
Chapter 159: Aizen’s Pupa form

After Ichigo stopped Gin's attack, Gin took another approach to attack, this time through close quarters. By the look on Ichigo's face, he was surprised when Gin retracted his Zanpakuto. He didn't know when he shortened it and tried to look closely but he finally figured what Gin wanted him to know, which was how fast the stretch and retraction was. Still, the entire fight to me was pointless because Gin just wanted Ichigo to get stronger in case he fails to defeat Aizen himself. Gin was basically fucking with Ichigo and giving some training.

Ichigo: As I thought…the scariest thing about your Bankai isn't the length or its destructive power. It's how fast you can extend it. I thought about it. There was no reason for you to tell me the length. In fact, you would have had the advantage if you hadn't. And there was no reason to go swinging your sword around and splitting the town in two. So the only reason for you to do all that, was to distract me from noticing how fast it extended. Am I wrong?!

Gin: No. Well, I guess you've got me. I'll show you how fast Kamishini no Yari (God-killing Spear) can extend. (Clapped once) Did it reach you? It's 500 times that.

Ichigo was visibly surprised.

Gin: Kamishini no Yari isn't the longest Zanpakuto. It's the fastest. And now that you know, theres no way you can win.

At least he told Ichigo some truth as it being fast because his Zanpakuto did not have a fixed shape. I then paid attention to Isshin and Aizen's fight. Being one of the many people that was under the influence of Kyoka Suigetsu, Isshin was doing well now that he was no longer under "Absolute Hypnosis". The fight looked as if Isshin was winning but other than his torn clothes, there were no wounds on Aizen.

Isshin: What's the matter? You're slowing down. Are you at the end of your rope?

Aizen: Yes. So it would seem. I am at the end of my rope. At least as a Shinigami.

Isshin: What?

Aizen: My soul is being reformed.

Isshin: What are you talking about?

Aizen: It appears the Hogyoku has finally begun to understand my heart.

Isshin: What nonsense is this?

Aizen: Don't you get it? I am saying that the Hogyoku is conscious.

Isshin: It still sounds like nonsense to me.

Aizen: I'm not surprised you can't feel it. It was only once I became the Hogyoku's host that I learned it had a consciousness.

I felt it's consciousness but I cared little for it. The energy it gave off was weaker than most of the food from the Toriko universe. Even if I took it, there won't be a significant power increase like when I first got Shinigami. If anything, I felt that the Hogyoku would be more detrimental to me rather than help.

Aizen: What do you think the Hogyoku's power is? Do you think it is to control the the boundry between Shinigami and Hollow? NO. Its true poweris to make real what is in the hearts of those around it. Don't you get it? All these miraculous things that happened to Kurosaki Ichigo, Kuchiki Rukia and Urahara Kisuke, those could be said to have been realized by the Hogyoku's will.

Isshin: What are you saying?

Aizen further explains that the power of the Hogyoku was basically granting what people wanted through life events. Orihime and Sado wanted power because they felt powerless, Urahara wanted to help those Captains that were going through Hollowification thus turning them into Vizards and Rukia lost her Shinigami powers as she passed them to Ichigo because of her guilt about killing Shiba Kaien. Aizen also explains how he experimented with the Hogyoku to prove his theory by sending Rukia to Ichigo in the first place.

Ichigo came crashing through disrupting Aizen's long ass speech. Thank you Ichigo. After they kept bickering between father and son, Urahara finally made his entrance. Watching Isshin and Ichigo fighting reminded me of my father. Before I leave I will get a few more Asauchi to gift to my parents and other people. Back to the fight, Urahara shot through Aizen but it still didn't kill him. Urahara wasn't expecting to kill him either.

Aizen: So you have come Urahara Kisuke.

When Urahara appeared he only exchanged idle chatter until Aizen attacked his dummy Gigai. Urahara then started to use binding Kido techniques on Aizen but they were all a distraction. Once the final trick where Aizen uses his own Reiatsu to blow himself up happens, Aizen began to transform. Aizen came out of the explosion in a covered shell form. Isshin and Urahara tied up Aizen by his arm and leg, stretched him out and gave a chance for Yoruichi to attack him. Still, their attacks didn't work but I loved how Yoruichi looked in her gear. Urahara yelled out to Yoruichi because her attack was not enough, Aizen was able to clip her on her left foot but only destroyed the armor she was wearing on it.

The more they attacked the more of Aizen's shell they cracked. All it really did was speed up his evolution process into that ugly ass butterfly looking thing. They were only able to cope for a little while and led up to Isshin using Getsuga Tenshou, cutting Aizen down the middle. Ichigo was still with Gin but they didn't really fight. According to Gin, Ichigo didn't seem to be up to killing Aizen because of his lack of resolve shown in his eyes.

Urahara: How'd it go?

Isshin: I don't know. I can't get a read on Aizen's Reiatsu while he's in that form. He's realy really strong. But fighting him, I can't feel anything when I hit him. It's like nothing's there… It's creepy. Probably the one who can gauge his power…is someone like him.

At that point Urahara looked as if he had seen a ghost. It wasn't from Aizen's appearance but from what Isshin had said. It dawned on him to think of me as he reflexively yelled out…

Urahara: SAGE-SAN!!!!

I didn't know whether to smile or frown because it was too early for me to fight Aizen. If I killed Aizen now, then how will Ichigo get stronger? The only way Ichigo is able to accept a part of himself is through learning the Final Getsuga. Through the training of learning the Final Getsuga, Ichigo matures greatly. I don't know how Ichigo will turn out if he doesn't go through the trial. Sure, I can let him learn it and kill Aizen, but I can't do it before his father teaches him. Luckily for me Aizen appeared a few moments later and knocked out everyone there but Ichigo before they all started calling out for me. This way I can let Isshin teach Ichigo and fight Aizen at the same time. If what Aizen said was true about the Hogyoku, then it granted my fight with Aizen, I smiled and laughed inwardly as I thought of this.

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