
Chapter 189: Convening

I thought that Whis would have taken us to the 6th universe but instead took us to Zeno's home and the Grand Priest's location. The Grand Priest came to greet us.

Grand Priest: Whis, Beerus and Sage, welcome. What has brought you here today?

Whis: Hello fath- I mean Grand Priest. Sage-san wanted to have an official match with the 6th universe God of Destruction.

Beerus: (Deep bow) H-hh-hhello.

Grand Priest: So, is this to replace him as the new God of Destruction of that universe?

Whis: Unfortunately no, apparently Sage-san wants to make it an official match more to humiliate him than to replace.

Grand Priest: Is this for the rift between universes 6 and 7 that was caused by universe 6's God of Destruction?

Whis: Precisely.

Grand Priest: I see. Even though the rift has been mended, punishment has not been passed down, considering his strength and urge for revenge the match can be arranged.

Sage: I was also wondering if you can throw in that clown as well.

Grand Priest: Do you mean universe 11's God of Destruction?

Sage: If possible, as a bonus, can I kill him?

Grand Priest: Since he already has Doppo-san as a replacement God of Destruction, I don't see a problem with it. I don't understand, why include him?

Sage: I didn't like him from the moment we first met. Something about him tells me he has to die and it would be fun to kill him.

Grand Priest: Considering schemes are one of his strong points, the fact that your instincts tell you to kill him is intriguing. If he accepts your challenge and you are confident that you can kill him, then I will also allow you to fight him. I will let Zeno-sama know so that he can also watch.

Sage: Can I talk to them? I also brought something they might like.

We were led to where the Zenos are. Beerus was shitting bricks while Whis was standing by. I went up to greet them, play a little with them and gave them some of the snacks I procured from Toriko's universe while we awaited for the Grand Priest to return. The Grand Priest returned and informed us that the matches were set up. The Zenos also wanted to watch the fights so they tagged along as well.

We were taken by the Grand Priest to the same location used when the Tournament of Power took place. The battlefield was similar to the Tournament of Power but without the restrictions, except for escaping. Since the ones fighting will only be me, Champa and Belmod, the ring was not as large, since the Tournament of Power was made to be a giant battle royale style, so the time it took to prepare was short. Word spread around the grapevine among the Gods of Destruction and the Angels, so all of them were there.

Quitela: Again calling all of us out, what the hell is your universe up to this time Beerus?

Beerus: (While picking his ear) Huh? I could've sworn I heard something squeaking around here.

Quitela: You…

Sage: No one called you nor the other Gods of Destrcution other than Champa and Belmod. You coming here is either a coincidence or you couldn't mind your own business.

Quitela: Hmph! A mere mortal talking to me! You must be looking for a death wish!

Sage: Since your bitch ass is already here with the rest of the Gods of Destruction, I'm guessing you all know what is going on. If so, then how about you join as well you little rat bastard?

Quitela: You think a mortal like you has a chance at beating me? How about we make things interesting?

Sage: Why not. When I win, you will be renamed as Squeakers.

Beerus: HAHAHAHA, that's a good one!

Quitela: Alright, when I win, you will belong to my universe for the next Tournament of Power.

Grand Priest: Since the wages had been made, how about you going first Quitela?

Quitela: Certainly.

I flashed to the arena and awaited Quitela.

Grand Priest: As you both have agreed, there will be no deaths from either side, winning will constitute being knocked unconscious or giving up. There is a barrier at the edge of the entire arena so escape or trying to escape will be considered a form of giving up. You may fly but you cannot leave beyond certain points. Ready, GO!

I knew Quitela was as strong as Beerus but I still doubt he was still my match. I was looking forward to fighting him and raising my level. I used a form of Shokubotsu where only the strongest Bishokuya, like Ichiryu and Midora, can use, Gravity. Mine in particular was great simply by considering my food intake and power. When the strong gravitational pull hit Quitela he began to perspire.

Quitela: Wha-wha, what the hell is this?!

The pull got stronger and Quitela practically flew towards me. He attempted to stop himself by stabbing the ground with his tail but was still dragged to me.

Grand Priest: Hmm, what a unique ability, even through the barrier, his pull even reaches here. Whis, do you know how he acquired such a skill?

Whis: I cannot be sure, but from what I see, Sage-san has become many times heavier and denser. So dense that he generated his own gravitational pull. As to how he was able to weigh so much, it would be better to ask the person in question.

Quitela: Shit! Well, since he wants to pull me in, why don't I let im'?

Quitela let go of his hold to the ground and flew towards me. Quitela was going to retaliate and attack while being drawn in, thinking that he would gain the upperhand. Quitela even shifted his body and flew to add extra speed to his attack, but, a combination of Kenbunshoku no Haki, Ginga Rinne Sharingan and Ultra Instinct showed me exactly how, when and what muscles he will use when attacking.

With the most minimal of movements I stopped my gravity, which slowed Quitela a little bit, I side stepped, ducked and dodged his multi-layered attack with ease. When Quitela noticed that all his attacks hit nothing, his surprised face looking at my giant smile and incoming fist said it all, and this is when he knew, he fucked up.

Sage: I learned this from a new friend. WORLD SMASH!

My Haki, magic, Reiatsu, Shokubotsu, Ki and Hakai energy, which the Gods of Destruction use, empowered fist landed squarely on Quitela's face. Quitela is a small figure so my fist covered the majority of his head. The smash used Toriko's Kugi (Nail) punch which led to Quitela being pounded into the ground repeatedly, even as the arena was breaking apart and changing shape.

A few seconds and a few continuing smashes later…

Whis: Sage-san! Quitela-sama seems to be unconscious, if you don't wish to lose, I suggest you stop your attack!

Whis yelled out.

As long as I held my fist over Quitela's face my attack would continue so I pulled back and jumped out of the great pit that my attack made. Toriko never really controlled how many times someone was hit by his Kugi punch after he learned Shokubutsu, only when he ate Acacia's Full Course did he learn control. I left my fist over Quitela's face to have precise control until he fell unconscious. When my attack ended only a disfigured Quitela was left behind. I used telekinesis to bring Quitela out of the pit.

Sage: Dammit!

Beerus: What is it?

Sage: Since I smashed his face in, he won't be able to squeak anymore. I should've called him honkers.

Beerus: HAHAHAHAHA!!!!

Happy New Years!!!

Kintaro1210creators' thoughts
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