
A Battle Between Supremes




After I managed to slice through all her nightmares and dreams and almost completely destroyed her Domain, Freyja's monstrous form grew furious as she groaned in pain, rapidly charging at me and swinging her new scythes, now six this time, each one tremendously big and packed with corrupted cosmic energies.


She intercepted my blows, firing beams of nightmare energy of the cosmic level at the same time as she endlessly swung her scythes. Like my sword, her scythes, once they attacked, released waves of slicing cosmic nightmare energy that split the earth below apart.


Apocalypse Oblivion was powerful enough to resist the blows and even counter with mighty parries. I combined many techniques together, pushing myself forward as I gained more momentum. Vertical, horizontal, spiraling, circling, and x-shaped slashes started raining down on Freyja one after another.

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