

"Well, not to rush you or anything, but class is about to end and, you know, teachers and students are about to come out." Akira awkwardly said but didn't move. "Now, I don't really mind being seen, but I don't about you."

Damn! It's already almost been hour? And I've been crying this whole time? How are my eyes still moist?! They should've dried out long ago!

"Sorry." I backed off and rubbed my soaking wet face.

Ew, even snot came out.

"I'm really sorry!" I apologized as I looked directly at his shirt that was covered in tears and snot. "Ugh, that must feel really disgusting." I cringed just from looking at it.

"...You're back to normal." Akira's expression relaxed as a smile appeared.

My heart skipped a beat.

Huh? Skipped a beat? Am I still shaken? Hahaha...

"I-I guess so." I blushed in embarrassment and sniffed.

I really lost my senses back there, huh?

"Oh, and don't worry. This is nothing compared to making you feel better." Akira ruffed my hair. "You are hurt physically, though, right? We should go to the infirmary." Akira held my hand again. I didn't resist and even welcomed the comforting feel of his warm hand.

Akira really is the only comfort I have.

When we took one step into the infirmary, images of before immediately flooded my mind. I started trembling again as the fear returned and was about to flee, but when I backed away, Akira's hand still held me in place.

I winced from the pain that shot through my shoulder.

"Is something wrong, Haru?" Akira asked while searching my face with worry. "You're shaking like a leaf."

"I-I would rather not be h-here." I weakly tugged Akira out of the room. "I'll be f-fine until I get home. I'll treat it then."

"Haru, I don't think—"

"Please! Please don't make me go in there! Not right now!" I yelled as I backed up further and unconsciously held my shoulder with my free hand. "Please." I pleaded one last time.

"..." Akira looked startled at my strong resistance.

I bit my cheek as I looked down.

"Let's go back to class. I feel better after crying." I quietly said and turned to start walking back to the classroom. "And sensei will be mad if we don't return before class ends." I glanced back.

Akira sighed.

"Okay, but if it's starts to hurt, tell me. And I'm not letting you walk home alone today when we leave early. I'll explain to everyone that you're hurt and need to rest." Akira spoke adamantly while we left the infirmary behind.

I relaxed from how dependable he sounded and smiled a little.

"Mm." I nodded.

When we returned to class, sensei took a minute to look at me. He was probably thrown off by the fact that I was more responsive, but my eyes had sunken even further into my skull then before.

Ah, really. I had panda eyes before, but now they're probably black holes.

I'm a real mess.

After he lightly scolded us for taking so long, he said he was glad I was better now. We returned to our seats and listened to the last 5 minutes of the lecture.

And the rest of classes went smoothly. I somehow managed to get through without thinking too much on what happened during recess, and before I knew it, classes were over. It's was sports prep time.

Akira and I packed our stuff. He pushed me out the classroom first after grabbing my bag and went to speak with some of the leaders in our class about us leaving early. He probably wanted to avoid me under going anymore stress, and I appreciated that.

"Haru, are you okay?" I turned around to see Yuu sticking his head out the classroom door.

"Uhm, yeah. I just feel a little sick and tired today, so Akira's walking me home early." I explained as I rubbed the back of my head sheepishly.

"Oh... Should I—"

"Since two of us are leaving early, I hope you can make up for our absence, Yuu-kun!" Knowing where he was going, I quickly interjected. "And tomorrow we can have lunch. I'll even buy you something from the vending machine as thanks."

"...Fine. And you better be ready for some duo practice." Yuu pouted. I smiled and nodded.

"Excuse me, Yuu-kun, but we gotta get going." Akira mockingly smiled as he slammed the door wide open, making Yuu, who was leaning on it, lose balance.

"Uwah!" Yuu fell forward.

Instinctively, I extended my arms forward to catch him.

"Owowowow." I hissed in pain as Yuu crashed into my arms and chest.

God, any force on my arms really fucking hurts my shoulders! I'm kinda scared to see what they look like underneath my uniform. Oh God, the bruising's got to look like hell!

