
Chapter 16 - Proposal

On that night, Uriel touched the wall beside Angeline's room to see what is behind that wall. Uriel saw the structure of Angeline's room and he also saw Angeline lying on her bed deep in thought. He tried reading her mind but it does not seem to work when he is using earth and light magic at the same time to see beyond the wall. So he decided to have the power to move things and got the Air element, his 4th element. He moved the stuffs behind the wall to make a way and opened the wall using earth magic and Angeline was surprised and shocked to see him doing that and suddenly coming to her room.

Angeline: "'How did you do that? And what are you doing here?"'

Uriel: "'I used magic of course. Have you forgotten that I also have powers? Mine might be stronger because I have been training and researching about it to find out the truth about our vision, about us. I am here to talk to you and let you know.

Angeline: "'What do you mean the truth about us and vision? Is there really something behind it? What did you find out?'"

Uriel: "'I found out that you are Charmeine and I am Michael and that we are married and lives in the palace we saw in the vision, the maze garden was also part of the palace. I am a prince and I married you and you became my princess. We had that vision of the past."'

Angeline: "'What do you mean the past? I never had any amnesia and I know I have been living as Angeline ever since I was born.'"

Uriel: "'Yes, in this world we are but we used to have different lives in a different world, the Heaven."'

Angeline: "'You know that I don't believe in reincarnation. Also, if we were in Heaven, why are we here?"'

Uriel: "'It is not actually reincarnation, but I am still searching for the reason why we are here. Why we were born in this Earth?"'

Angeline: "'You know what, this is unbelievable.'"

Uriel: "'It may be unbelievable but having powers as human and turning into a mermaid or merman is more unbelievable. Also, I know you believe in God, as well as Heaven and Hell, and the Angels and the Bible. Why being someone from Heaven is unbelievable?"'

Angeline: "'You got a point, but it is unbelievable that you and me are... it also says in the Bible that angels don't marry."'

Uriel: "'Yes, it does. I think this is the reason why we are here because we promised to get married once we become humans."'

Angeline: "'You mean ever since we were born, we were already married?"'

Uriel: "'Yes, since our marriage was also approved when we decided to live here, although we were not planning originally to come here and we are not fallen, we got here by accident and decided to get married and since we were spirits, to be human, we must enter a woman who is making a baby with her husband, so we grow up as a baby from the inside like a human."'

Angeline: "'I don't know. I don't really remember anything. I don't know what is true or not. Please leave me alone for now.'"

Uriel: "'I can't leave you like this. I will show you.'"

Uriel used light magic to create a visual screen to show Angeline what happened long time ago. As the story started when Charmeine was with her friends working with them and suddenly being called to the palace, then when he was about to meet Prince Michael as they told her that Prince Michael is coming, Uriel felt Michael coming to Angeline's room and Uriel went back to his room, closing the wall again and putting back her stuffs.

Angeline: Wow! You're here!

Michael: Yes! I was finally able to come here to your room. I don't know why the hall way is dried up during this time. It was always wet to keep me from coming to your room as we can't remove our necklace during the night at this time. Also, it seems that Raphael is asleep already, so he was not able to make it wet again with water.

Angeline: The hallway is dried up? Wow! This is the first time but how? Have you learned how to dry it?

Michael: No, I haven't learned how to use my element of fire properly yet, because all I know is how to burn and make fire but not to vapourise water. I wanted to learn it, so I can easily turn back to human when I get wet and turn to merman.

Angeline: Oh I see. Yeah, I have been trying to but don't know how.

Michael: That's not important anymore. I am happy that I can finally be with you and sleep with you tonight.

Angeline: Wait! What? We're not married yet to sleep together, especially have sex. I love you but you're my boyfriend, not my husband yet.

Michael: Then let's get married. Since, even if I plan to propose to you and I was actually planning that before at Alton Towers but you always read my mind. You already know that I want to marry you, so here I am asking you.

Michael took a diamond gold ring with a box from his pocket and showed it to her.

Michael: I have been living with you for more than a month and I know this may not be enough time for me to decide to marry you but I have seen your sides already, I am living with you and we cannot even lie to each other because of the pearls' power to read minds. Will you be my wife and live with me forever?

Angeline: Uhmm.. I want to but it doesn't seem right for now, maybe because of Raphael, Gabriel, Marius, and Uriel. They all care for me and I know their feelings, I don't want to hurt their feelings. Let us ask them first for their approval.

Michael: If they all approve, we get married next week. If not, I guess I will have to wait or convince them.

Angeline: Uriel is going next week.

Michael: It's fine. Since he is going next week, we don't need to ask him then.

Angeline: Okay. Let's ask them tomorrow morning.

Michael: Okay. I'll see you tomorrow morning. Goodnight, my angel.

Michael kissed her and left her room to go back to his room and sleep. Angeline started thinking happily about finally getting married to the one she has been waiting for, however, she somehow feels a bit guilty and hurt, wondering why as she should be happy and excited as there is nothing wrong but she feels conflicted.

Angeline: *Why am I like this? I love him and ever since I first met him, I thought he was familiar and found out his name is Michael, the same as the person in my dreams ever since I was a child but I also had a vision with Uriel with him being Michael in that vision. If only I could see Michael's face clearly in my dreams, all I know is he is handsome, strong, long blonde hair, smart, and he loves me. I wonder if Uriel is really that Michael? His hair in my vision looks the same as the one in my dreams, and the name, but is it really impossible for Uriel to be him? Arghhh! I can't be like this, I am getting married soon with the one I love. I'll just go to sleep and ask Raphael, Gabriel, and Marius tomorrow morning.*

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