
Library Negotiating

Once I entered the library, I went to the table I knew from the game. Tatsuya was usually found at the same table in the library in the game. I assumed it's the same now.

As I turned the corner of a bookshelf, I saw that I was right.

Tatsuya sat there with a few books stacked beside the one he was currently reading. I raised an eyebrow.

When did he get here? I walked here pretty fast, so he must've been here for awhile if he already has books picked out and is reading. Did he skip lunch to read?

I walked over silently and pulled out the seat across from the Ice King. Once I sat down and looked up, Tatsuya's ice blue eyes were already staring at me. Goosebumps ran up my arms.

"...I'm here as you requested, Tanaka-san." I quietly spoke as we were in the library. Tatsuya pushed up his glasses with a single finger before speaking.

"Good. I will now explain your duties." Tatsuya gently closed the book in front of him.

The list of duties were surprisingly large. When recesses were spent in the library, I was to get the books he requested and put away the ones he didn't need anymore. Tatsuya was given some work dealing with his family's company as he was the successor. Since I had "proven" myself decent at numbers, I was to help him and check the numbers to make sure nothing was off. When student council duties were called for, I was to help however I could if needed. This included after school and break duties. Over all, this could be summed up in one sentence:

I was an assistant.

"Do you have any questions?" Tatsuya coldly asked with a slightly raised sharp eyebrow.

"Not really, but I have a comment." I couldn't help the slight downturn of my mouth.

"What is it?"

"This seems like an awfully unfair amount of help I'm returning for you simply getting a single book for me that I didn't even ask your help for."


I shivered as the temperature around us suddenly dropped.

"I-I just think there should at least be a little bit of a benefit for me if I'm to basically become your assistant. That, or less of a workload." I meekly suggested as I looked at the dark expression on Tatsuya's face.

"...You are right." Tatsuya's eyes glinted as he regarded me. "I also believe my hunch about you was correct as well. You rebutted against a favor that was obviously taking advantage of you unfairly. You even suggested ways to amend it." Tatsuya smirked. "With some guidance, I suspect you could have a promising future in business." As Tatsuya complimented me, I sat frozen in shock.

Was that a test? WTF!?

"Oh, uhm, thank you?" My brain was working overtime to keep up with Tatsuya.

"No need. I was merely stating facts." Tatsuya cooly glossed over my gratitude. "As for the favor, I suppose I'll shorten the workload to only the library. If I deem you worthy, I will give you the original workload and compensate you."

...You'll pay me!? WTF!?x2!

"I still think that's a bit unfair." I quietly complained. Seeing Tatsuya giving me his full attention, I continued. "You got me one measly book, but I have to help you with many and more duties on top of that. The weight of your favor clearly outweighs mine." I logically explained as I looked him in the eyes.

"..." Tatsuya had steepled his fingers together and was studying me from behind them. I shifted uncomfortably but didn't look away. Tatsuya then lowered his hands. "Then, what do you suggest I do to make this a fair exchange?" I blinked in surprise.

Are you testing me again!? I didn't come here for a job interview!

"Hmm." I looked down at the table as I thought about it. Tatsuya waited patiently as he watched me. I met his eyes again when I thought of the answer. "I have a few ideas." Tatsuya nodded for me to continue. "One, you let me have another favor on the level of this favor, and I will pay back my favor another way. Two, you compensate me for my work, though it wouldn't be a lot as this is a favor. Three, you change your favor to match mine." Once I finished, I saw Tatsuya nod with a pleased expression.

"Well done. You came up with options in a short amount of time and even left the choice to me." Tatsuya eyes flashed with greed that made me bite my cheek in fright. "I'm tempted to offer you a contract to serve me right now." My eyes widened.

"I-I'm too young to enter any contract agreement." I shook my head as I reasoned. Tatsuya deeply chuckled.

"Of course, I'll have to wait until you're a legal adult. For now, I'll have to settle with a temporary favor." He smirked. "As for the suggestions, I don't mind the second option. How does a thousand a week sound?" Tatsuya causally threw out the number without second thoughts.


Error! Error! The operating system of Haruka Suzuki has malfunctioned! All operations have ceased! Cause of error: Cash Money!

