
Portrayed your departure as a form of betrayal...

"You told us that you've met each other at Fusion for the first time, right?" Mr. Jones threw another question at them.

"No Dad.. We've met each other two years ago.." It was Amelia who had disclosed the information to them this time which made all of them to get a big shock with this revelation.

Not even a single person was aware about it... Though Reuben and Veronica had already guessed about their relationship from beforehand but they never knew that these two people in front of them who were connected to them by different relations, were already accustomed to each other from past two years..

It was a really long span of time but no one was aware about it. They didn't even get a simple doubt about this couple.

"What? You guys know each other from two years? How could that be possible?" Myra asked being still in her shock.

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