
Chapter 76. A Deal Is Struck

Silva POV

After posing the question to Neopolitan she then asked with a sign she made with her semblance.

Neopolitan: I have answered your questions mind answering a few of my own?

I shrugged then replied.

Silva: Sure go-ahead.

Neo flipped her sign the question on it was.

Neopolitan: Why did you go after those 2 guys in Vale in the first place?

I gave her a summary of Kyuu and her situation I then told her.

Silva: I plan on becoming her guardian after I get those 2 wastes of space to sign off a few things to ensure they have no claim on her if they somehow make it back to Vale.

Neo flipped her sign again and it simply asked.

Neopolitan: Why? Why help her?

She honestly looked curious about my answer and I told her truthfully.

Silva: At first it was just because some other residents brought her in for me to heal what I can but after I got a clearer understanding of her situation I felt that if I just drop her off at a hospital or orphanage I would feel guilty. So ultimately I am doing it for self-satisfaction.

Neo flipped her sign once more with a comment on it.

Neopolitan: I feel you're contradicting yourself for some reason.

I chuckled at her comment and told her.

Silva: I am no saint and if I heard her situation on the news or another source I honestly wouldn't care at all so I am contradicting myself a bit.

She seemed surprised by my omission of being a hypocrite and she then asked after a few moments.

Neopolitan: Can I leave?

Part of me just wants to Neopolitan a "slap on the wrist" and send her off but another part of me wants compensation because of the amount of stuff she orders from room service that I checked before seeing her see if she was comfortable. Seeing the list of things she orders (mainly ice cream) I could not but wonder where she puts it all. I thought about the situation for a few minutes and told her.

Silva: If you like to leave you can but I would like you to compensate me for my time.

She looked at me incredulously and complained with her sign.

Neopolitan: Compensate you!? You held me against my will!!! Has anyone told you are SHAMELESS?

I then point out her list of crimes against me one by one.

Silva: Trespassing, assault, refusal of the reasonable request of identifying yourself and your purpose, and I am sure I could name a few more if you give me enough time.

She glared at me but silently sighed and asked with her sign made with her semblance.

Neopolitan: What do you want?

I shrugged and told her.

Silva: Make me an offer and if I like it I will take it.

Neo held her chin for a few moments and then made a sign with her semblance that said.

Neopolitan: How about I agree not to come back for revenge and you give me the recipe for those non-dairy ice creams.

I stayed silent and arched an eyebrow as if to ask her if she is being serious. She flipped the sign after a minute that said.

Neopolitan: Okay, okay, jokes aside I noticed this place of yours is pretty big so are you looking for a maid?

She got out of the chair and used her semblance to dress in a maid outfit. If this was an anime I would probably have a nosebleed right now because she looks really good in a maid outfit and I was seriously tempted to say yes but I shook my head to clear it. Her being a maid is not necessary and is a foolish offer because I am almost a hundred percent sure she would rob me blind if I let her wander around the castle unsupervised so I told her.

Silva: While tempting the answer is no because I have robots to clean and cook. Plus I am also against paying a woman for sexual release because to me that means I can't attract a woman willing to be with me out of lust or love.

She blinked a few times then a blush adorned her face which probably means that she did not consider the full implication of offering herself as a maid because they can be hired for sexual services among other mundane services. She quickly put up a sign that said.

Neopolitan: I didn't mean like that you pervert!!!

I shrugged not caring she called me a pervert because, in my opinion, everyone is a pervert to some degree or another when they mature to the point they develop an interest in the opposite sex or same-sex in a lustful or romantic capacity. I gestured to her to make her next offer. She then just bluntly asked me with a sign.

Neopolitan: So what do you want then?

I took a moment to think about how to set up an arrangement that allows me to make a better connection to Neo while keeping an eye on her. After a few moments, I proposed one of my ideas.

Silva: I noticed that you are a fairly good fighter overall and I happen to need someone to spar against me and a few others that I have taken under my wings, are you interested in that?

She gives me a confused look and asks with one of her signs.

Neopolitan: Um, did you not just destroyed me before when we fought?

I explained myself.

Silva: I generally like to train without relying on my semblance because of how strong it is so if we spar I won't be using it plus you won't just be fighting me.

She nods in understanding then asks with a sign she conjured.

Neopolitan: Who else I am going to fight against aside from you?

I told her with a slight smile.

Silva: A first-year team from Beacon and a girl who plans on attending with me in Beacon next year.

She then asked me.

Neopolitan: Will I be doing this for free?

I chuckled and told her.

Silva: Not quite, if you win in the spars you get paid but if you lose you get nothing because this is your compensation towards me. So what do you say?

Neo thinks about it for a few minutes and then extends her hand towards me with a sign in the other that says.

Neopolitan: Deal.

I shook her hand and then said.

Silva: Good, now let's iron out the details before you leave.

Neopolitan POV

I am finally on my way back to one of the safe houses that Roman has set up after being held, prisoner by that tiger Faunus. I am feeling a mixture of relief and annoyance, relief from getting away safe and sound. The annoyance comes from the fact Roman did try to call or text me while I was away because I was being held for almost 24 hours, give or take.

I entered the safehouse and found Roman passed out with several bottles of alcohol. The stench of alcohol made me pinch my nose because clearly, Roman has had way too much to drink. Roman occasionally gets like this when he feels like celebrating for some reason. I will let him sleep for now because I want to relax in my bed from a long day of gaming and worry.

