
Chapter 21. Prometheus's unfair punishment

Before most kept records existed many creatures were created by the abundance of magic. But even further before that was the source of all magic. The magic existed when there was nothing. This nothing birthed creatures intuned with the magic as musicians in a cosmic symphony. These creatures were known as the first primordial beings. Those primordial beings eventually created Gaia and Uranus. Gaia and Uranus danced and danced until they separated the magic's source into the first primordial elementa of magic. Once this had happened creatures were birthed out of this new magic. They were called titans. Attached to the earth was a titan known as Prometheus. Prometheus had loved Gaia as his mother and followed after her. With her magic, she created many creatures beyond the understanding of most. And Prometheus studied her work and was fascinated by her use of magic. He studied for many millennia at peace. At the same time, other titans were celebrating their new lives and were at peace. The Titan Kronos was gifted in creation like Gaia and Uranus and created beings known as gods. The magics he made out of the primordial magic had created creatures loved by that magic. These new creatures fascinated Prometheus and he wanted to create creatures too who were loved by magic. But Prometheus had failed. He had created a creature that looked like the gods but was unable to feel the magic. Prometheus was afraid of what would happen if the gods had seen such a poor imitation of them. They would destroy them. Prometheus had hidden them away from the gods and pleaded to Gaia for her protection of this new being.

"Gaia, mother of all this protect which I have created."

"What are these darling creatures they are beautiful. They are so pure and fragile but, untouched by magic. Hmmm. Let me see."

Gaia had touched these creatures giving them something remarkable. A heart and a brain. They were unlike the gods and showed humility and gratitude for being created.

"I like them Prometheus. They are something truly special."

"But mother I have failed! They are nothing like the gods they aren't loved by magic."

"You haven't failed they are nothing like the gods true. But perhaps they might even be greater than anything I have created. I will do what I can to protect them."

Prometheus was pleased and left this new creature in Gaia's hands. The other titans learned of what Prometheus had created. Uranus was in awe of their purity and admiration of him. Kronos was fascinated by a creature that was untouched by magic and was alive yet so fragile that they could stop existing in a blink of an eye. The titans were in awe of the new creatures. They would play with them and protect them from harm and care for them. Something inside them changed and had cared for these creatures like they were their children. As much as they woke up something in the titans it too awakened something in the gods. Several of the new gods hated the new creature being fawned over. The angriest was Zeus.

"Look at these pathetic creatures so weak and fragile we were created by the primordial magic and yet they treat us as if we don't exist. Very well if that's how they want it so be it lets show them what being a god is really like."

Zeus noticed that the gods and other creatures created by Gaia were jealous of her admiration of such fragile creatures. They came together created new magics that could defeat the titans. They created a new place to pull the hearts out of the new being and trap them for an eternity. They named this place Tartarus.

Zeus leads the gods to the area were Gaia was protecting the new creatures.

"Out of our way Kronos, we'll show you how weak those creatures are."

"Zeus you will not touch them!!!!"

Kronos defeats the creatures throwing them into a cage and traps the other gods in a prison devoid of senses.

"What did you do to them?"

"I trapped them in a place where they will not harm anyone else. Now it's your turn!"

Kronos's eyes glowing and his intense pressure frightened Zeus.

"I have to do something much worse to you. I assume they were following your lead."

Kronos uses magic to break Zeus's arms and legs rendering him immobile. In a flash of light, Zeus was gone. Rhea had opened up a portal to Crete.

"Kronos is obsessed with those creatures all the titans are obsessed with them. But you see the fallacy in obsessing over such weak creatures. They're all blind with affection. But I know you know better Zeus. After you heal go to the creatures of Gaia borrow their strength to take down the titans and destroy those creatures."

"I will!!!!"

Zeus healed up and headed to the cage were the creature made by Gaia were.

"Kronos's reign is out of hand he has trapped you here all of the titans have lost their way. Give me your strength so that we may end his reign. Give me the strength to show them our superiority. Give me the strength to free everyone trapped!!!"

The creatures use magic to give Zeus lightning bolts, a helmet, and a trident.

"Take these and take Kronos and the others out of power so we may reign!!"

"Very well."

Zeus freed his fellow gods from the void and gave the helmet to hades and the trident to Poseidon. Together they threw all of the titans into Tartarus. Prometheus grabbed a primordial flame and lit the path to the creature's ablaze so that no one could harm the creatures.

"What have you done Prometheus?"

"I protected my creations my 'humans'."

"Humans? What does that even mean?"

Prometheus laughs

"I'm not sure but it fits and I won't let you lay a hand on them."

"I'd like to see you stop me!"

Zeus struck a mountain creating chains and a ferocious eagle. He chained Prometheus to the mountain and made the eagle tear off his hands every day so that he couldn't create any more creatures. Every day his hands grew back and each day they were torn off.

"Thus is the story of Prometheus. I had nothing but time to think and plan. I learned to wield magic in other ways not involving my hands like Gaia. She speaks to me through the earth and she told me to find you. I made a golem to train you and took on the name Theo. I heard Zeus found a way around the fire and the gods came to murder all of you. But after seeing you for themselves they decided to rule over you all."

"This doesn't explain demihumans and other creatures that populate the earth."

"There are more than one kind of creature in this world some equal to gods some much much stronger. All I can say for certain is something else made the other creatures. Maybe titans maybe something else. We don't know how the primodial magics that created us might have affected everything else. "

Hiro put on his shoes and a jacket.

"So all you need me to do is free you from that mountain right?"

"Yes, but it's not that easy. A primordial flame blocks the path to me one that even the gods fear touching. Unless you can pass through it there's no way you can even get to me."

"So what was the point of all this?"

"This is why we're here in Dwarvenguard. Whilst you were in battle I took the liberty to gather the required materials. I have a plan that could make you strong enough to get through the flame or kill you."

Hiro smiles.

"Well, at least I won't feel like I'm not moving."

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