
Time Flies Fast

Almost two years have passed. Alexandra turned 7 last month, she slightly became taller and her appearance changed slightly. Her platinum-white hair was more beautiful than ever and it was still long. Her face didn't mature for a little bit because she was still 7, she still had a child's face but some changes were seen.

The palace became livelier than before ever since Harrison arrived. Alexandra would occasionally go outside and go to the lake to look for Harrison which Diana half-heartedly agreed, she was worried and scared that the boy was someone dangerous but Alexandra didn't care, he would often appear inside her room during the night to accompany her until she falls asleep and during that time, he hadn't done anything bad.

The two of them became close and Alexandra made a friend and a playmate although Alexandra would get annoyed at him. He was straightforward, rude, mischievous, unpredictable and such, he wouldn't play with her and would often mock her or tease her. There was something that this boy triggered inside her to make her lose her calm composure and sweet and gentle attitude. Only at him she acted rashly and annoyed but he didn't care.

And now, she is inside the library. She hasn't read a book for like days because she now spent most of her time with Harrison who would sometimes appear in front of her or wouldn't be found. She read each title of the books to see which one is interesting and would sometimes take out a book, open it to a random, and read its contents. All of the books inside the library were old and nothing was new or added. She sighed.

"You are reading books again."

A voice said behind her making her shoulders shook for a moment. She was startled at the sudden voice, she turned around meeting the boy's red eyes, "Harrison!"

"What?" He replied nonchalantly. He had a bored look on his face.

"You startled me! Don't suddenly appear out of nowhere!" Alexandra said and calmed her rapid heartbeat. Harrison just looked at her and didn't answer. This is what Harrison usually does, he would suddenly appear without warning and that would startle her, he continued doing it though. Alexandra took out a random book and walked towards her usual seat. Harrison quietly followed behind her and she sat down.

Harrison actually became taller and his appearance also slightly changed. He still lived in the lake though. He was slowly recovering his mana by sleeping or eating the fruits of the wistalia trees. He told Alexandra that he was a wizard and used too much magic, he shrunk his self in order to preserve mana and he was actually very older than what he looks because she won't stop pestering and asking him. At first, Alexandra laughed and didn't believe him.


"What if I told you that my appearance doesn't completely match my age and what age do you think I'm in?"

"Are you like part of that small population that looked 2 years younger than their age than older? Then does that mean we're the same age?"

"No, I'm older. Way older. Probably a hundred years older than you thought."

Alexandra remained silent for a while as she stared at him, her eyes wide with wonder as she blinked multiple times not until a laugh erupted out of her lungs, bursting like a volcano. Her laugh pierced through the silence that once surrounded them.

"Nice joke you got there! tell me more!" She said while laughing with her eyes closed and when she opened her eyes, Harrison wasn't a boy nor a kid, he suddenly became taller and looked mature. He became an adult in a split second, Alexandra was dumbfounded and speechless.

She gasped in awe, she was afraid but at the same time amazed at what he did, that made her wonder what his age was. His crimson red eyes were still there and his hair was still the same but he was wearing a wizard's cloak.

He's a hundred years older than I thought? What? Eh? How? Why?

His eyes somewhat glinted, "Was my appearance and transformation amazing that you were speechless?" Different appearance, same attitude. He was still narcissistic, he had a smirk on his face.

"Do you believe me now?" His voice was slow and very adult-like, 6 years old Alexandra became weak. She was still processing what happened. So this person was actually an adult? How old is he? 18? 21? 19? There were multiple questions inside her mind that she wanted to ask but her mouth remained shut. She was telling herself that this was the same person from earlier.

Wait, but he said that he's a hundred years older but he looked like he is in his teenage years.

He crackled a laugh and white light that glittered suddenly engulfed his whole body and when it was gone, he was back to his child self. This was an unexpected turn of events. "I will stay in this form." He said and showed his usual smile.

"Eh?" Poor Alexandra, she was very confused that her mind refuses to think anything at the moment and only his adult form was inside her mind. "That means, I'm growing old with you, idiot." He said while not forgetting the nickname he would usually call her. What he said somewhat delivered two messages:

1. He will stay by her side.

2. They will be together.

Unexpected, he smirked and flicked her forehead before he disappeared leaving her confused and dumbfounded. It took her hours to process and accept everything that happened.


Harrison and Alexandra looked like they were at the same age but he was actually 2 years older at that form of his. That means he was already 9 years old. Only Alexandra knew his secret though and even if she told Diana everything, this person will act innocent and it would work effectively.

Alexandra opened her book and started reading the first page. Harrison leaned against the table while he looked at her, his face held no emotion, he was just staring at her with an expressionless face. He would usually see Alexandra alone when she's reading a book, it was rare to see her with a maid inside the library.

That's because she would ask her to stay outside, rest, or do some of her duties, so she would have peace and enjoy her time alone reading a book. This time, she told Diana that she will just read books at the library, there is no need for someone to guard her. Alexandra noticed that he was staring at her for too long, she lifted her head and their eyes met.

Alexandra's eyes were round, her eyelashes were long and thick and her eyebrows were thin. Harrison's eyes were pretty, his eyelashes were long, his eyebrows are thin and his crimson red eyes complemented the color of his hair and his pale face.

Alexandra was attracted to his eyes ever since the day she first saw it which was almost 2 years ago. He averted his eyes and looked at the bookshelves instead. Alexandra stood up and walked towards the bookshelf where the book belongs to and returned it to its original place. Silence surrounded both of them, the usual playful Harrison wasn't there to tease her or mock her which was unusual. Maybe he wasn't in the mood or he is thinking.

"I'm going back to my room." Alexandra simply said and turned around. She left the library and went to her room alone. She swung the door open and entered, she thought that she would be alone but someone was sitting on the couch.

The familiar black hair told her who it is.

"You were at the library earlier," Alexandra said and caught the attention of the person, he turned his head.

"Nice to see you again." He said with the same bored look on his face. Alexandra walked towards the couch in front of him and sat down, she looked at him, her eyebrows knitted and her eyes were narrowed. This boy just appears inside her room any time he wanted. He was becoming the regular visitor of the palace and the maids were already familiar with him but they weren't close.

"Aren't you getting bored inside here?" He asked with a frown on his face. He was sitting cross-legged, his arms were spread out, placed on top of the couch. He looked like the owner of the place at the way he sits but Alexandra didn't mind, she got used to it.

"Yes, I get bored sometimes." She answered while her features became calm.

"And if you get bored, you just read." He said and groaned. Alexandra chuckled before she answered, "Pfft. No."

"Then what?"

"I sleep." The black-haired boy rolled his eyes at what she answered. She was slowly becoming like him, she must have spent so much time with him that she is getting influenced by his actions and attitude. In fact, she was only getting annoyed at Harrison but she didn't shoo her off nor asked her to go away, was it because she will become lonely again?

Well, whatever.

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