
Gone Too Far

Bai Lei watches as Nova runs out of the room like her ass was on fire. Good! She knows she's in trouble... He can't believe she actually grabbed him down there! Suddenly, he thinks back to when she first walked into the room. His shadow guards told him that she was working here but he had not expected to see how different she looked!

She was pretty before but now... she was beautiful. He wanted to snatch her up and drag her back immediately but when he saw her start dancing... his mind went blank. Was her bellybutton pierced!? His grip on the cup tightened at the sight of her hips swaying as the other men in the room openly stare at her.

He sits and watches her with dark eyes... why does she look so different? Was it the makeup? No, she even felt different. If he had come across her on the street, he may have even walked past her without realizing it... but her green eyes were the same.

After the dance, she and the other woman begin pouring drinks. He kept waiting for her to notice him but she kept looking at the woman playing the music instead. Why? When she gets close enough he teases her a little before pulling her into his lap.

He didn't want the little mouse slipping away again and he also wanted all the men in the room to know just who this woman belonged to. He was not expecting to see the sudden change in her hair though. If he had not been watching her so closely, he may have missed it.

Was she hiding this all along? When he felt her soft skin around her waist, he couldn't help but want to feel more. The way she looked, the way she felt, even the way she smelled... he actually... liked it. Was he always drawn to her without realizing it?

Even as she grabs his manhood, he doesn't lash out at her. He could have killed her with a swipe of his wrist but something about her boldness and the way her green eyes sparkle, have him in a trance. Yes, it hurts but, he thinks he actually likes it...

He decides to let her go, knowing that she won't get far. Once she leaves, he coldly dismisses the other woman left in the room before killing all the men in the room. They shouldn't have looked at her... he leaves the three dead bodies and slowly heads out of the bar with a dark smile.

Once out, Bai Lei sees a large group of people laughing and talking. "Master," Ren says walking beside him. "Which way?" Bai Lei asks in a low voice. "North" Ren says as Bai Lei nods his head. He begins walking but when he hears a few men talking, he stops.

"Did you see those two hot women fall out of the window and then kiss!?"

"How could I not!? It was so hot!"

Bai Lei turns to look at Ren. Ren nervously swallows while saying "It seems she jumped out of the second-story window in a panic... her and the woman fell.. when she landed on top of the other woman... they... kissed before running off with a demonic wolf."

Bai Lei frowns and slightly shakes his head as he continues walking. Ren lets out a sigh of relief as he follows after him. Maybe she didn't like Master because she likes women? Ren nods his head in agreement. Otherwise, it just doesn't make sense... Master's just too handsome!



I grab a peach and begin eating it while rubbing my legs. Maybe I should start running every day... if I plan on surviving, I need to become stronger in this world but... "I just want to go back home and play on my computer as I create new worlds!! Why am I stuck here!?" I yell out in discontent.

"What's a computer?" Bai Lei suddenly asks making me jump and drop the half-eaten peach. I jump up and quickly realize he's blocking the only entrance into the cave! My panic grows as I look around for something to hit him with.

"Why is your hair silver?" Bai Lei asks in a low voice with narrowed eyes. My panic triples as I desperately try to change it back to black but the more I panic, the longer it stays silver! "How'd you get in here!?" I demand to know as I run to the other side of the bed.

"Did you really think that was going to keep me out? Enough, it's time to leave. I've stayed in the human realm long enough." Bai Lei says with cold eyes. "Then leave! I'm staying here!" I say with defiance.

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