
You got yourself in this mess

Quinn had gotten out from the blanket,

'Isaac' she said while rubbing his forehead

'hes been looking for you izzy, why did you leave?' Quinn asked

'because.. He broke his promise' she answered while rubbing her hand against her arms while also slowly lifting up her long sleeves,

'Elizabeth?' lukas stared

'i-I us..ed to..' she stammered while her sleeve was now at her forearm, 'see..?' she asked.

'yeah, so you cut yourself too?' luke asked remaining calm and docile for the time being

'yeah i used to.. the last time i did it was about.. 6months ago' she answered while weeping

'is that why you were so angry' Quinn smiled

'your promise was not set in stone... Was it?'

'i-no.. ' she answered

'and how can we change that?' luke laughed

'why are you laughing? And i dont know!'

'im laughing because your open for once! Your talking about your problems... If you dont mind' luke budged closer towards isaac

'ill take this, while Quinn takes care of your problems'

'hes not a thing dad!' Quinn giggled while hugging Elizabeth 'hes mah papa' she contained her laughter

'okay' luke said while grabbing isaacs wrists

'shh!' he sushed isaac while he moaned about being woken

'isaiah? - luke!' he smiled after he wad picked up

'whos isaiah, Isaac?'

'i-I can explain'

'please do.'

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