ones of all the fanfics mentioned, to give you guys a sample if you wan't more please do go to the website and support the author! (And maybe even convince them to start uploading chapters in here as well!)

Chapter 1

'Today was a decent day' I say in my head as I get ready to get in the covers before bed 'Woke up at a good time, ate breakfast, didn't have a shitty day at work and even got to catch up on some shows' now fully submerged in the covers I let out a sigh. 'Too bad I'm twenty years old and still not in college despite the fact I've already taken 3 years off' Another sigh escapes my mouth as sleep slowly starts to overtake me.

My eyelids slowly open as I find myself sitting in a chair in some dark purple void with floating motes of light, a black and white checkered floor with a light only illuminating where I was sitting 'Where am I?... Guess I'm having another one of my weird dreams, I wonder where this one is going to go?' Slowly my eyes start drifting over the place trying to figure out what's going on when my eyes suddenly catch someone sitting in front of me. It was a fairly young woman who looked to be a few years younger than me with blue hair that had a curl on top with some kind of gem in it, she's wearing some kind of blue vest and skirt outlined in white with a green ribbon, blue boots and white with yellow arm sleeves.

"Michael Zangro" she begins to speak "Welcome to the afterlife. Unfortunately you have passed away in your sleep a few moments ago" I slowly look at her with a slightly unamused face thinking that it's already starting off to be a weird dream. "Your life was a fairly short one" she continues "But you are, in fact, dead."

"I died in my sleep?" I respond and she gives a slight nod "How did I just straight die?" I continue to play along with this dream "I worked out every second day, ate somewhat healthy and didn't really have any health problems" 'Wonder what's going to happen next'

She flips open a book that she took from a small table that appeared next to her and skims through it "It looks like your heart just stopped beating… heh kind of pathetic" She mumbles the last part to herself. "But it has happened before"

I continue to look at her a little confused but try to keep a level head "And how do I know this is real and I'm not just dreaming?" this dream was starting to feel off, somehow I started to feel uneasy but the rational part of my brain was just telling me this is a dream

She sighs as she tosses me a book and I catch it wondering what she wants me to do with it "You can't usually read in a dream, write or feel pain right?" I look down at the book and I started to read about how I died in my sleep just like she said "Now try writing and poking yourself" a pencil gets tossed at me as I try writing out my name. Which I was able to do which started to freak me out a bit.

'I can never wright in my dreams… what is going on?' I then poke my arm with the pencil and I jerk slightly as it actually kind of hurt. 'Okay I'm officially starting to freak out a little bit!' I look up to the girl in front of me to ask what the hell is going on, only to find her eating what looked like to be chips as she had a bored expression on her face. She noticed I was looking at her with slight panic in my eyes when she let out a sigh.

"it's starting to sink in now… good, now we can get down to business" she continues without too much of a care "My name is Aqua I'm a goddess who sends people who have died to heaven or to be re born with no memory of their previous life. I personally wouldn't choose heaven, you don't have a body really, there's nothing but clouds and you do nothing all day"

'That does sound boring but also how I pictured it'

"But!" she raises a finger and looks at me with a smirk "You're in Luck! There's also a third option. You can choose to be sent to another world where you can have an awesome power and try to defeat the demon king! Now what do you say?"

"What about my family? My dog, my job and friends?"

"They'll discover your body in the morning and let all your real life and online friends know. Now your going to need to pick soon I don't have all day" now she's starting to look irritated about how long I'm taking

"I guess I'll choose the new world option" I slump into my chair feeling defeated

"Great!" she claps her hands and a bunch of cards appear on the floor before me "You can pick anything you see from these cards as your new ability"

I proceed to get on the floor examining the cards one by one 'One hit sword, ability to create anything, One hit axe, Unlimited magic, One hit lance, ability to create and control earth, fire, water or wind, One hit Glaive'. This all seems really basic and not too practical' bringing my hand to my chin 'Most of it is one hit weapons or a magic ability that could easily be taken advantage of, especially if I lose the weapon or it gets stolen'

"Have you made your decision yet? You don't have much time left"

'She's getting really impatient, I should probably pick soon but other than having the ability to create anything I don't really like the options' a lightbulb then goes off in my head "I have a question"


"Can I Become someone?

