
Chapter 1

"WE ARE BLAZE!!!" well, 'we' are not...'I' am. Yup. I became symbiotes' host. It all started when i was watching the new Spider-Man movie in the theatre . I loved and thoroughly enjoyed the movie. Except that I liked the character of Venom and Eddie Brock more than Peter parker. Come on...who doesn't like them? They are like Deadpool, though more bitey than slashy.

I was coming back from the theatre when I was hit by a Truck...Just kidding😂. I actually reached home safely and turned on my PC to play some DOTA2(suck it CS:GO). When I turned it on, there was a message in blue on a completely black screen . Just like old films that showed those hilariously wrong hacking scenes. "Do you wanna reincarnate?". WOW😒, not again. This is the third time and I'm not going to be hacked again. So I just left it, waiting for it to return back to normal.

I waited for 3 hours atlast running out of patience and typed "F@#k off ". A new message appeared saying "HEY! That's not nice. You know what? I'm doing it anyway." I waited with bated breath for a minute or two and typed " Nice try @sshooo...." before i was sucked into the monitor.

I could neither move nor make a sound. All I could see was numbers and letters flowing down like the Matrix. Actually it was exactly like the Matrix except that it was multicoloured and just green and black and after staring at it for a few seconds I could make out it was flowing up to.

I was floating in mid 'air' and suddenly was sitting on a chair facing a man I can only recognize as " Morpheas?!". HOLY SH!T !!! I'm sitting in front of a legend! And he seems to be drinking cool-aid? Before i could ask him who he was he gliched and turned into Dumbledore before shifting into Morgan Freeman. I changed my question and asked "Are you God?". "DING DING DING...Right answer! What gave me away? the Morgan Freeman one wasn't it" not waiting for my answer indicating it to be rhetorical.

Shifting imto Gandalf he said "Listen here my boy, I have created few universes based on books, movies and other forms of media. Fascinated and inspired to see humans that Evolved from apes to the world's most itellectual species." He shifted again and this time it really gave me a turnaround. "No way...no no no no....I must be dreaming"I Was freaking out.In front of me was Snoop Dogg. THE Snoop Dogg...SNOOP D-O-G-G!!!! He sat down, crossing his legs, " ohhh...this one seems soooo relaxing. I'll keep this one. Right, getting to the point.Every few hundred years I send humans from this earth to different universe for one purpose...quality checking. This time I'm sending you. As simple as that." There was an awkward pause and he said , " Nigga please....Stop trippin' man. Whatever...im sending you for prep ."

I was sent to another room which was the same but for the computer in the middle of the room. I went it and sat down and it asked me a few questions and i answered

"reincarnation or transmigration?"

"transmigration "...." acknowledged "

"starting age?"

"17"...." acknowledged "


"Klyntar/human"...."acknowledged "

"gender?" I suddenly had an idea....

"futanari"...."acknowledged ". F@#K YEAH!!!


"Jane Constantine"...."acknowledged "


"Ruby Rose"..."acknowledged "😍(google 'ruby rose')


"Deadpool with multi-symbiote hybrid similar to earth616"...."acknowledged"

"symbiote specifecations?"

"Scorn -hands, Toxic -chest and head, Hybrid -legs, Payback -back and outer skin."....."acknowledged "

"any other specifications?"

"Kryptonian physique"....."Denied"

WTF? "WHY NOT?"....."wrong universe" Well it was worth a shot.

"remove all symbiote personalities and give me full control."...."acknowledged " almost forgot about that one. Don't want my symbiotes bite my own head off.

"starting time line?"

"end of Iron-Man 2 movie?" I asked hopefully not knowing the exact date....."acknowledged "noice!

"starting location?"

"duh...new york"...."acknowledged "

"ready....jump in 3.." WAIT WHAT??!! "...2..." JUMP?! "...1 Transmigration sequence activated."

'Snoop Dogg' came into my view again and said, "Oh, and one more thing...Good luck,Have fun. always wanted to say that". The last thought I had was "Did he just 'GLHF' me??" before a trapdoor opened under me and I full through the darkness.

" I used to be addicted to soap..but I'm clean now."?

mugen95creators' thoughts
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