
Chapter 68. Finding a Thief

Silva POV

During the few days, I have been waiting for information on Emerald from the broker I updated my wardrobe because my old clothes from Atlas are too warm for Vale. My new outfit is a pair of dark gray pants with a light blue sash on the side and a white tank top with an open short sleeve black long coat that has silver metal spaulders on both shoulders. As I walked around the town to kill time I got a call on my scroll from Robyn so I answered.

Silva: Hey Robyn what's up?

Robyn replied in a low tone that gave off a hint of anger.

Robyn: Silva you wouldn't happen to know where Jacques Gele ( Schnee) got his hands on some combat-grade robots do you?

I smiled hearing that because Jacques is doing exactly what I expected him to do with those mining droids, which is modifying them into combat droids. I told her the truth.

Silva: I provided him with some blueprints...

Robyn yelled out in surprise and anger before I could finish my explanation.


She ranted at me for a few minutes calling me an idiot and several other things as well, I waited till she was done so that I continue my explanation. After she ran out of breath from insulting me she took a deep breath and asked in a more even tone again.

Robyn: Why did you do that Silva?

I started by asking her a question of my own.

Silva: Let me guess Jacques is using his newfound army to bully Mantle plus the rest of the kingdom and Ironwood is entering skirmishes with those bucket heads?

Robyn curtly replied.

Robyn: Yes...

I start explaining what I intended when I gave those blueprints to that fake wanna-be Schnee.

Silva: You see what I exactly sold to Jacques was blueprints to some mining robots which I deliberately designed to be easy to modify into combat robots. So any actions he takes with them give me plausible deniability plus he is doing himself no favors by antagonizing the kingdom and its people in the next election. Not only that Oath is now producing some counter weapons against those robots that while do not harm people do stop those combat droids cold.

Now with this in mind and your positive connection to Oath, you get your supporters these weapons which strengthens your platform. Plus if you run a campaign against say, private non-living armies you could get more support and Ironwood will take his usual direct approach of brute force to solve the situation which will not work because Jacques supplies the kingdom's military with dust.

So overall if you play your cards right you could deal with both Jacques and Ironwood then practically you have the next election in the bag. Oh, and Jacques is not likely to heavily modify those droids to counter the weapons designed against them because it will at least make it 5 times more expensive to produce them if not even greater which goes against his profit-centered mindset.

Robyn kept her silence for a little over a minute then said.

Robyn: I am not sure if I should applaud your political maneuvering or be disgusted at the fact that you deliberately created a problem to solve for political favor with the people.

I chuckled then replied.

Silva: Ultimately both you and Oath benefit from this little scheme of mine because Oath will not be just giving away their goods for free and politics is generally a dirty business.

I heard Robyn sigh then said.

Robyn: I will follow through on your plan but next time a little heads up would be nice.

I smiled and promised.

Silva: Don't worry I let you know ahead of the time if I plan on shaking up Atlas with any scheme I have in mind.

She curtly replied and hung up.

Robyn: You better, partner!

Now I wait for the info broker to find Emerald for me, hopefully before Cinder.

Robyn POV

After I hung up on Silva I start to massage my temples thinking it's a good thing that Silva generally finds politics as a necessary evil that he would avoid if he can help it. What makes him a good ally is that he seriously plans for mutual benefit first before himself since I agreed to work with him but what makes him a particularly nasty enemy is that he looks at a person and figures out how they think and act then uses it against them.

While I do feel glad he is on my side, this scheme of his shows just how nasty he can be because Jacques is letting his cheap army go to his head. I have already got in contact with Oath about those countermeasures they have against the Schnee bucket heads. They are EMP grenades and rifles that fire pulses of electricity that don't need dust to power plus if you take out the control centers for the droid they deactivate.

Not only is Silva providing me with funds but an even greater reputation by being the co-owner of the powerplant that now provides half of Mantle with a cheaper energy source than dust. Overall, becoming his partner was a good move and now I need to see about helping out those that are being bullied by the SDC while making sure the General does not call Marshal Law for combating the droid army of Jacques.

Jacques might not be the brightest but surely he is not foolish enough to start a civil war, right...

Silva POV

I finally got Emerald's location and now I am at a coastal town known as Storm's Respite to find her. I am spreading out my sonar to find her when I heard sirens going off not far from me and I went to check it out in case Emerald is involved. I saw some guys looking up with a dazed happy look on their faces while some girls at looked them mysteriously well one girl the others looked the same as the guys with dazed happy looks.

My sonar finally picked up Emerald and I followed after her from a distance so she does not detect me. She went into an abandoned building and I soon followed. I moved as quietly as I could and found Emerald's hiding hole which was filled with various things and I saw the mint-haired for the first time digging through a chest for something. As I waited for her to notice me I peeked inside her mind and found out she robbed those guys and gals back there while using her semblance to give them a pleasant show which is still giving her a headache.

