
Chapter 26: Hospital II

The scratching noise was emitted by the Zombies. A couple of zombies on the other side of the window saw me and are now scratching away at the window.

But the hospital window is made of tempered glass so it'll be a while of scratching and pounding before he could get to me.

But due to the Zombie making a commotion the zombies behind him are starting to gather.

I need a way in…

I look around the place but there doesn't seem to be an entrance I can find.

There doesn't seem to be an entrance into the building other than busting my way through the windows…

I look at the window which seems to be on the brink of collapse and sighed…

That's when I hear a commotion on top of the roof.

I look up and spot a couple of people who had holed themselves on the roof of the building looking down towards me.

I grab my AR-15 and loaded it.

I switch the safety off. I grabbed an extra magazine of bullets and aimed it towards the window.

I then grabbed the crowbar from my back and had it graze my skin. Leaving some blood on the bar.

Stay clear, I'm throwing this up onto the roof so stay clear!

I then threw the crowbar towards the roof.

Immediately after that, the window which was under the constant assault of the zombies broke and they started crawling out of it.

But due to the size of the window being small the zombies had a hard time getting through. All the Zombies were pushing against each other trying to get me.

But when the zombies tried to force their way through the window they got stuck.

In about a minute the zombies who were blocking the window had been torn to shreds by the zombies behind and a new wave of zombies came charging.

In short burst of shots, I started taking care of the zombies who first got stuck at the window I had already killed 30 Zombies without a single miss.

I quickly drop the empty magazine from the gun placed the new one in and then continued firing.

I was getting a constant ringing of notifications but since it turned off the display it didn't get in my way.

After changing out 5 magazines I had finished killing all 150 Zombies who were behind the window.

Name: Li Xin

[Tier 2]



Physical: [Ashura berserk] [Ultimate Movement] [Regeneration] [Mana Recovery] [Parallel Thought]

[Soul: 999.9][Max]

[Strength: 150]

[Intelligence: 100]

[Wisdom: 100]

[Agility: 139.9]

[Vitality: 100]

Stat points (Tier 2): 187.5

So I killed 150 Zombies here and about 225 on my way here totaling to 375 zombies.

Let's level up my Agility first so I'll be faster in clearing out these zombies. Let's level up Strength as well to keep them equal so I won't have problems later.

[Agility: 200] MAX

Stat points (Tier 2): 137.5

[Strength: 200] MAX

Stat Points (Tier 2): 77.4

Alright, now that my stats have been increased I'll have an easier time dealing with these Zombies.

Name: Li Xin

[Tier 2]



Physical: [Ashura berserk] [Ultimate Movement] [Regeneration] [Mana Recovery] [Parallel Thought]

[Soul: 999.9][Max]

[Strength: 200][Max]

[Intelligence: 100]

[Wisdom: 100]

[Agility: 200][Max]

[Vitality: 100]

Stat points (Tier 2): 77.4

Alright, I'm finally in the building… The hospital is well lit due to the power not going off yet and I can see zombies pretty spaced out throughout the hospital.

But I see a group of Zombies crowding around a door.

Zombies only crowd together for 1 reason.


Food in the Zombies eyes are Humans, thus that means there is a survivor.

But the room the zombies are crowding around is the Dayroom. For those of you who don't know, the Dayroom is the room where family members of the patients and patients can go in to watch some TV and relax and sometimes even sleep in.

The survivors decided that it was a good place to hide. They had the door blockaded with the sofa which was originally for the guests to sit on while watching TV. They also had the cabinet that was underneath the TV and some chairs that were extremely comfortable to sit in blocking off the door.

Unfortunately, there is only one way to get out of the room and that would be the front door. There also wasn't any food inside of the Day Room for the cafeteria is on the First floor.

Although they did well in surviving the Zombies they didn't have an escape plan in mind.

The room does have a Large window though but you're unable to climb out of it due to it being about 15 feet off the ground and there is no ledge.

15 feet is a pretty big jump and although it won't kill you if you jump correctly you will most definitely be injured and with a zombie apocalypse, there would be zombies on every corner.

Plus this is Manhattan one of the most crowdest cities in the world there would be a lot more than only a single zombie around the corner.

Should I save them… Hmm…

Since there hiding in the Dayroom they shouldn't be doctors as the doctors should've been busy trying to handle all the patients. So maybe their family of the patients.

I think about the number of bullets I have on me; I only have 10 magazines left so about 300 shots. This building has at least 2000 Zombies inside meaning I can kill only 7 percent of the zombies here with my gun.

They should be able to last for now… I'll first check on the Roof. The roof probably has the most Zombies as the most secure place is probably the roof in the entire hospital. To access the roof you would need keys and to have the keys means you probably work here. Since they work here It means there are likely to be acquainted with a Doctor or possibly know a Doctor and might be themself.

My best bet at finding a doctor would be there on the rooftop waiting for rescue.

Sorry for the late Chapter for I didn't write anything last night. I only have 1 more final tomorrow and then all is good. The update will probably be more normal after tomorrow.

Apocalypse_GODcreators' thoughts
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