
Chapter 12 - Unforgettable Memories part 2

They bought day passes and fast track and went inside. They almost went to ride everything included in the Platinum Fast track pass except for the rides that Angeline does not like, since she is scared of heights, but tried one of them which is not too high, also they put their pearl necklace inside their pockets, so they wont turn into merpeople except for Raphael as he needs the pearl to stay in human form and he wont turn back to merman as long as he wears it, unlike to humans, the pearl has the opposite effect. Gabriel and Marius wonders why the 3 of them has similar pearl necklaces. They rode many rides and had fun.

Raphael: I never knew this could be fun. Thanks Angeline, Michael, Gabriel, and Marius. I will never forget this day.

Gabriel: We are all friends who are living together, although we may fight sometimes because there may be differences and we all care about Angeline, sometimes arguing for her time and attention, but we are all still friends and we all live together in one big house.

Michael: You are right! I know I may have hurt some of you guys, Gabriel and Raphael, but you both know how much I love her, we all do. It is just that, she has chosen me.

Marius: Whatever! You two are not married yet, so there is still a chance.

Angeline: You know what Marius, you're always the person to ruin every mood.

Marius: Ruin the mood? I am just trying to think positive and give hope.

Angeline: But you had to act like you don't care, your positivity does not match the tone of your voice and expression.

Marius: Okay, I am sorry!

Angeline: You did it again, your words does not match your tone and expression.

Marius: Sorry, I... I just can't help it. It hurts to hear that you chose him.

Angeline: Whatever! It is true anyways.

Marius: Hey! Stop it! It hurts.

Angeline: See what I am talking about? Finally, you understand.

Marius: Yeah, sorry Michael. It is just that I never thought that it hurts this much. I was the one closer to you than Raphael and Gabriel but I said some bad things.

Michael: Haha! It may have offended me but it is okay, since it is true we are not married yet but I will make sure we will.

Angeline blushes upon hearing this and started imagining the future.

Michael: *Haha! I guess that means yes?*

Angeline: *that is a secret, I will stop thinking then.*

Angeline stopped thinking as she said and they started getting hungry. The men started asking Angeline what she wants to eat.

Michael: What do you want to eat?

Gabriel: Is there anything you want from here or do you want to eat at the room?

Raphael: Where do you want to eat and what food or flavour?

Marius: Any idea what do you want to order?

Angeline: Haha, I kinda feel pressured but I guess I will go for something sweet like cotton candy and savoury like burger, chicken, pasta, or maybe we can just cook something at home.

Marius: I will buy cotton candy.

Gabriel: I'll go buy chicken wings and nuggets.

Raphael: I'll go and buy sandwiches and burgers.

Michael: I'll go buy some pasta.

Angeline: I guess I will buy drinks then. Let's all meet at the café, they have tables good for 5-6 people. I'll go there to buy drinks or if you guys want some coffee? or any soft drinks, juice, tea, or just water?

Michael: I would like a coffee.

Gabriel: Apple juice for me.

Raphael: Just water for me.

Marius: I will have coke.

Angeline: Okay then. See you all there. I will wait.

They then all went to buy food as they mentioned and Angeline went to the café to buy drinks and get a table for them. As she ordered, took a number for her order, she then went to get a table for them and waited. While waiting, 2 men came and approached her.

Man 1: Hi miss. Are you alone? Want us to join?

Angeline: No. I am not alone.

Man 2: But you seem to be alone and it seems they are not coming.

Man 1: Wait, is it a she? If she is coming, then maybe she can join us too and then we can have a double date?

Man 2: Is she pretty like you?

Angeline: It isn't a she, they are men.

Man 2: Oh lots of men. Are you the only woman in your group? Haha!

Angeline: So? I am with my boyfriend and they are my friends, I have friends that are women too but they have work and some are on holiday. Besides, my male friends prefer to be with me.

Man 1: Oh! I guess you are the prettiest in their eyes then, and we got you.

Man 2: Come join us then and let them be, since they are not coming.

Both men took her arms, one on each side and started grabbing her.

Man 1: Come with us. We rented a vip private room here and it will only be the 3 of us.

Man 2: It is going to be fun, don't worry. You will enjoy it with us. Leave your friends, since they left you alone.

Angeline: So, you guys are planning something to do with me when we get there?

Man 1: Well, we just want to have fun with a pretty lady like you.

Angeline: I am sorry, but I don't want to have fun with you guys. Can you please let me go now?

Man 2: Why would we? We said we want to have fun with you.

Angeline: Fine then, I guess I have no choice but to have you let me go by force.

Man 1: Hah, how are you gonna do that? Call your boyfriend? Do you really have one?

Angeline jumped to step on their foot, one foot on each man's foot then move backwards and suddenly, Michael, Raphael, and Gabriel came.

Michael: Yes, she does. What are you guys doing to her?

Raphael: You guys don't know who you're trying to victimise here.

Gabriel: Don't touch her!! (pushed one of the men holding Angeline)

Man 2: There's 3 of them plus this lady seems so confident and knows how to fight, let's back up, bro.

Man 1: Hmmpppff! We almost had her, I didn't know she can fight and I have in grown nail on my toe, it hurts.

The men escaped and ran away, and they bumped to Marius who just came.

Man 1: Watch where you're going. (then they continued to run)

Marius finally reunited with them and wondered what just happened as they looked like they are mad about something.

Michael: Those men you bumped into tried to take her away and rape her.

Marius: What?! So that's why they were running. It seems like I miss a fight.

Raphael: Haha! It's okay, there was not really a fight because they got scared and ran away.

Gabriel: Yeah and I saw her stomped on their foot and I pushed one of them though, then heard that one of them is hurt because she stomped on his in grown. Hahaha!

Marius: Oh I see. It seems like they are just weaklings who tried to take her because they thought she was alone and couldn't fight.

Michael: Let's stop talking about it now, and let's eat.

Angeline: Let's pray first before we eat.

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