
The Director Is About to Crack

Biên tập viên: Henyee Translations

At that moment, SHIELD's D.C. headquarters was in a mess. "Send reinforcements immediately. Have the Maryland police charge in with their sirens on."

"The rescue teams will board the plane in three minutes. ETA is ten minutes."

"It's too late. They've cut the feed."

Many staff members paused in their movements. Looking at the cameras that were turning black one after another, they had a bad feeling.

"Wait, the feed hasn't been cut. It's a cover. They've just blocked visuals. I can still hear them," a staff member with an earpiece suddenly shouted.

SHIELD, which had been quiet for a moment, was immediately noisy again.

The other party wasn't firing, and the feed was still connected, so SHIELD could still determine what was going on from the sounds.

It was very likely that these 12 colleagues were only injured and not dead.

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