

"You did something that anyone didn't do to me. Your my superhero by saving my life..."


A superhero?

What kind of superhero if she can't even protect herself from her own insecurities, all of her youth was destroyed!

"Let's eat!"

Let's change the topic. Each what he did doing and said leaving her exposed more about her destroyed life.

To back up to lives like this took her strong courageous and supports from her remainders.

Stop brain! Don't let your thoughts ruining this moment even if I still have majority doubts towards this guy.

Not to said that I don't fully trust him but I'm afraid of any unpredictable could happen between me and him. I did want to try to have some kind of relationship, well, how to be loved by someone and maybe I could learn how to love someone else more than a friend.


He let go of me and pull out the chair letting me sit comfortably before he went to his side opposite me.

The waiters started distribute the appetizer first. It's consist of a small square sponge cake layered by some kind of jelly in between. The clear jelly not tasted like what it's looks but much better with the combination of the cake.

That piece of appetizer came with the combination of assorted cuts fruits.

I'm famished so I did eat them quickly without waiting any minutes. When I hung up my head looking at Z, he just smiled at me didn't touch his appetizer at all.

What was he waiting for?

"Sorry..." a single word coming from my mouth indicated that I just ruining our delicate moments.

I scratched behind my head looking away shyly.

"It's okay...you want more of it?"

"No!....I mean...you book a full courses right?"

He nodded.

"Then I preferred to eat them all, all the different courses." I grinned show off my pearly white teeth.

He smirked looking at my lips and my dimples. The hot and spicy our shared kisses playing on my mind like a movie roll rewinding at the very moment till the end.

Err...I looked away with the hot waves trickled up from my neck to my cheeks before distributed to the ears. I knew the tip of my ears already in red due to the spread out the embarrassment I had now.

He deeply chuckled towards my reaction. Of course it does because he had the same thought as mine and shamelessly he pretending that I was the one who initiated those scene before he took a part of it.

Need two to tango!

I groaned inwardly thinking about that!

The next course coming to our table but Z still didn't touch his first plate.

"Enjoy, sir...madam..." said the waiter after took my empty plate gesturing for us to continue our little festive.

"Looks so delicious..." I licked my lips take the cutlery set on both my hand just to cutting the steak.

I just got the chance to place the fork to the steak, Z exchanged his plate with mine.


When did he cut the steak? How long did I took my time just to admire the beauty before realised how famished I am just now?

"But~" I pointed the steak knife to our exchanged plate more to my unsliced meat.

"Try them first. Here, they were prepared the best medium cook steak as you preferred, baby. I promised you won't disappoint about it..."

After he said that. I didn't waited any longer and took a first bite of chunky fat juicy meat into my mouth.

Orghh...the texture of the meat really good. The chewiness of the meat didn't let my tastebuds disappointed on it. The best steak I've ever had before.

"Wait...how did you know I preferred medium cook steak? Not the medium rare?" I swallowed the meat down to my throat satisfied with the richness of the flavours.

"I did research on your life. Haha...of course I knew it...cause you are my girlfriend...indeed my baby girl..."

Why did I could senses he was trying to avoid the question and reversely trailing the answer by repeating the difference letters that gave the same meaning of the words of him to me?

Did he tried hiding something from me? I might be insecure but I'm not stupid! Just slightly of it can be distinguish how different between silly and stupid from myself if I just having my dilemma or I just get back from any nightmares...

"Okay...." I dragged it intentionally to put more pressure on the bait.

"Actually, I did stalked you back then...almost a year ago... nothing much I know about you just a simple things I knew when I'd be your unpaid stalker."

His eyes, the pair of brown eyes didn't mocking me back. Did he sincere on me, did he had enough about it?

"Trust me!"

'Trust me?'

The two trusted words keep playing on my mind.

I just heard it from somewhere...before...

I felt like my heart being crashed by the giant heavy stone on my chest.

Should I put my trustworthy on this very guy?

This superhero already lost her soul before. It took me a long time just to repair it back. And now...he requested me to trust him?

I didn't say a word just silently eat the steak. Let the foods entertain me, then!

"Please eat... don't just stare at me..." I said it with my full mouth when I felt the heavy stared on my face.

"It's getting uncomfortable..." mumbling while chewing the yummy steak full in my mouth.

"Alright... I'm eating..."

He cuts the steak in gentlemen manners, shoving the portion into his mouth and slowly devouring it with closed eyes. Looks like he love so much about the meat...

Well, next time maybe I would cook a steak for him...

Err...really? Are you seriously gonna cook a meal for him?


We were eating all the served meals until I can't take in anymore. It might getting my stomach upset if I have keep shoving down anything on the table.

Patting down the full stomach, I was brushed off the stained on corner of the lips lazily. What an old habits of herself... whenever she finished the heavy meal, half an hour later she will fall to sleep while resting watching a movie...alone at living room.

But, in the middle of the night she would wake up again to tidy up her messy table and kitchen, take a bath and continued the slumber. For certain times, she couldn't fall back to sleep and just hang out continued watching anything she likes to kill the time.

Now...she wasn't sure either she will fall to sleep or not or...

"Let's get out of here..."

I just nodding agreed to it.

He took the crafted basket while taking the bouquet and handed to me.

I just taking it and it took both my hand had to hold it cause it's quite heavy and huge in size. This time, he drapes his left hand on my waist didn't let go of me...more like he secured me within his reach.

I was using the large bouquet to cover my face and leaving only my eyes to look straight to the exit door, couldn't stay to return the stares that I've gained from the audience.

He guided me until we were at the car. He just opened the back door and snatching away the bouquet before put them both at the back. As quickly his motion towards that gift, as quickly he get ready at the passenger door opening it just for me.

I did entered and leaned on the seat finding the comfort and buckle up before he decided to do it for me like earlier.

Yeah...I didn't mentioned it because I just thought he was going to kiss me once again but no! He naughtyly teasing me by moving closer to me and I had to push myself further from him to the impossibly closer to the door before he whispered just to grab the seat belt for me.

Haiya...what a embarrassing moments and that's when I decided not to say a word while he was driving while I just looking interested into anywhere but him.

Arrgghhh...please have a mercy on my poor old soul.

All this happened just within a range of few hundreds of minutes passing by with him closely to me.

He drove off away from there also didn't uttered any words for me..

Is he mad...now at me?

He just drove to the familiar path...until my luxury home came alive from the distance.

And my car already there in the porch. That scenery did gave me a slightly indifference about my life style with my 'home' etiquette...

Well, having that kind of cheap used car as the transportation didn't gave me a credit to had this kind of home to me.

I did mind about my whole life style but when I'm thinking again...I'm not gonna like to forget where one comes from. I was came from rich family before but after both my parents passed away...I left with nothing so...I had to live with what I have until today and not easily enjoying a things that we call luxury and rich with what ever we wants.

Not to me!

Wait! How did he knows that~ I live here?

I turned my head looking at him dumbfounded!

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