"Become someone?"

"Yeah have the looks and abilities of a real life or fictional character"

She seems to think for a moment then responds "Yeah it should be fine. You have someone in mind?"

'If I can become anyone with an inherent ability of theirs I could become someone Like Goku but I'd probably cause more damage than actually help people, and I don't want to be a Vampire or something unless it's a Skyrim vampire and I don't die in the sun instantly, but then again if I'm found out I'll be killed' but then it hit me… again 'What about someone from fate? If I became Merlin or something I could become an awesome mage plus I'm playing him in a DnD campaign. But he is an incubus and I don't know if people will like those in this new world. But what about Gilgamesh? Sure he's OP as hell but I'd probably have to build up a treasury and he has amazing luck plus Turok on YouTube did a build about him so I can have those stats and racial traits but with a Gate of Babylon'

I look up at Aqua and say "I've made my decision" she looks at me and leans forward a bit "I want to become Archer Gilgamesh from the fate series and be able to use the Gate of Babylon and have the racial traits and abilities as him as well as his stats in TurokTheBarbarians DnD YouTube video"

Aqua seems confused but she lets out a sigh "Fine just get out of here" she snaps her finger and a light surrounds me as I get slowly lifted into the air and then suddenly disappear off to a new life in a new world

The Town of Beginning Adventures: Axel

When I opened my eyes after being sent off by Aqua I was expecting to wake up in my bed and continue on with my boring life. But what graced my eyes and ears was the sound of rushing water in a small stream, birds chirping and the hustle and bustle of town's people going about their day. 'It actually happened… I got Isekaid!' I turned my head to the side to look at more things when I heard clinking. Looking down I saw myself wearing gold armour with black design/markings all over it and a red sash under the cuirass. 'Holy shit this stuff is shiny' walking across the street I was on towards the stream that I heard, I could tell my armour was garnering attention. 'Hah! Let them bask in my glory… wait… why did I think that?' I shrugged it off and looked at the stream to see spiked golden hair, red eyes and gold earrings.

'My god it worked I'm freaking Gilgamesh!' I smirked and stood up looking around 'Should probably find a guild or something and get this party started' Looking around for a moment a lady who seemed to be around her thirties was walking near me.

"You" I point to her 'Oof that was a little forceful'

"Huh!" she jumped slightly and looked at me "Yes?"

'Should probably tone down the kingly attitude' "Direct me to the nearest guild please"

"Oh an adventurer? Sure just cross this little bridge over the stream and keep heading straight" she said with a small smile

I thanked her and proceeded towards the guild 'Adventures are common, good this'll make things easier' after making my way to the guild I started to form a plan 'I need to test the extents of my supposed Gate but first I'll probably have to register and take a quest. Gotta make money too so I can get a place to live and start to fill up my treasury with weapons plus not sleep on the streets. Someone as grand as me shouldn't have to… there it is again… meh' after about another minute of walking I noticed a building to my right that seemed to be the Adventurers guild.

Standing in front of the door I let out a breath 'No time like the present' as the door was pushed open the first thought that went through my head was 'Yup definitely a classic fantasy guild' there were people of all shapes and sizes wearing various clothes and armour with various tools and weapons. People were drinking and having fun at a bar and eating food while chatting about old times and their most recent adventures of slaying some beast. A few people turned to look at me and seemed to be drawn to the magnificent gold armour I was wearing. Letting my eyes wander for a time I eventually saw what looked to be a front desk with people behind these small cages writing down stuff on paper. 'That's got to be where I register'

Walking up to the nearest person who was a blond haired woman with gold eyes and her hair tied in a sort of ponytail with a large bust and a revealing white receptionist uniform. She looked up from her paperwork and said "Oh! Hello there welcome to the adventurers guild my name is Luna how may I help you?"

