
Divinity Control

Three months have since passed, and from the four harsh months, the trio is entirely new people compared to how they were when first blasting though levels in the Spirit Formation realm.

As of right now, they were once again walking to Valencia early in the morning only this time they were full of energy and confidence.

"Finally, after these grueling four mouths, our divine powers can make this training a cakewalk. Not only that, just normally, I feel like a changed man." On Kazami forehead, his divine marking had a very faint silver color, and his golden eyes similarly had a soft silver hue in them.

A slight change in appearance was the result of their ability to train in their divine power for one month. Without a proper foundation to go off on using their divine powers would be increasingly hard through later realms, and those four months got used to sharpen them all up.

As for appearances, Kuzumi had the same attributes as Kazami, and Lun Yuo eyes and hair had a faint hue of green.

As of now, the trio could light the power of their divine powers somewhat efficiently. What they learned from the tail end of the fourth month was there were so many untapped powers they can't even use right now.

An example of such high power was when they tried to increase the intensity of their divine powers; they immediately passed out and couldn't move for an entire day.

From that day forward, Cathal, his wives, and Lazul decided to use the least amount of divine power to fully control that bit of energy and have the ability to last a long time.

And practice yields good results as now they can enter a state where they could freely use their divine power for a long time.

Although the energy they would use is weaker than what used in the Youth Mind Games, it still better in the long run as they wouldn't get drained after a little bit of time.

"I feel like a woman reborn! Even these weighted clothes that now weigh eight times more is nearly weightless for me now." Added on Kuzumi while casually flexing her arms.

"The time for us to show our talent has come!" And right when Lun Yuo boasted, they reached Valencia. She had a seemingly impassive expression to the trio overconfidence.

"Energetic, overconfident, and wild, alright, let me kick up your training a few notches!" Not even a half a second later, three arrows appeared, and Valencia threw it to the three.

But the trio was already prepared for her. With a burst of speed, they ran towards the gravity bags. In just one second, they grabbed the bag and was already running down the cliff with arrows right on their tail.

Reaching the bottom, they didn't even stop and kept running into the jungle at an insane pace. Then the trio heard it;


Three monsters with the appearance of white bloodthirsty bears monsters jumped out in front of them and rushed them. These three monsters were 20 feet tall and sharp long, razor-sharp claws. They were peak Formation Stage powerhouses, but this did not stop the trio.

Generally, if they were to run into a similar monster like this, they would always move around the jungle to stall the chasing arrow and fight with the beast since it would relentlessly pursue them.

However, now they stretched out their arms while still running and unleashed three dark blue pure Spirit Qi beams.

'Bang!, Bang!, Bang!'

Their dark blue beams signify just how dense their spirit Qi is and how powerful it is now. Valencia allowed them to use Qi now as their bodies alone, plus their divine powers crush any Spirit Formation monster here, and they're incredibly fast, so she found no worth in them not using Qi anymore.

The monster all had a substantial bloody gaping hole right in the center of their body, and not only that, all of their organs disappear right from that spot. Before the three even fell over, the trio rushed right through holes of the three monsters.

Keep in mind the trio still hasn't advanced from the 5th stage of Spirit Formation and not yet achieve a perfect Qi fusion. If this were regular times, they would've used traps and tricks to fight with the monster, and while on a head-on clash, they can kill it, but it wouldn't be nearly as easy now.


But their actions certainly didn't go unnoticed as a 30 feet huge mother white bear monster was on a fast pursuit and a menacing all-black color gigantic eagle monster was hovering over them. What made these monster all the more threatening as they were at the 8th level of Origin Formation!

While the trio merged elemental attacks could destroy Origin Formation level weapons, they certainly don't know how effective it would be on a live being, and they didn't even have the time to form it if they wanted to.

At most without divine powers and Qi, they can now match a 1st level Origin Formation monster, but that only because the Origin Qi a wild monster beast used wouldn't be as strong as a human and more uncontrollable.

Origin Qi what all Origin Formation cultivator use is once again a higher tier of power and destroy Spirit Qi. Still, they have even more special properties that the trio are unaware of.

With this new sudden addition, this still didn't scare the trio, and they only coated their feet with Elemental Qi and blasted away with blazing speed.

The trio knew their limits, and just relying on overwhelming divine powers, they can kill even a 3rd level Origin Formation monster quickly, the later levels are still something they shouldn't mess with for now.

In a few seconds, they reached their designated tree tore off the bark on the tree and rushed right back into the two strong monsters. The bear monster didn't care for their actions and only wanted to kill them. The mother bear swung her claw down and shot at them a blast Origin Qi to crush them.

Taking only a second, Kazami and Kuzumi donned only their lighting aura and created lighting wing jumping exceptionally high into the air. Lun Yuo created grassy wings and jumped the same height as the twin also.

These wings couldn't fly, but it could give them a burst of speeds and help glid smoothly through the air. Using the air pressure, they fell from the blast and glided swiftly down to the bear.