When she finally dug out some pliers and started to try and force open a purse that had a lock on it. She still hasn't noticed me as I kept silent throughout her escapade to open a purse. When she finally opened it and started to rummage through it she quickly turned disappointed because all that was in there was some make-up and a few odd items. She sighed looking tired and started to talk to herself.

Emerald: Another useless steal from a girl with more money than sense and not a single Lein to show for it...

She tossed aside the purse and turned around to finally see me. She panicked and took out her guns from their holsters and I got my first look at her. Her green hair tied in a loose twin ponytail at the lower part of her hairline and chocolate tone skin with blazing red eyes. She was skinny from malnutrition while wearing a green tube top with leather chaps over her gray pants. She asked me warily while pointing her guns at me.

Emerald: Who are you? How did you get here?

I took out Roaring Crescent making her ready to pull the trigger and before she did I tossed aside my weapon followed by Devil Rose. She looked at me stunned by my actions and I told her.

Silva: My name is Silva Cloud and I followed you here after seeing your handy work with those people back there you robbed. Now, are you willing to put your guns down after I disarmed myself?

She tightly clenched her guns looking at me warily, which answered my question, then asked me.

Emerald: What do you want, Silva Cloud..?

I then pitched my offer to her in hopes of garnering her interest but the worst-case scenario is that I kill her because her semblance is too troublesome to fall into Cinder's hands.

Silva: I would like to make you an offer...

She curtly told me.

Emerald: Speak!

Silva: I would like to hire you as a guard to keep my place safe as I attend Beacon, this includes food, shelter, plus an education if you want more out of life than just being a security guard. Or if you desire it you can attend Beacon with me to become a Huntress on your terms because Beacon does not care where you're from only that you have the necessary combat skills to face the creatures of Grimm.

She did not lower her guns as she replied.

Emerald: Sounds too good to be true...

I shrugged and picked up my weapons as she had her guns trained on me and I told her.

Silva: I will be staying at the local tavern if you are interested but I promise you this if you come with me you will not ever go hungry again and I will treat you with respect and trust if you earn it.

I left her to consider my offer but if she does not show up in a month I will end her, to make sure Cinder finds other pawns for Salem's plans.

Emerald POV

That guy, Silva, left and I put away my guns then heard my stomach growl feeling the almost constant hunger I usually feel. I dig out a protein bar to tie me over and take a few bites then save the rest for later. I seriously consider that guy's offer because I am honestly tired of going to sleep hungry and barely scraping by through stealing. His offer does sound too good to be true but I can always run away later if he has any unsavory plans for me.

My stomach still growling as I drink some water to at least fill it a little bit more. I sigh thinking maybe I should take a chance because in the end I know I can't keep living like this because I will likely die in some ditch like so many others.

Silva POV

It has been a few days since I made Emerald my offer and not a peep from her at all but still, I will wait a month before deciding her fate. I got some breakfast as I relaxed, killing time when I saw the green-haired thief walk through the front door of the tavern. I called the waitress to get another order of breakfast then called Emerald over.

Silva: Over here!

She saw me then walked over with a guarded expression as she took a seat across from me. After a few minutes of awkward silence, she asks.

Emerald: Do you mean what you say, about giving me food, shelter, and all that other stuff?

I just nodded and added.

Silva: Plus payment if you want to work for me or an allowance if you wish to attend Beacon with me because I have no shortage of cash to get what I want.

As she thought about what I said the extra order of breakfast came and I passed it to her then said.

Silva: Eat up, this kind of choice is should not be made on an empty stomach.

She started to wolf down the food and I asked the waitress for another breakfast set just in case this is not enough. As Emerald went through 2 helpings of breakfast then looked satisfied with a full stomach she then asked.

Emerald: Why me?

I gave her the truth but not the entire truth of why I am doing this.

Silva: I simply feel a girl of your talents should not be rotting away on the streets when I can offer you more but in the end, it is your choice that matters.

She looked me in the eyes for a solid minute then said.

Emerald: Alright I will go with you but on one condition.

I gestured for her to go ahead and tell me about her condition.

Emerald: If I want to leave, you won't stop me...

I flatly told her.

Silva: Denied...

She looked at me surprised and before she said anything I told her.

Silva: While you may be an investment right now you could become more like a friend or family if I feel that I can trust you so of course, I am going to stop you if I feel you are making a bad decision.

She looked at me wide-eyed and asked.

Emerald: Do you mean that? Being a friend or even a family in the future.

I told her bluntly.

Silva: That entirely depends on you.

She swallows her saliva and says.

Emerald: Alright, I will go with you.

I smiled and extended my hand towards her to shake it and she took it then shook on it with me. Now let's see if she will become devoted to me as Cinder in the canon or if that was because she fell in love with that power hungry she-devil.

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