"I'm looking to register"

"Fantastic! I just need you to pay the small fee and we can get started"

'Shit I need money! I did say to start off essentially as a DnD character plus Gilgamesh has extraordinary luck so maybe I was given some gold or whatever the currency is in this world' I closed my eyes in concentration to see if I could search my gate for any money. The gate was barren to say the least but when I thought of gold I immediately 'found' a small pouch 'Yes! Now to open a gate and drop it. That should be easy right?' after a moment a small gold portal opened above the desk slightly startling Luna and garnering the attention of a fair amount of people. From within the portal a dark brown pouch dropped onto the desk once again shocking Luna a bit but also her eyes stared in wonder.

"Will the money in there suffice?"

"I'll just take a look" cautiously she opens the pouch and finds a few handfuls of coins inside "Yes I Just need a few eris and we'll be set"

"Fantastic" so eris is the name of money here

By now a few people seemed to be drawing closer wondering who I was and what would become of my registration. "I just need you to fill out this form first" she hands me a pen and a registration form.

'Okay so name first. Should I use my real name? Nah new life new me' I write Gilgamesh 'Weight. About 150 pounds out of armour. Height, I think 5'10. And the rest seems to be basic info about myself' Once finished I handed the form in which she glanced over then pointed me towards some contraption.

"This device here will measure your magic and get your stats to put on your adventurer card where you can put skill points in when you level up" Luna said. This seemed pretty basic and borderline RPG even for a fantasy world. Putting my hand on to the crystal it started to glow bright and now the whole guild was watching as it shot a beam onto some card and seemed to be writing stuff down on it. Once it finished the glow died down and Luna grabbed the card to examine it.

"Oh wow!" she exclaimed "Almost all your stats are fairly above average including your luck which is practically off the charts plus your mana and charisma are very high! Your strength isn't anything to scoff at either" now everyone was interested and I gave a light chuckle.

"Of course I expected nothing less" grinning smugly I said 'Again… that tone is concerning, don't want to pick up too much of Gils attitude'

"Now all that remains is the class you want to be, on your card you can choose your class as well as distribute some skill points since you started off with fairly amazing stats. You can probably pick a few of the high tier classes as well!"

"Hmm…" I hum as I glance at the card 'What class should I be? I think I'll go with something more magical since magic should be vast. But I should either multiclass so I can learn close quarters skills to be able to fight if I ever do run out of magic' "Is there a spellsword class? I'd like to learn magic as well as some close quarters skills"

"Why yes there is, you can choose a warlock but there aren't many things you can learn in terms of sword skills since it's more magic based or you can multi class between something like a knight and a sorcerer but most people don't do that"

'Hmm… the only reason to multi classing for this as a DnD character was to gain heavy armour proficiency which I seem to have and things like divine sense but I don't know if I have all of that yet. I'll probably go warlock and learn spells from there for now and see what happens'

"I'll choose a warlock for now and decide what I should do later"

"Great! Now you're all set! You can stay here for a bit to distribute some points and if you want to learn a new skill not on the list you can ask around and have someone teach you. The quest board is by the entrance and the blacksmith is right across the street so you can gear up for a quest. Just make sure to bring the quest here first, I would personally recommend the toad quest to get started." She then smiled at me as I walked toward an empty table trying to avoid the stares of the other adventures.

