

" Just keep walking. Follow the blinks." Said Jongho. Seonghwa kept walking and they followed him into the cave.

They keep walking, walking and walking in the cave, the place being darker. They still keep moving with the light of the flashing compass.

Finally, they saw a light and ran into the light. They entered the place with strange visuals and more fantasy. The place has fairy, mermaid, Golden tree and flowers diamond. The place is more like a fantasy forest.

They split into five searching ships of 'Pirate King'. When they were searching the ship someone was watching over them.

" Woah ! This is so strange " said Yunho.

" Looks ! The apple is floating." Said Seonghwa.

" Hey ! I'm Jongho nice to meet you." said Jongho to mermaids.

Hongjoong play with the fairy but suddenly Hongjoong just bring it out the compass and the fairy being wild. All mermaid and fairy is hoarding.

" What are you guys doing ?" asks Seonghwa.

"Who are you and what your purpose is here ?" ask Wooyoung. All the members startled.

" We're searching for the 'Pirate King' and who are you ?" ask Hongjoong.

" I'm Wooyoung the 'Pirate King'." Said Wooyoung and looked down at the compass at Hongjoong.

"Aren't they all dead, only a descendants still live ?" said Jongho.

" No. Four of them save from the war, one of them run from the war and looks like you're his great-grandchild." said Wooyoung.

" But you look so young ?" Ask San.

" Yeah. I'm 20 years old. This place could stop our aging if we live here." said Wooyoung.

" Where is the ship ?" ask Seonghwa.

" The ship is behind you," said Wooyoung.

The ship gets out from rivers with a dramatic background. All of them stationary.

The ship gets frozen. They walked around the ship. San found out the ship was written something.

" NORTH, SOUTH, WEST, EAST, NORTHWEST, SOUTHWEST, NORTHEAST, SOUTHEAST. 8 MAKES 1 TEAM." Seonghwa looking down at the writing is like having a hole for something and touching it.

" It looks like....!!! Jongho you wearing the rings right ? Give me them." said Seonghwa.

Jongho gives it to Seonghwa. Seonghwa took the jewel of two rings that Jongho was wearing and put in the hole in the ship.

" It was a match but it still has two more." said Seonghwa. Wooyoung approached Seonghwa and said.

" That just the Captain rings, not the crew. You guys follow me." said Wooyoung.

Wooyoung gives the way to the crew of the 'Pirate King' that have frozen.

" Who are they ?" Ask Yunho.

" They are my friends and also 'Pirate King'. Why were they frozen ? Because they want to steal something in this forest but can't because the guardians of this forest freeze them." said Wooyoung.

Yunho looked at Seonghwa and hit Seonghwa's hand that holding an apple and said.

" Yaah ! Don't eat that."

"Look ! They're wearing the rings." said Hongjoong.

" How we gonna get them? Can we just kill them? Aren't they a bad people?" said San. Hongjoong smash San's belly.

" No, we can just make them our team. They will not memorize anything on their journey when them as 'Pirate King' and surely they will regret it." said Wooyoung.

" How do you know ?" ask Jongho.

" Oouh..ohh..The fairy told me. Heheh" said Wooyoung.

" Okay. Now what do we must to do ? Smash them ?" Ask San.

" You ! With mullet's hair give me the compass." Said Wooyoung.

" What ? Why ?" ask Hongjoong with shock.

" Give me ! I want to put it on them." said Wooyoung.

" Don't rude at me I'm the Captain." Said Hongjoong while pulling Wooyoung's ear.

" Ouch ! Hey ! I live 120 years old, so you're rude at me." Wooyoung.

" But you said you're still 20 years old and I'm 21 years old. Looks like I'm the winner." Hongjoong takes the compass back from Wooyoung's hand.

Hongjoong attach the rope and make it a necklace and put it on them. Mingi and Yeosang open their eyes slowly. Mingi and Yeosang look at Wooyoung and hugged. Wooyoung tells what happened and tells them to give their rings.

Seonghwa put the last one ring and the ship got ready to sail. Hongjoong, Seonghwa, San, and Yunho enter the ship but Wooyoung, Mingi and Yeosang don't move.

Hongjoong realize it and go toward to them.

" Do you want to join us?" Ask Hongjoong.

" I want to make agreements. We must take care of each other, there is no betrayal, share treasure and be a Best Captain. 8 MAKES 1 TEAM." said Mingi. Hongjoong smiled.

" Yeah. 8 MAKES 1 TEAM. Why it's sound like something happen 100 years ago but I can't remember." Said Yeosang. Hongjoong feel strange. Wooyoung take over the awkward scene.

" Ja...! Jaa 8 MAKES 1 TEAM FIGHTHING !" said Wooyoung.

They entered the ship and the compass flashing and the ship moved by itself.

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