"Haru!" Both Yuu and Akira yelled in alarm.

Yuu jumped back up, and at the same time, Akira pulled him up, causing them to both stumble back and almost fall again.

"Idiot! He's hurt!" Akira scolded after pushing Yuu off of him.

"You're the one who made me fall in the first place, stupid!" Yuu yelled back with a glare.

And they proceeded to glare at each other as they butted heads.


They both looked to me.

"Oh, sorry. It was just really funny to watch." I chuckled.

They stared at me for a second before looking at each other. They must've had some silent communication between their eyes because after a few seconds, they suddenly nodded and went their separate ways.

"See you tomorrow, Haru~" Yuu waved before bouncing back into the classroom.

"See ya." I said before the door shut.

"Let's go, Haru." Akira grinned as he grabbed my hand.

"Uh, do we really need to hold hands?" I asked uncomfortably. "It's not exactly normal for guys to hold hands."

"I don't care what others think, but if you're fine and don't want to, I'll let go." Akira immediately dropped my hand.

Ah, he noticed it made me feel better.

"Thanks. For earlier, too." I said as I clasped my hands together.

"Haha, that's what friends are for, yeah?" Akira warmly smiled. "If I ever need a good cry session, I expect an open chest from you, too." Akira pointedly looked at me. I laughed.

"Make it a shoulder, and you got a deal." I grinned. Akira pursed his lips.

"Ehhh? It's because of you I had to change into my P.E. shirt, you know?" Akira poked my head.

"You're right. Sorry, haha." I poked his side, causing him to jump.

"Haruuuu, I'm sensitive thereeeee." Akira whined as he rubbed his side.

"Then you shouldn't have left it so open to poke me." I teased back.

"Touché." Akira huffed. I laughed.

Akira really is my oasis, huh?


I pulled out my phone.

King: I heard you left early.

"Shit." I cursed when I saw the name alone.

"What's up?" Akira peered over. "You have him saved as "King?" That's hilarious." Akira smirked. I swatted him away as I typed.

You: I'm sorry. I don't feel well currently. I'll forward you the route I created and the document containing the donations.

"Woah, is that why you were sleep deprived earlier?" Akira raised his eyebrows. I nodded as I sighed.

"When we reach the lockers, I'll need a minute to take a picture of the map I made." I said exhaustedly.

King: Very well, but don't worry about the donations document. Just the route will do for today.

You: Got it. And, again, I'm so sorry for not showing up.

King: It's fine. If you aren't well, you can't do your work well. Take care.

"Wow. See, you two are pretty close." Akira commented as I put my phone away.

"Eh? I don't think so, though?" I looked at him incredulously.

"Yeah, right! You're the only one he ever talks to regularly. Plus, you have his phone number. I don't think anyone else in the world does besides his family." Akira retorted as he rolled his eyes.

"I guess you're right." I reluctantly agreed.

"Do you not like that?" Akira caught on to me quick.

"Uh, there's just some... circumstances between us that make me think he doesn't see me as a friend." I vaguely explained. "Sorry. I don't know how to say it."

"Hm." Akira grabbed his chin in thought. "If you say so." Then he shrugged and dropped it.

When we reached the shoe lockers, I took a second to pull out the map I made and laid it on the ground to take a picture of it.

All this effort for me not to follow it. 'Twas oddly a bittersweet feeling. I couldn't help finding it funny.

"Is that map so hilarious you laugh just looking at it?" Akira joked as he put away his slippers.

"Yeah, totally." I sarcastically agreed while sending the photo to Tatsuya. "Akira, can we stop by the convience store? I wanna get something sweet."

"Sure thing."


Just some fluff to counter the angst from last time~

Next 2 chapters are done! I had to take a minute to gather myself to write normally after that last chapter, lol. Sorry for not updating earlier. Haha. ^^;

However, I’m not sure when the next update is gonna be because I finally received the contract! I’ll need to fill it out and stuff, so yeah. It shouldn’t take too long, though~

Thanks for all your support! <3

SkyHighLimitscreators' thoughts
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