I sat down then looked at my card, the list of skills were pretty basic to choose from such as faster mana regen or a slight boost in damage as well as boosting basic stats. Using the few skill points I had I chose to not spend all of them but I did have over 10 points. 'I'll grab a mana regen skill and put some points in that since I don't know how much my gate will cost. I'll put a few points into agility since this armour is heavy and I have the strength to wear it but I'm slower regardless of that. And we'll end off with a basic spell I can learn automatically. I'll choose a basic fire bolt spell. I have 5 points left so I'll wait and save them for new skills'

Getting up from my table I walked to quest board and almost immediately found the toad quest and it read as follows

'The giant toad mating season is upon us, will reward 1000 eris per toad killed and depending on the amount killed in a certain time a bonus of 2000 eris may be given'

It then gave some basic info on the toads such as a small resistance to magic and that bladed weapons would be more effective. I showed the quest to Luna then left to prepare.

Plains of Axel

Quest: Kill Giant Toads

After walking out of Axel into the plains I immediately saw about 6-8 toads hopping around. 'Man those things are ugly, now let's test out the gate'

Before arriving at the field I went to the blacksmith and bought a few weapons with my remaining money. And thanks to my high charisma I was able to barter and purchase one longsword, two short swords, a spear and a halberd. The man laughed thinking I wouldn't be able to carry them but once they went through a golden portal he seemed impressed as well as shocked. After that I went straight to the plains to begin experimenting.

One thing about the toads is that they hate metal so they'd ignore me due to my armour so this may become difficult if they run away. About sixty feet away a blue giant toad was hopping along on the lookout for a mate.

'Perfect' my smile turned predatory as three golden portals opened slightly behind and above me. A longsword, one short sword and the Halberd I purchase appeared from the gates. 'Now focus and let's test my aim' I mentally commanded the short sword to fire out and it shot at an incredible speed but just barely nicked the toads stomach. "Tch all right let's try again" the toad was now on high alert and attempted to rush me but as it drew in close I fired the longsword and it pierced the head of the creature and it fell dead within a few seconds. I breathed out a sigh as the two weapons I fired turned into motes of golden light and returned to my Gates inventory.

"I've only fired two weapons and I barely feel a drain on my mana so this should be easy" I said aloud and turned around only to be face to face with another giant toad, this one being pink. "Shit!" I jumped back then immediately fired the Halberd still floating behind me and pierced the creature through the stomach. The toad then fell to the ground but still seemed to be alive, so I picked up the Halberd and jabbed it into the creatures head killing it.

"Note to self; grab an enemy detection skill that's not my passive to find undead and celestials" I then dismissed the halberd back to my gate and continued to survey the field for more toads. There was still another six or so toads left "Sigh… this may take some time."

Half an hour later and eight toads now dead I walked back to the guild and up to Luna and proceeded to give a report on the quest. She seemed relieved I was okay and was impressed I managed to kill 8 toads as fast as I did, I was rewarded 10,000 eris since I completed the mission fairly fast and got the bonus 2000 eris. After collecting my reward I headed to the bar and decided to grab a meal which consisted of chicken wings, a salad and some water for about 200 eris. After my meal I asked the bartender where a decent inn was and she told me of an inn nearby which was 2000 eris for three nights for adventures. I thanked her and gave her some extra money so that I didn't have to pay for meals for a time. Essentially a tab of 2000 eris so I didn't have to buy food for a few weeks. With just under 8000 eris left I left to buy some clothes, rented a room at the inn for the next few nights and had a bath.

Now in my apartment dressed in some black pants with a white shirt I reminisced on this past day. 'I died in my sleep, brought to a new world as a golden demi god badass, became an adventure in said world and killed some toads. Pretty good day other than the dying part' my eyes slowly felt heavy and I drifted off the sleep with my last thought being 'This is going to be awesome'

Thanks for reading! Once again my grammar and such isn't the best and I'm not too good at writing events from my own head but I'll hopefully get better as time goes on. I plan on maybe having one or two more chapters until 'canon' starts since I'm not too good at writing stuff that's original so the next chapter or two may be a bit rough until I get my bearings. This chapter was short just since I'm getting started but chapters will probably be 3k-8k words so we'll see what happens.

Follow me on twitter~ @N177013

(Suggest me new fics, anime, manga)


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