
Have we made it??

they ran through the forest falling multiple times from exhaust.

Quinn was behind, extremely behind, Although Luke was carrying the backpack although he is older he was struggling but he was trying to stay calm and stayed at walking pace which seemed really hard to Quinn, Of course Luke was trying to convince Quinn to get on his back so he can carry her.

She eventually agreed to his help he didn't even notice she was on his back until she told him she was on, he ran up to get beside Isaac and Elizabeth of course Quinn had already nodded off, One thing she enjoyed about being picked up is that she would be able to hear the heart beat of the person who picked her up it had always soothed her when Luke or Elizabeth would pick her up, It made her feel secure after all she didn't get it much from her parents.

It had been a great 2 hours until they saw the outskirts of the town and when they did they were filled with joy, They had went the long way to avoid Craig, normally he would be tormenting all of them or beating them, but When Isaac came they had a plan, On the way to the city Isaac told them how he found them

"Well. I've known Luke since I was little and he went to my school and he knew some things about you. he told me that you were in the forest so I went with him planning how we would arrange for your escape he told me about all the dangers of Craig and of course I didn't mind being a secret until we could arrange to meet there together and we met up and We found you, Well we knew where you were but luckily..I got you back Izzy" he continued the story " on the way I found a lot of keys under the mat to the place you were in of course all of them must of been for something else but it wouldn't hurt,"

"how did you get in?" Izzy Questioned

'My keys have a detection on them and if I leave without Craig's permission it'll probably shock me or worse. When I was just starting with Craig it nearly killed me, I learnt my lesson Quickly after that" Luke replied

They continued chatting until they got to the city and started asking around if there was something they could do to get into a hotel or an apartment complex.

due to Isaac's and Luke's planing they had made enough money to buy an apartment, Yes they were young but the minor jobs they did had paid off

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