A thousand a week!? I'd only be in the library for about half an hour three times a week! For an hour and a half of work hours, I'd be paid 1000 dollars!?

No, wait. I'm in Japan, dummy. 1000 yen is equal to about 10 USD. Isn't that basically minimum wage in the US then?

System restored. Please be careful with delusional thinking. Thank you.

"Sounds good to me." I finally answered after a minute of silence. Tatsuya nodded.

And so, he put me to work right away. He had some documents he wanted me to look over and explained what I would be doing. As I looked through the carefully organized data, I couldn't help but praise him. Tatsuya only huffed out an "of course," but I saw the pride in him relishing the compliment.

Good, good. Even if I'm a guy, compliments still make him happy.

Throughout our time in the library, I would look over the documents while being interrupted here and there to fetch or put away a book. I didn't complain once. I also had him help me with some of the document work and slid in more praise when I could.

Finally, the bell rang.

"Good job. I expect to see you here again Friday." Tatsuya adjusted his glasses as he spoke. I nodded. "I will also have your payment. Of course, it won't be the full thousand as Monday was missed."

"Of course." I agreed with a polite smile. Tatsuya gave a curt nod before walking away. I waited a bit before following.

When we entered the classroom, the center of attention immediately shifted to us. I stiffened before remembering that conversation that happened in front of the whole class yesterday. I mentally facepalmed.

Oooh, those curious eyes are annoying.

Tatsuya and I simply walked to our seats without acknowledging each other. While the class was curious, they didn't dare incur the biting wrath of the Ice King. Thus, they either continued talking like nothing happened or quietly gossiped among themselves.

As I walked to my seat, I was met with Akira's gaze burning for info.

Ah, this nosy nostril.

Once I sat down, I didn't even have a chance to breathe before he spoke.

"What happened?" Akira scanned over me. "You don't seem frozen anywhere." I rolled my eyes.

"He may be the Ice King, but he can't actually freeze anyone." I deadpanned. "And nothing happened, really. But, I have another job besides being a tutor now." I sighed exhaustedly. Akira blinked.

"What? Did Mr. Heir recruit you to his company already?" Akira said jokingly. I smiled.

"No, but it seems I will be when I can legally sign a contract myself."


Before anymore could be said, the teacher entered, and afternoon classes began. I ended up taking a nap during English class out of boredom. When I was found out, sensei bonked me on the head with a rolled up lesson plan and demanded I read a paragraph from the book. Of course, that was easy as a former American, but I purposely struggled with a few words and tried adding an accent to avoid unnecessary attention. Sensei still seemed impressed, but he also still scolded me for sleeping. When I sat down after reading, I felt many stares. I blushed from the attention and looked down.

After classes ended, I took my time packing. Akira left quickly as swim practice was quite strict. I appreciated the little time I had to listen peacefully to the ambiance of students chatting about as they packed and left.

"Haru!" Yuu came over cheerfully, interrupting my peace. "Are you ready to go?"

"Oh, sorry, Yuu-kun. I can't go to club today." I gave an apologetic smile. Yuu's smile automatically inverted to a frown.

"What? Why?" Yuu grabbed my hand that was on my desk. "You're not avoiding me again, are you?" Yuu pouted. I felt my eye twitch.

Ah, you're so annoying!

"Of course not! I just have some things I need to take care of." I patted the hand holding mine comfortingly. "I'll go to the meeting tomorrow. Don't worry." When Yuu heard that, his smile return.

"You better!" He tightened his hold for a second before letting go.

"I will." I reassured him again as I stood up. "You should get going. The meeting starts soon."

"Okay. See you tomorrow, Haru!" Yuu waved as he walked away. I waved back with a smile.

Once he was out of sight, I heaved a heavy sigh. He really makes me restless. What a scary guy.

Well, time to go to a cafe. Hopefully, I won't get beaten up.

And our final character finally gets some limelight. Now that you have a grasp on all of their personalities, do you have a favorite? XD

The Valentine’s special is next. As a precursor, it has nothing to do with the current story. It’ll be a one off kind of thing. ^^

I hope to solve the voting problem soon. I'll keep updating as normal, though! DW!

As always, thank you for reading and supporting me!

SkyHighLimitscreators' thoughts
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