
Chapter 26 - Discussions

Over the course of the next few weeks, Erine looked over Hina and Himari's training, teaching them more about the Dance of the Exalted. Previously Quicksword, but it did not fit considering not everyone would use a sword. Even if he forced all his clan members to use one, that did not mean everyone would be adept at it. Therefore, the three of them came up with this name.

Things take time and both of the girls were still trying to get Ascendance down. Hina was definitely talented when it came to chakra control, which is what most of the techniques needed. She was close to being able to increase her bodies capabilities, but so far she couldn't control her chakra being dispersed all over her body. She could increase her speed and durability of her skin, but that drained her real quick. She still needed to increase her strength and senses as well. Once she managed to put all four together and use them in harmony, then she will have managed to use Ascendance.

As for Himari, she easily managed to increase her base strength, and even managed to harden her skin. The downside is, she couldn't use both at the same time, so she was lagging behind Himari.

But, with all things the more you practice the easier things got.

They were both still young, being only 14 years of age, as long as they managed to learn each technique within a month or two, that would be fine.

This was only possible because they were so smart, easily able to pick up on things.

Ernie wasn't slacking off either during this time, he started to practice using a sword. He already used one in One Piece, but he didn't really feel the need to use one here. That didn't mean he would never use one, he'd just incorporate it into his fighting style.

The best thing is, he did not need to carry a real sword. He still had his Ice Sword Technique, which gave him a sword made of ice. The thickness, durability and how sharp it was all depended on his mastery of this jutsu. Since it was still low level he needed to continuously use it so it would increase.

His days were filled with training and building, he had very little time to do anything else right now.

The village was starting to shape up, no longer a land filled with green grass, rocks and trees. There were still those things in the area, but now there were more homes.

The Sodachi clan was making progress in remaking their clan bases, they were on the left side of Ernie's house. It was within walking distance, but they were giving him a lot of space.

Ernie's home also changed, it was no longer the small stone hut as it was before. Instead stood a large mansion type home with a main hall and one large room connected to it. The mansion was still being built as people were working on the second side of it, but it was enough for Ernie and the girls.

They shared a room together, but didn't do much of anything besides snuggle.

There were a few kisses and grabs there during night time, but that was it.

In front of Ernie's house was a dirt road, which was new. It led to the center of what would be their village, which is what would be their market.

Ernie did not have a lot of plans for placement, as those things constantly changed when more and more people came. It was natural to just build as you like at the beginning stages and destroy later on for more permanent buildings.

What did make Ernie happy was that they found a large amount of minerals embedded on the side of the mountain. Aito told him this was used to craft various ninja weapons and armor. Usually they would find a small amount or trade them from other clans to craft their own weapons, but since they had this they did not need to do that.

One of the elders from the Sodachi clan said that the entire mountain must be filled with it, meaning if they ever did sell it they would make a fortune in terms of supplies.

Ernie understood what he meant, but told them not to sell it yet. Instead, they should mine it and start crafting their own supplies.

This one event made Ernie realized he overlooked a lot about this place. He still needed to explore it and see what other secrets it held. Sadly, he didn't find anything really.

Today, Ernie was in the middle of their village with everyone in front of him. Next to him was Aito.

Since the creation of their village, they've had this group discussions on what should be prioritized and what they needed for that task. It's what helped them progress so quickly, as well as get a better understanding of each other.

"The Itaku clan have been silent for a while now, and I have not heard much news from the Kamizuru clan either. But, i've heard a few talks of the Kizamaru clan."

One man said.

"Yes, they have been slowly attacking all the smaller clans in their area. Either killing them or forcing them to submit. The other day when we went to get deer we found people fleeing that area. It was all they could talk about."

Another person added.

"That has nothing to do with us for now, the Kizamaru clan is still a long distance from us. It'll take them a few months to deal with all the clans around them, and even then they might not succeed."

Aito said.

"If the small clans want to survive, they'll band together. Not to mention the Kamizuru clan is up there by them as well, eventually they will clash. Maybe that is why they are silent."

Someone spoke up.

"Alright, let's talk about things happening in our vicinity. Any news?"

Ernie asked trying to steer the topic away from war talk.

"I managed to find two small clans not far away from here, they are new as i've never seen them in that area before. Might be exiles from another clan, or people seeking new life."

Ernie was interested.

"Did you notice anything else?"

"No, I didn't feel like I should enter the area so I stayed away. We don't have the greatest numbers right now, and considering our strength I say it's best we don't start anything currently."

Ernie nodded his head and made a note of this. He would like to pay a visit to his neighbors, but at a later date.

"Speaking of villages, the one up north west the Uzu clan is in trouble it seems. Heard they were looking for allies to help them, but no one I asked would say with what."


"I don't know, but i'm assuming so. Why else would they hire anyone?"

"We can send people to go check it out, it'll let us see what their numbers are as well as see what they are dealing with. Just a group of three or five will do, nothing more."

Aito suggested.

"If we do that, then you definitely can't go and most of the elders can't either. If you do, word will get back to the Kamizuru and Itaku clan eventually, letting them know you're still somewhere in the area. For now, they haven't been actively searching for you, but we don't know if that will change. Just let me and the girls take care of it."

Ernie told Aito as he looked over at him.

Aito thought about it and nodded his head. There was no real need for him and his clansmen to move around needlessly right now. So far they've been staying close to this location only gathering items they needed. It was only earlier today that they sent out a few scouts to check the surroundings, and this is what they picked up.

"Then, you will continue to build up your clan and the market while me the girls visit the Uzu clan."

With that, the discussion was over with.

As Ernie was leaving the area, Yui came over to him.

Hina and Hiamri turned around when they noticed Ernie wasn't following them and saw him with Yui.

Hina shook her head.

"You think she likes him?"

Himari asked.

"No. She likes Aito."

Hina replied.

Himari looked shocked as her eyes opened wide.

Hina giggled.

"Can't you see by the way she looks at him? But, what does she want with Ernie?"

Ernie stopped walking and looked at Yui.

"You should be careful on the way to the Uzu clan. I did not want to mention this in front of the others, but there have been a lot of people going missing in that area."

Yui told him.

Ernie looked into her eyes and nodded.

"Do you think the Uzu clan are behind it?"

Yui shook her head side to side.

"No, they aren't capable of that. They are a clan of twenty or so, maybe even less now. But, they've always been troubled with these disappearances causing them to lose members and even livestock. I think the reason they are hiring someone is due to this problem, maybe something happened which is causing them do deal with it finally."

Yui explained.

"I see. How do you know this?"

"A while ago Lord Meimu was asked for help by them, but he declined due to the request. He was drunk one night and let it slip that they were a cursed clan, I just happened to hear him."

"What about Aito? Does he not know?"

Ernie asked her.

Yui shook her head.

"Lord Meimu loved his son, but as the lord he kept many secrets. So I doubt Aito knows about it which is why he didn't comment on the Uzu clan. But, I pay more attention so I manage to pick up on things. Just like you, Hina and Himari vanishing for most of the day. The others may have noticed or not, but I can clearly see that its frequent. What are you guys doing?"

Ernie laughed.

"Now that's my secret, isn't it."

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