

As we land, Hundun takes most of the impact before slowly releasing me. He then hands out a rope and whispers "Tie us together." I take the rope with shaky hands and tie it around each of our waists. I double knot the rope and tug on it as I whisper "Okay, now what."

He nervously licks his lips as the orb slowly descends. Growing closer and closer before coming to a stop right in front of us. "Now, you look for the sounds of water. When you hear the water, follow it." He whispers low reaching out for the rope. I clench my fists and think about beating him again but decide against it for now.

I can always beat him if we make it out of this alive... I look around the dark hole and see that it's similar to the cave up above us. Numerous tunnels branch off in different directions though, leaving me at a complete loss.

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