I enter my room and change into my pajamas which is a 3 color oversized shirt of pink, white, and brown in horizontal stripes. I lay down on my bed realizing it was not as comfortable as the one in my so-called cell. Another thing I want to borrow without permission from that guy Silva or maybe ask for it as payment because I can ask for goods instead of Lein in the deal we made.

I close my eyes wondering just what kind of guy Silva is because I am getting mixed signals from him.

( The following morning)

Sunlight hits my face and I covered myself up because I don't want to get up. I then heard a loud crash and forced myself up to see what mess Roman has gotten himself into this time. I stretch a little then head towards the living room to see Roman lying on the floor. I made a stick with my semblance and poke Roman with it to see if he is awake.

After I repeatedly poked him he swatted my stick away and groaned holding his head from his hangover. Roman then looked at me and said.

Roman: Good morning Neo and was it necessary to poke me with a stick?

I nodded in reply and he sighed at my answer then made his way to the kitchen for something to eat. If I remember correctly the tiger Faunus said he had robot chefs, another thing to ask for as payment and make me seriously consider fulfilling my side of the deal. I am amazed that he did not ask for any assurance that I would hold up my end of the deal or threaten me for that matter to uphold my end.

On one hand, I get Lein or goods for beating up some students from Beacon plus another girl, and on the other, however, I am going up against him on occasion which means I am likely going to get my ass handed to me even if he does not use that copy semblance of his. I took a seat at the table and Roman buts some frozen waffles in the toaster for breakfast. As he waits for his morning coffee he asks me.

Roman: Hey Neo guess what?

I rolled my eyes and replied with a sign made from my semblance.

Neopolitan: What?

Roman had the biggest grin on his face which means he is either going to do something stupid that he thinks is brilliant or something really good happened. He then told me.

Roman: You know those 2 idiots that owe me money they paid it back with some bullshit interest I came up with so no we can take it easy for a few months if we want.

I quickly remembered why those 2 idiots suddenly paid up, Silva made them with some kind of hypnosis semblance and I realized he could've used it on me, or in the future this made me shiver. I can't help but ask myself what I have gotten myself into. I thought about avoiding him but quickly realized that he could maybe find me if he wants to or even Roman if he finds out about him with that copy semblance of his.

He did not directly threaten me to hold up my end of our deal just telling me what he can do with his semblance was enough because I can consider myself fairly smart in some aspects and he knows I am no fool. However, my instincts are telling me that he is not a bad guy but also not a sap to be milked for all his worth. I silently sighed to myself and decided to hold up my end of the bargain for now.

I hope I don't come to regret this.

Silva POV

It has been almost a week since I have taken Kyuu in and I finally managed to finish the paperwork needed to become her legal guardian. I have been checking on her and reading stories to her when I have a moment. While she is still not waking up I did check her mind to find out that she can hear me so I hope she wakes up soon. Plus today is the day I have been waiting for since Neo agreed to the deal she should show up today if she decides to uphold her end of the bargain.

Morgana has been asking me about Kyuu and I have kept her updated on her current state. Emerald however has been acting strangely she has been avoiding direct eye contact with me and I have caught her pacing back and forth in front of my room a few times. I have a rough idea of what is going through her mind and decided to wait a bit for her to build up the courage for herself to do what she wants for now.

I heard the doorbell ring and made my way to the main hall. I opened the door to see Neo with a neutral expression on her face and I greeted her.

Silva: Welcome Neopolitan but aren't you a bit early?

As I asked her she makes a sign with her semblance to tell.

Neopolitan: I am here early to ask you some questions.

I nodded in understanding and told her.

Silva: Okay, let's take this to the foyer, and do you have a preference for a drink?

Neo told me by flipping her sign around.

Neopolitan: Either a milkshake or cola would be fine.

We quickly went to the foyer and I had the robot chefs whip up a milkshake for Neo. While she waits for her milkshake she asks me.

Neopolitan: Did you use any semblance on me while we were making our deal?

Neo's milkshake came in a glass and was 3 separate flavors of vanilla, chocolate, and strawberry. I told her a half-truth for now.

Silva: Yes but only to read your mind and emotions to give me an edge in our deal-making.

She took a sip of her milkshake then asked me with her semblance-made sign.

Neopolitan: Are you using it on me now?

I bluntly told her.

Silva: No not currently because I don't see a need to right now.

She then asked me.

Neopolitan: How do I know you are not lying right now?

I shrugged and tried to give her a reason to trust me.

Silva: I extended my trust to you by not asking for any assurance that you would show up today and all I can give you is my word.

Neo looked at me curiously after just finishing her milkshake and asked me.

Neopolitan: What would you do if I had not shown up?

I told her truthfully.

Silva: Nothing except if I found you here in my home again for no good reason I would toss you to the cops without a second thought.

I would then just let Roman die and help her take vengeance on Cinder instead of Ruby to earn her affections. She silently sighed and asked me with a sign.

Neopolitan: Good to know, putting that aside for my payments can I ask for one of your robot chefs and that bed in the cell you put me in?

I smiled as I replied.

Silva: Certainly plus those ice cream recipes you asked for last time.

She gave me a slight smile and asked with her semblance.

Neopolitan: When do we begin?

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