They were extremely fast as right when the bear had finished her swing; the trio had already landed on her colossal head and, using it as a pad, launched off the beast.


They managed to get in front of the eagle monster, but the beast opened its mouth. Guessing what it was trying to pull, the trio quickly linked up with each other.

Since they weren't practicing Elemental Qi, they started to form a barrier of pure Spirit Qi, which was significantly more natural than trying to merge their Elemental Qi.


The eagle monster unleashed an Origin Qi beam from its mouth and crashed right into them. The beam was cracking their barrier and pushing them away at a speed that the other two monsters wouldn't be able to catch up to.

Once they were far enough, they rushed out of the barrier and landed right back in front of Valencia, who did look slightly surprised this time observing their methods to finish. The arrows all this time still didn't stop chasing and landed right behind the trio.

"Like I said earlier, a cakewalk. You girls up for another round?" Kazami asked them while doing some stretches.

"You know it!" Cheerful answers were what he got back, and they all got prepared again while Valencia got severe.

In front of the trio was an unrelenting sandstorm, which was their second part of the training. Wasting no time, immediately the youths started their fusion aura, and this time, they have a nearly perfect fusion between their two Qi and only need a little more time.


With their aura formed, they rushed straight into the wild sandstorm facing minimal resistance against it. All of them, even from the intense morning training, were still in their divine power state, and it was a rule for them to keep it on as long as possible.

The trio sped through the storm facing all kinds of obstacles such as sand spears, spikes, or even quicksand. However, they managed to evade them all efficiently by either just dodging them or blowing them away with Qi attacks.

Far away from them, Audrey was still able to watch their every move with a grin.

"You all sure are improving fast; let take it a step up now." She clenched her fist, and inside the storm, the trio met with three tall, sturdy stone golems.

No words were needed as the trio advanced up to them and smashed their coated Elemental Qi fists with the stone golems fists.


The trio got sent 5 feet back with a bruised hand while the golem's hand got slightly cracked.

"Body of probably a middle Origin Formation cultivator, I guess, and shit here they come!" Lun Yuo felt out their strength and was making an estimate as their strike right now contained about 60% of their power but couldn't do it for long as the golems charged them.

But when they were charging them, she slammed her hands into the grounds, and out came several vines right under the golems that constrict them. While all wrapped up, the golems open their mouths and launched stone spikes at them.

Seeing it as their time to act, Kazami tossed three red ice balls at the spikes and froze it in mid-air. Not leaving a second to think he rushed the middle golem while also flicking a red lighting ball to his far-right and left and destroyed the other spikes.

He rushed through the frozen middle spike crushing it and jumped over the golems. He stretched out his hands right in the air to produce a red lightning- ice cage all around them.

His cage suppressed the golem more to a point where they couldn't move at all.

"Now, Kuzumi!"

With Kazami shouting Kuzumi was already in front of the cage, and she inserted her hand inside it. She closed her eyes for a moment and opened them back up; her hand had extremely concentrated powerful blue fire Qi she took to charge up.



A roaring flamethrower blasted out from her hand, and it went everywhere in the cage, thoroughly covering them golems up in it. She stopped after a few seconds, and once the fire cleared up, the golem was no more. Such immense power was the terrifying results of their divine powers.

"Tsk, not bad children, let's see if you can keep this up," Audrey commented and was ready to prepare more unique creatures for them to take on.

She only recently started doing this as their divine powers gave them too much of an edge, and finding the correct Qi attacks to use also helps them control their Elemental Qi better and their fusions better.

Once they got done with Audrey part, the trio was now under a roaring waterfall in the field of Kazami and Kuzumi spot. They still had their palms under the waterfall under each other and had to concentrate 100 times more to merge their Elemental Qi.

As one would guess, their divine powers made merging powers significantly faster, as already demonstrated by their pure Spirit Qi combined power. And while Elemental Qi does take longer, it's nowhere near as long if they were to do it usually.

Being under a waterfall helps them focus even more and speed up the process of merging also. Lazul was the one run running the waterfall while Cathal sends Origin Qi blasts to them.

A cultivator at the Cathal level or any one of the adult's levels can easily use higher power or power from different weaker realms freely.

On their palm, they can now develop a nearly completed multi-ball, they need to finish their fusion of Qi to perfect it. Once they got done; they threw the mini ball at Cathal incoming blast they sensed and;


Like two metals striking each other, they canceled out.

"Not bad, again, and this time more power and faster!" Cathal ordered, and the trio responded with even more focused on their mini balls.

"So my three stars, how'd it go today?" Lucy asked, standing over the trio who was lying on the ground now completely exhausted.

"More joyful than we ever had for these pass four mouths!" Feeling like she achieved a new step, Kuzumi answered her.

"Stable foundation plus our divine power indeed makes for a good combination." Kazami breathed out and stood up, helping the other two girls stand as well.

"That's good, you three! Say, let me cook you all something great up; a large meal is needed for all of your lost vitality." Lucy offer gotten the trio excited as they loved her cooking, and they all strolled back into the mansion after long hard day work.

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