
Ch.1 Journey

Hello my name is Zera and I'm 20, I have dark purple hair, I wear glasses but would rather wear contacts, I have brown eyes, I'm pretty slim, and I'm 5'8. I've entered college at Yumoka university one of the top university in game design. "Okay, I'm ready.... hopefully." I said to myself. "Honey you're going to be late!" That's my mom her name is Rae. I live with her and my dad Yin. "Okay I'll be right down!" I said to my mom.

"Hey my princess." Dad says as I walk downstairs into the dinning room."Hi daddy." I said as I kissed him on the cheek. "Sweetheart that shirt of yours is way to small now go back upstairs and change." Mom said "Ugh, fine." I replied. "Don't ugh me young lady now go change." Mom said. As I raced up stairs I realized I don't have my phone. I walked down the hallway past my brothers room. "He might be asleep again" I thought. I continue and enter my room and I quickly search for my phone. *bzzt bzzt* I pause to listen for it. *bzzt bzzt* I walk over and pick up the phone which was laid on my bed. "Oh it's Paul, George, and Ceritta" I thought to myself.

Okay let me explain so let's start with Paul. Paul is my best friend..well they all are my best friends ha ha. I met Paul in jr. high we were both in the same computer class but we didn't talk until the second year: He is quite tall idk how tall maybe I'd say 6'3 or so. He also has short light brown hair, blue eyes, mustache, okay built, he likes wearing buttoned up shirts and shorts in the summer and wears long sleeves in the winter with regular jeans, and he is 21 years old.

Secondly, is George he is calm and quiet and Paul's best friend since childhood; They say they're "brothers from another mother". George is shorter then Paul, he has long dark brown hair with a goatee, dark blue eyes like the ocean, he Normally wears a black hoodie, he's also quite built, he is 20 years old, and he has a tattoo for his mom who sadly passed away after giving birth to him.

Last but certainly not least is my childhood friend Ceritta. She is so beautiful with her dyed red hair pulled into a ponytail, she is the same height as me at 5'8 we like to have a competition on who'll be taller, our moms both met each other in college and been friends since, she's also 20 years old, and she has rare condition which makes her eyes look blood red instead normal colors like blue or green and it isn't dangerous. She is also very energetic and outgoing.

"Hmmm, I wonder what they're talking about on wechat".

-Paul (Hey guys so where we meeting up)

-Georgie (idk where ever I don't care)

-Ceritta (oh oh let's meet up at the coffee shop)

-Georgie (you know zera doesn't like coffee right?)

-Ceritta ( oh I know that! Zera don't worry I'll get you the Dr. salt you love so much <3)

-Zera (Thank you Ceritta.)

(I'll meet you guys at the usual shop I'll be omw)

"Okay, normal place cool" I said softly. I quickly changed shirts. I move in front of my vertical mirror and started doing cute poses. "Wait. Stop." I said to myself and straightened up and looked at the mirror to look at how I look in my outfit. My outfit consists of me wearing: A white knitted sweater with a basic solid black casual Mini skater skirt and black flat top shoes. "Okay I think I'm ready" I thought with a beautiful smile as I left my room. As I walk down the stairs I see my mom saying goodbye to dad as he leaves for work. Mom turns and she gasps as she sees me as I walk into the living room "o-oh my goodness look at yooou" she says "hi mom" I said with a soft voice and a smile " I'm going to meet my friends on the way to school""okay, well you be safe now" she replied. I give her a hug and a kiss and I make my way to the coffee shop.

Hello, I’m Darkkfire and I saw this and want to try it out. In the future I want to be a game designer and I thought maybe trying to come up with a story here would help create a better story and universe in the future. Thank you for listening and reading this test and if you have ideas or questions please write them down and I’ll see what I can do. Thank you again.



P.S I’m terrible in writing so please bear with me.

Darkkfire5creators' thoughts
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